Chapter one

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9 years later

Cassiopeia watched the chaos from the window at the back of the house overlooking the large garden, workers cleaning up the grass and setting out tables. She was particularly intrigued by a man who was waving his wand over the shrubs one minute they looked plain and boring and a second later they shaped themselves into intricate designs, another man following behind him was casting charms so that they twinkled with light. After a while she grew bored of sitting and watching she wanted to help.

The young girl quietly ran through the house and out into the garden searching for the man who was working on the shrubbery, once she found him she wondered over listening closely to the incantation he was reciting as he flicked his wand. With the words in her head she moved to the next patch of shrubs that had yet to be touched, she knew underage magic was illegal but that wouldn't stop her. Although she had not yet gotten a wand she closed her eyes and repeated the spell, when she opened her eyes slowly she watched as the leaves and branches moved into the shape of a great snake. She had done it, almost anyway. Her smile dropped as flames scattered over the head of the snake, eyes wide she looked around for something to put the fire out but she was too slow.

"Cassiopeia Vega Black!" She heard the deep voice call and then felt the burst of magic brush past her and extinguish the flames behind her.

She tried to hide herself behind a passing statue but it was no use she had been caught.

"Just what on earth do you think your doing child" Cygnus boomed as he made to walk towards her.

"I just wanted to try it looked so pretty" she spoke sheepishly.

"I've had enough of your nonsense, your 9 years of age you can't just go around trying whatever you see when your magic isn't stable!" His voice was like a knife and made her jump back a step.

"I'm sorry father I just-" she tried but was cut off with a silencing spell.

"Inside now. Find your sister she will help you clean up for tonight's party" he yelled.

Cassiopeia nodded still not able to talk, she moved quickly through the garden grasping at her throat when she finally reached the staircase her voice returned and she let out a frustrated grunt, climbing the stairs and heading straight for her elder sisters bedroom.

"Cissy he did it again" Cassiopeia whined as she entered the room and slammed the door behind her.

"For merlins sake Cassie I've told you not to get him angry it never ends well, what did you do this time" Narcissa sighed moving to sit at her desk.

"I saw one of the workers making designs out of the shrubs so I copied him, it was going well too. I made a beautiful snake" she boasted.

"And then what happened" Narcissa raised her eyebrows.

"It's head caught fire" Cassiopeia half whispered.

Narcissa burst out laughing and rummaged through a box on her desk pulling out a small vial.

"Here drink this, it'll take away she scratchy feeling in your throat"

"Thank you" the younger girl quickly downed the light blue liquid and was instantly relieved.

"He said you have to help me get ready for the party" Cassiopeia shrugged.

"Yes I think that's a good idea" Narcissa shook her head.

"And what is that supposed to mean" she folded her arms.

"Cassie I love you, but last time we hosted a party you tried to wear your night dress and slippers" she chuckled.

"I was only 8 then, but I do hate all the stupid dresses there so uncomfortable" Cassie moaned.

"They may be uncomfortable but that's how society works now come on sit down let's get you started" she tapped the seat she was just sitting in and smiled.

It took about an hour and a half for Narcissa to get her little sisters hair right. Her own hair had always been easy to maintain as her blonde locks were pin straight but Cassiopeia's hair on the other hand was more like bellatrix's, dark brown bordering black soft curls that where usually pinned up and out of the way. Now it trailed down her back the the top half tied with a dark green bow and a few pieces framing her face, it looked beautiful.

The dress Narcissa had chosen for Cassiopeia was perfect it was the same shade of green as the bow in her hair and with a few flicks of Narcissa's wand it fitted her amazingly. She gave her sister a quick twirl and left to go and read so Narcissa could finish getting herself ready.

She was slouched over in a chair reading the tales of beedle and the bard occasionally looking at the clock to keep an eye on the time when she felt the fire place behind her open up. Before she had the chance to turn around she was called.

"Little sister how many times do you have to be told, don't slouch"

"Bella!" Cassie yelled running over to hug her eldest sister.

"Have you missed me little one" Bellatrix softened wrapping her arms around the girl.

"Of course, how is your new estate, is Rodolphus treating you well, can I come and visit" she said without taking a breath.

"Slow down Cassie, my new estate is grand it has three separate drawing rooms. My husband is lovely, he'll be joining later with his brother and I'm not sure about you staying I'd have to run it passed father first" bellatrix answered all the questions.

The two walked through to their fathers study and were joined by Narcissa who gave Bella a hug and they waited patiently. When Cygnus finally joined them he nodded at each of them.

"The guests have started arriving" he spoke and turned to his youngest daughter "on your best behaviour tonight Cassie, no trying out magic. Do you understand" he threatened.

"I understand father" Cassie spoke holding her head up.

"Okay girls, let's go" he spoke.

The four of them walked out into the garden and Cygnus and Bellatrix both broke of from the group and started talking to various guests. Cassiopeia stuck to Narcissa's side as they walked around and chatted to different people. Narcissa left to go and greet her prat of a boyfriend Lucius Malfoy leaving Cassiopeia to wonder around by herself. She sat herself near the fountain and made balls of water float then dropped them down before anyone noticed.

"Cassie if father catches you he'll have your head now come I want to introduce you to someone" Narcissa said as she snuck up on her little sister.

"If it's your boyfriend then I'm not interested" Cassie fought.

"Oh hush sister, he's going to be part of the family soon" she rolled her eyes and pulled Cassie along behind her.

"Lucius, this is Cassiopeia my little sister" Narcissa spoke sweetly to the tall man with blonde hair that was tied in a ponytail at the nape of his neck.

"It's lovely to meet you Cassiopeia" he held out his hand.

"I prefer Cassie, nice to meet you too" she shook his hand and looked up at him mischievously.

"Cassie then" he gave her a smile and turned his attention back to Narcissa.

"So Lucius Malfoy what are your intentions with my sister" Cassie asked folding her arms.

"Cass don't be rude" Narcissa elbowed her in the arm.

"It's fine Narcissa. My intentions with your sister are all good willed I promise, I've grown quite fond of her" he spoke leaning down so only Cassie heard the last part.

"Well then I give you my approval Mr Malfoy" Cassie joked and gave a funny curtsy.

"Speaking of approval I actually spoke to your father a few weeks ago" his attention was now back on Narcissa.

"Spoke to him about what" she questioned.

"Well about this..." he smiled and got down on one knee, pulling a rather large ring box out of his robes. "Narcissa Black, would you do the honour of marrying me"

He held open the ring box to reveal a princess cut diamond ring that had to be almost the size of a sickle. Cassiopeia's mouth dropped open and she heard her sister squeal and utter a string of yes' before slipping the ring on her finger and wrapping her arms around Lucius' neck. Cassie walked over to where Bella was standing with her husband and his brother to give the newly engaged couple a moment.

"Well that was unexpected." Cassie spoke to her eldest sister.

"Not to me, I caught him hovering outside fathers work place a few weeks ago and I assumed that's why he was there" Bella spoke sipping her drink clearly not moved by the display.

"Well the engagement best last at least two years so I'm already at hogwarts when she moves out, I couldn't bare to be by myself here" she looked back at the house and a shiver ran through her body.

"Ours was a year and a half was it not dear" Rodolphus cut in giving Bellatrix a quick smile.

"Yes I believe it was, now if you'll be excuse me little one I'm going to go and congratulate our sister" Bella handed Cassie her empty glass took Rodolphus' hand and made her way over to Narcissa.

Cassie once again was left alone she rolled her eyes and walked back towards the house in the hopes of finding something entertaining to do inside. On the way in she passed her aunt Walburga who looked depressed as usual, after the death of her son, my cousin Regulus. A light went of in her head when she said hello to her aunt, if she was here it meant that she most likely brought her house elf kreature. Without another thought she raced to the kitchens.

"Ah young mistress Black" Kreature called out from where he was polishing some cutlery.

"Kreature, thank Salazar your here I was beginning to loose my head with boredom out there" Cassie said taking the miserable looking elf's hands in hers.

"What can kreature do for you mam" he bowed so his nose was almost touching the floor and his ears covered his eyes.

"You can start by getting up, I've told you a million times I don't care for all the formalities, now come on I'd like you to come and play wizards chess with me in the drawing room" she said with a gleam in her eye.

"Kreature is supposed to help in the kitchen" he retorted.

"Well I'm a Black and I'm ordering you to accompany me and have a few games of chess, besides there are more than enough elves to see to the party." she smiled.

"Right away young miss"

With that Cassie practically dragged kreature by the hand behind her all the way to the drawing room on the other side of the house. She quickly got out the chess set and kreature set it up whilst Cassie stood in front of the unlit fireplace. Kreature told her that he would see to the fire but she brushed him off wanting to do it herself. She stood with her eyes closed picturing what she wanted to happen in her mind...

"Incendio" she called out.

Instantly she felt the heat of flames on her cheeks and when she opened her eyes once more the fire was blazing, she nodded and smiled to herself pleased and returned to the table that kreature was waiting patiently at. She played wizards chess with her unlikely companion for the rest of the evening summoning hot chocolates every now and again.

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