Chapter twelve

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"Four months to go" Draco chirped as he woke Cassiopeia on a Saturday morning.

"I can't wait until I don't have to have you wake me up at ungodly hours when we're at hogwarts" cassie grumbled.

"It's 10am Cassie you should be in the shower already we're leaving at 12" he rolled his eyes and sat himself at her desk whilst straightening everything out.

"Remind me why we have to go to Pansy's house instead of them coming here?" She rolled out of bed sleepily.

"Because dad wants us out the house today"

"That's not suspicious at all" she sarcastically added as she got clothes out of her wardrobe.

"Cass be careful it's going to—" before Draco could finish a pile of stuff she'd shoved into the top of her wardrobe came crashing down on her head, "fall" he finished.

"Why is it always me?" She sighed from the heap on the floor.

"If you'd let me reorganise your room this wouldn't happen" he boasted.

"Oh will you just help me up" she held out a hand.

Once he'd helped her up and she smoothed over her pants and t-shirt Draco spotted something that had fell half out of a box that was shining in the afternoon sunlight.

"What's this" he held it out.

Cassie froze as her eyes caught sight of it and her whole body felt like jelly, she grabbed the bedpost for support as she studied the silver chair dangling from Dracos hands. The ring attached to it still looked brand new sparkling and the black stone in the centre was as dark if not darker than the last time she'd seen it. She took a seat on the bed as her jaw dropped.

"My- necklace. I thought I'd lost it or destroyed it" she reached out to take it.

"It's pretty, I think I've seen that ring somewhere before though" he puzzled.

"I don't know what to say" her jaw was still agape.

"Put it on then let's see" he gestured.

She wrapped it round her throat and right away felt the familiar click of the magic locking it in place. She held a hand up to the ring that lay on her chest and closed her eyes holding back tears, she could still hear his laugh echoing through her head.

"Suits you. Now come on shower" he broke her daydream and half pushed her out the door.

In the privacy of the bathroom Cassie turned the shower to cold because she could feel her magic rising, she placed a very bad silencing charm on the room with the little magic she could access and sat in the bath. As soon as she looked down to look at the necklace once more she let out a sob, a heart wrenching sob that would have brought her to her knees if she hadn't already been sitting.

She screamed until her throat was raw and her tears wouldn't come the only water on her face now was the icy cold stream from the shower. She didn't know that her nephew was sitting on the other side of the door and heard every cry yet couldn't do anything to help as his heart broke a little for the girl who had lost everything she had known.

After another ten minutes of trying to make her face look less blotchy and her eyes less bloodshot she quickly dressed and threw her hair up in a bun not wanting to deal with it. When she returned to her room Draco was sitting still on her bed which was out of character.

"Have I stepped into an alternative universe or are you sitting still?" Cassie spoke

Draco looked up and ignored her remark as he strode over to her and hugged her tightly. Taken back Cassie almost forgot to hug him back.

"I'll always protect you Cassie, no one is ever going to hurt you whilst I'm here"

"I'll always protect you too" she buried her head into his shoulder and let him hug her for abit longer.


When they arrived at Pansy's house Cassie was surprised at how small it was compared to Malfoy manor but then again it was only the three of them and Pansy's dad worked in Europe most of the year so I suppose this would be big enough for them.

"So mum said she's gonna take us to get our stuff on the 25th of August, tell yours to take you then too so we can all meet up" Draco told Theo and Pansy as they sat in the garden of Pansy's house.

"Will do, speaking of august Pansy what are you doing for your birthday?" Theo asked.

"I'm not sure yet" she tried to lie.

"Yeah your really haven't planned the whole day out yet?" Draco laughed.

"Okay fine, well first I want Cass to stay in mine the night before so ask Narcissa." She said to Cassie who nodded.

"We don't get an invite to the sleepover then?" Theo smirked his eyes on Cassie.

"No you do not because we're having girls only time" Pansy gave him a stern look.

"I'm deeply offended you'd not consider me for a guest of honour after all the feminism you two have taught me" Draco rolled his eyes and pretended to look hurt.

"Oh behave the pair of you. Anyway in the morning we're going to have a birthday breakfast thing that mums setting up and then she's organising the lake down the road to be closed so she can turn it into an ice rink for us" she chirped.

"Why have I never thought to do that" Theo said to himself.

"I'm also getting her to make an ice sculpture of me instead of a cake so don't be expecting that" she smiled.

"Of course you are" Cassie shook her head.

"I was also thinking why don't we invite some other people as well" Pansy said as she tucked her hair behind her ear.

"Oh Salazar, who on earth are you inviting" Draco sighed.

"Obviously I can't leave crabbe and goyle out so them, the greengrass sisters and my dads friend from work has just moved here from Paris she has a son that's our age so him too so he knows people before we go to hogwarts." She said scanning her eyes over the three of her friends.

"The greengrass sisters really, I swear I caught the younger one in my room the last time mum had a party" Draco cringed.

"Daphnes not too bad though, I'm not letting her bring that cho with her I don't care if it's her bestfriend she's a know it all and a cry baby" Pansy spat.

"Sounds good to me" Theo said as he unfolded his long legs and stretched them out then proceeding to swat cassies hands out of her lap and placing his head there.

Cassie shifted a little but then he looked up and gave her a charming smile and moved her hand so it was on his head. Instinctively she ran her hands through it as they carried on talking about Pansy's birthday preparations which then led to dracos birthday preparations.

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