Friends and Family

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I stood hidden inside Yang's pocket 'till I heard the portal close. I began to squirm and she dug her hand inside the pocket pulling me out.

"How did you get there little fella?" I flew from her hand, onto the floor and transformed. Both Weiss and Yang looked shocked and both yelled pretty loud 

"Scarlet!?" I rubbed the back of my head while I rocked a smile as though I broke something.

"Dad put me inside your pocket before you left." my attention went to the man wearing the grey outfit and so did Yang's.

"Oh, right. You haven't met yet." Yang got off her bike and grabbed my shoulder pulling me closer to the man.

"Scarlet this is your uncle Qrow." I couldn't hold myself anymore and jumped to his neck, causing him to spin with me. Qrow was a bit confused but Yang clarified the whole story to Qrow. Some questions and looks of confusion later, the 4 of us entered inside the house. Upon hearing other voices, I kinda hid behind uncle. I saw a girl wearing a red cape come in the same room and upon seeing Yang she dropped a tray she had brought. She then began apologizing and Yang went to her and hugged her and after telling 'I love you' to each other, 3 more showed up and after that, another one showed up. While staying behind Qrow I heard Weiss sob and saw her wipe some tears away. Then the red-caped girl invited her in the hug. I had no idea as to what to do or to say, so I just came out of hiding rather shy and waved at them "Hello." 

After all the hugs, everyone was preparing the table for dinner, I helped as well. In this time, I got to know everyone's name. After everything was sat in place, we began to eat and the question game had begun as well. Surprisingly the only questions I received where form Nora and Jaune.

"How was it to grow in a bandit camp? I bet you got to go on all sorts of raids and adventures and to crush innocent people's bones!" I was almost shocked by Nora, but I was quick to burst her bubble. I don't want to give the impression that I am some ruthless person.

"I was always watched by my dad and I had no opportunity to go on raids with others. Mostly it has been training, training, and more training, although I didn't mind. It was actually fun for me, especially when I got to train with my mother."

"What sort of training did you go through?" Jaune asked.

"Mostly combat, especially hand to hand. Dad also thought me how to disarm my enemies and even how to use a bunch of different swords. Although I am yet to find a weapon that I like. Also, meditation to help increase my aura."

After that, they began talking about what they achieved in the time they were separated. I was blown away by their stories and here I was, an 8 year older who couldn't do anything but listen to the acts of heroism and pure badassness in awe. Then dinner finished with an arm wrestling competition between Yang and Nora. I, of course, cheered for my sister, until I saw Nora get launched into the wall. After getting past the shock, she got scared by Yang's arm still being in her hand and tossed it away. Both me and Yang began laughing... but it was about to get messy.

We were all in the living room just standing there after Weiss and Yang got informed on what everyone knows so far, till Weiss asked about everything mom had probably told them. For me, it was no big deal as I already knew all of this and probably more. And then Yang mentioned what Ozpin did to Qrow and Raven. He admitted his doings but they didn't quite believe them, even after Weiss told what she and Yang saw. I decided to step in as to prove my sister is right.

"It is true. Mom can indeed turn into a bird. Something that I can do to, although I am not aware as to how I inherited." I then got up and transformed into my tiny self and flew a few circles around them, finally landing back on my spot and transforming back. But after that, I left as for me the story was old and I heard it countless times.

I went in my room, which normally would be for 2 persons so it feels a bit lonely and I flop onto the bed, which felt heavenly after slipping on either the ground or in sleeping bags. I almost drifted asleep in an instant but got awaken by the sudden sound of music coming from my bag. I slowly get off the bed and in the same fashion walk toward my bag. I pick it up, unzip it and begin to search for the source of the noise. Upon finding the source, my eyes sparkled with happiness. The thing that made the noise was a scroll, receiving a call from dad. I answered in a heartbeat.

"How's my Scar doing?"

"I got to meet uncle Qrow and Ruby, how do you think I feel?"

"Exhausted and beyond happy."

"I see your instincts are as sharp as ever, even if I am pretty far away."

"I am your dad after all. It's only my nature. I have to leave, but before I do, there is one more present for you inside your bag. I had no time to do it myself so I left you some money to be able to get your own weapon." I gasped as I found the huge sum of lien. I covered my mouth with one hand and felt tears gathering in my eyes.

"Guess you found it. Unfortunately, daddy has to go. Bye, my little scar! Take care."

After he hanged up, I placed the scroll on the nightstand and I also hid the money, a habit of mine. The fact that I was alone in the room didn't matter anymore. I just slipped in bed with a smile on my face and left the comfortable bed and pillow to lull me asleep, only to hear someone enter my room. I opened my eyes and saw uncle Qrow.

"Sorry if I woke you up, kid."I wiped my tears and luckily Qrow didn't notice the tears.

"I just got in bed." I got up as Qrow sat down on my bed next to me.

"Well, I just wanted to tell you that even if there is a conflict between me and your mother, I won't let it influence the way I look at you. For all it's worth, you, just like Ruby, are my niece." I scooted closer to Qrow and hugged him.

"Thank you, for welcoming me with opened arms!" He patted my head and chuckled.

"That's what a family is for."

After he left, I couldn't fall asleep so 1 hour later, I went into the kitchen for a late night snack. I looked inside the drawers and on top of shelves and found a bag filled to the brim with chocolate chip cookies.

"~Jackpot!~" I took out a glass and poured some milk. Then shoved it in the microwave to heat it up. I turned around with a plate with cookies in one hand, my glass of milk in the other and the bag of heavenly sweets in my mouth and saw Ruby stare at me. I froze in place but luckily didn't drop anything to the ground. 

 "Those. Are. My. Cookies!" after apologizing for taking her cookies, she apologized for shouting at me and we sat down at a table, both of us having a glass of warm milk and a plate with cookies at our disposal.

"Soo, you like cookies too, huh?" Ruby asked me.

"Anything sweet, really. Be it fruits, cookies, cakes, pancakes."

"PANCAKES!!!" I turned my head to the dorms.

"Was...was that Nora?" I looked back at Ruby, who stuffed her mouth with a cookie and nodded.

"Yup. Girl loves herself them pancakes." she then noticed that I didn't even touch my cookies nor drank any milk.

"Is everything ok, Scarlet?"

"Ruby? Do you . . . Consider me as your sister?" I looked at her and she hugged me.

"Of course I do!"

"Even though we are technically cousins?" I returned the hug.

"Honestly, the important thing is that we are a family either way. Now go ahead and eat some cookies before I change my mind." We kinda eat all of the chocolate baked goodness.

"Did we, really, eat the whole bag?"

"There is never enough to satisfy my hunger."

"Well, the bag is empty, so that's that." We got up and washed our plates and glasses.

"Would you like to sleep with me?" Euphoria rushed through my veins.

"After all, you are alone so I thought you might want some company." I began to tear up with no idea as to why.

"Yes! I'd like to very much!" Ruby went ahead of me.

"I'll go ahead and prepare the room." I stopped to look at the clock. It was past midnight. 

*Thanks for the present dad.*

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