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What do I remember?

Not much if she's being honest, her life before waking up in this house is pretty much a big blur. She has fragments of memories with Taehyung here and there. The sweet moments shared between them. She recalls Hoseok and even Ae Jin and just enough of Jungkook that would prove they were best friends. 

"I don't remember everything... Just flashes of your face in my memories once in a while. Something like the image of your smiling face when we were kids, the sound of your voice calling my name, warmth against my fingertips on cold winter days".

"And I remember Taehyung", she says, glancing over at him. His eyes are oddly devoided of anything genuine as he smiles. "He loved- loves me. He always has and I wish we would have told each other earlier" she continues feeling the ache of regret in her heart.

"He loves you?" Jungkook sounds confused, she looks up to find him staring at Taehyung. "You never loved her, you told me that the day I told you I was going to confess to her".

"T-that isn't true-" He stutters out.

"Yes it is, I asked you if you had feelings for Eun Hye and if my confessing would ruin our friendship. You denied ever having felt anything for her and encouraged me to do it". Jungkook looks scandalous.

"Y-you confessed to me?" She mumbles not remembering this at all.

"I did Hye, we were together for almost two years and we planned to apply to the same colleges out of the country so that we could be together".

This was news to her. But then, why hadn't Taehyung mentioned any of this to her?

"Jungkook please- you're confusing her" Taehyung cuts in, anxiety written across his face.

"Confusing her? I'm telling her the truth, seeing as you lied to her once already".

"I told you," he hisses in annoyance, "I didn't want her to hate me".

"Yeah, so lying was the best way to go about it right?" Jungkook rolls his eyes.

"I-I don't understand", she starts, looking between them. This was all too much. On one hand, Taehyung and Jungkook are her childhood friends, the people that know her best in this world, and yet on the other hand, after all the events that had transcribed in their lives as they stand here before her today, she finds it hard to believe either of them. 

Taehyung had lied to her and Jungkook speaks of memories she doesn't have.

Sensing the distress upon her face Taehyung shakes his head, "you need to go Jungkook, you're overwhelming her. We can discuss this another day but right now isn't a good time-"

"I'm not going anywhere, and I'm not leaving her here with you for another second".

She can see anger flashing before Taehyung's face as he clenches his jaw. "She's been here all this time hasn't she? She's fine".

"She's fine to you because you want it that way because you lied to her".

She can sense the atmosphere getting heated, they wouldn't break out into a fight, would they?

"It was one lie and I regret it okay!?" he nearly shouts, looking at her with a sorrow-filled gaze.

"No," Jungkook says, shoving his hands in his pockets, she can see his fists clenched tightly as he narrows his eyes at the other. "That wasn't your only lie. You've lied to the both of us haven't you?".


"When was the last time you spoke to your mother, Taehyung?"

Her eyes nearly bulge out of her head at the blunt question. Taehyung's eyes harden. "Why would I speak to her, after everything she did?".

Jungkook scoffs, "I don't know, she is your mother, after all, doesn't some part of you want to know how she's been?". She can see his carefully concealed expression, masking the anxiety that shows only by the slight tremor of his lips. Something awaits at the tip of his tongue as he eyes Taehyung's conflicted expression, something waiting to spring forth at the mere drop of a pin.

"No", is all Taehyung says, looking away from them. She recognizes this behavior as one he did when he was lying—a nervous habit.

"No?" Jungkook repeats mockingly. "Why not, Taehyungie?".

This gets a reaction, making his gaze flicker to meet the other's eyes with a hard glare. "What are you getting at?".

Jungkook straightens his back, looking over at her with an expression she doesn't expect. Sorrow.

"Ae Jin didn't kill Eun Hye", he says, voice cracking as he looks into Taehyung's once more. "You did".

The room is silent, the only sound is that of cars passing by outside and the occasional rustling of wind sending leaves crumbling to the pavement. The words don't seem to register in her head. She can only stare at Jungkook and Taehyung in confusion. 

Taehyung, dumbstruck by the words, catches himself, shaking his head as he clears his throat. She doesn't miss the way his hand trembles ever so slightly as he hides them behind him. 

"What are you talking about?" he scoffs giving the other an incredulous look.

Jungkook's determined expression doesn't change, "You killed her".

"Jungkook!" she yells, suddenly hit with anxiety. Her skin feels clammy, cold, and uncomfortable. Her throat is dry as she looks into his eyes. "W-what is wrong with you!? That's Taehyung, our Taehyung!".

Jungkook can only give her that same sorrow-filled look like he was pitying her. She hates it. "Stop looking at me like that! W-why would you accuse him like that??" she tries to ease the trembling of her hands but her mind is racing too quickly to focus on more than one thing at a time. What is happening?!

"Hye", he starts, "I- I didn't want to believe it at first either but- it all makes sense now. You being here, him lying to you, goodness knows how many more lies he's filled your ears with before I got here".

Taehyung sneers at him, face contorted in terrifying rage. "You think I killed her? What the fuck is wrong with you?".

"Eun Hye" he pleads, ignoring Taehyung, "think about it, he lied to you about your own death so he wouldn't have to deal with you rejecting him. He only thought about his own feelings! If Hoseok hadn't come here and told you the truth, you would have been here living in his delusion".

"Eun, you can't possibly believe that I killed you, Eun Hye please!" Taehyung begs as he walks up to her. Jungkook is quick is react, blocking him from her as he stands between the two.

"How do we know you're not the delusional one here!?" Taehyung yells, voice shockingly loud as it echoes through the house. "I mean, you suddenly appeared here after years, and for what? For us to be friends again? Like you didn't completely abandon me? And now you're accusing me of murder? If anything, you sound the most frantic right now".

Eun Hye can only helplessly look between the two, she's still too shaky to speak, Jungkook's words play in her head over and over. 

"Your mother told me everything!" Jungkook shouts, effectively shutting Taehyung up from saying anything more. He looks stunned. 

"Y-you went to see my mother?" his voice, once loud and angered, is soft and almost scared.

"I did" he continues looking back at her. "I needed to know what happened that night, even if it meant seeing the person who supposedly killed you".

Taehyung is staring at the ground with glassy, unfocused eyes. 

"She told me that you were the one who strangled her to death and she merely took the fall for you because she loved you and didn't want her only son imprisoned".

"What...?" Eun Hye gawks, "Jungkook she lives in a mental asylum, she's not stable. You can't just believe what she said". Despite her own words, there is a gnawing sensation at the back of her head, like something is trying to crawl its way out.

"Hye, I didn't want to believe her but, with the way Taehyung is acting toward me and you, and Ae Jin's words. It all makes sense". He looks so sincere she can feel fear gathering in her gut. It can't be true, it can't be real! Taehyung would never- she looks over at the other who is dead silent. His eyes have a faraway look as though he were witnessing something horrifying before him.

"She told me that the night you died, Taehyung confessed to you and you rejected him. He had been harboring these feelings for you for years. He never told me he loved you". Jungkook says, turning to glare at the other.

Taehyung's eyes darken as he looks up, "how could I confess when you were all over her". She balks at him. "I watched you take her from me and I never said a word because she loved you too. And yes I did lie to you Eun Hye and I was wrong for it but I did not kill you. How could I kill you!? I love you!!" he nearly shouts as tears gather in his eyes.

"You were desperate for her love and when she didn't reciprocate your feelings you went mad with rage", Jungkook challenges.

She can see where this was going, rarely in their youth did they fight but when they did it always got physical and ended in both of them sporting bruises.

"Please, stop-" she begs, feeling pounding in her head, this couldn't escalate any further, she had no way of stopping them if it did.

"Why did you come here!!? We were fine before you showed up!!" Taehyung is fully screaming now, veins protruding in his neck as he makes to grab her hand. 

Jungkook is quick to shove him back roughly as he blocks his view of her, "don't touch her".

Taehyung eyes are burning with rage as he tries again, this time shoving Jungkook harshly back, "don't touch me".

His hand is mere inches from her before she sees it. Jungkook's fist connects harshly with his face., she screams in shock. Blood spurts from where his lip is surely split as he falls a good distance from them onto the floor.

"I'm not letting him take you from me again Hye," Jungkook says as walks up to others still recovering form.

"Jungkook don't! Stop!!" she screams fearfully as he makes to grab Taehyung only for the other to lunge toward him, returning the punch as they both topple to the floor. 

Taehyung has the upper hand as he straddles the other and closes his hands around his neck. Jungkook is bleeding from his nose and hasn't recovered fully from the blow as he struggles to kick the other off of him.

The image of Taehyung's expressions as he strangles the other is terrifying and familiar and she can neither move nor look away. The room is spinning as she listens to the sounds of Jungkook's ragged breaths feeling her own breath leave her. Her throat feels tight like something is enclosed around it. Her chest feels heavy, uncomfortably so as she scratches at it. What the hell is this feeling?

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