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Taehyung's faux innocent eyes, full of hurt and shock, morph into something dark.
The face he had shown her in the time she spent here all felt like an act, like a mask. This was his true face.
"You remembered." Is all he says, picking at his nails in a bored manner as though this were a trivial matter and not her life.
"How can you be so calm!?" Jungkook says, hand squeezing her own tightly. "You killed a person, a living being that you claimed to love so much. You don't harm the people you love Taehyung".

He doesn't seem fazed as he looks at them and trails his eyes down to their intertwined hands.

"She wouldn't love me, she refused me. I was angry and I killed her in a fit of rage. I didn't mean to but it happened, my intention was never to hurt her-"

"So then what was your intention?! You thought by strangling me I'd love you?!"

"No Hye, I just- you were distracted by him and his feelings and if you had seen my feelings back then you would love me".

"Are you insane?? I could never love you, not in a million years". She sneers at him.

"That really hurts Hye, your words sting even now. You did love me, you told me yourself".

"That was before I knew you were a psychopath and I didn't have my memories!!".

"But you loved me". He says, a disturbingly calm smile on his lips as he eyes her dreamily. "And it felt good and I'm not giving that up".

"It was never your love to begin with," Jungkook says.

"It would have been mine, it almost was entirely mine, until you came around" he glares hard at Jungkook, "you came and took her from me again".

"I'm not yours to own".

"How could you let your mother suffer like that, locked away for your crimes?" Jungkook asks, disgust in his tone.

"She offered, what was I going to do? Reject it? Thanks to her I got to meet Eun Hye like this rather than rotting away in some jail". He spoke so nonchalantly that it pissed her off.

"You're heartless, you should be in that asylum".

He smiles, "I'm not heartless Hye, my heart belongs to you".

Shuddering she turns away from him to address Jungkook, "we need to tell Hoseok, call him back here".

"I can't let you do that" Taehyung mumbles as he takes a step toward them. "It's not like you can prove anything anyways, what are you going to tell the cops, a ghost told you the truth?" he scoffs.

Her heart aches at the sight of him, the person before her whom she thought she knew best. After all the years they had been through together, from elementary until now, this was how it all turned out. "What happened to you? Why did you become like this?", she asks weakly, tired of everything.

"You made me like this, your refusal to love me-"

"Don't fucking blame her for your pathetic feelings, she owed you nothing. Why couldn't you just accept the rejection and move on Taehyung? Why did you have to kill her? We were all friends!! Why didn't you tell me how you felt about her!!? You could always talk to me! Why resort to this!!" Jungkook cries as he asks.

She knew he was hurt despite his anger.

"What's done is done, and thought I did have my regrets, you're here now aren't you Hye? You came back to me and this was my second chance, we can be so happy together" he pleads.

"No" she shakes her head, "this is it, this is why I came back. This is why I was put here in this house because of you and your disgusting obsession with me. I was meant to find out the truth".

"You can't go anywhere anyways, your trapped here in this house, my house, with me!" He laughs as he speaks, looking delusional. "And I won't let you leave me".

"Oh fuck off" Jungkook yells before he's launching into Taehyung slamming the other into the ground painfully. Raising his fist he punches the other repeatedly, she can hear the violent splattering of blood that sprays onto the ground leaving droplets everywhere.

Taehyung is quick to recover, kicking Jungkook off of him and slamming his head into the ground, effectively knocking him out. She screams as she rushes to his side.
Feeling his pulse he was still alive though there was blood pooling around a gash upon his forehead.

Taehyung's bloodied face is terrifying as his lips stretch into a smile exposing red-stained teeth.

"You're not leaving me" he grunts as he reaches for her, grabbing her arm he drags her away from Jungkook's unconscious form while she thrashes and screams. "Where are you even taking me?!".

Taehyung ignores her, moving toward the staircase he stops, bending down and scooping his hands under her legs to lift her up. She breaks out of his grip, shoving him harshly away, he stumbles back looking surprised at her sudden strength.

Dashing toward Jungkook she manages to slip her hands inside his pocket and grab his phone. She could do nothing to help him at the moment and thankfully the gash on his forehead is not too deep, the blood only made it look worse than it is so she didn't have to worry about him bleeding out. Taehyung is focused on her so she isn't too worried about him doing anything more to Jungkook for now.

Dodging out of his reach, she manages to run toward the staircase, rushing up the stairs. Anxiety gnaws at her insides at the sound of his voice, calling her name in that sickly sweet tone.

"Eun Hye~ Where are you going? You can't hide from me!".

As she reaches the top of the staircase, she momentarily meets eyes with the familiar portrait of the family. Pity and sorrow ache in her heart at the sight of Ae Jin. She can't imagine what it must have felt like, knowing her only son was a murderer. She regrets having ever felt any type of contempt and discomfort toward the woman.

The first room that catches her eye is the study. Shoving the doors open she barely makes it inside in time to see Taehyung stumble to the top of the staircase, a sickening smile gracing his lips the moment their eyes meet before she slams the doors and latches them shut.

Through the glass windows upon the doors, she can see Taehyung walking toward it, reaching for the doorknob he twists it, frowning when he finds it locked. Pressing his hands to the glass he levels her with a grin as he knocks against it, "open the doors Hye, you know I'm not going to hurt you".

A shudder runs up her spine at his words, "you killed me" she yells back. This makes the grin drop from his face, something akin to regret taking over. "I didn't mean to, it was an accident-"

"You call killing someone a fucking accident!?" she yells, anger coursing through her veins at his careless words.

He sighs, leaning his forehead against the glass. "None of this would have happened if you had just listened to me back then, if you had loved me instead".

"So this is my fault?! Because you couldn't handle my rejection of your creepy feelings all of this falls on me?!". Who was the person before her? This can't be the same boy she grew up with.

"Look, I'm going to give you ten minutes to open this door and come to me, okay?".

She ignores his desperate expression, turning away from the doors and rushing further into the room. She manages to find a corner where he couldn't see her. Unlocking the phone she had hidden from his sight, she notes his phone battery is dangerously low. This call was the only chance she had to help Jungkook. Digging through his call log she finds Hoseok's number.

It takes a few rings before the other answers.

"Jungkook?" comes his worried voice, relief floods her body to hear him.


"Hye is that you? Where's Jungkook? Why do you have his phone?" he sounds even more worried now.

"Hoseok, you have to help us. Taehyung's insane!" she cries frantically, momentarily forgetting that he was right outside the room probably hearing her voice.

"What? What happened?"

"I don't have much time to explain but, Taehyung lied. He's lied to you, to me, to everyone! His mother never killed me, it was him all along". She waits with bated breath at the silence on the other end.

"What- No it can't be- Hye are you sure-!"

"Hoseok I need you to trust me, Jungkook is wounded and unconscious downstairs and I can't help him. I need you to come here please!!" Her stomach sinks at the beeping sound in her ear, the phone would cut off soon.

"Hye?" Taehyung's muffled voice sounds as he wriggles the doorknobs again, "who are you talking to?".

Ignoring him she lowers her voice, "Bring the police, I don't care what you have to tell them, save Jungkook!". It's the last thing she says before the phone shuts off. It leaves her feeling abandoned, alone.

"HYE!" Taehyung shouts, startling her. "Open the door!!".

Gazing around the room she looks for anything she can find to defend herself. Her eyes land on two golden daggers, crossed and resting upon a mantle on the bookshelf behind Taehyung's father's desk. They were a rare find, according to his dad, two twin daggers engraved with ancient roman text she had never really asked for the translation of. She had cut her finger on the tip of one when she had excitedly asked Taehyung if she could hold it, back in middle school. Her finger still had the scar.

Reaching for a dagger she slips it up her sleeve, holding it there just as there's a loud crash, the sound of glass shattering and spilling to the floor startles her. Taehyung is reaching through the now cracked window of the door, ignoring the cuts streaked across his hand from the jagged glass still clinging to the window pane, as he unlatches the door and tugs it open.

There's a crazed grin upon his lips as he eyes her like that of prey. "You're trapped".

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