Chapter 1 (Dirt)

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He dashed to the exit of his den, but the huge monster blocked his path. It roared, claws sinking into his neck. He yelped and ran into the burrow, the huge cat monster at his back. He ran as fast as he could. Just as he hit the dead end, he stood, staring at the huge cat helplessly. It was way bigger than him, and it may as well kill him.

His head was spinning with terror as he felt the cat's teeth on his back, blood gushing from him. Dirt flung himself free from the cat's jaws. He closed his eyes and leaped for the cat, but he did not feel the blood-stained fur he wanted to feel on the attacker...

I'm falling! Dirt thought in panic. His fur stood on end, waving as he fell. He knew it was the end, once he hit the ground. But he didn't hit the ground, he kept falling. Fast. What's happening? He wondered. He slowly opened his eyes. The dirt got into his eyes, but he only saw darkness and a white-and-black fur. The tiger.  

He saw a stone-cliff as he fell. It came into sight. If he just got onto it...No, that wasn't possible...or it was. He kicked the cat and jumped onto the stone. He collapsed, gasping for breath. Then he heard a voice.

"You okay?" The voice said. A black panther came in sight, her beautiful dark fur shining in the darkness. What is up with all the cats? Dirt thought nervously. Are they up to get me?

"NO!" He blurted out, baring his teeth. "How would I be okay if a TIGER CAME AND TRIED TO KILL ME?" His voice was harsher than he intended, and he saw the panther back away, but there was no fear in her face. At all.

"We have sent that tiger," She said, "too test your skills. We wanted to see if you got survival. We are going to be sending another tiger for that other one died." She let out a low growl, purposely making it sound like a fox's yip, but Dirt knew it was a growl. 

He opened his mouth to speak, but the panther was gone in a flash. Her words rang in his head; We have sent that tiger to test tour skills. "There's more to this," He mumbled to himself. Was there more? Or was this all a trick? He looked down and saw blood dripping from the ledge. 

Tiger did not make it, he thought with a stab of pity for the huge white-and-black monster. He knew he shouldn't feel bad, but he knew pain was not the ideal death. Why would it? He tried not to slip off the ledge. His grey fur prickled with unease. If I fall, would I die like that? He wondered.

He heard a voice, but he wasn't quite sure what it was saying. A flash of light blinded him as he saw a cat. A huge cat. Bigger than a tiger, bigger than a panther. It was not a cat, it was a dog. Grey dog. Huge. Panicked, Dirt stepped back, and slid off the ledge. Into darkness.

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