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Note: Still in the revision stage.

I visited Shin the day after.

There was something in his mind and I could tell that it was about the restaurant. His facial expression said it all. It was odd seeing that. He was nervous. And still, I don't know why.

As I went to visit the restaurant, I couldn't really tell any difference as soon as I walked through the door. The decorations didn't seem to change at all. It remained the same. There were more customers than before but I doubt that the capacity was the problem.

Shin was there, serving the customers at a fast pace. Footsteps were heard frequently from left to right.

Looking at the table at the far end of the place, I decided to sit down and open my laptop. I'll just wait for a few minutes before calling Shin over — considering that he seems busy walking here and there to give out orders. Mornings are usually busy but not as much since there are usually a lot of people that are also out in a hurry to get to work.

As there weren't many people remaining, I saw Shin going back to the counter to grab a water bottle and drink. His eyes suddenly went in my direction and I could already tell he didn't expect me to be there. Putting down the bottle, he took back the menu and gave it to me.

"Sorry, I didn't notice you there earlier," he shyly said, cheeks red in embarrassment. I only laughed a bit and mentioned him to sit. He shook his head no.

"I can't. There are customers waiting." I rolled my eyes at this.

"Hey, it's not bad to take a little break every once and a while. Always remember that," I told him, waving a finger to make him remember. "Plus, there aren't many customers. You seem you need to sit down for a while. Have a short chat."

"I really can't," he said before he declined. I didn't take no for an answer.

I sighed. "Surely you need to let that thought out. If not now, then when? Hmm?"

His eyes went back to me and I raised an eyebrow. "You need to open up. About yesterday."

He pauses. "It's nothing really."

"Don't be stubborn." He could already see how persistent I was as I still mentioned him to sit down.

I can see a person who works really hard, the one who forgets to check up on himself at some times. It's like my past self haunting me. Luckily, I tried getting out of the routine.

It took him a few minutes before he followed, his eyes looking down but sitting right across me. It didn't seem like he was going to open up anytime soon so I tried to be the one to initiate the conversation.

"Was it the work? The others?" He shook his head no.

"Problems in your habits?" Again, he replied that it wasn't. There, it made me wonder. If it couldn't be the others and his habits, then what would make him be like this? Switching my attention around, I saw how crowded the place was right before I went in.

I then snapped my fingers in realization. "Was it the customers?"

There was no reply. I could almost feel how tensed he was as he tried avoiding my gaze. Ah, so that's why. It's possible that he's still overthinking or getting overwhelmed. Either of the two.

I crossed my arms. I was sure the citizens here loved his cooking and that there were friendly people. I've been here for quite a while, eating and ordering food and I can't even see one single customer being mean. Putting down the menu, I tried to ask him again.

"Did they mistreat you while I was gone—" He seems shocked by what I was about to say. So, I could tell that it wasn't the reason at all.

"No, they're nice. It's just...myself," he openly answered before he fidgeted in his seat. The consistent tapping on the table was noticeable. He was nervous, I could tell. "I'm just settling in and adjusting to the environment. The place. Too much hustle."

"There are sometimes a lot of orders in the restaurant and more customers coming in and out. It's just new to me." I nodded in understanding. It hadn't been too long since the restaurant probably opened. I mean, all of them seem to be handling it at their own pace.

"Didn't I say that everything will go as planned?" His eyes stared at mine and I could see the uncertainty. It was tainted with fear yet hesitation. I only smiled back. This guy was the type to push himself in work, restless, and a little stubborn once.

Taking his hand and stopping it from tapping, I tried to reassure him that everything would go well. "Trust me. As long as you trust yourself, the place, and the customers, you'll do well. Just give it some time."

"Will it take long to cope?" That was a question that caught me off guard. But it was easy to answer.

"Nothing starts off easy. Everyone eventually struggles at first, right?" I answered before I continued, "Time passes by quickly. I'm sure that you'll get accustomed to the place and its people."

He nodded and was about to leave but I stopped him before he do. "Just do your best, never push yourself too much, and talk to the others if you have any troubles, okay?"

He agreed with that. "I will."

After a few more chit-chats, he finally stood up and took the notepad from the table. He was ready to write my order too. "So...what will I get you today?"

"You seem a little tired so I'll just get one of the drinks over there." I pointed over the coca-cola can that was stored. "And I'll pay for the meal."

"Meal? But you haven't ordered."

"Exactly. Take a break for now also. You need to gain your energy."

"But—" He was about to argue about it but I stood up to show him I was serious.

"Don't be stubborn," I repeated before crossing my arms. "I'll come back to order my own next time. Right now, take my advice, alright?"

When I was about to leave, I heard him agreeing with me. "Will do." 

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