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Note before reading: If the scenes feel rushed, that means that the book still needs to be revised after completion. As I said, feedbacks are highly appreciated if there are mistakes or anything that you want to let the author know. Lovelots! 💕

▬▬▬▬ 🤍  ▬▬▬▬

After that five encounters with the chefs, I was curious about what Saturday had in store for me. I'm pretty sure some of the locals had been wondering as to why I was going back and forth to this place.

I guess since it's already been a week, they were curious too. Smiling at the ones giving me a look, I decided to just go back by increasing the pace so I wouldn't have to deal much in the situation.

Curiosity got the best of me as soon as those Daewon had mentioned something about fantasy. Even the pantry mystery got my interest. There were a lot of questions in my head, asking how, why, and when it started.

Looking over the large building, I was shocked to see a house there. Not another restaurant. Just a new house that looked like someone had moved there recently.

It was newly painted but I could still tell that it would be theirs, judging by how I saw Yohan walking out the door and suddenly freezing on the spot when he noticed me.

I wasn't here to enter though. I was here to ask more questions.

Though, Yohan quickly became defensive before I could even talk.

"Ah, Dara, nice to see you here. Um, are you here to order something? Sadly, the restaurant got moved to another location, so I'm headed there now," he told me before awkwardly smiling.

"Daewon told me everything," I told him as his eyes widened, looking around to see if anyone was eavesdropping. "I'm just here to ask more about it. And I might be a regular once the restaurant's back."

When I saw how he turned his head to look at the house and then back at me, I quickly knew that he was shocked at the sudden news.

He then approached me, walking fast as he asked me one more time.

"Wait, did hyung tell you? I can't just spill things that you shouldn't even know." I could sense the hesitation in his voice as I reassured him that Daewon had really told me about the pantry.

It took him a while but he eventually agreed to do so. "Well, we can go to the nearest mall or a restaurant. We can't exactly stay here."

Out of curiosity, I looked back at the house but I was shocked to see that the windows weren't transparent anymore.

It looked as if a fog had made it unclear and it felt like it wasn't welcoming guests in the meantime.

Knowing that Yohan would still try to stop me, I decided to let him pick a place. This time, he chose to go to Starfield CoEx Mall.

I was about to ask why out of all the places, he chose that one but it seems like he had all of these planned out by how he just waved his hand at me and told me that it was the perfect place to talk with the others.

After a little bit more chit chats, we decided to take a taxi but I could still feel like someone was staring at me from behind so I took one last glance at the house.

And suddenly saw Daewon at the window before the glass became foggy once more.

-- 🤍 --

We were both now sitting on the second floor, looking over the huge library in front of us. I haven't really been to a lot of places but this one, I'd surely pin it on my list to visit again.

Right now, Yohan had asked me to wait for a while since he had invited the four over and they'd be the ones to tell me what the restaurant really was.

But judging by how long we were here, I already knew they weren't coming. Well, probably. I was still not sure if they were just late or not.

It didn't take longer than 30 minutes before I heard someone calling out our names. There, we saw the four walking towards us and sitting right on the chairs next to us.

"I heard you got questions," Minho started off before raising an eyebrow. "Is it about the restaurant?"

"I just saw a freaking waterfall, mountain, and snow in the same pantry." I couldn't help but wave my hand at that as if trying to prove a point.

"How would you explain that?!"

Shin only sighed at this and coughed as if he was trying to tell the others to speak. Minho glared at him a bit before he decided to open up. "Well, since I'm the one who got caught first, I'll explain first."

"The house—I mean, our restaurants, all have an alternate world we call Eudaimonia. If we want it to be simple, we call it Paradise," Minho had told me before he then mentioned the five realms.

"Eudaimonia means happiness. We create our own place where we can release our emotions away from the real world. Mine is the mountains—" I quickly cut him off by mumbling.

"Stable and firm. Being on the top gives you peace, doesn't it? The scenery is all there, I mean." He only smiled.

"The sunrise, the sunset, the moon, I see everything. Even the other doors and the paradise that my friends had created." Piecing everything together, I realized that it was possible.

Putting my finger under my chin as if in a thinking pose, I then mentioned what Daewon told me. Fantasy. It was quite a strong word to describe everything. Minho looked at me with curiosity before nodding out of concern. Though, before he could even answer back, it was Giyeon's turn to reply to me.

"Surely, you can call it that. It's not every day you see yourself going to another place from just walking through a random door," he told me before shrugging.

"Plus, the pantry is just one of the things you may encounter. There's still a lot but most of them are out of your reach." Their gazes fell on him as he only waved his hand to tell them there was nothing to worry about even though he said that to me.

So, that's just one of the things in there? What more secrets could their restaurant even have?

"However, Eudaimonia isn't something you should mingle with," Daewon warned me. "Especially on a Saturday."

"I saw you at the window."

"I know."

"The realms aren't visible when it comes on a Saturday. Take of it as if the house is the heart of all the five realms and it's resting on that day." Nodding, I finally understood why Daewon seems cautious and Yohan dragging me away from the house. They didn't really want any disturbance at the moment.

Standing up, my lips curled into a smile. "Well, I might as well come to visit Mondays to Fridays, depending on my work 'cause I still need to get accustomed to walking around Seoul."

"We'll see you around then?" Shin asked and I gave him a thumbs up.

"You surely will. Though, not too much, or else the locals might get curious as to why I kept on eating at the same restaurant."

They all chuckled at this and nodded. "Yeah, probably take some intervals too. We wouldn't want to get caught as well."

After that, I bid farewell and spent the day traveling around Seoul. 

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