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Note: To be revised after completion!

I arrived at Summit Ridge Grill, my hands shaking as I carried a small box. Shin had texted me early in the morning about Minho's birthday. Of course, it took me a while to decide if I should indeed go or not. Though, it would be rude not to since this was Shin's request.

Standing in front of the restaurant, I took a deep breath before opening the heavy glass door. Stepping inside, I immediately took in my surroundings. The restaurant had a few customers today, most of them had already been served their meals. There were no major changes, it was still the same. The decor, the photos. Nothing much had been different.

Some customers had left to get more drinks or go home as others were still sitting at tables eating and drinking with each other. My eyes roamed over all the faces. I was looking for one particular face but I didn't even spot Shin on one of the tables.

Did he somehow leave already? I thought to myself.

I was about to leave the box on the counter when I heard soft clapping inside the kitchen and quiet voices singing a tune of "happy birthday."

A few seconds later, one of them held out a cake with a candle on top, brightly lit, and the guy blew it out as the others joined him in applause. The song ended and the applause slowly died down as I stood there frozen, staring at everyone. It took a while before Shin finally notices and greeted me.

"Oh, you're here!" Shin greeted as he grins. I approached them, handing out another cake as a gift. There were already some meals on the counter. Delivered, I assumed. Fried chicken, pizza, sodas, rice cakes, burgers, and fries.

Yet one bento box caught my attention. It had a note attached to it and I saw that it was some Gimbap and seaweed soup. It didn't seem like it was from a restaurant but it looked like it was homemade. Maybe from a parent?

Before I could even comment, Minho's eyes widened as he turned around and saw me before pointing right at me. "How'd you—"

"I invited her during my day off," Shin replied, interrupting Minho before leaning on one of the kitchen counters. His hand was on his pockets, relaxed as the latter had furrowed his eyebrows at him. "Figured she'd take a week break from blogging. Plus, you wouldn't mind for sure, considering that it's your birthday, right?"

Yohan just grinned at this and nodded. Minho remained silent but finally agrees, thanking me for the cake. The other two exchanged glances and shrugged. I looked away from them, suddenly feeling awkward. Though, that feeling didn't last long when they suddenly went back out, leaving Daewon and Minho inside the kitchen.

Daewon noticed me and told me that I could wait with the three as he and Minho take out the food. They both gave me a warm smile when I agreed.

Before I could even go to the table where the trio was, I heard Minho calling to me. "Dara, make sure not to wander off while Daewon and I are in the kitchen. Don't even think of opening the door."

I hummed in reply before telling him that I won't. Even though the urge was hard to fight, I persisted. My eyes were glued to the door but Giyeon simply waved his hands to mention me to finally sit. Knowing that he was going to be suspicious if I stood still for long, I approached them and decided to go next to Yohan. There were a lot of things on my mind, lots of questions.

"You seem to be deep in thought, Dara," Yohan said, staring at me with his eyebrows furrowed. "Care to share?"

My brow furrows too, realizing that maybe he might have noticed how I had kept looking at the same door I had opened back when it was my first time being in the restaurant. It still made me wonder if it would show the same mountain if I dare open it again — even though Minho warned me not to.

Clearing my throat, I answered, "Oh, um, it's nothing important."

Yohan looked skeptical but let it slide. The problem is that Giyeon didn't. He was eyeing the door before speaking up, "You opened Minho's door too, I'm guessing."

I widened my eyes at this but I didn't dare lie. It wouldn't even make a difference. Giyeon already knew what I was thinking at this point. Instead, I nod before putting a hand under my chin as if I was pondering. "I got curious. I've noticed all of you had a plushie of the animals and a painting or a picture of each scenery behind that door."

"It was decorated nicely on the counter and the photos were hanged on the wall," I continued.

"The animals on the realm, you mean," Shin decided to comment, "I mean, you saw the bunnies on my realm already. A dolphin at Yohan's, a panda for Daewon hyung, and—"

"Polar bear for my own realm and an eagle for Minho's," Giyeon finished. "It symbolizes our strengths as a person. The realm had formed itself right before we started and that's why we deem it off-limits to customers."

Yohan decided to add, "When we had first renovated the building, the door was already there. People say that nobody could budge it open. But clearly, it took a while and it did."

"We were surprised also," Giyeon continued the story, "After a while, we eventually figured out we were transferred to different places, we each owned a type of restaurant, yet it is still the same building — the spaces."

It took a while but Daewon and Minho finally came with plates and the meals already sorted out on the table. I was more curious about the story but the others had told me that the rest would be explained in time. Though, I only wondered how much longer I would wait for it to finally be complete. I couldn't help but smile as the two finally sat down, Daewon sitting right next to me.

Looking at Minho, I softly spoke, "Happy birthday. Enjoy your special day by creating a lot of happy memories and cherishing every moment."

"May the days be always in your favor. To freedom, to happiness, to fulfillment of dreams," I told the five before finally taking a slice of pizza as they dug into the meals. For a moment, for a day, it felt like there were no worries taken. Just pure happiness as soft music filled the restaurant. Laughter, smiles, all of those present in our conversations.

Like it was a fated friendship. 

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