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Lesson 1


A boy with messy brown hair yawned as he sat up. He rubbed his sleepy eyes childishly and stretched his limbs as if he were a cat. 'Today's the day.' He though to himself, smiling.

"Tsu-kun!" His mother called from the kitchen downstairs. "Wake up or you'll be late for school!"

Tsuna grinned to himself, "Today's my first day of high school!" He exclaimed excitedly.

Once Tsuna had done his daily morning activities, and had changed out of his pajamas into his new uniform, he headed to the kitchen where his mother was waiting.

"Good morning Tsu-kun." His mother, Nana, greeeted. "Good morning Kaa-chan." Tsuna replied as he sat down.

"Did you sleep well?" She asked, finishing up the breakfast. "Un." Tsuna nodded, "Thanks." He smiled as she placed his plate of eggs and sausages in front of him.

"No problem at all! Now hurry up or you'll be late for school!" She warned, wagging an index finger back and forth. He nodded and began to wolf down his breakfast.

After a few minutes, the doorbell rang, alerting both Tsuna and Nana. "I'll get that. You hurry and finish up." Nana smiled, walking out of the kitchen.

"Ara! Come in, come in, boys!" Nana greeted.

"Sorry for the intrusion!" Two boys chorused together. Both were wearing the same uniform as Tsuna.

"No problem at all!" Nana replied wholeheartedly.

In came the kitchen were Nana and the two boys, who were right behind her.

"Good morning Jyuudaime!"

"Aha! Morning Tsuna!"

Tsuna glanced up as he swallowed his last bit of the sausage. "Mornin'." He greeted, chewing at the same time.

"Tsu-kun! Don't talk with your mouth full!" Chided Nana. Tsuna swallowed and sheepishly grinned, "Sorry Kaa-chan." Nana smiled, a sign that she forgave her son.

"Did you two boys eat yet?" Nana asked the other two boys, worriedly. "Of course Maman." Was their reply. Nana smiled and nodded. "I need to go wake up Lambo and I-Pin now. Today is also their first day of school." She giggled, heading upstairs.

"I feel bad for whoever is going to be their teacher." One of them, Gokudera Hayato, mumbled.

The other, Yamamoto Takeshi, laughed. "Maa, Maa, Gokkun! It can't be that bad!"

Tsuna however, only smiled as he was washing the dishes.

"So," Yamamoto turned to Tsuna as the two sat down. "First day of high school. Excited?" He asked, grinning his one-thousand-watt grin.

"Yeah," Tsuna nodded, "I hope we all get the same classes." Tsuna smiled as he turned off the faucet and dried his hands. "No worries, Jyuudaime!" Gokudera yelled reassuringly. Tsuna smiled at him as a sign of thanks.

Tsuna grabbed his bag. "Come on! We'll get bitten to death if we're late!" He grinned playfully. Yamamoto and Gokudera also grinned and grabbed their bags.

The three slipped on their shoes and stepped outside of Tsuna's home. "Kaa-chan! We'll be leaving now!"

"See you later Maman!" The other two yelled in unison.

Nana's head popped out of the window upstairs. "Have a nice day boys!" She smiled.

They all nodded and began to run.

...Of course they would run. Who wants to get bitten to death by a certain prefect? ...Okay I lied.


"Yes! We made it!" Tsuna cheered, throwing his hands in the air. "Hell yeah!" Yelled Gokudera as he punched the air. "Home run!" laughed Yamamoto.

"I'll bite you to death if you don't get to the auditorium in five minutes."

They all froze and nervously chuckled as they looked at Hibari Kyouya, one of Namimori Koutou's, or basically all of Namimori's, prefect.

"We'll make it in time, don't worry Hibari-san." Smiled Tsuna. Hibari nodded and they began to jog away to the entrance of the school. His eyebrows shot up curiously as he saw Tsuna job back towards him.

"By the way, Hibari-san," Tsuna sheepishly smiled, "Where's the auditorium room?"

Hibari sighed and face palmed. "Second floor, room 182." He replied warily.

Tsuna chuckled quietly, "...Right." Tsuna flashed a thankful smile towards Hibari before jogging back to where the other two were waiting.

'It's a wonder how I am able to put up with him and his group...' Hibari thought as he watched them run inside. '...Then again, I am technically in that group...'

...Once again, Hibari Kyouya, face palmed.

"Good, we made it in time..." Tsuna sighed, completely relieved and worn out from all the running. The three of them sat down in three available chairs in the middle of the auditorium. Of course, Hibari sat in the front with his elder brother and head prefect, Alaude.

Once the auditorium had been filled up and had settled down, a dashing blond boy with extremely messy and spiky hair, walked up to the podium on the stage.

"Ehm," He cleared his voice. "Welcome to Namimori Koutou, those who are new, and welcome back those from last year.I hope everyone had a wonderful summer vacation because I did." He smiled, causing many girls to swoon.

"But of course, summer break is going to come to an end." He continued, "No worries though. As the president of the student council, I, Giotto, will make sure this school year will be fun.

As students of Nami Koutou, we will try hard to achieve our life goals. Of course, as we learn, we'll have fun along the way. Because of Nami Koutou's success rates, our school is the top out of all the other schools in Namimori.

I'm sure after knowing this, you all feel proud. You aren't the only ones though. The headmaster, principle, and the many teachers in this school, are all extremely happy because they taught us well." Giotto smiled as the audience clapped.

"And now, we'd like a word from the head prefect of the Discipline Committee." said Giotto, as he stepped aside for Alaude.

The audience clapped. Once the noise died down, Alaude cleared his throat.

"Break the rules and either I, or my vice, Hibari Kyouya, will bite you to the afterlife."

After that, Alaude got off, and sat back down next to Hibari. The two looked at each other and shared a smirk.

A minute later, the entire audience finally regained their senses and clapped. Once the clapping died down, Giotto chuckled as he took the mic again. "Thank you, Alaude..." 'Not.'

"Well then," Giotto cleared his throat. "After this assembly, everyone is to head to the main office to pick up their schedules and locker numbers and locks. You will be dismissed once the lunch bell rings.

I hope everyone gets along with their teachers and classmates. If you need anything, you can always come to me or any of the other council members, for help. Thank you and enjoy the school year." Smiled Giotto.

The audience clapped as he bowed and got off the stage.

One by one, everyone left the auditorium.

"Oi, Tsuna!" Yamamoto called as Gokudera and he approached the brunette. "Hey." Tsuna smiled. "What classes do you have?" Yamamoto curiously asked as both Gokudera and he took out his schedule.

"Hmm..." Tsuna hummed quietly as he took out his folded schedule from his pants and showed it to his friends.

Period 1:

Homeroom - Reborn

Period 2 :

English - Lal Mirch

History - Fon (Tuesday / Thursday)

Period 3 :

Physical Education - Colonello

Science - Verde (Tuesday / Friday)


11:13 - 11:53

Period 4 :

Mathematics - Reborn

Biology - Mammon (Thursday)

Home Economics - Luche (Friday)

"Aha! I have homeroom, english, PE, lunch, and math with you!" Yamamoto laughed. Tsuna smiled, "What about you Gokudera-kun?" Gokudera looked at his schedule and at Tsuna's. "The same as Yamamoto. The rest are with... Yamamoto." Gokudera replied.

Yamamoto grinned and threw an arm around Gokudera's shoulder. "Isn't that great Gokkun?" He laughed. Gokudera blushed and nodded.

"Isn't this great? We can stick together most of the day!" Tsuna grinned. The other two nodded and grinned along.


The three stopped and blinked. "Hey guys, that's the lunch bell right?" Tsuna asked curiously. The other two nodded as they stuffed their schedule in their pockets. "Do you guys want to come over?" Tsuna asked, smiling. The other two smiled and nodded, "Of course!"

"Let's go then! I'm sure Kaa-chan is making something good for lunch." Tsuna replied. "What are you kidding? Maman's food is always the best." Yamamoto grinned widely, Gokudera nodding in agreement.

They began walking towards the main building seeing as they were in the outdoor area of the school. (A/N: Think of the place that Tsuna and Xanxus fought in, during the Varia Arc. The school buildings are attached to each other, forming a square. The blank area in the middle is the area outdoors. Except, Nami Koutou is way bigger. :P)

All of a sudden, Tsuna tripped as they were walking by the huge fountain.

Giotto and his friends, who were also outside and near the three freshman boys, heard a splash and then yells. Immediately, they ran towards the fountain to see what had happened.

Giotto peered in to look at the water. All of a sudden, someone emerged from the water, shocking him and his friends. "What the hell!" The redhead, G., yelled.

Tsuna shook his head gently, shaking a bit of the water out of his hair. "Aha! How was the bath Tsuna?" Yamamoto grinned. Gokudera smacked him over the head. "Are you stupid! He FELL into the water!" Then he turned to Tsuna, "Jyuudaime! Are you alright!"

Tsuna smiled and nodded, "I'm okay. Though, I don't know how I ended up here." He said, looking around him. Then, a hand was offered to him. Tsuna blinked and looked up at the owner of the hand.

Giotto smiled, his eyes closed and curving upwards, making a crescent moon shape, as he waited for Tsuna to grab his hand. Tsuna slightly blushed at the smile and gratefully grabbed the hand. Giotto pulled him up and out of the water fountain.

"Are you alright?" Giotto kindly asked, his eyes open. Tsuna looked up and shyly smiled. "I'm alright. Thank you."

Giotto stood there, completely frozen at the sight before him.

Tsuna was completely drenched in water, head to toe. His white shirt under his navy blazer clung to his body like second skin. Since it was a white shirt, it was completely see-through due to the water.

Not only his shirt, but his navy dress pants also clung onto him. 'He has nice thighs and a flat stomach... Almost like a girl...' The guys around Tsuna thought to themselves, trying very hard to not to let the blood out of their nose.

Not only did Tsuna's stomach and thighs shock Giotto, but the eyes. All of a sudden, Giotto took a hold of Tsuna's hands. "Your eyes are so beautiful and innocent. It makes me want to take you right here and now." Giotto declared.

"E-Eh?" Tsuna was taken aback and blushed. The other guys could only stand there, holding in their anger. 'Damn, he got to him first...'

"Jyuudaime! If we don't hurry home, Maman will worry and you'll catch a cold!" Gokudera fussed worriedly. Yamamoto, who was talking with his elder brother, Asari, nodded. "He's right Tsuna."

"O-Oh, okay." Tsuna murmured. Tsuna looked back up at Giotto and smiled, "Thank you for helping me Giotto-san." He leaned up and pecked Giotto's cheek.

Giotto snapped out of his daydream. "No problem..." "Sawada Tsunayoshi." Tsuna replied, "Tsuna is fine." Giotto nodded, "No problem Tsuna. And please, call me Giotto." He smiled. Tsuna smiled back, "See you later, Giotto."

Tsuna ran to where Gokudera and Yamamoto were waiting. Giotto held onto the cheek that Tsuna had kissed while he watched the trio head inside.

"...He's in love." G. sighed.

Asari smiled, "Yep!"

Lesson Two

P.E. Uniforms and Claim

The class was extremely rowdy once everyone settled in. Paper airplanes were thrown, paper balls were tossed, pencils and pens were chucked. 'What kind of class is this!' Tsuna thought, once he and his buddies sat down.

Gokudera looked around cautiously. "Must protect Jyuudaime...!" He muttered to himself. Yamamoto only laughed as he moved his head to the side to dodge a pencil.

Tsuna nervously chuckled, "I don't get why you need to protect me Gokudera-kun... And do you really have to call me Jyuudaime?" He asked. All of a sudden, Gokudera stood up, slamming his hands on Tsuna's desk.

"Of course I have to call you Jyuudaime! He who protected me when I was down and unable to fight! He who defeated the chihuahua-on-crack in ten minutes flat!" Gokudera yelled, his hand clutching the spot where his heart was.

Tsuna paled at the mention of the animal known as a chihuahua. 'T-That THING! It ripped apart my clothing until it got tired and fell asleep!'

"That is you!" yelled Gokudera as he pointed at Tsuna. "In return I will serve under you and protect you with my life! I will follow your every command! I will follow you to the ends of the Earth! I will–"

Gokudera got cut off as a pen struck the back of his head. Slowly, he fell on the floor. Slowly, the waterfall of tears came bursting out. "...Ow." Yamamoto leaned down, "Gokkun, you alright?"

Gokudera shot up and began to yell again, albeit angry instead of devotion this time. "Of course I'm not okay you idiot! I've been struck in the back of my head with a pen! Do you know how dangerous that was! What if killed me!" He yelled, waving his fist around.

Yamamoto chuckled and scratched the back of his head. "Maa, maa! At least you're alive and kickin'! You protected Tsuna from that pen didn't you?" Yamamoto asked.

Gokudera's arm fell and landed beside his side. "You're right..." Gokudera murmured. Then, both his arms shot up in the air as he cheered. "I protected Jyuudaime! I protected Jyuu–"

Paper airplanes got stuck in his hair, and more pens and pencils were lodged into his body. "I... p-protected... Jyuudaime!" Gokudera, nonetheless, still screamed in joy.

Tsuna watched in horror as Gokudera was still being struck by pointy objects. Then, he squinted his eyes. 'Are those... dog ears and a dog tail I see...?' Tsuna shook his head, 'Nah...'

"Sit down." A deep baritone voice commanded. Everyone looked to the front, only to see a good looking man in a black suit and a fedora hat with an orange stripe. What was more odd was the fact that he was petting a chameleon.

All of a sudden, the chameleon morphed into a gun, shocking the students. "I said sit down." He repeated, aiming the gun at the ceiling and firing. They all sat down once the gunshot echoed throughout the classroom.

"My name is Reborn. You either call me Reborn, Reborn-san, or Reborn-sensei." He introduced himself as his chameleon morphed back. "Any other names and you'll be eating a bullet for lunch."

Most of the students shuddered at the thought of eating bullets. While they shuddered, Tsuna lightly smiled, Yamamoto grinned, while Gokudera took out the last pointy object that was on him with a quiet pop, and threw it on the floor.

"Any questions?" Reborn asked, a delicate eyebrow rising up. A hand shot up. "Yes?" Reborn nodded his head. "E-Excuse me, Reborn-sensei..." Stuttered the girl, "M-May I ask what that is...?" She shakily pointed at the chameleon.

"Oh yes," Reborn nodded, "This is Leon. My pet chameleon. As you saw earlier, he can morph into anything I want. You're allowed to pet him, but only when he's not in my hands."

The girl nodded and put her hand down.

The bell rang, signaling it was time for the next class. "You can leave now." Reborn announced, "Oh. Tsuna, stay back for a bit." Tsuna smiled and nodded.

Once everyone had left the classroom, Reborn's gaze landed on Tsuna. "I'll be late tonight, so tell Maman to start dinner without me." Reborn murmured. Tsuna nodded as he petted Leon.

"Oh and," Reborn continued as he took back Leon. "I better not see your marks go down when I look at your report card. If they go down, I'll shoot you." he threatened, "Get in trouble and I'll also shoot you. Other than Maman, I'm also your guardian."

Tsuna smiled, "I'll try my best Reborn." Reborn nodded and patted Tsuna's head.

"Good. Now off you go. Wouldn't want your English teacher to scold you." Reborn nodded his head towards the door. Tsuna nodded and opened the door, closing it behind him after he stepped out.

"What did Reborn say?" Gokudera asked curiously as Tsuna closed his locker and locked it. "For Kaa-chan to start dinner without him." Tsuna replied, taking his textbook back from Yamamoto. 'And that if my marks go down, I'll be dead.'

"Is that so?" Yamamoto laughed. Tsuna nodded, "Come on, or we'll be late!" Tsuna murmured worriedly. The other two nodded and they began to run down the hallway.

Once in a while, they'd look back to check if Hibari might be behind them with the intent of biting them to death for running in the hallways.

After several minutes, they finally made to class and calmly walked in. On the board, written in chalk, were instructions and homework in case the teacher was late.

They sat down and opened their textbook, turning to the page that was given to them.

Approximately twenty minutes later, the door burst open and a pretty lady came in, following behind her was a nice looking man in army clothing. "Come on Lal!" The man whined. "No." Was his reply.

"What's wrong with having dinner on a school night, kora?" The man asked. "The fact that we could get fired is what's wrong." The lady, Lal, firmly replied. The blond man paled at the thought of getting fired.


"Colonello, I said no!" Lal shrieked as she kicked his face, sending him flying out of the open classroom door, and to the hallway. The students could only stare, completely horrified. First a gun-wielding man in a suit, and now a lady that's equally spartan?

The bell rang as Colonello entered the classroom. "Your break is over, get back to the gym you retard. Your next batch of students are coming." Lal grumbled. "Let's at least have a decent dinner tonight. We haven't had a good one in months, kora!" Colonello sighed.

Lal blushed, "I'll think about it..."

"Now get out!" She yelled, towards her students and her lovely husband.

Colonello grinned and ran out of the classroom, towards the gym. The students also ran out, heading towards their lockers to put their books away and grab their gym uniforms.

"Alright, kora!" Colonello yelled, getting the attentions of his students. "Today, we'll be running laps." He announced, "I have an assistant with me today since he has so much free time. So if you fall behind, he'll make sure that you get back on the track."

Next to him, waved Giotto. "Good morning." He smiled, mostly at Tsuna however. Tsuna smiled back and waved. However, Yamamoto laughed while Gokudera grumbled.

Giotto stepped up, "I'll also be handing out drinks once you're done your laps. So feel free to grab a drink and sit down and relax once you're done running." He smiled. The rest of the class nodded.

"Alright, kora!" Colonello yelled, "Get ready!"

The whistle blew and the students began to run down the track. Moments later, Tsuna finally finished. Of course, Yamamoto and Gokudera finished before him and the rest of the class.

Giotto stared at Tsuna's exposed legs as Tsuna sat down on the bleachers and began to open the water bottle. 'I love P.E. uniforms.' He grinned as he sat next to Tsuna.

"Nice legs. What time do they open?"

Tsuna, who happened to be drinking from his water bottle, choked, and spat out his water. He looked up at Giotto, who was madly grinning, with wide eyes. A blush crept up to Tsuna's cheeks. "U-Uhh..."

The whistle blew again, catching everyone's attention. "Class is over, kora! Get going!" Colonello shouted.

"I-I'll be off now." Tsuna murmured shyly. Giotto nodded, "Okay." He replied, smiling.

Tsuna got off the bleachers and began to walk towards the entrance to the school building. While Tsuna was walking away, Giotto grinned as he had a nice view of Tsuna's ass from the angle he was sitting on. 'I definitely love P.E. uniforms...'

Tsuna sighed as he walked home by himself. Yamamoto had baseball practice, while Gokudera walked down the other path home to feed his pet cat, Uri. "Today was so tiring..." He murmured.

His backpack was extremely heavy due to the textbooks.

All of a sudden, he was stopped by a man. "Excuse me, can you tell me where this place is?" Asked the man, showing Tsuna the paper with the address. Tsuna blinked, "Oh, uhm..."

"It should be down this path." Tsuna kindly replied as he pointed to the path behind him. Receiving no reply a few minutes later, Tsuna turned around only to see that the man was closer to him than before. "U-Uhm...?" Tsuna stuttered nervously.

Tsuna backed up as the older man approached. "I see. Would you mind escorting me there?" The man smiled, "Come on little boy, it won't hurt a bit to help a lost adult." He said, taking another step towards Tsuna.

"U-Uhh..." Once again, Tsuna stepped back. "It's just down the path. And you'll see the place you're looking for immediately." Tsuna replied nervously. Unfortunately for him, his back met the wall and he was sadly corner by the man. 'What do I do, what do I do?' He panicked.

Then, something in his brain clicked.

"R!A!P!E! Get your dick away from me!" Tsuna sang loudly, surprising the stranger. "What?" The stranger gaped, completely dumbfounded. 'Did I just hear what I thought I heard?' Thought the stranger.

Tsuna stared at the man. "What are you, deaf?' He asked. The man only continued to gape stupidly. Tsuna shrugged, "Okay. I'll say it again, loudly this time so you can hear it."

The stranger's eyes widened as he panicked and looked around. "W-Wai–"


After that, the stranger was knocked out cold and landed on the ground, face first. Behind him was a ticked off Giotto, with a raised fist.

"Rape my uke and, I. Rage. On. Your. Ass." Giotto growled.

'Glad to know the cheer Tou-chan taught me when I was little, comes in handy.' Thought Tsuna, as he patted the imaginary dust off of his uniform.

"Are you alright?" Giotto asked worriedly. Tsuna smiled and nodded, "I'm alright." Giotto smiled back, relieved. "That's good." He said, kicking the unconscious body a few times.

"Should we just leave him here?" Tsuna asked curiously. Giotto grabbed Tsuna's hand and began walking. "No he's fine where he is." replied Giotto. Tsuna shrugged, "Okay."

Moments later, they finally reached Tsuna's house.

"Thanks for saving me Giotto." Tsuna grinned happily. Giotto nodded, "No pro–" Giotto's eyes widened as Tsuna leaned up and pecked his cheek. Tsuna giggled as Giotto's hand attached itself to Giotto's cheek.

"I'll see you tomorrow!" Tsuna waved as he entered the house. Giotto numbly nodded. The door closed and a grin crept on Giotto's face. 'Score!'

As Giotto was walking home, he passed by the unconscious body. Giotto grinned and kicked the man again. "I'm better than you! I got a kiss on the cheek and you didn't!" He laughed as he pranced away.

Then, he tripped.

Lesson Three


"Alright," Reborn cleared his throat. "In a few weeks, the fall school festival will begin." He said. The students began to murmur and whisper to each other excitedly. Reborn petted Leon as he waited for the chit chat between his students to stop.

Once it died down, he continued, "Of course, each class must participate, including ours. Once we've chosen our theme, we need to fill out this form," He lifted said form, "and hand it in to the student council."

Reborn placed the form among many sheets of paper, on his desk. He let Leon crawl onto his shoulder, and then he grabbed a piece of chalk. "Let's choose our theme, shall we?" Reborn dryly said.

Immediately, hands of many individuals, shot up. Reborn sighed as he picked a girl at the front. "Yes?" He asked. "An art gallery..." She quietly suggested. Reborn nodded and quickly jotted it down on the board. "Next."

"A cafe!"

"Pro wrestling!"

"A photo booth!"

"Karaoke bar!"

"A play!"

"A musical!"

... And the list went on and on.

Moments later, Reborn put down the reduced piece of chalk. "Then it's decided." He sighed. 'How do brats these days come up with so many ideas...' He thought.

"Moving on," Reborn lifted up the form again and waved it around carelessly. "I need a representative for our class. That representative I choose will remain the representative for the rest of the year."

He continued, "For the fall school festival, I need the representative to hand in the form to the student council."

"Keep in mind that the student council is very busy." Reborn stated, as he petted Leon. "Unless you bump into them in the hallways, then the only way is to hand it to them during lunch period. The deadline is today, so be diligent."

Reborn looked around the classroom. 'Which incompetent idiot shall I choose to be the class representative...' He glanced at Gokudera. 'He'll accidentally burn it.' Then, Yamamoto. 'Too busy with baseball to care.'

Then, his gaze landed on Tsuna. '... An idiot. An idiot devoted to his job, that is.' Reborn nodded, as he had finally made up his mind.

"Tsuna, you're the class representative from now on." Announced Reborn. Tsuna looked up, shock written all over his face.

Reborn trudged to Tsuna's desk and handed the brunette the sheet of paper. "I already filled everything and signed it. Just make sure it gets into the hands of either Giotto, G., or Asari, by the end of the day." Instructed Reborn. Tsuna only nodded numbly.

Then, the bell rang.


"Isn't it great Tsuna? You're the class rep now!" Laughed Yamamoto as Tsuna put the form in a folder and placed it in his locker. "Jyuudaime! You are most certainly the best!" Shouted Gokudera, who had stars in his eyes.

Tsuna quietly chuckled. "Thanks guys, though I don't know what I did to get the position..." Yamamoto grinned, "No problem at all!" He replied as they began to walk down the hallway. "By the way," continued Yamamoto, "When are you going to give the form to Giotto-sempai?"

Tsuna hummed as he thought to himself. "Most likely during lunch. There's no chance that I'd bump into him or the other two since they're third years. After all, their classes are held in the other building. " Replied Tsuna.

"I suppose..." Gokudera murmured, "After all, if they're not eating in the cafeteria or the rooftop, then they're most likely eating and working at the same time in the student council office."

Tsuna nodded, "Yup."

They entered the classroom and immediately sat down, seeing as Lal was right behind them.

"Open your textbooks to page 47." She instructed, once everyone settled down. She randomly picked a student, "You. Read that. Now." She demanded. "Your English better be good, or I'll kick your ass."

"Y-Yes m-ma'am." Tsuna stuttered, standing up."U-Uhmm... Thah... appulru... ferrell.. fuhrum... awt... oh... nohwheya... a–"


Lal Mirch's eyes narrowed and her eyebrows began to twitch. The door slammed open and in came Colonello. She turned to the man that interrupted her class. "What the he–"

All of a sudden, he knelt down and grabbed her hand with one hand. The other hand was holding a rose. "Lal..." Colonello murmured. Lal Mirch's cheeks were colored a deep shade of red. "W-What the hell are y–"

"I lahvuh roo." Colonello said, rather serious. Lal's eyebrows shot up curiously. "What?" She asked, apparently not understanding what her husband said. "I lahvuh roo." Colonello repeated, his serious face still intact.

Minutes later, the wheels in Lal's head finally clicked together, and realization hit her. She groaned and face palmed. Colonello paled at her reaction. 'Shit... Did I say it wrong? That's how you say 'I love you' in English right? RIGHT!'


"YOU IDIOT!" Lal shrieked, kicking him across the face and sending him flying out of the classroom. "Hmph." She huffed, crossing her arms. Then, she noticed the rose on the floor.

She picked it up and sniffed it. "At least he has good tastes in flowers..."

Tsuna sat down and he, along with his classmates, all face palmed.

To Tsuna, science was extremely boring. All their science teacher, Verde, talked, or more like ranted, about how science was important to the world and such. Tsuna sighed as he locked his locker after taking out the form.

"I'll see you guys later." Tsuna smiled. Yamamoto and Gokudera nodded. "We'll be on the rooftop as usual." grinned Yamamoto, as he threw an arm around Gokudera's shoulders.

Tsuna grinned back and nodded before turning on his heel and heading down the hallway.

Moments later, Tsuna finally found the student council office. He gently knocked a few times and then waited. Several minutes later, a muffled voice called out. "Come in."

Tsuna opened the door and nearly fell back as the sight before him, shocked him. "Tsuna! What a wonderful surprise to see you here!" grinned Giotto, his head popping out of the many stacks of paper that surrounded his desk.

"... That's a lot of paperwork..." Tsuna noted. Giotto sheepishly grinned as he scratched the back of his head. "It's the beginning of the school year, so we have quite a lot of work to do." He explained, "Once in a while, G., and Asari would help me out. Only after their done their part of the paper work."

Tsuna giggled and nodded. "I see." Giotto flicked a sheet of paper out of his hair. "So, what's up?" He curiously asked. Tsuna took out the form. "I'm here to give you this." Tsuna smiled, moving closer for Giotto to see.

"Oh I see." Giotto reached out, about to take the form. However, as he moved forward, so did his paperwork. Tsuna stared wide eyed as Giotto was consumed by his paperwork.

"On second thought," muffled Giotto's voice. "Bring it home with you today. Tomorrow's a Saturday, so I'll come over after lunch and pick up the form." He said, "Okay, Tsuna?"

Tsuna nodded as he folded the form and put it in his pocket. "Okay."

Before Tsuna opened to door to leave, he peered back. "Are you sure you don't need help?" He asked worriedly.

"No, no, I'm fine!" Replied Giotto's muffled voice. "Don't worry about me! Go and have lunch!" Tsuna nodded, even though Giotto couldn't see it. "Okay." After that, he stepped out of the office, closing the door behind him.

Tsuna yawned as he woke up the next morning. As Tsuna sleepily rubbed one eyes, the other glanced at the clock. "12:33, huh..." He yawned again, stretching like a cat.

Then, something in his head clicked. "Oh my god!" He yelled, falling out of his bed. "Giotto said he'd be here after lunch!" He ran out of his room and into the bathroom. After minutes of doing his daily activities, he ran back to his room and slammed open his closet door.

'... You're kidding me...' Tsuna paled as his eyes slowly widened. His closet was completely empty. Well, not exactly empty. All that was left was a note and a package. Tsuna picked up the note and opened it.


Your closet was a mess and Maman couldn't tell which pieces of clothing were dirty, and which pieces of clothing that were clean. Instead of having Maman go through all the trouble and waste her time washing your clothing, I sent everything to the cleaners.

The clothes won't be done until this evening. Since I have work to do at the school, on my way home, I'll kindly pick up your clothing.

Of course, I left something for you to wear today.

Unless you want to go around in my over-sized clothing, or Maman's feminine clothing, you'll just have to wear whatever I left you.

Deal with it.

- Reborn

Tsuna's eyebrows twitched as he crumpled the paper into a ball. 'Stupid Reborn...' He sighed and picked up the package. Slowly, he opened it.


At the school, Reborn smirked as he heard the shriek. He looked down and continued marking the sheets. 'Always Dame-Tsuna. Always will be.' He concluded.

Back at home, Tsuna gaped at the piece of clothing he was holding in his hands. "... You're shitting me..." Tsuna loudly groaned and he face palmed.

Not wanting to wear Reborn's big clothing and his mother's small feminine clothing, he grudgingly put on the thing that Reborn had left for him. Tsuna blinked, "It fits. Perfectly if I must say so myself."

All of a sudden, his door slammed open. "Tsuna! I'm here to pick... up... the form." Giotto ended lamely as he gaped at Tsuna.

Tsuna blushed as he felt Giotto's eyes roam all over his body. 'So this is what it feels to be molested by eyes...' He thought.

"T-Tsuna... W-Why are you...?" Giotto stuttered, slightly lightheaded, and feeling the blood rushing to his nose. "N-Not that I don't like it... I mean it suits you and I love it." Stated Giotto, wearing a rather serious face.

"R-Really? I mean... Reborn sent all of my clothing to the cleaners and only left this for me... So I don't know if it suits me..." murmured Tsuna, as he fiddled with the hem.

"It's wonderful!" Giotto declared, "It makes me want to bring you to bed and rip it off of you immediately!"

At this, Tsuna's blush turned a deeper shade of red. "U-Uhh..." He stammered, "T-Thanks...?"

Giotto nodded as he looked over Tsuna once more. 'Tsuna in a maid costume is very inviting and tempting... Indeed it is...'

Tsuna fidgeted under Giotto's gaze and began to play with his sleeves. "Oh!" He gasped. Giotto looked at him questionably. "You're here for the form right?" He asked. Giotto nodded. Tsuna smiled, "Let me go find it."

He spotted his bag in the corner and quickly made his way to it. He knelt down and opened his bag, rummaging through it to find the form. "That's odd..." murmured Tsuna, putting pressure in his hands, that were on the floor. "I thought I left it here..."

Giotto however, only gaped. 'Tsuna on all four. Tsuna on all four.' He slapped himself, 'Don't let the temptation get to you! But... But...' He looked at Tsuna again, only to accidentally stare at Tsuna's ass.

Giotto got a nosebleed.

"Ah! I found it!" Exclaimed Tsuna as he waved around the form."Gio–"


"Oh my god! Giotto!"

Giotto fainted.

Lesson Four

Lion Cub

Tsuna looked up from the piece of paper that he was holding in his hand. "This should be the place..." He mumbled, looking back down at the paper, and up again.


"Here." Reborn handed the small piece of paper to the brunette. Tsuna's eyebrows rose in curiosity. "What's this?" Reborn only smiled. Tsuna looked at the paper closely. "An address?"

"That's right." Reborn replied. "I have a meeting tomorrow for the whole day, so I won't be around to help you with your homework. " Explained Reborn. Tsuna slowly nodded, completely dumbfounded.

"So drop by this place tomorrow if you need help okay?" Reborn said, before he continued to eat his dinner.

End Flashback

"...Giotto has a big house..."

Tsuna stepped closer the gate. He stared at the door bell for a few seconds. He slowly rose his arms and poked the button.

Ding~ Dong~ Ding~ Dong~


"Ah, Tsuna?"A voice called out.

Tsuna blinked and looked up, only to see Giotto at the door. Tsuna blushed, "G-Giotto..." He shyly called out. At the door, was Giotto, in nothing but a pair of jeans. Jeans that hung loosely from his hips.

"Hold on, I'll be out in a minute!" Yelled Giotto, running back inside his home. Moments later, Giotto came back out, wearing a t-shirt, and slippers. He jogged to the gate where Tsuna was waiting. Then he opened the gate for Tsuna to enter.

"T-Thank you..." Murmured Tsuna, shyly. Giotto grinned, "No problem at all."

They both headed in Giotto's huge home. "Make yourself at home." Giotto smiled as he took off his slippers. Tsuna timidly nodded as he too, took off his shoes.

Tsuna stepped in to Giotto's living room, and boy, was he amazed. 'Is he like... rich?' He wondered, as he sat down on a fancy looking couch. "So, what brings you here?" Asked Giotto, as the older sat next to Tsuna with two drinks in hand.

Tsuna lifted up the piece of paper with Giotto's address on it. "Reborn had a meeting to go to today, so he told me to come here for help with my homework." Explained Tsuna.

Giotto blinked. Once. Twice. Then, he remembered something.


"You'll be helping my younger brother with his homework over the weekends." Stated Reborn. Giotto blinked, "Excuse me?" He asked, dumbfounded. Reborn rolled his eyes and repeated slowly. "This weekend, I'm busy. So, I'm going to send my little brother over to your home. And what are you going to do? Help him with his homework."

Giotto blinked again. "Oh. Okay. Simple enough." He nodded. "So who is he?" 'Reborn has a little bro?'

Reborn smirked, "You'll find out when he drops by."

Flashback Ends

'Ohhh... So... Reborn's younger brother is Tsuna...' He thought to himself, 'Wait what?' He stared at Tsuna, as if he saw a dancing panda. Tsuna lifted an eyebrow, "Is something wrong?" He asked worriedly. "No, no." Replied Giotto. "Nothing's wrong." He smiled. Tsuna returned the smile, "Okay."

"I'll be right back, with refills." Said Giotto, as he stood up with the two empty cups. "Take out your homework while I'm gone." He instructed. Tsuna nodded, "Okay." As Giotto disappeared in the hallways, Tsuna took out a bunch of books from his school bag.

Giotto, in the kitchen, panicked. 'Holy crap. If he's Reborn's little brother, who knows what Reborn will do to me if he sees me hit on Tsuna!' He thought as he poured some juice into the first cup. Then, Giotto grinned. 'That is. If he DOES see me.'

Back in the living room, Tsuna stared at the thing that was on hibs lap. He blinked a few times and realised that it was a lion cub. A rather small one. Tsuna hesitated a bit, before moving his hand and petting the baby lion.

The cub purred, obviously liking it. Tsuna giggled, obviously amused, and continued to pet the baby lion.

"His name is Nuts."

Tsuna blinked and looked up, only to see Giotto next to him, with refilled glasses of juice in his hands. "Huh?" Tsuna tilted his head a bit, confused. Inwardly, Giotto cursed. 'He's too adorable for his own good...'

"The baby lion," Giotto motioned his head towards said baby lion that was sitting on Tsuna's lap. "His name is Nuts."

"OH!" Tsuna blushed, completely embarrassed by his incompetence. This made Giotto chuckle. Tsuna smiled and continued to pet Nuts, who was still purring, and rubbing his face against Tsuna's hand.

Giotto's eyes narrowed. 'This is my chance!'

While Tsuna was still occupied by Nuts, Giotto's hand slinked around Tsuna and began to go down lower and lower. Tsuna had let go of Nuts to grab his glass and take a sip out of the straw. Nuts trudged off of Tsuna's lap and sat next to Tsuna.

It was dead silent, except for the fact that Tsuna was loudly sipping his juice. After a few seconds, Giotto cried out.


Tsuna turned around and blinked. Giotto was waving his arm around madly and Nuts was biting said arm, not wanting to let it out of its grasp. It was a funny sight to see, but nonetheless, Tsuna sweatdropped as he watched his senior attempt to shake off the baby lion.

'Poor Giotto.' He thought as he continued to sip his juice.

If only Tsuna knew that Giotto attempted to grope him, and that Nuts had caught him in doing so, then maybe he would think otherwise.

Moments later, the phone rang. "Ah, I'll be right back." Muttered Giotto. "You keep working on those equations." He instructed, before walking off to find the phone. Tsuna nodded and he obediantly continued to work on his math homework.

"Hello?" Murmured Giotto as he answered the phone. He leaned on the wall, waiting for a reply from the other end of the line.


"Ah, Reborn. What's up?" Blinked Giotto.

"I'm on my break right now. How's Tsuna doing?" Asked Reborn.

"Pretty good actually." Replied Giotto.

Giotto could hear Reborn chuckle on the other line. "Good, good. Just make sure you don't do anything stupid or perverted to him." Reborn threatened. "If you do, you'll be shitting out bullets tomorrow."

Giotto inwardly panicked. "Of course not!" He cried, "Is that what you think I'll do to him!"



"Watch your language. Do you want more bullets coming out of your ass tomorrow?"


"Yeah, I thought so."

Giotto could hear Reborn yawn on the other side of the line.

"Anyways," Continued Reborn, "I'll drop by to pick him up at around eight o'clock. Got it?"



With that said, Reborn hung up. Giotto sighed as he hung up his phone. He hurried back to the living room, and sat back down next to Tsuna. Looking over Tsuna's answers, he grinned. "Awesome, you got them all right!"

Tsuna blushed, "That's because I have a good teacher here with me." He replied, smiling. Giotto smiled sheepishly and scratched the back of his head. "Awh, thanks Tsuna."

For lunch, they had went out to eat. Tsuna had begged Giotto to bring Nuts with them. Unfortunately for Giotto, Tsuna had pulled out the puppy-dog face, which made Giotto give in.

Even while eating out, Giotto had desperately attempted to touch up Tsuna, seeing as he had run out of ideas to woo the younger, for the day. Sadly, Nuts would always be there to ruin Giotto's advances.

By the time they got back, Giotto had more bandages and bandaids around him. From doing what? Stuff like staring at Tsuna's ass, attempting to touch Tsuna's ass, attempting to grab Tsuna's waist, and much, much more. I'll leave the rest up for you to decide.

Hours later, Tsuna had finally finished his homework.

Giotto glanced at the clock as he stretched his limbs. 6:49 p.m. They still had more time before Reborn would come at eight o'clock to pick up Tsuna. Giotto hummed to himself as he thought of what to do next, with the petite brunette.

"Tsuna, do you want to watch a movie?" He asked. Tsuna looked up and thought to himself. Then, he smiled and nodded. Giotto returned the smile and he headed over to a cabinet filled with movies.

"Come here and pick."

Tsuna nodded and hopped off the couch, with Nuts in his arms. After a few minutes, he finally picked a movie for them to watch. ""Synesthesia" huh?" Grinned Giotto. Tsuna nodded as he petted Nuts.

"Alright then," Giotto motioned to the couch, "Go sit down, and I'll get some drinks." Tsuna nodded again, "Okay." He replied, before going back to the couch. Giotto popped in the DVD and pressed "Play", before heading to the kitchen to fetch the drinks.

During the first half of movie, Tsuna stared at the huge TV screen, completely focused. At the same time, he was sipping up his juice. Giotto lifted a delicate brow, "At this rate, you're going to wet your pants." He chuckled.

Tsuna blushed and he immediately detatched himself from the bendy straw, and put the glass down.

An hour later, they were both asleep, and cuddling with each other. Giotto groaned as he heard the doorbell ring. Gently, he propped Tsuna's head and body against a few pillows.

Then, he jogged out of the livingroom, down the hallway, and to the front door. "Yeah, yeah, I'm opening the door." He grumbled, as he turned and unlocked the locks on the door.

"Yo." Greeted Reborn. Giotto yawned as he checked his wristwatch. 'Woah, it's already eight o'clock?'

Giotto yawned again and let Reborn in. "He's in the livingroom." Mumbled the blond, as he headed to said livingroom, Reborn right behind him. Once they reached the livingroom, Reborn immediately chuckled. Giotto only smiled, although a bit sleepily.

They both walked over to the couch where Tsuna was sleeping on. "He didn't cause you too much trouble did he?" Asked Reborn. Giotto happily shook his head. "Not at all. Today was pretty fun, if I must say so myself."

Reborn nodded, satfisied. "Good to know. With that said, I trust you to take care of Tsuna whenever I'm gone." He stated. Giotto scratched his head, flattered, "Gee, thanks."

Reborn smirked, "No problem at all."

Then, Reborn took a closer look at Giotto.

Reborn rose an eyebrow as he lifted up the sleeping Tsuna. "What happened to you?" He asked. Giotto smiled sheepishly as he looked over himself. He was covered in bandages and bandaids head to toe.

Then, he caught sight of Nuts, and glared and the baby lion. "Nothing. Nothing happened at all." He gritted out from clenched teeth. 'Stupid Nuts. Ruining all of my advances towards Tsuna.'

Said baby lion had a glint in his eyes, as if saying, "Haha, loser." Then, the cub turned around and began to walk with its tail up high.

Reborn shrugged, "Okay then." He re-adjusted Tsuna, "Alright-y, kiddo. Time to go home to Maman." He mumbled to the sleeping brunette.

"By the way," Started Giotto, as they headed to the front door. "I never knew you two were siblings. I mean, you don't look alike." Giotto stated, with his eyebrow up.

Reborn smirked as he stepped out of the mansion "We're not blood-related." He explained, "However, we see each other as siblings, and that's enough isn't it?"

Giotto grinned, "I guess so. But how did you two meet?" He asked again. "I was sent here from Italy as a replacement for his father, Iemitsu, a few years ago. Iemitsu is always busy with work, and never gets the chance to see his wife and Tsuna."

Giotto hummed to himself as he took in the information that had been just given to him. "I get it now." He smiled.

Reborn nodded, "Well then. Good evening." Reborn turned his back and began to walk towards his expensive looking black car. "Bye!" Waved Giotto.

Giotto closed the door and locked it. Then he turned around and his eyes sharpened. "NUTS! WHERE ARE YOU! I'M GUNNA KILL YOU FOR RUINING MY PLANS WITH TSUNA!" He growled.

He ran around the house, but unfortunately, he was jumped by Nuts.


Nuts' eyes twinkled mischieviously.


Lesson Five

Tsuna, Meet the OhGiotto Bar. Giotto, Meet the Ground.

Finally, the day of the school festival had come. Tsuna glared at the costume that was given to him. 'Is it just me, or is this the same costume that Reborn put in my closet?' He thought, rather irritated.

"Who's idea was it to make our class theme, "Maid Cafe"?" He grumbled to himself as trudgingly slipped on the sleeves. "Moreover, why am I the only boy that has to wear this costume!" He whined.


Tsuna looked up and met eyes with Yamamoto.

"That's because the girls don't have enough people to act out as maids." Yamamoto continued. Then, Gokudera who happened to also be there, continued the sentence. "And since Jyuudaime is the only one that's feminine enough to act and fit into these costumes,"

"The class nominated you to fill in!" They chorused together, although a bit too happily.

Tsuna sighed and looked at them warily. His two best friends were wearing aprons and caps, suitable for kitchen duty. 'Well,' Tsuna inwardly shrugged, 'I guess it's better than having to wear embarrassing pink frilly aprons with a bunch of ribbons, with a matching cap that says, "I'll do anything you want, nya~!"'

"Tsu-kun, are you ready?"

Tsuna blinked and yelled back, "I'll be right out, Kyoko-chan!"

"Anyways," He turned back to look at his two grinning best friends. "...Do I really, really, look... Feminine?" He shyly asked them. The grins on their faces widened as they nodded in reply to Tsuna's question. Tsuna whimpered, "Honest?" Once again, they nodded.

Tsuna sighed as he moved the fabric and headed out the make-believe kitchen that was somehow placed in the corner of their classroom.

"Good luck Jyuudaime!"

"Have fun Tsuna!"

"Gee, thanks guys. I will." He sarcastically replied. Deep down inside though, he knew he'd end up having fun. After that, he heard high-pitch squeals. A lot of them. And for sure, they caught his attention.

Or more like, he caught their attention.

He turned around and looked at the many girls that were wearing the same maid costume he was wearing. He slowly backed up as the girls slowly moved towards him, giggling and talking to each other along the way.

"Oh my gosh! He's sooo adorable!"

"Isn't he? Makes me want to bring him home!"

"Kyaaa~! It was a good idea to make him a maid instead of making him do kitchen duty with the other guys!"


Not before long, he was smushed in between the women of his class. "U-Uwahh!" He blushed as he felt a hand go up his skirt. "Hieeee!" He squealed, feeling more hands touch his sides. 'What part of THIS is fun!'

Behind the curtains leading to the kitchen, glared the male section of their class.

"Man, Sawada sure is lucky..."

"I wish I was him..."

"Damn him and his feminine self."

"I wanna be touched up like that too!"

Gokudera and Yamamoto chuckled as they listened to their fellow male students complain. "You look great Tsuna!" Hollered Yamamoto, towards Tsuna, who looked at them immediately. Gokudera nodded and grinned widely, giving two thumbs up.

Tsuna covered his face with his hands and squealed in embarassment. That, however, only made the girls more excited.

"Oh my gosh! Did you see that! That was soooo cuteeee!"

"Do it again, do it again!"


"Alright you damn brats. Quit messing around and get to your spots."

They all looked up and towards the door, only to see a smirking Reborn. Tsuna's blush deepened as he desperately tried to shrink himself away from Reborn's gaze. Reborn glanced at his clock. "The festival will start in ten minutes." He explained, "Keep preparing the cafe. Once the bell rings, the festival will start."

"I'll check on you brats ever thirty minutes." He stated, lazily waving his paperwork around. "Good luck." Then, he left the classroom.

Tsuna sighed, completely relieved that Reborn was gone. 'But,' He groaned, 'He'll be back every thirty minutes...' He whined to himself.

"Giotto, what are you doing?"

Giotto only kept staring through his binoculars that were focused on a certain person, on the other building. "Nothing." He replied absent mindedly. G. lifted a brow. "Doesn't look like nothing." He muttered.

Giotto glanced at G. "Okay, let me rephrase that," He shot back, "None of your business." G. rolled his eyes and grabbed the binoculars. "Gimme that." Ignoring the "Hey!" coming from Giotto, he looked through the binoculars and let his eyes wander.

"I don't see anything special." Frowned G. Then, something caught his eyes. "Ohh..." He grinned, handing the binoculars to Asari. "Well, well, well. Wittle Giotto ish bein' a stalka ain't he?" G. teased. Giotto's cheeks reddened. "I was not!"

"Well," Smiled Asari as he was stared at Tsuna through the binoculars. "If you weren't secretly staring at Tsuna with binoculars, and you say you're not a stalker, what does that make you?" He asked.

Asari's question only made G's grin widen. "Obviously," G. chuckled, "A pervert." Asari nodded in agreement, "Yes, yes. Most likely a pervert." He smiled, handing back the binoculars to Giotto.

"I'm not a pervert either." Giotto growled, swiping at Asari and taking back his binoculars. "Then you're a pedophile." Sniggered G. "I'm not a pedophile either!" Yelled Giotto, completely red-faced.

Then, he slowly looked around the classroom, and caught his classmates staring at him either curiously, dumbfoundedly, or just from disgust, due to his outburst. Embarassed, he sat back down, and tried to shrink himself away from the world.

"Whatever you say," G. murmured, mirth in his eyes. "Pervert." Giotto could only groan as he fiddled with his tie.

Giotto sighed and looked around his class once more. Some of his classmates had costumes in their hands, while others had equipment and such. Giotto sighed again, heavily this time. 'This is going to be a long day...'

Ding ! Ding ! Dong !

The bell hand rang, signalling the start of school, and also the start of the school festival. Tsuna's classroom cheered as they continued to listen to the bell chime loudly. "It's starting, it's starting!" One girl shrieked excitedly.

They all rushed over to the windows and peered their heads out, only to see that the entire school grounds were completely covered by people from all over Namimori. "Woahhh..." Most of the students murmured, fascinated by the number of people that surrounded their school. The rest decided to stand quietly and kept their excitement inside.

Tsuna's eyes widened as he continued to look around the premises of the school. "There's so much people..." He murmured quietly. Yamamoto grinned and Gokudera nodded in agreement.

After a few minutes of sightseeing, the students sat around the classrooms. "Well," Murmured Kyoko, loud enough for the rest of the class to hear. "It'll take a while for people to reach out classroom."

Hana hummed. "Well, what are we going to do now?" She sighed. "We can't just sit here and wait for people to come in."

The rest of the classroom sighed, their minds attempting to rack up something fun for everyone to play while they waited for customers.

"It's no use..." Sighed one girl, after approximately ten minutes of thinking. The rest sighed too, nodding along in agreement. "We might as well just talk while we wait." Murmured a boy. Once again, the rest of the class nodded in agreement.

And they passed time like that. The girls huddled together while holding onto their serving trays, and began gossiping. The guys, plus Tsuna who was the odd one out of the group due to his maid costume, began to chat about guy stuff.

"Ano... Excuse me...?"

All eyes were on the classroom entrance. It was a lovely lady in her early twenties. "Yes?" Smiled Kyoko.

"This is the Maid Cafe, am I right?" asked the lady.

"Yes, it is." Replied Hana.

The lady smiled. "Oh good. I thought I had the wrong room."

Everyone blinked. Customer. She's a customer.

Was all that ran through everyone's head.

Immediately, they all jumped up and started to get to work.

"Please come this way." Smiled Kyoko as she lead the lady to a table. "Thank you." The lady returned the smile.

"Here." Hana gave the menu to her. The lady opened the menu and began to scan through the list of food. "May I have the omelette rice?" She kindly asked. Kyoko and Hana nodded. "Yes of course." They smiled.

"Yamamoto-kun! One omelette rice!" Kyoko notified said baseball maniac . "Yes ma'am! Coming right up!" He cheerfully replied back.

After approximately fifteen to twenty minutes after their first customer had come in, their cafe was visited by more people. One by one, they came in, sat down, and looked at the menu.

"Welcome to our Maid Cafe!"

"Two seats? Please come this way!"

"Here's your salad! Please enjoy!"

"Ah, tea? Coming right up!"

"Thank you! Please come again!"

That was how most of the day went, as Tsuna and his classmates served their customers with love and care.

"Tsuna! You can go on your break right now!" Yamamoto called from where the make-shift kitchen was. "Okay! Thanks!" Tsuna replied back and went to the empty room that was connected to their class to change out of his maid uniform to his normal school uniform.

"Take your time and enjoy your break and the festival." The class representative smiled, "You deserve it." Tsuna grinned, "Thanks!"

"I'll be back soon!" He said, waving, as he left the cafe. The rest of his classmates replied with an, "Okay!"

"Hmm," Giotto quietly hummed to himself as he wandered around with a chocolate bar in his hands. He blinked. "Ah."

He squinted his eyes, attempting to focus his eyes on a certain someone that was sitting on a bench. "Isn't that Tsuna?" He wondered to himself. "It is!" He grinned. "Hey Tsuna!"

Tsuna looked up from the book he was reading and stopped sipping on his fizzy melon drink. "Giotto-sempai...?" He murmured quietly.

"Hey Tsuna!" Giotto called again, this time waving his chocolate bar around. "Would you like to have an OhGiotto bar!"

Tsuna's brow cocked. 'A chocolate bar named after him?'

"Once you bite it," Giotto continued, "You go, "OHHHHHHHHHHHH GIOTTOOOOOOO!""

Tsuna's eyebrows twitched and his cheeks began to turn pink. Giotto grinned. Tsuna slammed his book closed. Giotto's grin slowly disappeared, and his eyes began to widen. Tsuna threw his textbook at Giotto, causing it to collide with Giotto's face, which caused Giotto's face to meet the ground.

"Oh baby...?" Giotto quietly groaned, his twitching fingers letting go of the chocolate bar.

Tsuna sighed as he slowly picked up his textbook, along with the chocolate bar. He opened up the wrapper and began chewing on the chocolate bar. "Thanks sempai." He smiled, "I was getting hungry too."

Giotto's grin returned as he sat up. "No problem." He said, rubbing his aching nose.

"Anyways," Giotto stood up, "You're on your break right now, am I right?" He asked. Tsuna nodded as he finished up the chocolate bar.

Giotto smiled, "Let's go on a date."

Tsuna's face flushed pink. "D-Date...?"

"Yep." Giotto nodded, his smiling growing wider. He grabbed Tsuna's hands. "Let's go." He grinned. "A-Ah!" Tsuna's face turned a deeper shade of red as the two ran to the center of their schoolyard, where most of the festival's attractions were.

"Are you still hungry?" Giotto asked. Tsuna shook his head, "N-" He was interupted by his growling stomach. "U-Uwahh..." Tsuna blushed, holding his stomach with his free hand.

Giotto laughed, "What would you like to eat?"

Tsuna looked around, and then pointed at a takoyaki stand. He looked at Giotto, "That."

'He's so cute...' Giotto's cheeks turned pink but he quickly forced it back down.

Giotto nodded and grinned, "Alright. Let's go eat some takoyaki then!"

As the two walked to the takoyaki stand, hand in hand, they recieved stares from the people around them.

"Oh my gosh! Look, they're so cute together!"

"Heehh, so things like this existed? It's just like a manga, haha."

"They look so good together, the president and that freshman!"

"Uwahh, that brunette is blushing! So cute!"

True enough, Tsuna was blushing, and he was blushing madly. Giotto held onto Tsuna's hand a little tighter, and he smiled at the brunette. Tsuna immediately looked away, but nonetheless, he shyly smiled. Knowing that Tsuna was smiling, Giotto's grin widened.

For the rest of the day, the two boys never let go of each other's hands as they walked around their school, enjoying the time they spent together.

"Ah, isn't that Tsuna?" Yamamoto asked his classmates from where he was standing. The rest ran towards their classroom's windows. "It is!" Kyoko squinted her eyes. "And he's with Giotto-sempai too!"

Then, the girls began squealing. Loudly. "They're holding hands!"

"WHAT!" Gokudera literally planted his face against the window.

"Awhhh! They're sooo cute!" cooed the girls.

Gokudera however, was on the floor and twitching. Yamamoto knelt down and began poking Gokudera's cheek. "Maa, maa Gokudera! They actually look cute, in my opinion." He grinned. Gokudera could only whimper quietly. "The tenth... Defiled...!"

"By the way Tsunayoshi-kun..."

"Yes sempai?"

"Can I see you in that maid costume again?"



A minute later.



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