°chapter fifteen°

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School was canceled for rest of the month. Students had to do online schooling and had to stay in their dorms and only leaving for essential things. While teachers got the month off. Students were given work online from teachers but most decided just do it last minute.

So the seven teachers stayed home. Isolating themselves from the world and with they're animals. Namjoon and Jin decided to stay at Jin's place together with their animals because neither of them wanted to be alone. Taehyung and Jungkook of course were stuck with eachother in Jungkook's apartment with their animals. They just watched TV and played videos games all day since they never had anything to do. Most schools had student's on video calls but not them, luckily.

Unfortunately, Jimin, Yoongi, and Hoseok were stuck at home by themselves. They video chatted all the time due to loneliness. Yoongi never really cared about being alone but he did enjoy talking with Jimin and Hoseok. At home he only had his dog, Min Holly. Jimin had no animals so he suck by himself completely so he felt happy being able to speak with Hoseok and Yoongi. He envied them for having animals and wished he gotten a dog or cat before self isolation but it was too late.

"I wish had someone here, ugh." Jimin pouted. "Yeah, me too but I got Mickey and I talked to you do I've been good." Hoseok giggled while looking at the younger fondly through the phone. "I want to cuddled or something. No human contact is driving me insane. I can't even be with my soulmate."

"Taehyung?" Jimin nodded in response. "We went to the same highschool when we were younger. We were bestfriends and then he met Ken and just drifted off." Jimin bit his lip and looked down sadly, the old sad memories flooding in one by one. "But he's back now. And I think him and Kook have something going on. Jungkook will make sure nothing happens. I promise. He'll keep him safe."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, Kooks a muscle pig. He can handle himself." Jimin giggled, smiling happily once again. "Yeah, I guess so. But I'm gonna smack him next time he messes with me for my height. He's shorter then one of our students, Soobin. But has the audacity to make fun of me."

"Soobin is taller than you aswell."

"I will throw hands with you, shut up." He glared through the phone. "You can't even come see me so ha!" Hoseok laughed tautly. "Fine then I'll stop talking to you and I'll only talk to Yoongi."

"No! Wait, I'm sorry!"

"Mkay." He rolled his eyes. "Jimin~" he pouted. "I am really sorry. Please don't leave me alone." He begged. "Okay, fine, Hobi. Just because I love you."

"I love you too." He smiled that beautiful heart shaped smile. "I wonder what Tae and Kook are doing." Hoseok said. "Me too. They've been silent other then a few post here and there every once in a while."

"Probably making out." Hoseok suggested. "God no. I don't want to imagine people making out, especially them two." Jimin scrunched up his face in disgust and he thought about the two younger ones kissing. "Why? Is it gross to you?" He asked. "No, I just don't want to imagine it because to me they're my babies. To me they're children."

"Oh, okay I get that. But they're grown men, Jimin. They make their own decisions. Who knows they could be having sex right now." Hoseok chuckled once again to seeing the disgust from on Jimins face. "Ew god no. I'm too innocent for this."

"What? Speaking of them doing the deed. I'm Who would be top or bottom? To be honest I could never figure out with them. Maybe Kook since he goes to gym and just seems like a top." He rants. "Uh, what? Taehyung is obviously top. Just because Jungkook works out means nothing. He probably bottoms or is at least a switch."

"Proof? No you got none other then the fact Taehyung is your soulmate."

"Yeah, but Jungkook is my bestfriend and he's the shy type in bed. Or at least I think so. He can't even look at a girl without getting scared." Hoseok bursted out laughing. After the laughter died down he asked Jimin another question.

"How would you know that he's shy in bed?"


Gotta love them Unus Annus memes.
I'm obviously a big fan of them.

But bitchhh my fucking book got over 1k fucking views like omg I'm so fucking happy. I only started them at the end of December because of an Instagram post by another bts fan and it gave me so many ideas that made me start this. Thank you.

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