°chapter seventeen°

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[ M e s s a g e s ]


Jungkook was worried. Very worried. He had been receiving messages from a blocked number. He didn't know who it was but obviously had suspicions on who the hell it was. They would say horrible and cruel things and it was getting to Jungkook. He usually ignored things like that but everything was piling on so much. He couldn't handle it and he just wanted to cry while reading the messages. He didn't tell Taehyung because he thought it was his fault.

His fault that someone was telling him he wasn't important, just a rebound, ugly, fat, and a pussy for not stepping up and protecting Taehyung. They'd even call him weak and they'd try to pressure him to do things he didn't want to do but he never did those things.

So he just stayed quiet and didn't really come out his room. He slept all day in room.

Taehyung was scared for him. So as any normal person he decided to steal his phone to see what was wrong, and he found everything. Jungkook didn't delete a single thing. He saw the messages and he recognized how they talked but it didn't seem like Ken. Like someone else. Another old friend of Ken's. A girl. Lia. That wasn't her real name but no one knew what he real name even was so she told them to calm her that instead.

Taehyung knew it was her but the way she talked. She wasn't from Korea, she was born and raised in England but came to Korea to get to know the culture because she was half Korean.

They use to text each other all the time and he use to tell her about the abuse he faced when with Ken but she told him that it'll get better over time and that Ken loved him and was just having hard time. Taehyung of course being a forgiving and sweet person believed her. Not knowing she was telling Ken everything.

Soon enough Ken came to Taehyung and confronted him. Accusing him of cheating in him with Lia or at least trying to. Ken ended up calling Taehyung a liar and beat him until he couldn't stand and fell unconscious. He was so alone. So lonely. Ken isolated him for his friends and family. He didn't have any friends and Ken would take away his phone, regularly.

He was miserable. Now Jungkook is too. And it's all his fault. At least he believes that. If we didn't meet then he wouldn't be in so much pain. Why can't he tell me how he's feeling? Does he not trust me? My baby is suffering and won't tell me. It's my fault.

His mind was rushing and all he wanted to do was comfort Jungkook. Make him feel better. Make him feel loved. He was slowly falling in love with Jungkook and wasn't even realizing it. Over the past few years they have known each other he never thought they'd be friends and only acquaintances. Boyfriends was far from his expectations of their relationship. They were colleagues in the beginning for a few years and now they practically live with each other and theirs more then enough sexual tension between the two.

It was obvious to others their relationship was much more then just bestfriends, or friends trying to help each other out. Much more. But they both claim they're just friends, nothing more.

But the feeling when near each other was something new and unfamiliar. Something new. Neither knew what the feeling but wanted more of the feelings.

Taehyung went to Jungkook and woke him up, it was hard but he managed. He sat next to Jungkook and looked down at the tired boy. "Hi, Kookie."

"Tae, what's wrong?" He eyes barely open with bags under. "We should talk." And at those words Jungkooks shoot open and sat up quickly, worried. "About what? Did I do something wrong? If so let me fix it please?!" He was in a panic, speaking really fast and practically out of breath.
"Baby, calm down and breathe. You didn't do anything wrong."

"Then what's wrong?"

"I went through your phone which is wrong because you deserve your privacy but I was scared and so I looked at your messages and I found something. Someones been harassing you and you've been hurting and it took way too long to notice. I'm so sorry that I didn't notice, well I did but I didn't really know what to do. I'm still sorry. But baby, just know that what they were saying wasn't true. You're beautiful. Your weight doesn't matter to me even if you were overweight even though it's good to be healthy. You're not a rebound, you so special and important. And I love you for that. It is hard to have self love for ones self but we can still try. I'm still learning self love and it's so fucking hard. You're not weak. You're one of the strongest people I know and surviving this will make you stronger. Just please know I'm here for you, I'm more the just any friend or colleague." Jungkook felt like the weight on his shoulders were lifted and free. He was relieved. All that stress from the last two weeks was so much. "Taehyung, thank you. I'm sorry for not telling you. I really am. You're so good to me and I should've told you but I felt like it was my fault since I didn't ignore them-"  His eyes watered up, his hands covered his face while putting his head down.

"Baby, it's okay. It's not you fault. You have nothing to be sorry about." He pulled the youngers hands away from his face and grabbed his chin and raised it. Staring into his eyes. Holding his chin firmly. Jungkook tried to put his head back down but Taehyung wouldn't let him.

"Look at me." His eyes looked all over Taehyungs face in wonder. His doe eyes big and innocent. "I'm looking." He said sassily and pouted. "I love you, Jungkook." His eyes widen in shock. Eyes shined brightly with joy.

"Taehyungie, I love you too."


Hi there. It's late. I know. Hope you like this. I know I'm clown dudes. Cya next Monday!

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