°chapter thirteen°

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Everyone was at home when they got the news that Hoseok was found unconscious and barely breathing but was taken to the hospital after an anonymous call was made to the police.

Yoongi was the first to get the call since he was Hoseoks emergency contacts afterwards he started calling everyone else.

Everyone rushed to the hospital not knowing how bad Hoseoks condition really was.

He was beaten, choked, and even spit on. He was barely breathing when he was found but luckily some students found him but were traumatized in the process. They were just looking for a good time but instead found they're unconscious teacher. They immediately called the police and were questioned but had alibis, they were out immediately.

Hoseok suffered from three broken ribs, multiple bruises to the face, and a broken wrist. He had multiple cuts to his chest and arms suggesting self defense. There were foot prints on his shirt which meant he was stomped on.

He went down fighting and survived. He was still unconscious though. Everyone was standing around his sleep body, hoping he'd just wake up.

The police were talking to doctors and were waiting for poor Hoseok to wake up to ask him who hurt him. The six boys knew who did this. No one spoke to them due to Jimins uncontrollable crying and shaking. Everyone tried to confront him but it didn't work until Yoongi held him and told him to be strong for the elder. The police decided to hold off for a while to let the six calm down.

"Ken did this, that son of a b-bitch." Taehyung croaked out. His face wet with tears that finally stopped flowing. "Why though? Is he really that desperate to get you back?" Yoongi asked. "I think so. He's the only person I know who would do something this bad. Hoseok probably didn't give in to what he wanted and decided to kill him."

"Would he really go that low?"

"He'd go so low to rape me so yes he'd go that low." Taehyung spit out. Jaw clenched angrily. Everyone looked at him wide eyed. "I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to-"

"No, don't apologize. You didn't hurt Hobi or me. But it's m-my fault. If I had just gave in then Hobi wouldn't be here in the hospital practically on his death bed." Taehyung didn't realize he was crying again until his vision got blurry from the tears. "W-why did he have to g-go after Hobi and not me? Why hurt someone innocent and not me? I caused this. This is all my fault. Hobi would be awake and laughing and smiling proudly if this hadn't happened. I should've gave in." He broke down and fell to his knees, covering his face with his hands. He couldn't handle this anymore. So much guilt. So much pain, sadness, and anger. Taehyung had never did anything malicious a single day in his life and neither did Hoseok, then why did this happen to them? Why is Ken torturing Taehyung by hurting his friends who he considered family? Is he is just pure and utter evil?

"Taehyungie-" a soft spoken voice came from behind Taehyung and hugged him. "This is not your fault. Please, please don't blame yourself. Taehyung, we love you. You didn't anything to anyone. Don't listen to Ken. Don't fall into his trap. He wants to you to come back by hurting us. Don't let him have that power over you, please. I love you too much to keep watching you do this to yourself."

"Jungkook- but it is my fault- if I would've given in then H-Hobi wouldn't be like this." Jungkook tightened his grip. "No, this isn't your fault. He's using you. Don't let him have power over you. Taehyungie, stop thinking that way."

He turned around and hugged Jungkook back, tightly. "I love you, Jungkook." He squeezed him even tighter. "Finally." They heard a tired voice from behind. "Hobi!" Jimin screamed happily.

They turned around to see their sunshine wake up smiling. "Hobi, oh my god! You're awake!" All six boys went to hug him. "Be gentle please." He chuckled out. They released their grip and smiled at him. "We should go get the doctor." Namjoon let the boys to get a doctor. "Hi guys, so is Taekook finally a thing?" He asked smirking.

"Huh? Hobi, this isn't about us this is about you. And also mind your business." Taehyung said jokingly while Jungkook blushed. "Did Ken do this to you?" His smile dropped and he nodded. "He wanted me to convince you to be with him. I wouldn't cave in. He beat me and choked me until I passed out. Those kids saved my life." He sounded tired, his eyes were droopy. "Hoseok, I'm your doctor. Doctor Kim Heechul. The police would like to talk to you and your friends, separately. Everyone, please leave the room."

They left the room and spoke to the police. They told him about Ken and what he had done to Taehyung and Hoseok. The police had their statements and left. He's their number one suspect for now.

"Visiting hours are over. You all can come tomorrow at nine." Doctor Heechul led them out the room. "Thank you doctor. We'll be here tomorrow. Is he gonna be alright?" Namjoon asked. "He'll be fine. We will have a police officer watching him at all times of the day for his safety." He reassured them. "Good to know."


Four of the boys sat in Jins livingroom, silently. Television was off. Jungkook was passed out with his head of Namjoons lap. Jimin and Yoongi went home.

"Guys, we should talk about this." Jin spoke out. Namjoon was petting Jungkook head and looking down at him. "We should." Namjoon looked at Jin. Taehyung next to Jin but he was sitting on his phone.

He peeked from behind it. "Yes Taehyung, this includes you." Jin chuckled as Taehyung groaned with annoyance. "Fine." He put his phone down on his lap and pouted. "Let's talk. What about Kook?"

"Let the baby sleep, Taehyung."

"Okay, what we should we talk about?" He asked. "Jimin and Yoongi didn't know what happened to you and you told them." Jin looked worried. "You told them. You were angry."

"I was, I am. I'm still angry. I'm angry at Ken. He hurt Hobi. He hurt one of my bestfriends. To be honest I thought he was gonna go after Jungkook so I stayed but Kooks side but he went after Hobi instead. He'll never stop until the police get him or he gets me but even if he did get me back he'd hurt me over and over again. I won't fucking let him. I won't let him hurt Kook either. He'll be a dead man if he dares." His deep voice sending chills through Jin and Namjoons backs. "Wow, okay then. So protective. You really like him." Jin joked trying to calm down the mood.

"So what? I just want to protect him. He's my baby of course I just want to take care of him and show him how much I love him after all he's done for me." Namjoon laughed at Taehyungs comment. "Aww you love him~, he feels the same don't worry." Namjoon teased. "Shut up." He pouted. "I'm too tired for this."

"You and Kookie can stay here for the night. So can Namjoon. The baby is already asleep so might as well let him stay that way. He can become cranky. Jin rolled his eyes. "Trust me Jin, I know. I practically live with him."


I hope you guys enjoyed this. Sorry about not updating last week.

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