chaper 1

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I looked out the window and looked up at the glossy blue sky and rollled down my window to see a bit more of my new home and saw the sun trying to escape the captiveness of the clouds and a slight chill lustered through the air and i wrinkled my nose as some dust gone by it i took one last look at the sky and rolled my window up as i noticed my dad watching me throught the rear view mirror  he began to speak,"youll like it here there are many things to love about this place like its stores and malls and its educaton" he said . i gave him a fake smile and just looked down at my lap i hope he's right i said to myself we finally arrived at our house i got out of the car and leaned against it to take in the view. Not too shabby it was three stories it had cream coloured shingles and it was a tan-coloured house my brother zoomed past me and ran into the house i followed closely behind him , sure moving may have not been the best thing but i was still excited to see my mom and dad chuckled at the sight when they came in they told us all the rooms were upstairs and were furnished. i grabbed my 5 suitcases ( with some help of my dad ) and literally ran i took a glimpse of my room it had queen sized bed to the side with white coloured sheets and a white coloured blanket with some pink flowers in the design, to the side of the bed was a small white wooden night stand i looked up at the wall and saw 4 inspirational words hung on it "live,love'dream and finally hope i smiled my parents knew me so well , my parents smiled and said "you havent seen the best part of it" in synch. They opened a hidden door covered in a curtain and lost my breath at the sight it was my own personal bathroom and beside it a walk in closet with like a million hangers and racks for my shoes. i took a look at the bathroomand saw a shower with glass walls a curtains to surrownd it in case anyone walks in and a marble counter to hold the shiny sink and finally looked at the toilet siting right there i turned to my parents and gave them huge hug "thankyou!!!!" i squealed. after that i went to check out my little bros' roomhe had a batman poster on his wall along with some other weird super hero and a bunk along with a desk  and finally a bookshelf i noticed something else there a tiny box,then it hit me literally my little brother slapped me with one of his action figures i screamed at him but then quickley  turned to my parents to ask what it was and as i thought it was a dumbwaiter that lead anywhere in the house except the bedrooms(excluding his)  i thought that was pretty fair . Maybe moving here wont be as bad i thought .

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