Chapter 11: Depression

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*Shotarou's Pov*

He was...DEPRESSED...

I can't believe this had happened...

It makes perfect sense...

Ichigo's sudden behavior...

The phone calls...


How did I not noticed earlier....?

Ichigo has been suffering through peer pressure. selfish bastard. You've gone too far. I'll never forgive you for this.

Me: Ichigo...Tell Me.... what's going on?...what is Kyou making you do...? How is Auntie involved...Please...tell me...


Ichigo looked frightened. He clammed up and his mouth was twitching. He was deathly afraid of telling me...

Especically with Kyou's threat hanging over his shoulder.

Me: Don't worry. Kyou's not here...You can tell me. What will be said in these bathrooms. I won't tell no one...


Me: Promise.

Ichigo: Okay....

He took a quick look around the bathroom stalls, almost as if to make sure no one else was inside listening to our conversation.

Noticing that there was no one else, he then turned to me and explained...

Ichigo: Remember how you my mother was doing...

Me: Yeah...

For some reason, I didn't like where was conversation was going...

Ichigo: I...lied....My Mom is not okay...

Me:......Go On...

Ichigo: E-Ever since Dad died when we were young. My mother started working full-time jobs to try and support the two of us. But...some weeks mother suddenly collasped from overworked...that's why I left school early that day...

Me: Oh My God...

Ichigo: It gets worst from there...I did not noticed. Everytime when she came home, Mom was always smiling. Telling me how her day was and would cook for the both of us. But that's when I noticed the signs.

Me: The signs...

Ichigo: Day By Day...her health deteriorate, such as losing weight and not getting enough sleep...I offered to help Mom by getting a part-time job to help support but this is what she told me...


"Thank you sweetie, I appreciate the help but don't worry about it...Just focus on school for now~!"

"...Okay Mom! Be careful~! Remember your health..."


Ichigo: She didn't watch her health. She made a huge mistake working 14 hours that day. No breaks. Overtime. Then...she came home...and collapsed on the front door in front of me when I came to greet her.

Me: Auntie...

Now that I think about it...My Mom had recently said Auntie was in the hospital some time ago. But I wasn't listening...I was too busy focusing on Ichigo to not hear anything.

God...I feel really guilty...

Ichigo: That's not the worst part...I got word from the doctor that because of Mom's lead to a range of physical health the moment, she's suffering from a disease called CCVD.

Me: W-What's that?

Ichigo looked ready to cry...

Ichigo: She's eother suffering from Cerebrovascular and cardiovascular. They're the type of diseases that has been recognized as a cause of sudden death from overwork.

Me: Oh God....Poor Auntie...

It's lucky that she was able to survive such symptoms after collasping.

Me: The doctor is helping her...right...?

Ichigo:....They're keeping her at the hospital for now...they say they could be able to save her if they can perform a surgery to help fix her lungs. But that's where I come in...


Ichigo: My Mom....medical fees are very expensive...they say we either have to pay up for the surgery...or they will have to cut her off of life support.

My eyes went wide by the news.

Me: T-They can't do that!!!

Ichigo: That's what I thought... that's when I realized...who was in charge of the hospital...Kyou's Dad...


Ichigo: Since I couldn't get any help but any relatives and finding a job was hard nowadays. I had no choice but to go to him...He was already aware of my situation....


Kyou: Ahhhh~! That's too bad. Your mother's medical bills are that high? You need the money? Poor you~!

Ichigo: P-Please...I'll do anything...

Kyou: Anything~~~?

Ichigo knew from the evil smirk Kyou was giving him...he was gonna regret saying that...

Ichigo: Yes....I do what you say...without question...(This is for you Mom...just hang on...)

-End Flashback-

Me: Ichigo....

Ichigo made a sad smile...

Ichigo: So...that's my story...up until now...I've been Kyou's personal chore boy. I have been working hard and providing for his unsanitary order to make fast money...But...

Ichigo falls to his knees...

Ichigo: I'm so stupid...I'm so stupid...I knew he's not going to keep his end of the bargain. One way or another, he's going to make me suffer through Mom...I...don't know what to do...our family owes so much to the Kosaka Hospital...

He had no confidence or self- consideration....

Tears started pouring down his face...

"I'm scared..."

"I'm so scared....."

"Mom is going to die..."

"No One Is Going To Help Me..."

"No One....NO ONE!!!!"


This explained everything that eas going with him...

It's no wonder he didn't tell me anything...

Because he was scared of losing his Mom...

So he was forced to do every unreasonable demand Kyou told him to do...

Even if he did the chore right, he would be subjected to be beaten and bullied by Kyou or his cronies.

Tears pour down my own face as my best friend broke down right there...What should I do...If I go after Kyou, it will just make things worst...

If I or Ichigo tell somebody...

This is a crime! He and his mother are being blackmailed, bullied, and beaten up by them!

Our classmates nor teacher will help...

Last thing we need is unnecessary rumors and backlash.

Going to the police won't help either!

Kyou will try to get the Hospital to cut his Mom off the life support.

Is there anything we could do...?


We're just...two boys...

Two broken boys...

Who had no idea what to do......


The only thing I could do was pull Ichigo into a hug as he cried beneath me.

Me: I'm sorry...I'm so sorry...I:m sorry for being a terrible friend...






"I want to see HATRED on your face~!"

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