Chapter 17: How Quaint...

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A/N: I like making chapters very confusing as possible.

*Shotarou's Pov*

My mind was blank for a couple of minutes as they slowly try to process the words Miyoshi-Senpai told me.


Doesn't see him as a friend...?

Why? Since when...?

Miyoshi and Kanata got along just fine...

But...that was when...he was still that he's gone, the two of them are now ignoring each other more than usual.

Everytime he sees him, Miyoshi would strike a small glare at him.

Kanata-kun hardly does anything. I hope he not feeling uncomfortable.

Miyoshi nor Yusuke have yet to apologize to him.

But none of them made a move yet.

Poor Kanata-kun...

I'm still puzzled though...

Kanata...never saw Miyoshi-Senpai as a friend...?

I...just don't know what I should do...

Should I continue to try and support Kanata-kun...?

Or should I start to see the things that Miyoshi and Yusuke are pointing out about him.


My friends....

Why am I doubting my friends...?


Yusuke: Yo! Shotarou!

Me: Hm? Oh! Yu-chan!

....Strange....It felt strange Calli Yusuke "Yu-chan"...

The only one who called him that was him...


Why am I referring my beloved childfriend friend as "him". I know his name...



Me: You....

Yusuke: Tch.

Wow...I'm surprised. I was half-expecting him to snap some more at me.

Yusuke: You still hanging around green-eyed monster?

Green eyed monster? Is he talking about Kanata-kun? Last time I checked, his eyes are green.

Me: Yes...?

Yusuke: Tsk.

He clicked his tongue in annoyance. Almost like mentioning Kanata-kun to him ticks him off.

Correction, almost everything ticks him off.

At least he ain't Bakugo Katsuki.

Yusuke: I thought I told you to stay away from him.

I frowned at him.

Me: Yusuke. I appreciate you saying this for my sake but...who are you to tell me who I should or shouldn't hang out with.

Yusuke: Ehhh? Looks whose trying to act tough. Here, I thought you was a wimp that always have be someone's ass kisser.

I glared at him for a moment before he gave me a few items from the plastic bag he had in his hand.

Yusuke: Here...

Oh? Oh! It was my limited edition of manga I let him borrow some time ago. How could I forget these...?!

Me: Thanks!

Yusuke: Whatever. Thanks for letting me borrow them. I gotta say...Boku No Hero Academia really suit my taste.

Like I said before, at least he ain't Bakugo.

A/N: Yusuke's personality is inspired off of Bakugo but is more of a tsundere.

Me: We should go get some more JUMP later.

Yusuke: Hell yeah! We could go now!

Me: Class will start soon...

Yusuke: Tch. Now there you go, killing the mood.

???: You too...?

We both looked behind us to see Miyoshi-Senpai.

Yusuke: There you are, Four Eyes.

Miyoshi: I would appreciate it if you didn't me that.

Yusuke: I say whatever the fuck I want.

Miyoshi rolled his eyes.

It was pretty surprising. Without Kanata-kun, these two seem to really be at ease. Making small conversation like a regular people. Despite Yusuke's bashful nature.

Miyoshi: BTW, Yusuke-kun...You been studying for the mock exams, correct?

Yusuke: Yeah yeah, four eyes. Don't remind me.

Miyoshi:.....You have haven't you?

Yusuke: Maybe I did. Maybe I didn't. None of your business?

Miyoshi: How are you ever going to finish high school if you continue to skip?

Now that he mentioned it, now that I think about it, Yusuke was supposed to be the same year as Miyoshi-Senpai but he got held back and is still in his second year.

Since no one else...not even the teachers wants to help Yusuke out...

Miyoshi-Senpai is the only one trying his best to help him so he won't repeat another grade.

Even if he doesn't look like it, but I think Yusuke is grateful. He just has a hard time showing it.

Yusuke: Like I said four eyes. I'll be alright.

Miyoshi: But you still need to study for English. Japanese Literature. Math. Chemistry. Also...How did you fail in art again?!


He quickly takes off down the hall before Miyoshi-Senpai could give him another lecture.

Said Senpai gave a small sigh and a shake of a head watching Yu-chan run away.

He then turned his attention to me.

Miyoshi: Looks like class is about to start. I should get going. Those mock exams aren't going to do themselves next week.

Me: Yeah. See you later.

Miyoshi: Oh...Before I go...Shotarou-kun...?

Me: Yeah...?

Miyoshi-Senpai made a small blush, he started twiddling his thumbs trying to find the right words...but overblown by stuttering them out.

Miyoshi: I-Is it o-o-okay if I visit your home to h-help you s-s-study?!


"Why...? Why did you do this to me...?

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