Chapter 28: I Can't Trust Anybody Anymore...

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*Shotarou's Pov*

This time, I've listen to Yusuke's story. It's quite ironic through. I thought I knew my friends well but like always I'm finding out another dark secret.

Yusuke: Hey...Do you know...I'm not like every other boy.

Me: Huh?

Yusuke:....I like cute things...ya know the type of things girls like...

Me: Oh...? OH!

That actually explains a lot about the pink cupcakes and sailor moon which is of course, a magical girls manga.

I don't know much about girls besides the fact that they like makeup, pretty dresses, gossip, talking about their feelings, what boy they like, shopping, etc.

Most of that was indeed what girls were into nowadays.

Yusuke: I...really like cute things... However, no one accepted me because of that...


Yusuke: Once my old man found out, he abandoned our family...his final words before he left were...

"I refuse to have a son who acts like a faggot"

Oh My God....

Yusuke: Yeah. His words hit close to home. He told me that either drop every girly thing I like and maybe he'll consider coming back. But I've decided I don't need him. If he wanted to leave me over one of most littlest things. Let him. Because as far as I know. He's not family.

Me: What about your mother...?

Yusuke: Tch. After the old man left. She started drinking. Sometimes she ignores me. Other times, she decides to beat the shit of me...I HATE HER. Everytime soemthing goes wrong. She feels the need to blame me for it.

Me: Yusuke...Did you ever tried to get help from someone...?

Yusuke gave me an annoyed look...

Yusuke: Don't you think I've tried. Relatives ignored me! Teachers here don't do fuck! And everyone else here either mocks me for what happend at the game or run away from me because of my delinquent behavior. The rumors also gotten worst that day when they thought I've killed that girl! I didn't do it! Neither did four eyes! That bitch pinned the blame on us! Another reason why I don't trust woman! The whole reason why I'm so angry because of my shitty life!!!

Because that's the thing...People pretend to nice to you until they figure out what kind of person you truly are, then they either take advantage of you or just decide it be best they want to fucking kill you!


Yusuke punched the mirror which now had cracks in them.

Yusuke: Sometimes I wonder...why me...? Why pick on me?! What did I do to deserve this?! It's their fault right?!
I just...I just...

Me:...You wanted to be accepted...You wanted to be yourself. one gave you that chance...did they....

Yusuke's body begin to twitch...

The tears had finally decided to fall and he finally confessed his feelings...

Yusuke: I'm not an invincible person...


Yusuke: I'm weak...I'm cowardly...I'm unsure...I'm the type of person who runs away from his problems instead of facing them head on. I don't have confidence nor do I trust myself! The only thing I can just get angry...and feel the need to blame people...I know it doesn't excuse anything but....I....don't know what to do...I don't know how to trust anybody... That's why I push you and so many others away...Because everytime I try...I get betrayed in the end...

Me: Yu-chan....

Yusuke: For that, everyone thinks I'm some complete asshole incapable of love or feel anything besides anger!!!


An abused mind will always wonder when the other shoe will drop. Yes, they are nice to me now, but when will that ever end? What do they want out of it? Because people can't be nice without a reason, they always have something they want. And if we open up and start trusting the person and they suddenly abuse that trust - then that will hurt and it will reinforce the mindset that other people are not trustworthy.

So of course, Yusuke wouldn't trust Kanata for just being nice...because he knows he wants something out of it.

To everyone, Yusuke was a bullied loner with a bad reputation and horrible family situation with the possible chance of being an accident murderer to Seira Komori.

This is basically another example...

Since he was abused since he was a child by his own mother. He tried to do what any other abused child would do. Children grow and survive by using skills the brain itself use as defensive mechanism. They can fawn, in other words, appease the abuser and other people by pleasing them in different ways in order to both be safe and/or receive attention disguised as love. Other times, it's dissociation also known as flee.

In other words, run away from home.

There are more but basically it's common for abused children to lose trust in adult figures specially.

In Yusuke's case, the trust he has in most adults or other people is dead. Gone Completely.

It's no wonder he has trust issues.

Yusuke: I tried to live on my own...but...due to me getting into fights with those assholes...I lose job after job...No matter how much I try...they still would harass me...


He slowly walks up to me...his tears stream down from his yellow eyes.

They looked glassy. Broken. Shattered.

Yusuke: Then...I realized...whenever I'm around you...I feel...happiness...Happy with you just being with me...there's nothing more I could've asked for...

Shotarou: Yu-chan...You really feel that way towards me...

Yusuke: Y-You're the only person I can trust...Besides Miyoshi, you're the first one who actually listened to my problems and did not take advantage of it...I don't understand...why are you so enamored with me...? What are you trying to get out of this...?

Me: Nothing.....

Yusuke: ?!

Me: Because...

This time, the tears fallen had fallen from my eyes...

Yusuke: Because...?

I gotten a little closer to him and hugged Yu-chan. He was shock as he felt my arms around him but this time, he made no move to get out of them.

Me: Because you're my friend....

I then felt his arms around me...

Yusuke:.....I think I understand now...


That day, just when I thought I actually saved Yu-chan...

Little did I know....It was already too late...

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