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(( bill ))

"Looks like you guys are fine after all," Dipper smiled as he greeted us at the door.

"Love prevails all," I replied, with a half smile. Shooting Star rubbed her eyes, with my arm still around her.

She said she missed it, and insisted we walked like this all the way home.

"If only you were right heh," Dipper replied, as I raised my eyebrow in curiosity. What was he implying?

Just when I was about to open my mouth to ask, he cut me.

"The both of you should go up. My sister is tired." He gave a small grin. But the bags under his eyes cannot escape my gaze.

I opened my mouth once more, but he closed the door and gave us a slight push up the stairs.

We went up, and I could already feel Mabel getting drowsy. She was already leaning her weight on me.

(let's assume this is a big queen size bed with big fluffy pillows and blankets that are cool to the touch)

I leant against the comfortable bed frame and took a big sigh. Today was a long day and I needed my rest.

Just as I was about to close my eyelids, Mabel got up. Her hair was strewn all over and her eyes were only half open, but she looked cute.

"Bill! Go shower before you sleep this is too unhygienic!!" She dragged her last word. It was obvious she was tired. I wondered all that she had been through, and my heart ached for the nights she cried herself to sleep.

It was all just a misunderstanding.

She pushed me away playfully.

"Bill! Go!" She pointed at the door and frowned.

Although I was already half asleep, I smirked, getting out of bed. I had to take her orders.

"Fine. But-"

I leapt back on the bed again, lying down, cheek against cheek, almost crushing half of her body at the sudden impact. Her eyes widened in surprise by my move and her hair tickled my face.  Her breath tickled my neck.

"Wait for me to come out okay?" I grinned dizzily from my sudden movements. 

"Okayokay," she laughed, dismissing me. I laughed as well, before heading to the shower, just like she instructed.

I missed days like this, I thought, feeling the hot steam shower and sighing in content.

I came out feeling fresh, wearing some pants, with a towel draped over my bare shoulders. I saw her lying facedown, covering half the bed. Looks like she was already fast asleep.

"Why did you not wear clothes!" She half-shouted/screamed. I ignored her childish comments, hopping on the bed.

I was quite touched by her little gesture for waiting for me.

"I'm going to sleep!" I half-shouted/screamed back at her.

"What! But I waited for you to come out!" She appeared drunk, and probably didn't know what she was saying.

I turned myself 180 degrees, facing her.

"Happy?" I grinned.

She placed her arms around me, inching a bit closer, before nodding.

Then she went out like a light bulb. (what other simile should I put?)

I inched closer, making myself comfortable, before finally letting sleep consume me.

It has indeed been a long day.

firstly ohmy I really didn't expect y'all to still remember this book I thought it was forgotten thank you so much for all the comments and support and everything, everyone made my day 💓💓💓and also, I apologise if this chapter doesn't correspond to the prev one? I haven't written for quite a while and might have forgotten the plot 😳but thank god I have pre drafts phew ok haha nvm anyway thank you for reading this chunk if you did, little gestures like this are greatly appreciated!¡🙃 oh let's start talking as well hmm let me ask y'all a question---- what are all your favourite emojis? Can't wait to hear from y'all! ☺️

mine: 😌🙃🕵😂☺️😘👍💪

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