Unfortuante Turn

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~~A Few Weeks Later~~

I was heading to the bathroom to take my usual morning shower before heading out to school, but when I got to the bathroom and tried to turn the water on, nothing came out. I sighed softly and exited the bathroom, heading back to my room. They must have shut our water off... This means I'll have to take a quick shower at school. I was hoping to avoid doing that this year, but apparently it couldn't be avoided. I grabbed some clean clothes and everything else I needed and then I made my way outside and flew into the air, heading toward the school. As if this day couldn't get any worse. I was already freaking out about our first math test that we had today. I tried to study as much as possible but the past couple weeks Raditz has been fighting with our father and Tora and the fights would go on throughout the night. I tried to ignore their yelling as much as possible and even turned up my music as loud as it would go, but it still wasn't enough to drown out the sounds of their arguing.

Within twenty minutes, I landed in front of the school. I pulled out my phone to check the time. It was 7:00. That gave me at least forty five minutes to take a nice hot shower and should leave me enough time to get some extra studying in before the test. I put my phone back in my pocket and made my way to the locker room so that I could get my shower out of the way. When I got there, I called out to make sure that no one else was in there. Once I was sure it was empty, I sat my stuff down by one of the shower stalls, undressed, and stepped inside, turning on the water as I did so. As soon as the hot water hit my skin, I sighed softly and closed my eyes. My muscles instantly relaxed and for a few minutes, everything was perfect. I was about to start washing my hair when I heard someone break the lock on the stall I was in. I tensed up and slowly looked over my shoulders, gasping in fear. I saw Alan standing there with two of his friends and they were all naked. I turned toward them with wide eyes and slowly backed up until I hit the wall. They were all staring at me with wicked grins on their faces. I whimpered quietly as Alan made his way towards me. He slammed his hands against the wall, one on each side of my head. He then leaned down and stared at me, grinning wider.

"Look what I've found. My old fuck toy." He smirked and I just trembled, staring at him with a terrified look. "Aww what's the matter? Nothing to say to me? Well that's alright. I'll have you screaming soon enough. I was going to let the boys here join me, but I think you and I need some alone time." He motioned for the other two to leave and once they were gone, Alan grabbed me by my legs and lifted me up off the ground. I gasped loudly as he held me against the wall, my back pressed roughly against it. I began to shake when I felt something hard poke against my ass.

"N-no...please..." I whispered. He didn't listen; instead, he just smirked and slammed his dick into my ass, tearing my inner walls as he did so. I screamed loudly, but it was quickly muffled by him clamping one of his hands down over my mouth. With each thrust, I could feel my inner walls tearing more and more. I could feel myself bleeding and there was nothing I could do about it. I was nowhere near strong enough to fight him off, so I had no choice but to take it. I knew no one would hear my cries, even if they weren't muffled because it's way too early for anyone to really be at school. I felt Alan begin to thrust harder and faster, only making me scream more, which he got a thrill out of. The pain was becoming so intense that I was starting to loose cautiousness, but I couldn't allow that to happen. After what seemed like forever, I felt Alan finally cum inside me with a loud groan. He then pulled out of me and dropped me on the floor of the stall.

"I'll see you next time you little slut." He smirked as he left with his friends. I watched them high five each other as they left and I just laid there on the floor, unable to move even if I wanted too. I whimpered softly and was eventually able to pull myself into a sitting position. My entire body was sore after that event, but I had to get myself up because I had that test soon. I forced myself to stand up, ignoring the pain that my ass and lower back was in. I quickly washed myself off the rest of the way, making sure to get as much of the cum and blood off of me as possible. I then got myself dressed slowly and glanced at the time. It was 7:50...I had ten minutes to make it to class. I grabbed all my stuff and made my way to my math class as quickly as possible. When I got there, I had actually arrived ten minutes late. I quietly entered the room and my teacher glanced up at me, giving me a look of concern. I just shook my head and grabbed the test from him and then took my seat by Vegeta. He glanced over at me and gave me a worried look but I just ignored him and started to take my test. Unfortunately after the incident that had just happened, I had completely forgotten everything so I had no clue what I was doing. I knew I was going to fail this test, but I had no choice, I had to take it. I sighed to myself and slowly started filling out all of the problems I thought I remembered how to do, which wasn't very many of them. It got to the point where I was only answering half of the questions and the other half I was leaving question marks by. I knew that he wouldn't be happy about this, but I was completely out of it and there was nothing I could do. I finally gave up on the test and flipped it back to the front. I wrote my name on it and wrote 'I'm sorry' in the corner of it. I grabbed all my stuff and quietly sat my test down on Mr. Night's desk. I must have looked like a wreck because when he looked up at me, he just kind of paused and stared at me for a minute. He must have been able to see the pain and sadness in my eyes, but before he could even ask me what was wrong, I ran out of the room. I decided that I was just going to go back home for the rest of the day. I wasn't in any condition to be at school right now. When I finally got outside, I took off into the air and flew myself back home. My father and Tora were probably at home right now too so I'd have to come up with an excuse to why I came home so early, which shouldn't be too hard. I'll just tell them that I started feeling really sick and that I just wanted to lay down. Yeah, that would have to work.

I landed outside my house and sure enough as soon as I walked through the door; my father came into the hallway and gave me a very concerned look. I just looked at the floor and kicked my shoes off. I tried to walk past my father, but he reached out and gently grasped my wrist. I froze and glanced over at him.

"Kaka...why are you home so early?" He asked gently.

"I just...started to feel really sick... I managed to take my test but then I decided to come home... I feel like I'm going to pass out." I replied quietly. My father lifted his other hand and gently pressed it against my forehead.

"You are a little warm... Go lay down and I'll bring you some soup in a little while." He said softly as he pulled me in for a gentle hug.

"Okay daddy..." I whispered as I returned his hug. "Oh...this morning the water was shut off too..."

"I know. I've already called the water company and we've made some arrangements. They'll be back in a little while to turn it on for us. Once it gets turned on I think you should take a nice hot bath and relax." He said as he released me from the hug. I nodded and thanked him before I turned and slowly made my way up to my room. I walked in and closed the door behind me. I dropped my backpack and pulled out a clean pair of sweat pants to change into. Once I was changed, I carefully sat down on my bed, gasping in pain as I did so. After sitting there for a few minutes, I got a familiar urge... I reached over and opened the drawer to my nightstand. I dug around until I found what I was looking for. I pulled out a razor blade that I hadn't touched in six months. I stared at the small metal object and started debating on whether I should really do this or not. I closed my eyes tightly and pressed the blade to my wrist. Taking in a deep breath, I dragged the blade across my skin in four different spots. I opened my eyes and stared down at the blood flowing through the fresh wounds. Once I was satisfied, I put the blade back in my drawer and pulled out some bandages. I cleaned off the new cuts and quickly wrapped them up to get them to stop bleeding. I knew that I had to be careful because I couldn't afford having anymore close calls. After my second close call, the doctors wanted to put me in a mental hospital, but my father refused and honestly, I didn't want to go to one either. After I got my cuts wrapped up, I sent a text to Vegeta, asking him to bring me any homework that we get today and then I got under my covers and curled up into a little ball, holding my Eevee plushy close to me. I just wanted all of this suffering to end. I wanted a happy life like what Broly and Vegeta had together. When I looked into Mr. Night's eyes right before I left, I could tell that he was concerned and that kind of worried me but at the same time, it made me happy. I know I failed that test and he's probably going to want to have a talk with me about it whenever he gets them graded. I just hope that he doesn't ask me why I looked like I was in pain that day...if he does...I'm afraid I might cave and tell him everything...and then that would probably just lead to more problems because other people would find out and then it'd be all over the school...but maybe...just maybe he'd actually keep it between us... I guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens. I sighed quietly and closed my eyes, slipping into a dreamless sleep.

((Chapter Five is done! Yes this was a sad chapter! Poor Goku got attacked in the shower right before the big test and now he's also back to cutting even though he tried to hard to stop. However, looks like Mr. Night noticed the pain in Goku's eyes. What will happen when the two of them have their talk? Will Goku come clean about everything that's happened to him? Will they keep it just between them? How will Mr. Night (AKA Turles) feel if Goku does tell him everything? All this and more in the next chapter! Please let me know what you thought of this chapter! :D Until next time!))

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