Chapter 18:England:Sephrina and Edgar.

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Edgar walks slowly away from the airport, following a road that isn't being used as much as the others or is connected to them. I carry some of the bags and kisses his cheek again. "Mew." I giggle again and walk beside him.

He chuckles, looking around as the land starts to change to plains and patches of groups of trees with some farm lands and cattle or horse pins.

Walking up to a cozy looking, one story house he smiles more. He walks up to the door and knocks on it.

A man with orangish blonde hair opens the door, smiling as bright as his brown eyes. He hugs Edgar tightly making him grunt But smile brightly, "Edgar! I thought you were running late again! We missed you so much, boy." "Hey dad... I missed you too but... could you stop crushing me?..." "Maybe." I giggle. "Hello,Mr.Wilko."

He lets go of Edgar and raises an eyebrow at me, "Who's the girlfriend I never heard of?" "Dad!" I giggle again,then mumble to myself. "I wish I was his girlfriend..." I smile sweetly. "Hi. Im Sephrina." He smiles gently, holding out his hand, "You got yourself a cute one at least." "My god..."

He walks in as he gently takes the bags from me, placing them on the living room couch while he takes his shoes off by the door before taking them down to the basement to unpack.

Edgars father chuckles, "Its nice to meet you, I'm Harold." "I like the name." I shake his hand. "Hmmm...I guess that's where the blonde kind of comes from...But anyways. My full name is Sephrina Saturina Spade. Guardian of the Universe." He looks at me confused, "The blonde?" "Never mind." "Alright then. Please, come in." He steps to the side, holding the door open.

I smile and nod my head,"Thank you." I go in and look around. "Your house is so wonderful." He smiles more, closing the door, "Thank you, its a cozy house for such a small family. How long do you think you'll be staying? Carol does like her guests." "I have no idea. I mean I just met Edgar yesterday." He looks at me surprised, "And you trusted him that quickly? I hope you don't do that to everyone you meet... you never know who's trying to trap you..."

He sits down on the couch, making clicking noises as he looks around a large hand made tree into far corner of the room.

Lola pops her head out of a high hole and chatters, jumping down she runs to Harold,hopping on his shoulder as she squeaks. "Awwww...who's that?" I look at her and waive at her. "Hello." She holds out her paw, thinking she's going to get something. He chuckles as he rubs her head, "Her names Lola, Lola de Lil. We found her when she was very little. We couldn't leave her out in the snow so we took her in. She acts more like a dog than a squirrel though, but that could've been because we had a saint Bernard to watch when she was young."

I put a hand in my pocket and bring out a nut,giving it to Lola. "A nice hello gift from me." She stands up and takes it, eating it as she squeaks happily. I pet her gently and giggle before pulling my hand back. "She's a nice squirrel." He nods, "We have been able to tame her and even teach her some tiny tricks." I nod my head and look back at him. "Anyways...I should probably see if Edgar needs help."

I follow the steps that Edgar took to get to his room and look around. "Edgar?" Edgar pulls back a curtain used as his rooms door, "Yes?" "Do you need any help?" He shakes his head, "I got it done, but thanks for the offer." I look down,blushing in embarrassment. "Oh...okay then..." He looks at me worried, walking to me he puts his hand on my shoulder, "You okay?" "I just really wanted to help..." I smile slightly. "But I'm Fine." I lie,making it sound like the truth. He rubs my arm, "Would You like to help my mother cook when she gets back then? I'm sorry." I hold his hands,looking down. He squeezes my hand gently, growing more worried.

I let a tear go down my face. "I...I trust you...and...I...I really really love being your friend..." I look at him. "But one day I have to go back to the mansion..." He kisses my head, wiping my tears away, "You have friends there right?"  I nod my head. "But...Napoléon is there...and I'm betting he's trying to find me...and...take me back..." He hugs me tightly, "I bet they wont let him. I won't either, what he's doing isn't right."

I cry into his shoulder. "What is it that you wanted to say to me? said you wanted to say something but you couldn't because of people on the plane...tell me...please...tell me..." He puts his head on mine, rubbing my back, "That... was just about my job... Its has nothing to do with you're problem right now..." "Then tell me something else...tell me..." "I... don't know what to say..." "I have one thing to'll get mad at me...and you wouldn't want to be my friend..." "No I wouldn't. I would never do that to a friend." I grip his shirt and look at him,pressing my nose to his,looking into his eyes. "Edgar..." He looks at me curiously but still worried. " would ruin our friendship...and you haven't trusted me...fully yet..." He hugs me tightly, "What are you going to say?" "You wouldn't like it..." "You don't know that." I look down. "I don't want to of those people...that always fall in love...and then at some point...they don't love me anymore...and that's just what Napoleon did...I fell in love with a bad man...and another one...and another one...and another..."

"Edgar...I'm...weak...and...I' for you...I'm...weak...and...I'm ugly and I always cry...over the smallest sad thing..." I kiss his nose. He kisses her head, "No you aren't. You helped stop the war, someone who's weak wouldn't have defeated their god father like that. And you aren't bad, you haven't tried to hurt me at all. And crying over things isn't bad, Its just shows how caring and sensitive you are. You aren't ugly either you're very gorgeous." He blushes, smiling comfortingly. I hug him tightly. " say the nicest things..." He rubs my shoulder, "Because what I'm saying is true."

I sigh lovingly,then I blush to the tips of my ears,pulling back from him,still holding his hands. "S-Sorry..." He smiles sweetly, "Its okay." I smile sweetly back then I giggle.

"You're so fun to be with." He cocks his head, "Really? We haven't even done much." "Well,you make me laugh and I love it how you blush when you say a compliment to me." I giggle more.

"Is there anything you want to say to me?" He rubs the back of his neck, "No..." He lies. I wiggle my eyebrows at him. "Are you sure?.." He blushes, smiling awkwardly as he nods, "Yep!" "Are you really really really really really really really sure?" "No... but I can't tell you." He says childishly. "Why?" "Because..." "Because why?" "Because... if I say it now... I'll lose my chances..."

He loks down shyly. "I won't be mad...And I promise I won't run away." "Its more of you freaking out or getting uncomfortable..." "I promise." I look into his eyes. "Do you trust me?" He looks back at her, "I do... its just... I don't know how you'll react... or if I'm saying this way too early..." "I won't get uncomfortable...or anything...I promise. Just tell me." I put my hand on his cheek. "Tell me..."

He blushes deeply, looking into her eyes, "I like you... a lot..." I blush to the tips of my ears. "I like you a lot too..." He smiles brightly then looks down as he rubs his head, "I don't know what I'm doing...." "It's okay..." I kiss his nose. "I was going to say the same thing...except...different words..." "I didn't want to make it sound like I was desperate or creepy... somethings just don't always sound right when they come out of a man more than a woman..." "I'm the one that's creepy actually...I mean when I bumped into you...and I looked at you...I really did know that I would be afraid of you...until you because nice and...I knew you didn't really belong in the army..." "And...I was thinking of saying...that..." I comb my hand through his hair and blush darkly. "I really really like you a lot...and..." He blushes to his ears, sighing sadly, "if I'm ever mean in the army... Its just an act I've learned in order to look strong and be invisible to them... I hate the army and I hate my job... I can't stand it... but... I can't get out of it... I don't want to be there..."

I pull back and pull my hand away,biting my hand and letting tears go down my face. "I love you..." He hugs me tightly, hiding his face in my shoulder, "I love you too..." I keep standing,pulling my hand away and biting my tongue harshly,looking down and letting more tears go down my face. "I-I l-l-love y-you...Edgar..." He kisses my shoulder, "I do too, Sephrina...." I start to cry as my tongue bleeds and then I start to bite my hand again. "I...r-really...l-love...y-you..."

He closes his eyes before he stands straight and looks at me, looking at me worried, putting his hand on mine and the other on my cheek. "D-Do you k-know how hard it is to...tell the person you l-love that you l-love them?..." He nods slowly. "And...I-I have a crush on're so handsome and nice and charming and...kind and...I love everything....about you...even if you haven't told me much...all I know heart is still big and it's loving you...I have feelings for you that I never thought I have...and your blonde hair is like sunflowers and your eyes are as green as the grass...and...I'm in love with you,Edgar..." I look at him. "And if you want me to go away...then I will...and...I'm afraid that will happen...I love you so much..." He kisses my head, putting his forehead on mine, "I don't want you to leave... I want to stay by you and learn so much about you... I love you and I want to love you..."

I look into his eyes and I chuckle weakly. "I have a book that you can read about's written by me..." "I don't want to read a book about you, pages don't show me all that you hide from others..."

I kiss his nose,smiling slightly. "Okay what do you want to learn?" He smiles slightly, "I don't know how to choose what to learn first..." I cup his face into my hands,still looking at him. "Maybe...something that everyone asks. Like my favorite color or food or something like that." He nods, blushing, "Alright." I giggle and pull back,blushing lightly.

" about your new nickname? How about Libeling?" I giggle more. "I like it." I look at him,waiving a hand in his face. "Edgar?...hello?..." He blinks quickly, smiling awkwardly, "Sorry... I zoned out..." "Anyways. I was thinking to call you Libeling as a nickname." He blushes, "Libeling?" "Darling in German?" "But anyways." I wrap my arms around his neck,blushing. "o-oh..." He hums in thought, hugging me by my waist, "How about... love for you?" He kisses my head, "I think it suits you well..." I smile sweetly. "Anything for my libeling." I giggle.

He blushes more, smiling brightly. I kiss his nose. "And I do love that British accent of yours." "Its isn't something I can control..." "It's sexy."

He looks down as he blushes to his ears, "I swear... I don't know who's more embarrassing at this point... you... or my mother..." I giggle again. "Awww..." "Mothers are embarrassing...I was a mother..." "Sorry... I didn't mean to bring up anything that would make you sad..." "It's fine...I had four...then they died by Pluto..."

I sigh,turning around and pressing her back against his chest. He wraps his arms around my waist, putting his head on mine. I smile sweetly,putting my hands on his arms. "You're warm." He kisses my head,"So are you."

I giggle and turn back around,wrapping my arms around his neck again. "Libeling? You're so handsome." I smile brightly. He smiles sweetly, kissing my nose, "And you're beautiful... And your giggle is adorable." I giggle more and kiss his forehead. "'re so kissable." He chuckles, kissing my cheek, "So are you, love."

I go into his room and look around. "Your room looks nice." He smiles awkwardly as he walks in and sits on the bed, looking at a bookshelf full of collectables from action figures to band pictures and even different metal drumsticks, "Its... some sort of mix between kid and teen..." I sit beside him and hold his hand. "What's your favorite band?" "Um... I have a lot... I can't really pick between them... but I geuss it would be Metallica." "Hmmm..." I lay down on his bed,smiling at him. "Well,you certainly love a lot of things..." He nods, "What's the point of having one favorite?" "I have no idea." "I wasn't expecting an answer really." I close my eyes. "Sorry." He lays down next to me, "No, Its fine."

I decide to go to sleep as I put my arm on his chest and nuzzle my face into the pillow.
I wake up around dinner time and put my hand to my forehead. "Damn. I was tired..."

Edgar looks at me, smiling gently as he puts his book down on a little table by his bed, "I thought you were knocked out for the night. My mother should be done cooking dinner right now. You hungry?" I nod my head at him. "Sorry...I didn't know that I was really tired..." "It was probably just jet lag." "Probably."

He kisses her cheek, "So, wanna got get food? We can eat down here if you like... my parents might get embarrassing at the table..." "You mean they might kiss in front of you and murmur sex jokes?" "I don't know about that..." "That's what I deal with." "Well they aren't normally like that at least."

"But could you get some please? I feel dizzy.." I lay back down on the bed. He looks at me worriedly,"Dizzy?"

I nod my head and he puts a hand to my head. "Do you need anything?" "Just food,really...but I also feel sick..." I close my eyes again. He nods, "I'll go get you some."

He stands up and walks upstairs, moments later he comes back down with two plates of Yorkshire pudding and glasses of soda, placing mine on the table as he sits on a rolling desk chair by a computer.

I put my hand to my forehead and groan,covering myself up and closing my eyes tightly. "L-Libeling..." He places his plate down behind him, standing up he sits next to me,putting his hand on my arm worriedly. "H-hug me...l-love me...p-please..." He hugs me gently, laying on his side. I hum and then I look at him,then I close my eyes again. "Everytime I open my eyes it feels like the room is spinning..." He combs his hand through my hair, looking at me worriedly. I press my cheek on his chest.

"I'm always this way when something like that happens. When he...he...r-raped me..." I put my arms around his waist,nuzzling my face into his chest. He kisses my head, hugging me tightly. I hum before I kiss his chest. "I love you,Edgar." He blushes, "I love you too."

"You're so cuddly." He nuzzles his face into my hair, "So are you, love." "And squishy." "How did you know?" "I did say your face is plushy...and your squishiness is on my face." He shrinks, "But I cant help it... you're cuddly..." I giggle and press my face to his chest more. "Squish thy face! Squish thy tiny tiny face! Yay!" He chuckles, combing his hand through my hair again.

I hum into his chest,then press my cheek to his chest and I keep humming,smiling lovingly. He nudges his cheek into his pillow, hugging me more as he smiles warmly. I open my eyes partially to catch a peek of him and I smile more,humming more. He closes his eyes, smiling more as he relaxes.

In my mind,I now think of him...and only him. Edgar...just looking at him...and...he's everything to me...just looking at me...and my heart melts and my souls beat faster than ever. I could talk about him but I'll bore your minds out.

I hope that we have a good friendship...and now...a better relationship. My romantic interest...

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