Chapter 8:Patrick Stalin.

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This is in Third Person Point of View,so enjoy!

The group teleports back to the mansion in Fedora,in the planet of Kirine.

Patrick and Fiona get out first,jumping down from a 30 feet tall tree. "Ah...I can feel our home already." Fiona says,as she walks over to the front door. Patrick quickly follows behind as he doesn't know this part of Kirine.

Scarlet and Techno bump into each other as they fall down a small house and on the floor,but they quickly stand up as they don't get seriously injured.

"Hey,what's-" Scarlet says,as she puts a hand on her head,feeling dizzy from the teleportation. Techno looks at her and thinks that she's Shadow. "Okay,calm down,sweetie." "Sweetie? Who are you calling sweetie,I'm nobody's "sweetie",thank you. Wait a minute...Techno?" "Scarlet? Dammit..." "That's all right. I think Sephrina's teleportation might be a little bit off." "Right. Let's go find the rest of the group." "Yeah..." They go forward towards the mansion to see Patrick and Fiona already there.

"Oh,hi." Scarlet says,going towards the front door. She puts a hand on the door,making it unlock itself and open automatically. "Hmm...Sephrina really does like security."

"Finger-print scan. I've been there before." Patrick says,going inside with Fiona. "Oh,you all live here?" Fiona slaps him in the head. "Ow. That hurt." "It should." "Go to hell." "You know I'm scared to...since the incident." "I was there,yes I know." "YOU DIED!" "I had some future technology in my veins. Literally. I used some chemicals and mixed them up to make myself vulnerable to fires from hell. I was on a mission that day,I had to survive!" "What mission?" "Well,we will have to-"

Shadow and Red teleport into the living room,their heads looking towards the stairs. "Okay,Red. Turn around." Scarlet says,making him turn around. They all scream because Shadows face is on Red's and Red's face is on Shadow's. "TURN BACK!" Shadow says,making them turn back towards the stairs.

Mozart and Napoleon come in next,coming down from the stairs. "Watch it!" Mozart says,trying to get down the stairs first. "No,you watch it! Hey,that's my sword!" "Sorry,I thought that was your dick." Napoleon stops at the middle of the stairs. "Really? You want to hurt my dick?" "No...." Mozart lies. "That's it. Use your karate skills to dodge this asshole." "Glad-" Napoleon jumps from the stairs and tackles Mozart to the floor,wrestling him to the ground. Scarlet grabs Mozart and Shadow grabs Napoleon. Fiona slaps them both in the head,making them say,"OW! What the hell,woman?!" "That's what you get,assholes. Napoleon." "What?! I'm the asshole?!" "You said it yourself,Bonaparte." Mozart says,looking over at him. "LET ME AT HIM!" Shadow bites Napoleon on the arm,making him scream and fall to the floor.

Constanza comes in by herself,opening the front door. She comes in exhausted and falls down to the floor,before Mozart runs out of Scarlets arms and grabbing her from the floor. He puts her on the couch and she opens her eyes again. "I...I found....I found Sephrina." "Where?" Napoleon says,getting out of Shadows grip. "She's...she's...outside." "Where outside?" "On the cliff,beside the mansion." "Oh god..." Napoleon says,realizing something. "What?" Scarlet says,as Napoleon storms out the mansion.

Napoleon runs towards the cliff,dodging falling rocks and mud from the last rainfall.

As he gets to the top of the cliff,he sees an image beat up another image. He brings out his gun,preparing himself for this fight. He gets closer,seeing the images more clearly. He puts his gun behind the persons head,making them stop fighting. "Hello there...Pluto." He says,smirking.

The person turns around and it actually turns to be two village men that somehow happened to go all the way over to this cliff. He puts his gun down and looks at them with a sorry look. "Oh...I thought you were-" "Afaste-se de nós, você gordo. Vamos, Frederick, vamos para casa." The man pulls up the other man and they go down the cliff,going back down to their village. "D'accord, bien. Soyez bitchy. Blah, blah, blah." (Translated to:Okay,fine. Be bitchy. Blah,blah,blah)

He goes down the cliff only for him to notice that at the end,the same guys are beating up a woman that is already lying down on the floor. She tries to defend herself as hard as she can,but they have the better strength.

He goes down the rest of the way to see the same men running away,somehow afraid of him. The woman appears to be...Sephrina.

He rushes over to her and goes down on his knees. He picks her up,bridal style,and carries her all the way back to the mansion.

He kicks the door open to see everyone gone from the living room. He puts her down on the couch and says,"Welcome home,darling." He kisses her forehead and strokes her hair,going away to see where the group went afterwords.

He sees them in one of the big private rooms,the one with the moving bookshelf that lead Sephrina to Fiona's home. He opens the door and says,"I got Sephrina. But,she's mostly beaten up now-" Everyone rushes out the door and goes out the living room,seeing Sephrina lying on the couch,her eyes open now.

"Hey...guys." She coughs and sits up,putting her back on the couch. "Are you all right?" Mozart says,helping her sit up. "I'm...fine...I guess." Napoleon goes to her side and holds her hand,kissing the back of it. "Hello...Napoleon..." She smiles at him,making him smile back. She puts her kissed hand on his hair,messing it up a little.

He chuckles and says,"So,do you want to...interrogate him?" He motions his head towards Patrick and she nods her head slowly. "I might...want to now..."

She sits up more comfortably and the group sits on their chairs as Patrick and Fiona sit on another couch that appears out of nowhere. " magic has gotten a little bit...out of control since out of the prison..." Napoleon sits beside her,putting an arm around her shoulders,making her smile and put her head on his shoulder.

"All right...I'll tell you everything I know." He takes a breath,gazing around the room,completely nervous and stressed out. His hands start to shake,but he ignores it,and looks over at his long lost sister and her "friends",but something about Sephrina makes him go back to normal. Is it love? Is it a new friendship? Or is it because if he doesn't talk,Sephrina will,maybe,kill him?

" the time the Demons came to our house,I was already working for a secret society. It's kind of like the FBI or the CIA but it's a different planet,so-he takes a breath again-the name had to be changed. It was the same thing as the CIA,but instead it changed. All of it.

I am a secret agent,working for the top secret government. I work alongside the master of the Guardians and-" "Did you just say,"master of the Guardians"?" Sephrina says,her eyes turning green,savoring the information Patrick gives out. "Yes. He's from a kind of a Japanese planet but rarely goes there anymore due to his commands." "He's Japanese? 日本のガーディアン?" (Translated to:A Japanese Guardian?) "Yes. He's the leader of all the remaining Guardians and controls most of the Universe." "How do you know-" "I obey him." "So,you're a Guardian?" "No. I protect the Guardians and the master of the Guardians."

Sephrina is speechless so she says nothing as he explains the organization of his secret society.

"The secret society has a long history,starting from the beginning of the Guardians of the Universe. The first three Guardians were Greek,Roman,and Latin.

One of them was named Kriton,the Greek Guardian. Now,Kriton followed all of the rules by command. The Universe he controlled was his own Greek Universe,which contained one of the most critical pieces he could ever control,his own staff.

The staff of Kriton made,whoever wielded it,the most powerful person in the whole Universe. He ruled over slaves,enemies,and always made either peace or war whenever he wanted to.

Kriton was a handsome god. His features were handsome as he had a strong chin and a kind but evil glare whenever he smiled. Whenever he met his fellow Guardians,he would have to follow the rules no matter what happened. He was a follower,not a leader.

Now,the Roman Guardian,Vulcan,was always the troublemaker. He was an influence to the Roman people like Zeus,Julius Caesar,Alexander the Great,Hades,and so on. Vulcan didn't have a staff like Kriton did,he had a pet. Now,this pet was a creature like no other. Now,have you seen the Great Sphinx of Giza on Earth?"

Everyone nods their heads.

"Well,that Sphinx is modeled after Vulcan's pet,a sphinx. The sphinx was his most prized possession of all time and it was also very ancient. Then,a few centuries after he died,the Humans decided to make the sphinx in honor of Vulcan and his conquests. Vulcan was neither a follower or a leader,he was independent.

The last Guardian,the Latin Guardian,Yedaiah,was very religious. He always wore a cross necklace and dressed up like a monk. He was the first Guardian to ever have powers that he could use with just his hands. His ancient gift was God,and only God. He believed that God made him and everyone in the Universe,so he was a Christian. Vulcan took the term of being Roman Catholic and he was fine with it as long as the first pope didn't make sins himself.

These Guardians got along very well,they never made one sin and that was good...until the final days of God's creation.

When Earth was created,they had trouble figuring out who was going to land first. Kriton suggested he could go down first,since he was the first one to have his own Universe. Then,Vulcan argued that he was the first one to have his first ancient object and that he should go down there first. As they started to argue more,Yedaiah came in and did a spell in Latin,making them go to either side of the big meeting room...

Going back in time...

"Men." Yedaiah softly said,making the two Guardians look at him. He motions his hands down,making them sit in their tall chairs.

The windows are painted glass,made out of every color in the Universe. The long table is made just for the Guardians only. They don't have a television to look at so they do it the old way,listen to the Universe's voice inside their heads. The tall chairs are made out of stone,hard stone. They have different designs on them though. Vulcans stone chair is painted red while Kriton's stone chair is painted blue. Yedaiah's stone chair is painted with many colors,showing his love and worship for God.

Yedaiah sits down on his stone chair,putting his necklace back on his neck,as he had them tied around his hands in prayer.

Yedaiah has no beard or mustache. His face is perfectly shaved and his hair is combed to the side,making him look handsome and beautiful in every way.

Vulcan has a beard and is mostly bald,having bits of hair around his sides. He has a third eye that connects him to the Roman Universe and also gains information from other people.

Kriton has a beard and has hair that falls down to his shoulders. He has a tattoo on his shoulder that means that he's the official Greek Guardian.

"Will the "father" make us crucified to the cross?" Vulcan says,putting in the air quotations. He laughs and Yedaiah silences him by putting a hand up in the air.

"Now,as you guys can't learn Latin,I can't learn Greek or Roman. But,we have one language that we can understand and I will be saying that throughout. Now,Earth is a new place to live,explore,and cherish memories. And as I walked in,I saw you two fight over who would go first. I say,why won't we all go? Greeks,Romans,and Latin people can rejoice and they will make peace with each other." "No,we won't." Kriton says,slamming his fist on the table. "We must make peace in order for this to work,sir." "Sir? Sir?! You're calling me sir?! How dare you! I demand respect from you and your "God"." "Sir is the proper way to-" "Go away before I slice you to pieces!" He gets up and tries to go over towards Yedaiah,but Vulcan stops him and he sits back down.

"As I was saying,we can make peace or make a treaty. Your choice." "Treaty sounds good to me." Kriton says,putting his staff against the table. "Treaty." Vulcan immediately says afterwords,looking towards one of the glass painted windows. "Then,for God,Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit-" "Shut up and get this over with. I have duties to attend to,you know." Kriton says,getting impatient with the Latin priest.

A few minutes later,they discussed their plans and they set off towards Earth,hoping that Mother Nature will give them a warm welcome.

Back to the present...

"Then,that's how we're descended by Greeks,Romans,and Latin today. They are all dead now,but their legends live on today." Patrick finishes his story and gets up from his seat,going towards the door to grab his coat from the coat hanger. "I shall be off then. Fiona?"

Fiona gets up and goes over to Napoleon,giving him a kiss on the cheek and a wink. Sephrina eyes her down like a eagle,and Fiona gives her a loser look back. Sephrina rolls her eyes as Fiona and Patrick leave.

She gets up and goes up the stairs,going to her bedroom. She goes over towards her desk,and grabs a piece of paper,writing everything she heard from Patrick down.

As she shuts the drawer,Napoleon knocks on the door and opens it,staring at Sephrina with alert eyes. Then,his eyes turn droopy and he flops down on the bed,his face going on a pillow.

As she hears this,she laughs and says,"Aww...someone's sleepy." "Mmm..." She laughs again and walks over towards him. She kisses his cheek
and whispers,"Goodnight,Napoleon."

He immediately turns around and crashes his lips on hers,making her shocked and surprised at this. She kisses him back and they go down on the bed together,kissing and kissing until they drift off to sleep together.

Fiona and Patrick get to Fiona's house. Patrick goes inside first,putting his coat on the hanger. Fiona comes in a moment later and shuts the door.

Patrick lays down on the couch,looking over at Fiona. "" "Hmm?" "Do you have to go back anytime soon?" "To where? Oh yeah. I will,I just want to..."

His voice drifts away as he looks into her eyes. She laughs awkwardly and says,"What are you looking at?" He takes a moment before saying,"You." "Why me?" "I don't know."

"Are you really my brother? Because I was the only child and my parents couldn't have any children-" "Your cousin actually." "Ah." "Did you know,back then,you could marry your cousin?" "Well,this is the future." "Maybe,it doesn't have to change in the future."

She waits for a moment before saying something. "I should be going to bed now." "You do that. I'll just be sleeping here then." Fiona nods her head and she goes over to her bedroom,shutting the door afterwords.

He smiles and keeps thinking about Fiona,knowing he might have a little crush on her. Even if she doesn't love him,he loves her.

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