Random One-Shot

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An idea for an original story decided to enter my brain, but I could only think of the ending.

Technically what I have written is the prequel of the story, but I wanted to write it out before I forget. I'm honestly quite happy with the result since I haven't written anything seriously in a very long time.

So, I hope you enjoy this little one-shot :D

Warning: mentions of war and death is in here, but I tried to keep it to a minimum. Characters(kinda) and setting is heavily inspired by Sword Art Online Alicization. Also there may be a ton of tense errors because I wrote all of it in a single sitting, but I'm a little tired and am also kinda proud of it anyways :'D


She couldn't stop running.

Not because her section commander was yelling at her to stop and stand her ground. Not because she knew the moment she stopped the higher the chance she got of getting hit by enemy fire.

She couldn't stop because she knew if she did, she would fall to her knees and never get up again. Never get to see him again. Before it all ends.

A sob managed to escape her throat. She could barely register the loose gravel underneath her feet. She felt as if she was nearly flying off the ground. Her comrades stared at her, wondering if they should run as well since one of the best soldiers in the army was taking off at top speed.

In the back of her head, she wanted to chide herself for setting such a bad example in front of the army when they were in a desperate fight against death. But a larger part of her brain pushed the thought down to the deepest depths of her mind. She felt disgusted at herself for not thinking of him more.

She regretted so much.

Not being able to get him to open up until recently. Not being able to spend more peaceful days with him. Not being able to spend much time with him.

She hoped that she would not have to regret being in a different squad than him.

Her eyes scanned the battlefield like an eagle looking for prey. She couldn't see his squad. All she saw was the bodies of the dead and dying. Those who were unfortunately still alive were either groaning in pain, cursing at the world for taking them too soon, or crying to see their loved ones again.

She ran a little faster.

Then she saw him.

The blue and silver armour, the messy mop of light flax brown hair, the light green eyes that she loved getting lost into.

They were glazed with pain, blood nearly dripping into the left eye.

She couldn't tell if the shriek was from her, or from a faraway fight.

She ran as if her life depended on it, and dropped down next to him. He had closed his eyes as she made her way over. She was terrified of what had happened. She placed two fingers over a spot on his neck and cried out in joy. She could still feel something.

She picked him up into her arms and hugged him gently, tears cascading down her face. She pressed a kiss into his hair and hugged him a little tighter.

"I'm sorry," she whispered. She couldn't tell if he could hear her. "I'm so sorry."

She repeated those words over and over again. She didn't know how much time had passed, with both of them in that position together. She buried her face into his hair and cried a little more.

She felt something touch her arm and nearly flinched, until she registered the warmth. The touch was familiar, comforting.

She looked up and saw him staring back into her eyes.

"Why-" he started, before he broke off into a hacking cough. Blood was dripping down his mouth and she felt her heart clench up. It hurt to breathe.

"Why... are you here?" He managed to force out, his hand attempting to give a comforting squeeze to her arm. Her heart jumped into her throat again. His lack of strength shocked her and more tears began to flow down.

"I couldn't stand it," she answered back quickly. "I couldn't leave you alone."

"But I'm... not even one... of the best soldiers. Yet you... you shouldn't even... be fighting," he said, his words growing a little softer with every second. She glared back at him and hugged him even more tightly.

"I couldn't stand it," she repeated. "I hate being away from you. So if this is our last moment alive, I want it to be with you."

He stared back into her eyes. She could see tears build up into them. The soft, light green that she grew to enjoy. Their life was fading away.

"I shouldn't feel like this..." he said. He smiled back at her. It wasn't one of his masks. It was a real smile. She fell in love with him even more. It was so soft, his eyes were looking back at her lovingly. She wanted the moment to last forever. "But thank you... that made me so... happy."

"I'm glad," she replied, her last word coming out a little forceful however. She knew he didn't have long left. She couldn't stand it.

"Hey..." he started. His other hand moved and clasped his first, holding onto her arm gently. "Did I ever... tell you... how I felt?"

She was crying even more now. He started to cry too. His tears were dripping gently off his chin. She shook her head gently and he smiled at her again.

"I love you... So much... you need to know that..." he continued.

Her free arm began to stroke his hair lovingly. She felt like she wanted to laugh and scream and cry some more.

"I love you too," she whispered to him.

His eyes looked so gentle. His body managed to relax a little more. Those four words had managed to numb his pain, along with the sight of his love.

"I hope... I can see you again... in the next life... I'll be able to treat you... the way you deserve..." he breathed.

"I love you."

With those three words of his said, he closed his eyes.

She saw his chest stop moving.

She heard his breathing stop.

She couldn't feel the life in him anymore.

She broke down.

She started to scream. Scream, and scream, and scream. She was probably attracting many of the enemies over to her location right now. But she couldn't care less. It felt like a part of her had just died along with him. She wanted her end. She didn't want to feel this pain any more. She wanted to be with him again.

She cursed the world for being so cruel. Cursed the demons who invaded the human realm and disturbed their time together. Cursed their duties as knights of the human realm. Cursed him for taking so long to open up. Cursed herself for not asking how he felt earlier.

She could barely register the sound of arrows being nocked into bows. She heard cries of hideous joy as they found her. One of humanity's strongest soldiers, broken down into a state that left her unable to fight. They could hardly believe the easy prey.

A small part of her brain tried to count the number of arrows shot into her. The number went to five before her body went numb and she fell onto the body of her lover. She took in a deep breath, glad that she had a close end. She would have shook in anticipation had she not lost the feeling in every part of her body.

Humanity might have lost, but she didn't care.

She was going to see him again.

That was all she cared about.

She breathed out one last breath, the last thing she thought of was him looking at her with a sense of disappointment, knowing that he would have wanted her to try to live on a little longer. But she knew he would be happy to see her too. She could already imagine him smiling that smile just for her.

Then darkness engulfed her vision, and she felt no more.

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