First Participation Challenge - Introductions

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Anyone notice that there is one slot open each week called the 'Participation Spot'? Well, that's reserved for people who participate in the group. The more you participate, the more participation points you earn.

Once you earn 100 points, you can redeem that for a participation slot. You can save your participation points for any time you choose.

For example, you could save up 200 points and then you would could get two participations slots, back to back. That plus your free sign-up slot that everyone gets when they sign up, you could have 3 slots back to back, which equals about 5 people reading 9 chapters of your story and providing detailed feedback.

First Participation Challenge

This is optional (as is everything in this group), but I really hope you'll participate because this is our opportunity to learn more about each other.

What is the challenge?

Okay, here it is:

Find a workshop member whose writing you haven't read and who you DON'T KNOW and read their profile, read their story blurb and the first 3 pages of their story. NO MORE than 3 pages.

Come back here and introduce the author to everyone. Tell us why we might be interested in reading their story and what kind of writer they 'seem' to be, from your perspective.

If someone has already introduced an author, please choose another author. One author = one introduction. Get it?

This is the ONE time to flatter the author. NO CRITICISM, just description and introduction.


The first three people who post their introductions get 20 participation points. Everyone else gets 10 participation points. The person who writes the best introduction gets 25 participation points.


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