•Colors Of Love!• : One Shot

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~~~ ONE SHOT ~~~

So this was the day. This was the day! Finally! It was a joyful day.

It was the festival of HOLI! The festival which is celebrated every year with enthusiasm at the month of March! Also known as the 'festival of colours'. The festival signifies the victory of good over evil, the arrival of spring, end of winter, and for many a festive day to meet others, play and laugh, forget and forgive, and repair broken relationships.

The first evening is known as Holika Dahan or Chhoti Holi and the following day as Holi, Rangwali Holi.

And yes, 'Holika Dahan' was what everybody in the Maheshwari Mansion was celebrating right now with much enthusiasm and love.

In every corner of the home, every edge of the open lawn, a feeling of love lingered.

Love, a beautiful feeling. An emotion of ecstacy. We say we are in love when wour hearts tells us we have found our special 'someone'. We feel we have finally found a soulmate whom we love till eternity. And her glimmering eyes towards a man who was standing just a mile away from her talking with some guests reflected how much she loved him. All this while, a girl who undoubtedly looked gorgeous in a red saree was watching the young guy with her eyes full of love. But wait. Eyes full of love? Yes, it's because the man wasn't just any ordinary man for her, instead...

He was her soon-be-husband!

Yes, they were soon going to get married to each other.

Just the thought of their 'arranged marriage' gave her goosebumps. She remembered she'd fallen in love with this man right when his family came to see her. And that was when he'd taken her out for a date on that day. Yes, both of them had an instant liking towards each other. 'Swara' on one way was an intelligent young woman who'd recently finished her graduation and on the other hand, 'Sanskar', a compassionate person and was like a combination of all qualities of this world. Swara, even though was standing far away from him, could see the young lad smiling at everyone and she really didn't know herself but the shine in his mesmerizing brown eyes attracted her towards him even more. She would often find herself lost in his purity. His eyes and his face held a charm. Sometimes, he wouldn't say something but his eyes always said what was in his heart. And that was what -- His love for her!

So, all in all, even though it was an arranged marriage, they loved each other. It'd been three months since their marriage got fixed. Two different families united.

Ms Swara Gadodia was soon going to be Mrs Swara Sanskar Maheshwari' in one week.

It was Holika Dehan. Everybody in the society had gathered in the Maheshwari Mansion for celebrating the festival. It was soon going to be the time when 'Holika' was going to get lit. And that was why everything in the place screamed 'enthusiasm'!

There was a sparkle in one of the ladies' eyes as she finally noticed one of the dearest people of her life standing at the gate of the huge mansion. Yes, the soon-to-be-connecting families were meeting each other during this pious occasion.

Annapurna walked towards the gate and warmly welcomed her guests. Swara, Sharmishtha, Ragini, Shekhar were greeted by the other members of the Maheshwari Mansion.

Sharmishtha and Annapurna had been good friends since their college times and that was how the idea of their children's marriage was suggested to unite both the families once and for all.

Swara smiled and covered her head with her saree pallu and she bent down to take the blessings of all elders of the Maheshwari Mansion. Annapurna cupped her cheeks and kissed her would be daughter-in-law's forehead. Durgaprasad and Ramprasad welcomed them too. Durgaprasad smiled looking at a direction amidst greeting their samdhis.

"Laksh! Please call Sanskar!" Durgaprasad told his son.

A man who looked a bit younger than his cousin brother Sanskar turned towards Durgaprasad and noticed that his bhabhi and his own brother's in-laws were finally here. He smirked looking towards Swara's direction. Swara scrunches her eyebrows into a frown looking at Laksh and she gestured 'what?' Laksh kept on looking at her and shaked his head. He then seeked blessings from Shekhar and Sharmishtha and last but not the least he finally stood infront of Swara. "So as usual, your eyes are desperately searching for Bhai!"

Ragini smirked and patted Laksh's back giggling. Everybody else giggled looking at Swara who blushed crimson red and looked down. One thing was always a fact, 'Love can change anyone! Even the chirpiest of all persons can turn into the most shy person!'

"Laksh, atleast today don't tease her!" Durgaprasad reprimanded. "She's going to be your bhabhi. And I had asked you to call Sanskar."

"I know dad," Laksh spoke in his defense laughing. "But seriously, I've found it a habit to tease her everytime I meet her! I mean, you can just understand looking at her face whom she desperately wants to meet. How can I leave this chance?"

Ragini hit him. "But mister! That copyright is mine, not yours."

"Ouch!" Laksh winced in pain. "Why did you hit me?"

"Because that's what you deserve!" Ragini said angrily.

"Stop this guys." Ramprasad stopped them. "Again you both started fighting with each other! Maintain some discipline, so many people are here." He warned.

"But Chacha ji, she's always the one who starts!" Laksh pointed towards Ragini. "In these three months, she has seriously made my life miserable."

"Oh hello! You-" Ragini lunged towards him.

"Ssshh!" Sharmishtha silenced them and looked at Ragini. "Ragini, behave yourself."

"But Maa he-" Ragini whinned.

"Don't forget it's your sister's in laws home. Please."

"Ohho Sharmishtha!" Annapurna groaned. "Stop being so formal." She held both Swara and Ragini by their shoulders and smiled. "Swara and Ragini both are more than daughters to me. And more than that you're more like a sister to me. Even after Swara gets married, she is going to enter this house as my daughter-in-law cum daughter only. Do you get it?"

Sharmishtha couldn't help but smile. Swara too smiled.

"Just a minute", the handsome young man politely excused one of his friends as soon as he felt he saw somebody at the gate of the Mansion.

Sanskar stood surprised and stunned. Stunned to see the beauty standing amidst thousands of gazes. The girl who'd stole his heart already. His eyes and heated gaze travelled from her head to toe, wondering how more beautiful was she capable of being? Sanskar seriously couldn't describe what magic she had done to him right when he had taken her out for a date on the day after their first meet in her house. Her inner beauty and innocence was something that pulled her towards him immediately. Oh, how he could forget those beautiful doe like eyes which he saw closely on the day he took her to the date, to see what she felt for him. Actually, he couldn't determine whether it was love at first sight or not, but there was one thing cleared. Both shared an unconditional bond and their story began with an attraction-turned-love. They both had been in love since three months.

The auspicious time for their marriage had been fixed two months ago. Panditji had said that there was a very auspicious period between the starting of Holi till the week after this festival. And that's how their marriage was fixed. There was just a week left for their marriage. And both the families for sure wanted to make it a Holi to remember, especially Swara and Sanskar, assuming that it was their first Holi together and they wanted to celebrate it with each other with enthusiasm and wanted to make the best out of it.

Sanskar was all giddy with the fact that the girl he was irrevocably in love with was soon going to be his wife. Right now, he could just notice one thing -- a beautiful angel had just descended down from her car. She was Swara. His Swara! His would-be wife! His feet lose their strength as her angelic look always made him go weak on his knees. He moved towards the Gadodia family and as he came closer, Ram noticed him.

RP : Here you are Sanskar! Tch, where were you? (held his arm) See, who has come!

Sanskar smiled looking at every member of Gadodia family, and he bent down on each of their feet to take their blessings.

Sanskar : Namastey Uncle, Namastey Aunty! How are you?

Shekhar (smiled blessing him) : We are great, Beta. You say, how are you?

Sanskar (smiled towards Shekhar) : Even I'm great!

Sanskar followed his steps towards them and lastly his heart stopped beating as he approached Swara infront of her. His heart always beated crazily whenever she was around her and so did Swara's. He smiled looking at her but nothing more than a 'Hii Swara!' could escape his tongue and he was totally admiring her beauty.

Swara (replied back) : Hii Sanskar!

Laksh (whispered into Swara's ear smirking) : Well, I think your wish is finally fulfilled!

And with that Swara's fist came flying on Laksh's chest. "Oucchhh!!!" he winced again. Swara looked at him as if he was the first person she was going to cross.

Swara : Mr Devarji, dare you open your mouth one more time, I'll assume that you have a death wish.

The bonding between Swara and Laksh also was no less. Sometimes, they both would find their brother and sister respectively in each other. They both would fight like kids, but at the end would definitely sort out like young adults.

Laksh : Chalo, kum se kum kuch toh bola aapne Bhabhi!

Swara : LAKKSSHHH!!!

Swara was just about to give a punch to Laksh until he ran away giggling and saying 'sorry'. Everybody laughed.

DP (looking at Laksh) : No idea, when he will grow up! (narrowed his eyes) I expected all four of my kids to grow up at once.

Sanskar : Bade Papa, you know him, right? Who can know him better than you?

Just then Uttara (Sanskar's younger sister) came there running.

Uttara (happily) : Hi Swara Bhabhi! Hi Ragini Didi!

SwaRagini : Hi Uttara!

Uttara (to AP) : Woh... actually the guests are insisting to meet you all (looking at the Gadodia family). So...

Sujata (Sanskar's mother) : Alright, you attend them for sometime, they will be there. (smiled)

Uttara (going from there) : Okay!

Sujata : (looking at the Gadodias) Please, you all have a seat. We are going to start in sometime.

Sharmishtha, Shekhar and Ragini nodded their heads smiling and Sujata took them near a group of chairs and made them sit there. Swara was also going to go with them but Sanskar's heated gaze stopped her all at once, and her big doe like eyes met his brown eyes filled with love again. She could do nothing but blush as she could feel his gaze.

Sanskar smiled looking at her and he took her hands on his, looking at the beautiful diamond bangles he had gifted her as a token of love just two days ago. Then he looked at her, slightly caressing her bangles and her soft hands.

Sanskar : So madam, finally you wore them! I was wondering if you would ever wear it or not.

Swara was shocked. She widened her eyes.

Swara : Hawww! What do you mean?

Sanskar : What I mean is, (thinking) Well... (still thinking) Umm... (finally to the conclusion) Honestly, nothing! (teasing her)

Swara (hit him on his chest angrily) : Sanskar!

Alright! The pout on her face...

...always made his knees turn into jellies.

Sanskar (raised his hands in surrender) : Okay okay, don't become Ms Lady Blackbelt again. But honestly Swara, what exactly are you? (smiled) Everytime I see you, I wonder how many years did God spent in creating you.

His every word made her astonished and silent.

Sanskar (smiled) : For me, You're the most beautiful woman I have ever met!

Swara : (smiled) Thank you, Mr Maheshwari!

Sanskar : Swara, I wonder if you know how special you are, and I wonder if you know how precious you are. I wonder if you know, how lucky I am to have you in my life. (smiled) I love you.

Swara couldn't hide her inner emotions anymore and she poured her heart out with nothing but a warm hug. Her petite arms around his waist made her feel blissful. And his arms, returning the warmth she was giving him made her feel so protected and loved!

Swara : (smiled closing her eyes) I love you too Sanskar! I love you two, three, four, infinitely.

Sanskar delicately broke the hug and cupped her cheek.

Sanskar : So, Mrs Would be Maheshwari, on a lighter note, let us go there with everybody. Well, assuming its our first Holi together, I want to make this one special!

Swara (happily) : Yes! Since its our first Holi, Mr Maheshwari, the copyright of making your (pulled Sanskar's chin to his shock) sweet, cute little face colourful is only and only mine!

Sanskar (shocked) : What! Wait, what did you say? Swara...

Swara ran from there giggling till the time he could even utter a word. Sanskar scrunched his eyebrows in shock.

His fiancee just said that, his face looked cute? Sweet? Little? Yes, for sure for men, these compliments don't go well with them. Men are never cute! Men are never sweet! Yes, a man can be handsome, dashing, smart, charming, as he already is, but definitely not cute and sweet! He vowed to confront his fiancee about it very soon.

Sanskar : So Swara Gadodia, you think I am cute? Now, first let this Holika Dahan finish, I will show you what a cute guy does! Just you, wait and watch.

And he smirked naughtily folding his arms.


As said, days before the festival people start gathering wood and combustible materials for the bonfire in parks, community centers, near temples and other open spaces. On top of the pyre is an effigy to signify Holika who tricked 'Prahalad' into the fire.

The society were doing the Holika Pooja. Maheshwaris and Gadodias were together in this Pooja. One by one they stood infront of the idol and performed the pooja by Aarti Plate. SwaSan joined their hands infront of the pious idol and after all the elders do the Aarti, SwaSan are requested to do the Aarti. SwaSan looked at each other, and then at the trustworthy idol and did the Aarti.

Sanskar : (closed his eyes with a smile on his face) Please Maa, give me a blessed life with Swara! Since, today was the day when the good had won over the evil, please give me strength so that I can protect my love and my family from all evils that come across us!

Swara (closed her eyes smiling) : Give me strength to fulfill all my responsibilities as a wife and as a daughter-in-law. Give me strength so that I could overcome all obstacles which come across me. Give me strength so that I can protect Sanskar and my family from all evils that come across us! I want to begin this new phase of my life by your blessings Maa. Bless me and my love!

And SwaSan who admitted that their beautiful prayers were listened, they opened their eyes at the same time and then they bow down onto the Aarti Plate. Then they forwarded it to Ragini and Laksh who were insisted to do the Aarti together. Ragini and Laksh twisted their lips looking at each other to which Swara and Sanskar just smile. Something might definitely be brewing amidst them in future!

Or so they hoped.

After the Pooja, Holika Pyre for bonfire which was already prepared a few days ago by the Maheshwaris and a few men of the society, was lit and everybody in the society were taking rounds around it, pouring the holy water around the Holika. People performed 'parikrama' of the fire and so did Swara and Sanskar, together. They performed every part of their ritual together. Even in future, they will be doing all the things together! And this is the beginning. So for sure, their first Holi began with the blessings showered on them. They together prayed for a healthy and blessed life together and last but not the least, before the ritual ended they turned to look at each other smiling.

Everyone mixed up with one another in the society. People admired Swara and Sanskar as they both made a very lovely couple. They were introduced to a few faraway relatives of Maheshwaris, and all of them admired Swara's beauty and humbleness. Sanskar smiled admiring Swara.

After a few hours of the ending of Holika Dahan, Sanskar held Swara's hand shocking her and he took her to a room. A room of the Maheshwari Mansion. Probably, HIS room.

Swara : Sanskar??!!

And he lessened their differences and he pinned her towards the wall... Swara looked on surprised, he for sure isn't planning to cook rice!

Swara : Why did you bring me here?

Sanskar : (smirked) Well... (a bit romantically) Mrs would be Maheshwari, I brought you here to prove you wrong.

Swara (shocked) : What? What I did?

Swara could feel his heated gaze on her, his breath fanning on her skin, and his eyes on her rosy pink lips. Swara understood what he was upto and looked on surprised, her cheeks again turning red...

Sanskar (lessening distance between them) : So I... look... cute and sweet to you?

Swara (stumbled) : Woh... woh...

Sanskar gripped Swara waist making her go weak on her knees. She understood what was coming next...

Sanskar : Just tell me, yes or no?

Swara : But I can't help it. You are cute.

Sanskar : Well, if you want me to show that what a 'cute' man can do...

Swara (before Sanskar could complete) : Nooo! No Sanskar! (in one breath) You... You are not cute. Yes, you are not cute and sweet but infact you are very very handsome and dashing! Yeah! (smiled sheepishly)

Sanskar : Eeeexxxaactly what a man likes to hear!

He gave a winning smile to himself as soon as his mind shooted these words to him. But he composed his expression again looking at Swara. "Hmm! Right!" Sanskar left her smirking at her.

"But more than that you're seriously cute! In fact, you are the cutest human being on this universe I have ever met!" Swara giggled winningly as if she had won the whole world. Sanskar's face turned shocked again.

Sanskar : Please Swara, don't call me cute! I don't really like it. Not only me, infact no other man likes it!

Swara : (folded her arms and chirped) But for you it's the other way round, Mr Maheshwari. If you are cute then honestly I will call you cute, right?

Sanskar : (controlling his smile) God, you are forcing me to do something I have always wanted to do but not today, infact tomorrow.

Swara (shocked) : Tomorrow?! Why?!

Sanskar (shocked) : Seriously you don't know? I was actually waiting for tomorrow's day so desperately! In fact since the time I fell for you. Swaraaa tomorrow is Holi! Isn't it? Our first Holi together! And well, (winked) I always had a wish that I have my first kiss with my fiancee on the day of Holi! Like you know, the atmosphere always becomes colourful and exquisite on this day! So, Mrs would be Maheshwari, I hope you know what I mean.

Ohh God! Now one more time he winked at her, she would really lose her consciousness!

Why do men even wink?

Swara : I don't believe this! You're so bad.

Sanskar : (feigned anger) What? At which angle? I just wanted our first kiss to be special!

Swara : So do I!

Great Swara. You just didn't know how to keep control over your tongue.

Swara folded her arms, fighting with the blood that was forming on her cheeks turning them reddish. Sanskar smirked and he forwarded his hand.

Sanskar : So Ms Gadodia, how about we make a little deal?

Swara (shocked) : Deal?

Sanskar : Since tomorrow is the day of colours, how about this... The one who would first be able to apply the holi colour to the other will win this deal, and the other will kiss him! Because apparently, we both are going to apply colours to each other first! Not others?

Swara (shocked) : Seriously? You call this a deal? That's unfair, Mr Maheshwari! (fake anger) And you definitely know it very well that my family and the society here is going to come at your Mansion for Holi celebration, and you will find an opportunity and drown me with colours! That will be cheating and so unfair!

Sanskar (smirked) : Sochlo Swara. Either right now, or else tomorrow! Well, ultimately we will have our first kiss tomorrow, whether it's you first or else me! But you know what? I don't have any problem with having my first kiss with you right now also.

Saying this, he winked naughtily and now Swara's cheeks were redder. But somehow, she managed to hide them under her challenging demeanor and she folded her arms with attitude.

Swara : So, if this is a deal, then you will watch out! Because it's me who is going to win and you will lose!

Sanskar : Well, it's the other way round. Chalo, let me make it easier for you. Tomorrow early morning before applying colour to anyone else, I will come to your house to apply you colour.

Swara : (more shocked) WHAT?! But what if...

Sanskar : (irritated) Tsk Swara! Stop shouting and listen to me first.

Swara : What if anybody from my house come to know about it?

Sanskar : I'll be meeting you at the lawn of your house, then. No one will come to know.

Swara folded her arms and left out a sigh. Soon enough, a smirk crept on her face. And she eyed winningly towards him.

Swara : So that means, we are all set Mr Maheshwari. Tomorrow, I am going to win! (kept her hand on his) Deal accepted!

Sanskar : Wow Swara! Itna power hai tum mein! Ms... (pulled her cheek) Kachcha Nimbu!

Swara looked as if giving a death warning.

Swara : Ji nahi, kachcha nimbu hoge tum!

Swara swatted his hand and he playfully winced.

Swara : We will see that tomorrow! I will wait for you in my house, just when Ragini, Maa and Baba will be gone in your house.

Sanskar (smiled) : I will come tomorrow.

Swara (forwarded her hand) : Promise!

Sanskar grinned and held her hand before giving her the final promise...

Sanskar : Promise Shona!

Swara smiled wide but it faded the next moment as she heard some noise in the basement.

Swara : So I guess it's time to go. I heard some noises of footsteps.

Sanskar : Really...

"Sanskar! Send Swara down! They are leaving!" His mother gave a call.

Swara raised his eyebrows smiling and turned towards Sanskar.

Swara (smiled) : Good night!

Sanskar : (smiled) Good night Swara! And I am telling you, pehla rang kal tumhe mujhse hi lagega! Do you get it?

Swara : (smiled in assurance) Yes Mr Maheshwari!

Just then Sanskar delicately grabbed Swara's head and planted a kiss over her forehead making Swara close her eyes with the sweet smile on her face.

So all in all another lovely day of their life had ended. But as it is said, behind every ending there is always a beginning. Beginning of new phase of their life, with the blessings of Goddess Durga Maa and their family!

And tomorrow, it was a new beginning!


Next Morning...

Rang barse... Bheege chunarwaali Rang barse...

Everybody loves enchanting this on the day of Holi! Isn't it? So, why not sing it together? You and me!

Someone said right -- Holi celebration is the best way to shower your heartiest feelings and blessings on your near and dear ones. They are a small way of expressing bigger feelings. Our inner colours are shown on this day. If wishes come in rainbow colors, then one would say, the brightest one to say, Happy Holi!

But the colourful festival has its own uniqueness and significance. Right?

On this occasion you won't see any one at home on televisions or mobile phones. They all might be playing with colours among themselves, visiting their neighbours and their friends' homes or meeting in an empty place like lawns to apply them colours and celebrate Holi joyfully. Gentlemen and little boys wore white or silver sherwanis and would get drenched in seven different yet beautiful holi colours. Anybody would love to be dressed up like that! Isn't it? And all the ladies and little girls wearing shararas and lehengas, although not very heavy ones but they looked beautiful.

And the society function held in the Maheshwari House was being set up. On one end of the lawn of the Mansion there was a table where all water balloons packet were kept, and plenty of eco friendly packets of Holi colours. A few pichkaris for children to play were kept on the table at one corner of the huge lawn. There were all facilities, there was nothing left!

Laksh and Adarsh celebrated Holi by applying the first colour to their parents and then their Chacha and Chachi. As they ran towards each and every individual who had started to come into the lawn for the celebration, Parineeta stood infront of Adarsh shocking him.

Adarsh (happily applied colour to her) : Happy Holi my wifey!

Parineeta (angrily folding her arms) : Huh! Dikhava jyada na kijiye aap, Adarsh ji! I hate you!

Adarsh got shocked as Parineeta turned to show her back towards him. Laksh looked on confused. Adarsh looked at Laksh with confusion etched all over his face.

Adarsh : (whispered) Ab maine kya kiya yaar?

Laksh : (shrugged his shoulders) How could I know? Bhabhi se hi puchh lo.

Laksh smirked and left from there leaving Adarsh shocked. He turned towards his wife.

Adarsh : (convincingly) Pari Darling. Please tell me my mistake so that I won't repeat it again.

Parineeta (whinned) : Adarsh ji you promised me that as soon as you will get up you will apply the first colour to me! But you didn't keep your promise! Jao. I won't play Holi with you.

Adarsh (slapped his forehead) : Parineeta yaar. I was coming to you only Jaan!

Parineeta looked on frowning with a pout as Adarsh continued.

Adarsh : But I didn't find you. And then Laksh immediately came to my room and dragged me out of my room! Mai kya karta?

Parineeta : Wow! Great. Mr Adarsh Maheshwari, just go and learn something from my bade devarji!

Adarsh : (confused) Bade Devarji?

Parineeta slapped her forehead assuming her husband to be absolutely stupid.

Parineeta : Yes! Sanskar Devarji.

Adarsh : (rolled his eyes) : I know! I was just confused about whom you're talking because you have two devars. (remembered) One minute. In every Holi, Sanskar has always been the one who dragged me out to play. This time what is up with him? I haven't even seen him since I have woke up.

Parineeta (folded her arms) : How will you even seen him? He's made a promise that he won't get colour applied to himself before he applied the first colour to his would be wife. Precisely he has locked up himself in his room.

Adarsh (shocked) : What?! Really?

Parineeta : I don't know. Just a little birdie told me.

'WHAT!!!' Laksh who had heard everything from a distance approached to them shocked.

Laksh : (coming to them) Yes, I knocked at his door only to call him first, but he said to me that he will join us as soon as he completed his office work! That is why Adarsh Bhaiyya I brought you and Uttara here.

Adarsh (confused) : Office work?

Laksh : Yes. He said he has some deal to be cracked and Papa is also with him, I think. After all, whom do you expect to be the best in our business? Sanskar Bhai only na!

Parineeta : (confused) I don't know then.

Adarsh : Laksh, I swear if you're lying, no one will be wilder than me.

Laksh : (shocked) Why will I lie? I'm saying the truth Bhai.

Parineeta : Either this way or that way, aapne mere saath thikh nahi kiya Adarsh Ji!

Adarsh felt his little ticking bomb taking her eyes away from him and she walked off before even he could convince her.

Adarsh : Uff! She got angry on me.

Laksh : (shrugged his shoulders to himself) : Well, mujhe kya. Today it is my day and I am going to enjoy to the fullest.

Adarsh (joined his hands) : Tu jaa mere baap! Agar kaam nahi aasakta nah toh aas paas bhi mat aaya kar!

Laksh giggled frowning and walked off from there as if he had nothing to care about.


KOLKATA BAADI. Situated at the outskirts of the city of Kolkata.

Every child of Baadi was playing with colours, some of them spilling water here and there and happily disturbing their neighbours, and wishing 'Bura na maano Holi hai!' Haha. Yes, this line is very commonly used on the day of Holi, with an intention to calm down someone if in case one gets him annoyed. A few kids came near the door of 'Gadodia House' and they started banging the door.


Ragini : (shouted) I will see Maa!

Ragini wearing a beautiful yellow slit suit came there running to see who was on the door. She opened the door and just within...

1. 2. 3 seconds ...


"Wheeee!!!!! Happy Holi Didi!"

Ragini (shocked) : Ouucchh!!!

She found her cheeks to be mixed with colours - green, yellow, purple! The credit went to those kids who were at her door.

One of the kids : (happily) Happy Holi Ragini Didi!!!

Ragini (trying to wipe her cheeks) : You guys would seriously make me look like a joker.

Another kid : Didi! Bura kyu maanti ho aap?

Ragini (looked at them) : When did I say I felt bad?

Just then, she acknowledged one of the smaller kids and pulled his cheeks happily.

Ragini : Aeeee Chhotu! Tujhe kisi ne gaal par rang nahi lagaya?

Chhotu : I challenged them that if they do so, the result would be very bad.

Ragini : (confused) Why?!

Chhotu : My pichkari is the biggest (showed her his pichkari) in the gang.

Saying that he smiled cheekily and Ragini decided to tease the little guy a bit.

Ragini (pretended to be shocked) : Oh my god! So, definitely you are today's hero. But, let me tell you that I have bigger pichkari than yours. This one is nothing in front of mine.

Chhotu (got shocked) : What! No. My pichkari is the biggest.

Ragini : No! Mine is the best.

'Oh god! Bas kar Ragini. Why are you teasing the little kid?'

Swara made an entry smiling cheekily and looked at the kids. She was looking no less like a gorgeous angel, who was wearing a beautiful net peach lehenga, and her silky hairs open.

Swara : (chirped) Wish you all a very very colourful holi!

Kids (together) : Swara Didi! Can we apply colour to you?

Swara : Of course you can. Where am I? Here only.

She chirped another time making the kids run towards her with their colours in order to apply colour to Swara but her another chirp rang their ears...

Swara : Lekin... Sochlo!

Just then, she showed them her hands which were fully and dangerously colourful with Holi colours.

Swara : ... If you don't want me to attack you all back!

The little kids who lacked sophisticasm and naive enough to not understand Swara's little prank, avoid going in front of her.

Swara took it as an advantage so that Sanskar would be the first one to apply colour to her.

Kids : Woah Didi! Whom are you planning to turn into a joker?

Swara : (winked) Whoever dares to attack Swara Gadodia!

Chhotu : By the way, Swara didi and Ragini didi aren't you both going to Maheshwari house to play? They had kept a society function at their mansion, don't you know?

Ragini (side hugged Swara dearly) : We know! And of course we are the first one to know.

A boy named Ayush perked up...

Ayush : So aren't you both coming?

Ragini : (grinned) Arey of course we are coming! Is that even a question? We were just leaving after Maa and Baba get ready.

Another kid : Chalo guys, we will go there and drown everybody with colourful colours! Whatssay?

Ayush : (happily) Yeah let's go then! Bye Didi. Will see you both soon.

The kids went from there running discussing among themselves that who will be the first person to be trapped in their little Holi pranks. Ragini turned to look at Swara as if she was seeing a ghost. Swara sensed Ragini's gaze and looked at her in confusion.

Swara : What happened?

Ragini looked at her for sometime and then started reducing distance amidst them, making Swara shocked. Ragini started rubbing her hands which didn't go unnoticed by Swara. She understood that her darling sister had some others plans. Ragini started trapping Swara as if she was playing kabaddi.

Ragini : Get ready Swara! So as always, I'll be the first one to apply color on you.

Swara (shocked) What! No. No. Ragini please no!

Ragini (started running towards her) : Oh yes!

Swara (started running towards a random direction) : NO!!!

And with this, both of them started running around the whole house creating chaos. An astonished Sharmishtha and Shekhar came out of their room hearing the noises their daughters were making. Sharmishtha made a funny expression looking at them.

Sharmishtha : As expected. Both of them are capable enough to create lot of chaos.

Shekhar (chuckled) : It's okay Sharmishtha, afterall today indeed is a day of creating chaos. And thats what they are doing right now.

'Maa! Bachao mujhe!' And with that Swara came shouting and hid behind Sharmishtha defending herself from Ragini's colourful hands.

Ragini : Maa. Please.

Sharmishtha (shocked) : Oh God. Shona. Ragu. Yeh kya bachpana hai?

Swara (yelled as if life depended on it) : Maa please tell Ragini to stop this. Please!

Sharmishtha : (laughed) Oho Swara. Color hi toh hai. Thodi na tujhe kha jayega.

Ragini stopped at her own place and soon enough a goofy smile appeared on her face shocking the trio.

Ragini : I think Maa I can tell you the reason why she is so hesitant. My darling sister wants to get herself coloured by Jiju first.

Shekhar : What?

One disadvantage of having a sister was that she can notice each and every weird thing about you.

Swara : Shut up Ragini! It's... (hesitated a bit) nothing like that. Its' just that I am...

Shomi (joined Ragini) : Yes Shona, what you are?

Ragini smirked looking at Sharmishtha as she knew she was in her team now.

Swara : Nothing! Uff!

And soon enough she rushed inside her room sighing as if her life depended on it!


Shekhar : Ragu, ask Swara if she's ready. We have to go to the Maheshwari House, right?

Ragini : (smiled) Of course she is ready Baba. I will bring her.

Ragini made her way towards Swara's room.


She remembered Sanskar's words of last night!

"I will come tomorrow! And I am telling you, pehla rang kal tumhe mujhse hi lagega! Do you get it?"

She sighed taking support of her desk in front of which she was standing right now. One thing that came in her mind...

Should she call him?

But next -- Her childish ego caught her.

Why should she? He didn't even bother to call her once and wish her!

"Too good Mr Maheshwari!" The conclusion of her story.

And with that she sighed in a frustration and wore her world famous pout on her face.

She plunged herself down on her chair with her arms folded. But soon enough her anger was broken because just then she was startled with a ring.

Her phone ring!

Could it be Sanskar? How her heart wished to know!

Swara immediately grabbed her phone to see the caller name. A wide smile appeared on her face as the caller name displayed 'Sanskar'!

Yes!!! It's him!!!

She quickly answered the phone but soon enough composed her expression into an attitudilixious one.

Swara : Say.

Sanskar who was leaning on a window with his elbow touching the grill smirked as he understood that what had angered his fiancee.

Sanskar : Good morning Swara! Wish you a very very happy Holi love!

Swara (twisted her lips) : You called me so late.

Sanskar : (chuckled) Sorry yaar I was busy.

Swara (argued frowning) : Holi ke din kaun busy rehta hai Sanskar!

Sanskar : (smiled) I had some urgent office work with Bade Papa which was to be done. So, you're coming right? I suppose you and your family are leaving right now.

Swara : You said you are coming here!

Sanskar : Haan yes I mean, your family is coming here now, right?

Swara : Yes they are all getting ready.

Sanskar (smiled winking) : So glad that you read so properly between my lines! Well, get ready, I am going to be the first one to smear your face with colours!

Swara (stood up from her chair) : We will see that Mr Maheshwari! No person till today has escaped from my hands in Holi!

Sanskar : It's still the other way round for me!

Swara (smiled) : Bye! I am waiting for you. Tum aane ke baad hi tumhe Holi wish karungi!

Sanskar : (winked) In my style!

Swara : I am waiting, Sanskar. (tried not to blush) And I'll wait for you throughout my life!

Sanskar : (smiled) And I'll love you throughout my life. Bye.

Sanskar and Swara both cut their phones with lovely smiles on their faces.

But, was 'Every cloud has a silver lining' reliable in every case?

Can't be precise, noticing that Ragini had heard their entire conversation near the door! Swara's smile for sure was shortlived. Her eyes widened as she immediately hid her phone behind her looking at Ragini in astonishment.

Swara : Shit Ragini! What happened?

Ragini had folded her arms and as usual her goofy smirk on her face supported her.

Ragini : And that is what Madam was desperately waiting for since morning! (came to her) Finally caught here! So, as usual, it was all about my Jiju.

Swara (irritated) : You go with Maa and Baba. (blushed slightly) I'll come a bit afterwards.

Ragini (smiled broadly) : Oh! Waiting for him to be the first one to apply you colour? Okay. Take your time sis! Don't worry!

Swara smiled as Ragini ran outside the living room. She sighed in relief as if she had just claimed a reward.


It was almost 9 am of morning. Guests and some kids in neighbours had started gathering in the Maheshwari lawn for the function and Annapurna and Sujata together greeted their guests with a dry red colour on their cheeks.

A lady came there and spotted AP and Sujata. Both of them noticed her and came to her.

AP (applying colour to the lady) : Wish you happy Holi Mrs Verma!

Mrs Verma : Happy Holi to you both as well! (looked around) So, as every year this is a good occasion to get mixed up with the society. (smiled)

Sujata : (excitedly) Naa bilcul sahi kehrahi hai aap! (looked around Mrs Verma) Didn't your husband and son come today? I can't see them.

Mrs Verma : (smiled nodding his head) They are also here! They have come. Rahul went to play with his gang and his dad too. Aap bataiyye? By the way where's Sanskar? I can't see him. In all these past years, he has been the first one to wish me but this time I can't see him anywhere.

AP and Sujata looked at each other and then Mrs Verma.

Yeah right, even they haven't seen him since morning! And by 9.30 am, he should have been here atleast!

Sujata : He'll also be here shortly...

AP : Yes. (smiled)

Mrs Verma : (smiled nodding) Sanskar is the highlight of the house. Who can peacefully celebrate Holi without him? (chuckled)

Sujata (in mind) : Na mhara chhora toh hai hi laakhon mein ek...

AP beated Sujata frowning indicating that their guests would listen.


Last and the final step -- Get ready!

Sanskar had swapped his clothes from red t-shirt and white comfy pant to a full plain white buttoned shirt and black jeans. As always, his every look held a charm and his handsomely spiked hairs showed how handsome he could be. He pulled the long sleeves of his shirt a bit up to give it an extra touch.

Ever since the day had begun, his brothers and sister were banging his door continuously and calling him as if he was the highlight of today's function. Hehe, well yes, of course he was. In their group of four, he was the most asked and most special in the group and that is the reason why his cousins were so desperate to bring him out of his damn room.

Sanskar heard another sound of knock on his door.

Sanskar : Coming.

"It's not whom you are thinking to be Jijaji!" came another sound from outside. A female sound. She controlled her laugh looking at the other three girls standing beside her, eagerly waiting for know what will happen next.

Sanskar stood blank as he registered the owner of the voice.

Sanskar : (confused) Ragini, is that you?

And just with that he flung the door open only to say Ragini's grinning face and some of Swara's best friends. One of them was 'Kavita'.

Kavita : So Jijaji, get ready!

Sanskar (shocked) : For what?

Ragini : Don't worry! We are not here to do 'paisa wasool' with you. Because that is going to happen on the day of your and Swara's marriage.

Sanskar smirked and put his arm around Ragini's shoulder.

Sanskar : My dear Saali cum Behena, why do I feel like you're purposefully beating around the bushes and not coming to the point?

Ragini (got free of his hand) : I was just here to inform you that my sister is waiting for you! So, better hurry. (winked)

Another girl : (grinned) Yes! She's refusing to get herself coloured from somebody else.

Sanskar : Don't worry sisters! I am not going to leave your friend starving for Holi celebration! Nor am I going to celebrate here unless I meet her. You know, right.

Kavita : Yes Jiju, otherwise you know right what we girls are capable of doing! (winked) Chhodenge nahi aapko!

Sanskar : Alright, alright. (raised his hands in surrender) Now...

Ragini (held his hand to pull him) : Now you have to come with us.

Sanskar (shocked) : Hain? Why?

Ragini : Why are you behaving as if you're never going to come?

Sanskar : Yes I am coming there but...

Kavita : No ifs no buts! You have to come right now.

"Ok..." - Thats all Sanskar could reply as the girls had literally dragged him out of his room. They pulled him downstairs making Sanskar all confused and shocked.

They were almost at the basement now.


As they were reaching the main lawn the girls increased their speed and just within a moment they pushed Sanskar a bit ahead making him shocked and next moment what had happened was a heart attack...



Next moment.

Next moment. He looked up. But his eyes shut.

Holy shit! Sanskar totally forgot that he was even alive after all this.

All he could notice was his beautifully spiked hairs were now dripping colourful red and green water... All he remembered was his spiked hair, and his plain clean white shirt. But now, just in one go his white shirt had turned into a mixture of red, yellow, blue, purple, pink colors... All he could notice was, his hairs dripping water, his shirt fully wet with all those colours, and his cute face dripping those colour water through his chin...

No prizes of guessing that it was all Adarsh, Parineeta, Laksh, Ragini, Swara's friends, and Uttara's 'little' prank and they had poured two buckets full of those colourful waters together onto him! A few kids from neighbours and some other people of the society also enjoyed the scene... A huge outburst of laughter from people and kids from all sides surrounding him.

Sanskar dared to look up slowly at everybody who were painstakingly laughing and giggling at his condition. He was in a condition that he couldn't even utter a word... So, for sure it was a prank of his fiancee!!!

But, he couldn't see her!

Ragini (laughed) : D-o-n-'t w-o-r-r-y Jijaji, there's nowhere your fiancee is involved in our plan! It was 'our' plan.

Sanskar looked up and he brushed his hairs covering his forehead and wiped his face so that they were devoid of any other colour on his cute face. Still breathing heavily at the major heart attack his 'well-wishers' just gave him.

Parineeta : (happily) Bura na mano Devarji, Holi hai!

Sanskar : You guys. Just watch out. I won't spare any of you.

His voice showed how unused he was to pranks but deep inside his heart he actually was feeling like to laugh on himself. Afterall, it's Holi yaar! Aaj hasne ka din hi toh hai!

But one thing which came in his mind...

"I actually expected Swara to be here!"

"Where is she?" - he asked himself as he looked around himself where there were everyone but not the one he was searching for. But then he realised...

"She might be at home waiting for me!"

He was just moving towards a random direction but soon enough Adarsh and Laksh held either of his wrists and dragged him towards the rain shower area giving him another shock.

Adarsh : Come on Sanskar, we were waiting for you for so long...

Sanskar : Umm... Bhaiyya woh...

Laksh : I know, he is waiting for his ladylove. But atleast enjoy right now till she comes!

Sanskar : But I....

"Sanskar! Uttara! Laksh! Adarsh! Look who has come." - Sujata shouted to Sanskar.

Looks like Sanskar might have known it.

"Has my Swara come?" - Sanskar's heart was fluttering imagining how angelic his Swara might be looking today when he saw her! But soon enough he realised his excitement was shortlived as he saw only his future mother in law and father in law but not his future wife. Sanskar eyed towards each and every direction but he found Swara nowhere.

But amidst all this, he never forgot one thing : greeting his in-laws! He bent down on Sharmishtha and Shekhar's feet and they blessed him. Then they apply a dry colour on his cheek and in return he also applied colour to them.

Sanskar : Wish you a very very happy Holi Maa, Baba!

Shekhar : Sanskar, Beta we know what you are thinking. That why Swara hasn't come, right?

Sanskar was a bit taken aback. But, his expressions and eyes never lied as he unknowingly nodded his head, accepting that he had the question in his mind and heart too.

Sharmishtha (chuckled) : She is coming, Swara! And once she completely enters this house, she will be yours forever!

Sanskar smiled nodding his head. The rest of the people continued playing and spilling colours and water balloons on each other and Adarsh and Laksh fully engrossed Sanskar into playing with them... AP, Sujata, followed by DP and RP greeted the Gadodia family....

Celebration was already on full swing. It had begun. 'Party toh abhi baaki hai!'


Swara was leaning on her desk with her head near her elbow and hand resting on her desk. It was needless to say she was bored. Bored of sitting here. She was desperate. Desperate to see Sanskar! Desperate to have her first kiss with him! He had promised here! And only she knew how particular her Sanskar was with any promise he gave her.

"I will come tomorrow! And I am telling you, pehla rang kal tumhe mujhse hi lagega!! Do you get it?" - it was something she was again and again remembering...

She was dragged out of her thoughts after she heard the bell... "Would it be Sanskar?" - a broad smile appeared on her face as she ran out of her room all towards her main door and opened it...

Only to find her smile vanished...

There was a man at the door.

Man : Hello Swara! Wish you and your family a very very prosperous Holi! Actually... I am just here to ask if you have some old newspapers to recycle... You can give them to me.

Swara (composed herself a bit) : Namastey Kaka, Umm... right now my Maa and Baba are not at home. So right now I have nothing to recycle. You can come some other day. So sorry for inconvenience. And yes by the way wish you too a very very happy holi!!

Man : Ok Beta... No problem.

The man smiled which Swara returned back and he went from there... Swara shut the door leaning towards the door.

Swara (closed her eyes, a bit desperately) : Sanskaarr!! When are you coming??

She calmly asked herself imagining about the upcoming events....


It was almost 11 pm right now. Everybody was enjoying to the fullest.

Well, literally by 'everybody' I don't mean 'everybody'. There was somebody who wasn't wholeheartedly enjoying.

"Is she waiting for me?" - all that Sanskar's mind could ring again and again... But everytime he turned towards the gate, his brothers pulled him back and took him to play with them. The little kids whom were playing water balloon pranks on the elder of the Maheshwari Mansion and some other people were gifted a revenge in return. Sanskar was completely engrossed in returning the revenge well in advance. But needless to say, he enjoyed.

Just then Laksh shouted in the society..."Hello! Hello! Attention please!!"

Everything came to a halt hearing the sudden shout. Even Sanskar, Adarsh and Parineeta stopped.

Laksh : (excitedly) How about having a competition for all kids over here?

Sanskar-Adarsh (together) : What???

Laksh : A competition to satisfy everyone : Girls VS Boys!!!

Adarsh : Huh? My brother is again talking nonsense.

Laksh (slapped his forehead hard) : Sunn toh lo yaar. (composed himself) I was saying ki this is a competition in which there will be two teams. One team will be of all girls and the other team will be of boys. Rules are, each team will make as many water balloons as they can. But a particular colour or colour combination will be given and according to that we have to fill the given colours in our water balloons. And the last part...

Ayush : Laksh Bhaiyya, so its obviously the girls who will lose! Haina?

A random girl (shouted) : Hell!!! Noo!!!

Parineeta (smiled) : Not really. Its a good plan Laksh. Atleast by this, I can teach my dear patidev a good lesson.

Adarsh rolled his eyes wiping the sweats on his forehead which were already getting formed.

Laksh : Tssskk! (without giving any damn he continued) Last part is, you will attack your opponents with those water balloons. The team which attacks at the maximum number will win! Each attack will have 1 point. This will be a 25 points competition.

Sanskar : Dekh Lucky, I agree to it, but we need to pay attention to another thing. There are all kids over here and we have no intention to hurt any of them. And what if they got hurt on somewhere like you know... The most delicate part : Their eyes! (raised hie eyebrows) Sochle fir... I don't think its a very good id...

Laksh : Sanskar Bhai don't worry. Nothing will happen. That will be our responsibility.

Sanskar : But that doesn't...

Ragini : (grinned) So that means, it is a pre-marriage fight between the Ladke and Ladki walas. Right?

Sanskar (taken aback) : What!!!

Laksh : Wow Ragini. I must say your little brain is working a lot today.

Ragini : (sarcastically) And so do yours Mr Monkey.

Laksh (twisted his lips and murmured to himself) : Huhh! Chudeil.

Sanskar : Ufff! For godsake please both of you stop fighting.

Ayush and Chhotu (together) : So we will win. Afterall boys are the best!

Uttara (excitedly) : We will see that! Women are the best!

Sanskar : That's okay but...

Laksh (teased him) : Yeh Loo... I bet a hundred times that he's still waiting for his ladylove.

Sanskar stood with a no-nonsense look as he looked at Laksh and Ragini simultaneously.

He promised Swara that he will come! How could he forget!

No, he obviously didn't forget! All this happening around him was useless if his love was not here.

He wasn't enjoying! It had been 2 hours passed already and he was very well aware that she was waiting for him at his home on his promise.

"I will come tomorrow! And I am telling you, pehla rang kal tumhe mujhse hi lagega!! Do you get it?"


Swara was sitting on her bed with her knees folded and her head on her thighs remembering his words. She looked on with no expressions and that showed how much bored she was.

She was waiting for Sanskar!

She was waiting for him to apply colour on her!

She was waiting for her first kiss!

She had raised her head up looking on frowning. Damn, her Sanskar never broke any promise which he made to her! So what happened now? Is it that... he might have forgotten? Has he got himself engrossed in enjoying in his own lawn with his family and friends?

Hell! No! Not at all. Her Sanskar could never do this. She had known him for 3 months and all she knew was they loved and more than that trusted each other to an extent that even if God came and said something to them against each other, even then they wouldn't believe. They had always interacted with each other through their eyes which was filled with love for each other. Damnnn.... Swara's craziness and attractiveness were on those brown orbs of Sanskar. She couldn't express it! And so did he had on her beautiful large black orbs. Well, her eyes were something he was attracted to first!

She took a pillow on her lap and leaned on it. Why isn't he here yet? Forgetting his promise would be the last thing she will ever expect from her love!

She sighed running her fingers through her silky long hairs. She composed herself to get up for sometime as she was tired sitting on the bed since last 2 hours.

"Where are you Sanskar... You said you will come. Is it that you have really forgotten? But.... I can't forget that today we are going to have our first kiss! I am coming Sanskar!" - she lost her patience and immediately she took long strides towards the main door. But soon enough she was going to open it she ended up banging her head. Not only her. Even the other person's.

Swara : (got hurt) Aaaahhh!!!!!

"Shitt Swara!! I'm sorry!!" - it was Ragini. Swara looked at her in an astonishment.

Swara : Ragini, you here? (sighed) Don't tell me you are here to call me.

Ragini (rubbed her head where she was hurt) : I had that intention, but I know how stubborn you are. So..erm.. well.. leave it!

Swara : (questioned) What happened then?

Ragini (grinned) I was here to wish our neighbours a very very happy holi. I am going to each of their homes to apply colour to them.

Swara (nodded her head) : Alright then.

Ragini turned around to go but soon enough Swara startled her with a question.

Swara : Ragini. Erm... Is Sanskar there?

Ragini turned her head towards her in a jerk. She looked at him astonished.

Ragini : Swara, this will poke you like a needle but to be frank... its really not good! Jiju is enjoying a lot!

Swara (shocked) : Huhh? That's okay but... He must have tried to find me over there nah?

Ragini shrugged her shoulders stretching her lips into a frown.

Ragini : There is a competition among kids going on in the Maheshwari Mansion! So far what I have seen was, he's cheering for boys to win.

Swara (double shocked) : Boys to win?

Ragini : Yes. It's a competition 'Boys vs Girls'. It was the idea of that monkey.

Swara (frowned) : Laksh?

Ragini (irritated) : Whatever! For me he is a monkey and will always be. Now stop behaving like his typical Bhabhi.

Swara (a bit eagerly) Ok fine but, right now, what is Sanskar doing?

Ragini (frowned) : I told you right. He's cheering for boys to win! (folded his arms) Just look Swara... not even once my jiju was bothered about you! He's behaving as if he is the happiest person present there.

Swara : What...

She herself didn't know why but a pang of anger crept in her heart. Oh god, here, she was waiting like crazy to meet him since last 2 hours and he who had forgotten his promise already was right now in his society behaving as if nothing happened! She began pulling the dupatta of her lehenga harshly as she was unable to digest the news her little sister just gave her.

Swara : (fuming in anger) How dare he... Chhodungi nahi mai tumhe Mr Maheshwari!

Ragini : Tsk... I am sorry Swara... I really am...

Swara (looked at Ragini) : Why are you saying sorry? Thank you Ragini for keeping me updated about my would-be husband. At least now I know what's most important to him than me. Celebrating Holi! That's it.

She sighed in frustration and wore her pout on her face, inside she was fuming with anger.

"If Mr Sanskar Maheshwari you can forget your promise, then I can do the same! Perhaps, I won't do it. I won't play Holi only today then!" - she argued with her inner self making Ragini shocked.

Swara (folded her arms declaring her final decision) : That's it. I won't play anymore.

Ragini (shocked) : Swara!!! Are you mad? Do you really expect that from Jiju?

Swara : First, I didn't. I still trust him. I understand that Holi 'is' an addicting festival and he might have been pulled forcefully by somebody to celebrate it. But then it doesn't mean that he completely forgets me!

Ragini was about to say something but then she heard a few noises near her. Swara leaned behind Ragini to check who was it. It was the gang of kids who were running here and there playing with colours. But two of the kids saw SwaRagini and they went towards them.

Girl : Swara Didi, why aren't you playing Holi?

Another girl : (excitedly) Didi please join us. Don't be alone in your home.

"Woh I am not feeling very good today. You guys play and I'll watch." - Swara said her final words cutely before looking at Ragini firmly and shutting the door without caring for anything.

Ragini turned around and slapped her forehead wondering when will one day of her own life come when she could complete a task properly without creating a blunder.


The Maheshwaris celebrated Holi in full swing and surprisingly there was a tie between the teams of Boys VS Girls competition. AP ,DP ,RP ,Sujata prefered playing with dry colours! Everybody continued drowning themselves under the rainshowers and colourful holi colours. But just then there were a few chaos at the Mansion...

Chaos made by people from locality to join them!

Every individual could enter Maheshwari Lawn for celebration as it was open for everybody.

Sanskar was wondering here and there standing alone to check if Swara was here. But why the hell hadn't she come? Is she still waiting for him to come? He again and again checked his phone to make sure that he didn't miss any calls made by her. But shockingly she had made no miss calls to him.

How could he know that his dear sister created a blunder which created a storm in Swara's mind! A weird storm of ego! A weird storm of jealousy!

Looking at his brother Laksh walked towards him.

Laksh : Bhai, hasn't she come?

Sanskar simply nodded his head into a 'No'.

Sanskar : The gates of exit are closed and there's no way I am able to go!

Just then after a few thoughts something struck Sanskar's mind.

Sanskar (nodded his head) : I'm going there Laksh! I'm going.

Sanskar was going to go but then once again a few kids blocked his way.

Kids : Bhaiyya! (some of them applied colour on his cheeks turnwise) Happy Holi!

Sanskar (smiled nodding his head) : Happy Holi! (to Laksh) Yarr Lucky... Sambhal lena...

He went from there but Ragini soon came infront of him running. She nodded her head into a 'No' looking at him and Sanskar got thoughtful.

"So I'm going!!!" - his words before he stormed out of his lawn looking for some other way... Ragini looked at him running figure shocked.

(Gadodia House)

(After half an hour)

Swara opened her eyes as she really felt something strange in her heart.

It had been a while she was trying to divert her mind off the thoughts of Sanskar and Holi and she concentrated on sewing a cloth on her modern sewing machine. It was her hobby! She would love to make new cloths out of this for herself. But needless to say her heart was again waiting for him... "When will you come Sanskar!" - her heart kept asking her and all she could do was shrugging her shoulders not knowing anything.

Her chain of thoughts were broken into pieces as soon enough she heard banging of her main door and she got shocked enough to jerk her head towards the exit of her room.

"Whats wrong!!!" - She composed herself and got up running towards the door where she saw Ragini, breathing very heavily. Swara was shocked to the core on seeing this condition of her sister!

Swara (went to her shocked, in one long stride) : Ragini... What happened? (scared) Say something! What happened to you? You're freaking me out Ragini!

Ragini : Swara... woh woh... (cupped her cheeks panicing) Woh...

Swara : Kya hua... Bol na!! (shaking Ragini's shoulders)

Ragini : Sanskar... Sanskar Jiju fell off the stairs! And it-it was a terrible accident. He is badly hurt.

... And with that one statement Swara's whole world came crashing down. She could feel something stabbed into her heart terribly.

"Ragini!!! - Swara shouted freaking out her emotions her heart had held and she jerked her.

Swara : What the hell are you saying? Do you even know! (angrily gritting her teeth) It was yesterday only when Durga Maa blessed me and my love, do you get it? We both have promised to stay by each others' side forever, no matter whatever happens!!! Whatever happens!!!

Ragini (tears in her eyes) : Swara, I'm not lying. Sanskar Jiju was just coming to meet you! But then he slipped off the stairs and... hurt himself badly. And trust me Swara this time I'm not lying! He is really hurt and ever since then he is uttering only your name Swara! Even in his unconscious state, he's thinking about nothing but you Swara! And... And he is serious... (held a completely devastated Swara's wrist) You have to come with me! He wants to meet you! He is very very very serious.

Ragini was pulling Swara but she stopped at her place when she sensed something frozen. Ragini looked at Swara only to find Swara at a loss of her words. It seemed as if her heart just ripped apart. Ragini was feeling extremely sorry for her elder sister but there was nothing else she could do and she helped Swara gather up some courage into herself and come with her.

Swara had hardly a voice to produce as words refused to leave her throat but even then she whispered something...

Swara : Where is he Ragini...

And tears started coming down from her beautiful eyes. Ragini looked at her holding her shoulder.

Ragini : Just come with me.

Swara could hardly give a nod in a 'Yes' and Ragini held her wrist dragging her towards a taxi cab.

Ragini (to the driver) : Bhaiyya, Maheshwari Mansion.

Ragini made an expressionless Swara sit inside first and then she sat besides her keeping her palm on her hand.

Swara (devastatedly) : Ragini, why did you say 'Maheshwari Mansion'? He...

Ragini : Woh... erm. (sadly) We have to pick up his family as well.

"Do they know about it?"

Ragini (nodded her head) : Yes, they do.

Swara was in a condition that she couldn't even cry her heart out as she completely felt it stabbed badly. She looked on blank and everything infront of her had already got black. Her world began spinning around her with various frightening thoughts.

How could she! How could she!

Her entire world felt to be turning upside down with a thought of her love in danger. Her mind automatically renewed some of their beautiful moments they have ever spent together... Even yesterday, when they both stood infront of Durga Maa's idol, praying for a healthy and blessed life and that beautiful loving smile on his face and the look in his eyes expressed how lucky they both were to have each other in their lives. Despite their childish arguements and tashans, it was crystal clear that they both were meant for each other. Only for each other! She won't be alive if something happened to her Sanskar and she would hold herself responsible for this! Tears flowed through her eyes wondering how he might be suffering right now... Was he uttering her name again and again? How could she not be there with him in their house and she chose her ego!

Going to meet him felt like ages... She was all lifelessly sitting on her seat, while Ragini gave her a concerned look. Those fifteen minutes to Maheshwari Mansion felt like fifteen centuries...

Oh dear! Was the beautiful time in her life on a verge of ending?

"No!!!" - Swara jerked up and looked at Ragini, this time bursting with tears. Ragini looked at her feeling pain. She comforted Swara assuring she was always with her.

Swara : Ragini, Nothing will happen to Sanskar! I know and I mean it! Nothing can happen to him... (nodded her head negatively)

Ragini patted her head.

"I am really sorry Swara" - she murmured it slowly enough so that Swara couldn't hear her.


The lawn was empty and the celebration seemed to have come in halt as they heard the bad news. No one was there on the lawn : it looked empty! Even none of the Maheshwari members could be seen.

Near the gate, Ragini helped Swara get up from the taxi and come out. Swara looked on expressionless while Ragini hesitantly paid the money to the taxi driver.

Ragini : (turned towards her) Come Swara...

Swara looked here and there in the lawn, trying to acknowledge Sanskar if she could see him over here, smiling and gazing at her as usual he did! But she became expressionless remembering what Ragini said to her...

Ragini came to Swara...

Ragini : Stay strong Swara!

Ragini looked at a random direction and nodded her head. "You need to stay strong for this Swara!!!" - Ragini murmured to her rubbing her back. But as soon as Ragini finished, a small laugh escaped her tongue and she shockingly pushed Swara hard a bit ahead of her. Swara was jerked and was shocked to the core but seeme dlike she had less time to react as next moment all she could feel was.....




Back to back colourful water bucket attacks. A vigorous and heinous attack on her , and then on her cheeks....

Swara (shouted) : Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!!!! Whaatttt thee heelllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For these five most terrible seconds of her day she had forgotten to breath.

Swara was all shocked as she vigorously started rubbing her face with her palms, and breathing very very heavily. Maybe she might have guessed it but she wasn't in her senses yet... She tried opening her eyes but couldn't as she felt her entire face becoming a rainbow of eight dry holi colours - red,orange,yellow,green,blue,indigo,violet and they never forgot pink.

Infront of her was outburst of laughter she could hear!!!!

Shitt!!! One of the voice was Sanskar!!!

Swara didn't realise when Ragini had pushed her, and back to back full three colourful water buckets were poured on her, making her fully wet into those colours and now her face smeared with colourful colors. And the duty of smearing colour on her was the person for whom right no she was breaking down.



Swara fluttered her eyelids opening them only to find Sanskar who was right now holding his abdomen and laughing on her expressions and besides him were his Maa, Baba, and Ragini on her adjacent side was dying with laughter!!!! Laksh and all the kids and everyboodyy except the guests, present there, were laughing painstakingly...!!!

Swara was extremely unable to understand anything! It seemed as if she lost her sixth sense.

Where was she?

Was she alive?

Where will she be in next few seconds? In the sky? Becoming twinkling little young star who passed away at a young age of 23?

What was happening?

What did happen?

What would happen?

"I was the one who applied colour to you then!" - Swara came out from the sea of confusion where she was right then and looked at Sanskar who was the culprit of these words, her fast heartbeats refusing to slow down and she almost felt that she was going to get a heart attack.

Swara : S-a-n-s-k-a-a-r!!!!

Ragini (to Swara, giggling) : How was our little welcome then?

Swara (jerked her head towards Ragini ) : You call this a welcome, Ragini? You toh told me that... (looked at Sanskar) Sanskar fell off the stairs and is serious! (realisatiom striked her) Wait, you're fine????

But her heart couldn't deny how relieved her heart was feeling to see her Sanskar safe and sound, smiling and happy. While Sanskar just simply smiled at her shrugging his shoulders, she was unable to understand anything!

Swara : (to Ragini) That means. You... You lied to me????!!!!

Ragini : What had happened was, Sanskar was going to leave from here, but we only suggested him that Swara should come here and not you! So...

Laksh : So what had happened was we all together planned this little thing so that I can welcome my dear Bhabhisa in this house grandly!

Ragini (raised her hands in surrender shocked) : Don't tell me anything!! It was all Jiju's plan. I and Laksh were just with him!

"Jiju Ki Saali teri tohh...." - Swara was all set to give a tight beating to Ragini for playing such a cheap prank on her but ultimately she found herself losing as tears of happiness and emotions escaped her eyes. Ragini looked at her frowning.

Shomi : Ragu, to be frank it was a very bad joke. But ultimately, I'm happy that Shona is here now!

Swara : It wasn't a joke Maa! Aap andaza bhi nahi laga sakte ki mujhpar kya guzar rahi thi! I almost thought I would lose him! I...

Swara looked at Sanskar with gleaming eyes where tears would be formed. Sanskar concernedly looked at Swara as he felt pain to see his love about to cry. He immediately put his arms around her engulfing her into a warm hug.

Sanskar (patted Swara's back) : I never knew you love me to that extent. This would be an understatement. I never thought this will give you so much pain. (Swara cried a bit) Bas bas... Swara... Don't worry! (Swara sobbed a bit) Ssshh... Stop crying! Mai thikh hoon! Kuch nahi hua mujhe! It was just a plan to bring you here!

Everybody looked on with different emotions yet they all smiled seeing the love between the two.

"Roo kon raha hai..." - And with that Swara pushed Sanskar away from her and she started beating his chest harshly to which Sanskar was giggling. Everybody got shocked over there.

Swara (beating him harshly) : I hate you Mr Maheshwarii! How dare you play such a prank on me!!!

Sanskar (giggling a bit) : Ouch.. Ouch Swara.. that pains! Arre yaarr that was to bring you here....

Laksh : (teased her) Arey arey Bhabhi. Mere cute se patle se delicate se bhai ki itni pitaai mat karo aap.

"Shuttup Laksh!!!!" - Swara shouted. "I'm going to murder your brother today."

Sanskar : Ohh god. Swara yaar Pati Shoshan.

Swara stopped beating him and immediately to his shock, she picked up a water balloon which was kept nearby and soon enough, smashed the balloon straight to Sanskar's face.

Sanskar (shocked) : Aaooww!!

The families got shocked on seeing such a scene.

Laksh (scratching his neck to himself sheepishly) : Udi Udi Jaye... Re Udi Udi Jaye...

Which earned him a good punch from Ragini on his arm.

Laksh (panicked) : Aaaahh!!! Shit mann! You Gadodia Sisters have surely done some police training in past.

Ragini (pointed her finger sharply towards him) : I swear Mr Monkey. If you don't shut your mouth right now you won't be standing here.

Laksh (joined his hands bowing down towards her sarcastically) : Pranam Chudeil Ji!!!

Sanskar (rubbed his face) : Swara, you are so not spared now.

"Why Mr Maheshwari? Is it only you who has the right to play pranks and not me?" - Bas... And there she went, her chirpy voice was back!

Sanskar looked at her surprisingly with a jerk and so did everybody else. Right now, all Sanskar could see was those sparkling in her eyes which were back again! Her rosy pink lips smiling... broadly!

Swara (chirped) : Bura Nahi Maanoo Holi Hai Sanskaarrr!!!!!

Before Sanskar could anticipate anything else, Swara attacked him with her hands which were already colourful containing different colours as she had vowed to get these applied on Sanskar! She had been saving her hands for him. Sanskar closed his eyes tightly in shock as Swara harshly caressed her palm on his both milky cheeks, finally applying the colour back to him that he gave him.

Laksh and Ragini stood open-mouthed as all the elders of both Gadodias and Maheshwaris smiled at their childishness. Truly, both were still behaving like kids!

Sanskar : Swara Ki Bacchi... (suddenly showed a bit naughtiness to her) Well but technically I was the first one to apply colour to you and that means that.... I have won the deal! (he winked) So now... I think...

But Sanskar suddenly stopped as he felt something hard at his back. You might have guessed it, Swara had gestured Chhotu to throw a water balloon on Sanskar and he did. Sanskar jerked behind shocked and saw the naughty kids giggling.

Chhotu : (shouted happily) Bura Na Maano Bhaiyya, Aaj Holi Hai!!! Aapne hi toh kaha tha nah!

Swara (shouted) : So kids, won't you include your Swara Didi for the Girls VS Boys competition?

She had shouted as if requesting them with a charm. Sanskar looked on shocked as he understood what she meant and of course the kids didn't resist their Dear Didi and they shouted in a 'Yay'!!!!!

Sanskar (folded his arms) : Wow! Kids, won't you include your favourite Sanskar Bhaiyya as well?

Chhotu : Aajaoo Bhaiyyaa!!!

Just then Laksh and Ragini looked at each other and then at everybody and shouted happily...

RagLak (together) : Hume bhi puchhloo yaarrr!!!

Other girl : (shouted) Ragini Didi come with us!!!!

Ayush : And Laksh Bhaiyya will come here! Now we will see who will win!!!

Swara (whispered into Sanskar's ear winking) : Now Mr Maheshwari, I'll challenge you. If girls will win, then you will lose and then that will mean that it will be 'you' who will kiss me! (winked)

Sanskar (smirked) : Ohh! Who cares? We are having our first kiss today, love! I don't mind if it has to be me starting it.

Swara : So, we will see... (poked his nose making Sanskar shocked) Mr Kachcha Nimbu!!

Swara was going to move from there but soon enough Sanskar held her wrist looking on naughtily.

Sanskar : Mrs Would be Maheshwari, you will payback for that.

Swara (showing attitude) : I will make sure of that. (winked)

She smiled at him... and so did he as they composed themselves as two teams.

And here the competition began with Laksh and Ragini as hosts... The girls dragged Swara towards them and the boys dragged Sanskar. Swara and Sanskar settled themselves and looked at each other. Definitely, it was like, they wouldn't be so satisfied and happy without having each other by their sides!

Laksh : So here we finally have. (he looked at Ragini for once before making the final announcement as he feared her punches very much) We have... Swara Bhabhi on one team and Sanskar Bhai on the other team.

Ragini : To make it a bit easier we will reduce the competition into 10 points. Its a 10 points competition then. The rules are the same.

This time, the elders also had become little kids and they started cheering for their respective teams. Swara smiled and lastly smirked looking at Sanskar. Sanskar smiled at her and winked looking at her ultimately making her blush.

The competition had started and the rivals had already started blowing water balloons, and tying the knots of the balloon very quickly. Swara and Sanskar were left speechless, though they vowed to win from other but their hands felt like losing their strength and all they wanted right then was... a little privacy.

Swara wanted herself to get assured that her Sanskar would always be protected from all bad things and she believed on Durga Maa's blessings. She had vowed to fulfill her every responsibility as a wife, as a daughter, and a daughter-in-law as well. She wanted nothing but both her families happiness, and most importantly, her would-be-husband's happiness!

Sanskar wanted to keep her in his embrace forever. This birth, and the next birth, for seven births he wanted to love her. Love is always till eternity. He always wanted his Swara to be happy and ecstatic, just like she was right now. Her beautiful eyes which were right now wandering here and there, damn he couldn't describe how he wished to do that right now, something he always wanted to do.

To sooth her rosy pink lips by his!

And now, it was time to wait for the perfect moment...

But Sanskar's chain of thoughts were broken as he noticed the moving figure of Swara where the little girls were dragging her vigorously for the game...

Swara could concentrate nowhere but only on those heated gaze of Sanskar on her. She had a side glance and her cheeks had a pink blush, even her blush was visible on her multi-coloured face.

One boy came to Sanskar bringing him out of his senses and not even Sanskar but even Swara had no idea that their rivalry teams had already claimed 4 and 5 points respectively. Swara looked at Sanskar raising her eyebrows as Sanskar's team was 1 point behind them and even the absence of that 1 point could made her win. Sanskar widened his eyes tilting his head sideways, gesturing that 'just wait and watch!' For sure this guy always had surprises!

Chhotu came towards Sanskar carrying a blue water balloon.

Chhotu : Sanskar Bhaiyya!! (showed him balloon) Now, you have to throw this balloon on Swara Didi.

Ayush (happily) : Yes, this time let Sanskar Bhaiyya do it!

Swara (shouted) : Ohh God... (giggling)

Sanskar took the balloon from Chhotu's little hands and he started playing with the balloon by lifting it in air.

Sanskar : Fine! I will do this!

The moment Sanskar said this, everybody started shouting in a 'YAY' in a never ending tone and Sanskar started stepping a bit closer to Swara.

Swara (giggled stepping back) : Nooo Sanskaar!! I'm. I'm warning you. You are not doing that to me!!!

But she was too late as Sanskar stuck out his tongue slightly trying to aim it towards Swara, and within a few seconds he finally hit it straight to her... Swara raised her hands covering her face and she had turned her head behind shouting 'Aaahh!!'

But next what happened was a shock... Sanskar looked on a bit shocked and everybody else started smiling a bit... Sanskar had actually hit the balloon straight to her abdomen, which was a bit exposing due to the lehenga she was wearing. 'Oh God!' - Swara's mind said and she looked at everybody who were looking at her smiling and she hid her mouth gasping, looking at Sanskar.

Sanskar : (a bit guilty) Shitt... I'm sorry Swara...

Swara couldn't smile nor she could frown. Her lips were curved into a small smile and her eyebrows raised looking at Sanskar disbeliefly and well in a surprise.

"What a shot Sanskar Bhaiyya!!!!!!" - All the boys shouted making the girls on opposite team shocked. Sanskar looked at the kids and then at Swara raising his eyebrows asking her if she was okay. Swara nodded her head in a 'No' smiling, assuring that it was okay as long as the people around her were happy.

The competition continued for atleast half an hour and soon it was going to be the lunch time. Surprisingly, the girls team had won and all the girls, including Swara were jumping and dancing hardly on the joy of their victory. Sanskar, for a moment was standstill and dumbfounded looking at his bubbly Swara... The bubbly and chirpy Swara he had fell in love with. Her happiness and her child-like gestures always yearned to get more of her no matter what...

(After 1 or 2 hours or heavy enjoyment)

A few people started had started having light food which was ordered by the Maheshwaris, and Sanskar wandered here and there finding Swara. Swara had been with Sharmishtha, Annaporna and Sujata so that they could introduce her to a few guests, but it had been a while since he didn't see her. He wandered for her even inside the Mansion but he couldn't find her...

Just then he bumped into Ragini and she narrowed her eyes as she looked at him.

Sanskar : I'm sorry Ragini but... have you seen Swara?

Ragini (after thinking a bit) : Umm... last I had seen her talking with Verma aunty. She will be here only.

Sanskar (smiled) : Okay Thanks.

Giving her a smile he walked to some other direction and last but not the least, he finally spotted Swara who was talking to Uttara. For sure, her one glance made him feel peaceful and satisfied.

He smiled looking at her and as Uttara started leaving from there Swara too turned on her heels, but soon to her shock she lost her balance and was just about to fall when suddenly...

Swara : Aahh!!

But soon enough she found herself to be captured into someone's embrace. While her eyes were tightly shut due to the fear of falling, the person who had hold her looked at her innocent expressions very lovingly. How can somebody in this world can be so pure and innocent? He saw Swara's expressions and chuckled a bit wondering how she might be feeling right now after being safe. On the other hand, Swara began fluttering her eyes and opened it, only to find Sanskar smiling looking at her and him having so much close to her gave her a feeling of butterflies in her stomach, and her heart skipped beats...

This was absolutely the best moment for both of them. While there silently they had been craving for a little privacy, here they are finally into each others' embrace and Swara totally found herself lost in his mesmerizing brown eyes which expressed nothing but love for her!

Sanskar couldn't help it : all he wanted was her in his embrace and he wished to engulf her into his embrace forever! He smiled looking at her and soon enough he made her stand erect, bringing Swara out of her senses as well.

Swara (smiled innocently) : Thank you!

Sanskar : Tskk! Swara! Seriously you feel like thanking me?

Swara : I really think I shouldn't, knowing that before we fell in love we both had developed a one day friendship, where we had promised to each other that...

Sanskar : (interrupted smiling) That... Dosti Or Pyaar Mein No Sorry and No Thank You..!!

Swara couldn't stop her smile and she chuckled looking down.

Swara : (looked at him immediately) But I couldn't help it! If you wouldn't have been there I would have fallen down.

Sanskar closed his eyes nodding his head and again opened it, and he put his palms on either of her shoulders.

Sanskar : Swara, I have promised to protect you all my life! And I really mean it! I have always promised to uphold you within my righteous hand! (smiled putting his hands down) I have promised to love you and support you until the day I take my last breath. (Swara looked on emotionally) Swara, no matter where life takes us, I'll be by your side, loving you, always.

Swara couldn't really help it. Her vision got blurred with a few tears. These tears expressed the happiness that Sanskar gave her! Sanskar wiped the corner of her eyes and cupped her cheek.

Swara : Kyu karte ho mujhse itna pyaar Sanskar?

Sanskar : I don't know that. But everything that comes along with being yours forever, I will never ever leave you, for I need you by my side always and forever. Swara, you're the only one I want to see forever!

Swara (firmly smiling, putting her palm on his) : So here's one promise from Mrs Swara Sanskar Maheshwari. (Sanskar looked on surprised) This is my vow to you, I will be there when you go to sleep, I will be there when you are awake, I will give you my heart and all that I am, from now until forever, I vow to love you, unconditionally, to protect your heart, to be faithful and honest always, to never go to sleep upset or mad at one another, to cherish, every moment and day that we have, to make you happy and show you my heart is in your hands. I love you today, tomorrow my love will only grow stronger and deeper. Your love has consumed my heart, and together we are one, we have our ups and downs but at the end of the day our love stands STRONG!

How Sanskar wished he could make this moment perfect! He ultimately did as he couldn't control himself and soon enough his lips met hers, soothing it softly, finally marking their first kiss! The moment they were waiting for! At first Swara was a bit surprised, while Sanskar gave time to Swara to reciprocate. After a few seconds Swara finally reciprocated with all her heart and soul and last but not the least, she made the moment perfect by staying in his embrace, and Sanskar circulated her waist to make her lean more towards him. The perfect moment of the wonderful day of their life!

After a few minutes, they ripped apart breaking their special kiss...

Swara : (smiled nodding her head) I was waiting for this moment since morning Sanskar!

Sanskar : Well, Mrs Would be Maheshwari, we had our first kiss finally. I never felt so happy before Swara. Having you in my embrace makes me feel that time should have stopped right there.

Just then they heard a few noises and they looked at each other in confusion.

Swara : What's going on?

Sanskar shrugged his shoulders not understanding anything. Soon after, Sujata came running to them.

Sujata : Sanskar! Swara! Are you both done? You both have to dance on a song!

Swara and Sanskar were extremely surprised and delighted hearing it. While the guests' lunch time was getting over, Ragini and Laksh accompanied Swara and Sanskar and they asked them the song they wanted to perform on. After a few suggestions, Swara and Sanskar chose the song they wanted to perform on. Both looked at each other with love in their eyes and smile.

The kids, after their lunch, settled down on the chairs that were arranged and the elders stood in the front seats... After an hour, the DJ was set up for giving up the final dance performances by a few people present there....

Despite Laksh and Ragini's arguements, the family insisted them to perform on a song. Even Swara and Sanskar convince them and they are helpless to do nothing but agree to them...

Ragini and Laksh made ways towards the mini stage which was set up at the edge of the lawn. Soon enough the music played, Ragini started showing tashan to Laksh...

Maqtool Jigar (ya baba)
Qaatil Hai Nazar (ya baba)
Ik Mehjabin (ya baba)
Ik Noor-E-Nabi (ya baba)

Rab Ki Rubaai (ya baba)
Ya Hai Tabaahi (ya baba)
Gardan Surahi (ya baba)
Boli Ilaahi (ya baba)

Afghan Jalebi... Mashooq Farebi...
Ghayal Hai Tera Deewana
Bhai Wah, Bhai Wah

Bandook Dikha Ke Kya Pyar Karegi
Chehra Bhi Kabhi Dikhana
Bhai Wah, Bhai Wah

Afghan Jalebi... Mashooq Farebi...
Ghayal Hai Tera Deewana
Bhai Wah, Bhai Wah

Bandook Dikha Ke Kya Pyar Karegi
Chehra Bhi Kabhi Dikhana
Bhai Wah, Bhai Wah

O... Dekh Darazi (wallah)
Banda Namazi (wallah)
Khel Ke Baazi (wallah) Khamakha
Ab Thehra Na Kisi Kaam Ka (wallah, wallah..)

Mir Ka Koi (wallah)
Sher Suna ke (wallah)
Ghoont Laga Ke (wallah) Jaam Ka
Main Raha Khan Mehaz Naam Na

Oye Lakht-E-Jigar (ya baba)
Oye Noor-E-Nazar (ya baba)
Ek Teer Hai Tu (ya baba)
Main Chaak Jigar (ya baba)

Bandon Se Nahin to Allah se daregi
Waada To Kabhi Nibhana
Bhai Wah, Bhai Wah

Bandook Dikha Dikha Ke kya Pyar Karegi
Chehra Bhi Kabhi Dikhana
Bhai Wah, Bhai Wah, Bhai Wah Bhai...

The song ended with Laksh and Ragini who were very close to each other ripping apart from each other looking at each other angrily and with attitude... A few kids threw colours on both of them and rainshower was already on the stage due to which they were very much wet....

Laksh : Don't glare at me like that! Even I wasn't so interested in dancing with a Chudeil like you.

Ragini : Just shut up Mr Monkey. Who would even dance with a monkey like you! It was just my majburi.

Laksh twisted his lips looking at her and both of them got down the stage. Sanskar patted Laksh's back as he walked across him and soon enough the Gadodia families and Maheshwari families insisted Swara and Sanskar to go as it was them next....

Swara and Sanskar got up from their chairs looking at each other and made ways towards the stage as music was played.... Swara smiled looking at Sanskar who was standing right infront of her on the stage. "I love you Sanskar!" - she said her final words before the beautiful music of the song got started and the atmosphere started becoming warmer and more romantic...

Sanskar : (smiled) I love you too Swara!

She put her palms on his shoulder and Sanskar encircled her waist dragging her close to himself as they begun their romantic dance on a romantic song...


Dhoop Se Nikal Ke...
Chhaanv Se Phisal Ke...
Hum Mile Jahaan Par...
Lamha Tham Gaya...


Aasmaan Pighal Ke...
Sheeshe Mein Dhal Ke...
Jam Gaya To Tera...
Chehra Ban Gaya...


Duniya Bhula Ke Tumse Mila Hoon
Nikli Hai Dil Se Ye Duaa...

Rang De Tu Mohe Gerua...
Ranjhe Ki Dil Se Hai Duaa...
Rang De Tu Mohe Gerua...


Haan Nikli Hai Dil Se Ye Duaa...


Ho.. Rang De Tu Mohe Gerua...

They moved away from each other and Swara held Sanskar's finger turning round and round slowly and at the end she crashed to his chest and he back hugged her, slightly his lips touching her ears... Swara feeling the tinkling sensation turned towards him with just an inch between them... Each and every person over there was delighted with the love they were expressing for each other through the ecstatic and romantic dance and a few kids were jumping in happiness throwing water pipe and water balloons, and of course dry colours on them while Swara and Sanskar were fully into each other's embrace and Sanskar moving his fingers through her cheeks...

(Song continued)


Ho Tum Se Shuru... Tumpe Fanaa...
Hai Sufiyana Yeh Dastaan
Main Kaarwaan Manzil Ho Tum
Jaata Jahaan Ko Har Raasta


Tumse Juda Jo
Dil Zara Sambhal ke
Dard Ka Wo Saara
Kohra Chhan Gaya


Duniya Bhula Ke Tumse Mila Hoon
Nikli hai Dil Se Yeh Duaa

Rang De Tu Mohe Gerua
Ho.. Ranjhe Ki Dil Se Hai Duaa
Rang De Tu Mohe Gerua...

Sanskar lifted up Swara high in the air holding her waist and turned around gracefully and Swara spreaded her arms widely giving an altogether different emotions of love... They were our SwaSan! They were showered by rainshower on stage and also the colours that were thrown on them. No one could imagine, how could something be so so graceful and adorable? People adored their love...

(Song Continued reaching the Epilouge)


O.. Veeraan Tha, Dil Ka Jahaan
Jis Din Se Tu Daakhil Huaa
Ik Jism Se.. Ik Jaan Ka..
Darza Mujhe Haasil Huaa


Haan... Pheeke Hain Saare
Naate Jahaan Ke
Tere Saath Rishta... Gehra Ban Gaya...


Duniya Bhula Ke... Tumse Mila Hoon...
Nikli Hai Dil Se Yeh Duaa

Rang De Tu Mohe Gerua...
Ranjhe Ki Dil Se Hai Duaa
Rang De Tu Mohe Gerua...


Haan Nikli Hai Dil Se Ye Duaa


Ho... Rang De Tu Mohe Gerua...

The song and the music ended with Swara in Sanskar's embrace and both cherishing each other as they were in each other's embrace and he had picked her up, slightly putting his cheek on hers closing his eyes and Swara, devoting her entire self to him. Who was her world...

She was never the person he had actually made her. It was just like, he just did some magic on her and she totally became a different person. In her entire life no one made her blush to this extent to how she was right now. She was absolutely an extrovert and intelligent girl who had recently completed her graduation and had aimed for higher ambitions. Since he came in her life, everything became a fairy tale for her. Sanskar for sure was the perfect prince charming for her and she was his princess, no matter what. The 'Colors Of Their Love' was on a verge of ending and was going to be dispersed but of course there was a new beginning of their love story... This was her best Holi she had ever celebrated in her entire life, with her love being with her, and so for Sanskar for his Swara! She was his Swara and he was her Sanskar for eternity!



A/N : Hussshhhh!!! Finally an ending to this Holi Special One Shot. I couldn't stop writing, literally!!! Holi is the most special and favourite festival of mine, that is why I decided to write a One shot with this concept! Wish u all a very very happy Holi & please give me feedbacks about how you felt about this story ❤😃 Signing off with love, Stay blessed! Bye!

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