Chapter One: Welcome to Luperón

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On a slightly cloudy and clear day, a white and red Boeing 767 jetliner crossed the skies, flying over the Caribbean Sea, flying for Air Canada. They had just taken off from Miami International Airport, bound for the Gregorio Luperón International Airport.

Onboard were a few American, Caribbean, and other passengers of different nationalities. Amongst them were Mystery Inc., all waiting for a well-needed vacation. Fred was with Daphne and Velma in the middle three seats of the plane, whilst a row in front of them was Braedey and Valka, and behind Fred and the girls were Shaggy and Scooby-Doo.

Fred and Velma were reading some magazines and books to pass the time, whilst Daphne was touching up on her makeup and facial. Shaggy and Scooby were snacking out the peanuts that were provided on the flight, whilst also having other food with it. Valka was reading some fantasy books to take her mind off flying. She didn't mind it, but wasn't much of a fan for heights. That's why she elected to have an aisle seat instead of a side seat. Braedey, however, was fast asleep, and had a blanket wrapped around him to keep him warm.

As he slept though, he began to dream...

~*~*~{Braedey's Dream}~*~*~

Braedey opened his eyes, and he looked around at where he was. He was floating around in some kind of area, but s his vision clears up, he realised something; he was floating about... under the waves of the ocean! The sea was bright and blue, the sunlight from above shining down onto the sea's surface, reflecting the light down to a distance.

Braedey next realised something; he wasn't drowning or losing breath at all. He was breathing underwater. He touched the sides of his neck, but felt no signs of fish gills anywhere. He was confused by this, but decided to swim about and see what's there in this underwater world.

He could see entire ecosystems and schools of different species of fish swimming about, along with a few eels and small crabs, whilst the seaweed on the sea floor and anemones were waving about in the motion of the ocean.

"A world within a world..." Braedey muttered to himself in awe, as three clownfish swim around him, and head off to collect some food. "So long, Nemo." He joked, whilst some Blue Tang fish swim by behind him.

As he was about to swim off to see more of the reef, he could hear the sound of a soothing symphony, a calming voice echoing across the sea, accompanied with a gentle song that would make anyone weak at their knees. For Braedey, it was like a trance. He turns around, and swims off to find the sound, as some fish follow with him.

~*~*~{End Dream}~*~*~

Braedey groaned awake, and sat up in his seat. He rubbed the sleepers out of his eyes, and looked at his surroundings. He wasn't in the sea, but rather, in a plane flying over the sea.

"Man, what a dream." He muttered to himself, and readjusted his seat for the landing in Luperón.

"Hey. Something on your mind, Braedey?" Valka asked, looking away from her alchemist book.

"Well... I had this dream of being underwater." Braedey admitted, scratching the back of his head.

"Odd." Valka nodded, cupping her chin in thought.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking." The pilot spoke on the P.A. "We are making our descent to Gregorio Luperón International Airport. Please put your chairs to their upright position, and stow away your tray tables to the locked position. Flight attendants, please take your seats."

Braedey sets his chair back upright, and puts the tray table back. He then looked out the window, and he could just see the city of Luperón along the coastline. But, he saw the airport coming into view.

Gregorio Luperón International Airport, also known as Puerto Plata Airport, is located in Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic. It is the Dominican Republic's fourth busiest airport by passenger traffic and aircraft movements, after Punta Cana, Santo Domingo and Santiago de los Caballeros airports.

The airport is named after General Gregorio Luperón, a Dominican military and state leader. Capable of handling planes of all sizes, Puerto Plata Airport has benefited from being in an area with many beaches, which are popular among charter airline passengers. The popularity of the city where it is located has also drawn a number of regularly scheduled passenger airlines over the years.

Soon, the Boeing 767 jetliner touches down on the single runway of the airport, the tyres screeching upon landing, as the plane slowed down to a stop. Once stopped on the runway, the plane drove up to the terminal, and came to a stop.

About five minutes later, after dealing with customs and getting their luggage, the gang made their way outside of the terminal, and head over to a rental shop nearby. They soon get a 4x4 Jeep, and they all began their hour-long drive to the city of Luperón.

Luperón is a town in the Puerto Plata province of the Dominican Republic. It lies in the north of the country and is a small tourist centre and a coastal bay. The town was formerly known as Blanco (White) or Pueblo Blanco (White Town), possibly after the many Spaniards who came to trade timber. Due to its shape and location, Luperón bay is ideal for sheltering from hurricanes, and many boats anchor there during the hurricane season.

"Talk about a place to take a vacation." Daphne admired the sight of the crystal blue sea and green hills. "A whole lot of sun, surf, and sand."

"And no mysteries in sight for miles around." Shaggy added, and Scooby laughed in agreement.

"Best we make this vacation worth it." Fred shifted the Jeep up another gear, and accelerated down the road.

Braedey looked over at the sparkling blue ocean, and oddly enough, he couldn't sworn he saw something swimming just underneath the glassy surface of the waves. He guessed it might've been either a dolphin or a shark, but he can't help but feel like there's something more to that shape than what he could see.


After their long drive, the gang soon arrive in the coastal town of Luperón. The town seemed to be like a gem of the location, and home to many pleasure yachts.

The gang all got booked into their hotel, and once done that, they all headed off to the beach. Fred had set up a barbecue, and was cooking up some fish. He was wearing a white tank top and blue board shorts.

Out on the sands, Shaggy, wearing a pair of green board shorts and his shirt, along with Scooby, were making some sandcastles. Valka, meanwhile, was collecting some seashells for the two to decorate their sandcastle. She was wearing a snug one-piece gentle dark red swimsuit, which had a bright and colourful daisy flower picture on her stomach.

"Here's some shells and rocks for your castle, boys." Valka said to the boys, putting the bucket next to Shaggy.

"Like, thanks, Valka." Shaggy thanked.

"Rhank rou." Scooby added.

Valka looked around the beach, but she couldn't see Braedey. "Hey, where is Braedey?" She asked.

"Like, I think he decided to go surfing." Shaggy suggested.

Not too far from where Fred was, sitting underneath of an umbrella, Daphne and Velma were either reading a book or catching some sun rays. Daphne was in a purple and green two-piece bikini, whilst Velma has on a large orange and red shirt, along with red shorts.

"Something on your mind, Velma?" Daphne asked.

"Just reading about some of the species of animals nearby the beaches." Velma replied. "There's a lot of different birds here."

Daphne smirked, then looked over to the ocean. "Is that Braedey?" She asked, looking to the sea.

Speaking of whom, Braedey was surfing along the waves of the Caribbean Sea. He was sporting a pair of black swim trunks and a tight, blue sleeveless shirt, whilst he had a black/blue surfboard, the underside of the board being blue, and the topside black. Braedey's swimming attire showed off his well-muscled body.

"This is nice." Braedey commented, riding through 'the tube' of a wave, and 'hanging ten' in the process. "Relaxing in the Caribbean sunlight, surfing through 'the tube', and with no sign of anything mysterious."

After surfing for a bit, Braedey returns to the beach. But, as he does so, he noticed something sitting by the beach and the trees. He walked over to a large tree, and to his surprise, there was a lilac point Siamese cat. She is wearing a purple collar with a silver bell, and a heart-shaped I.D tag.

"Oh, hello!" Braedey knelt down and scratched the head of the feline. "Very strange to find a cat here."

"It is nice to meet you." The cat suddenly spoke in a fluent female voice, nearly surprising Braedey. But, since he's been around Scooby for so long, he wasn't too surprised.

"Who... or what... are you?" He asked firstly.

"My name is Kat." The Siamese feline replied to him.

"So, what are you doing here, Kat, if you don't mind me asking?" Braedey asked.

"To answer your question thoroughly, I believe we should meet up with your mother." Kat replied.

"You know my mother?" Braedey asked in surprise. He didn't expect to meet a talking cat that knew his mother, and yet, she never told him about it. Why?

"Yes, quite." Kat nodded her head against his chest, and he scratched behind her ears. "I know your mother very well, but it has been a while since I've seen her." She then looked at him with her blue eyes. "I remember when I last saw you, but you were only but a toddler."

"Then how come I don't recognise you?" Braedey questioned, as he picked up the Siamese cat in his hands.

"Easy. You were too young to remember." Kat replied simply, as the two walked back to where the others were.

"Hey, Braedey." Valka then noticed the Siamese in her son's hand, and her eyes widen. "Wait... Kat? Is that you?"

"Yes. It's me, Valk." Kat jumped down from Braedey's arms, and walked over to the Martin woman. "It has been a while since we've seen one another."

"That is true." Valka agreed, and patted Kat's head. "It has been a while since the last time we met."

"Oh, isn't she adorable?!" Daphne exclaimed, immediately smitten with the Siamese cat.

"Thank you very much." Kat thanked the redhead, as she curled up next to Valka. Since the others have been around Scooby for as long as they have, seeing a talking animal isn't too surprising.

"Like, hey guys." Shaggy and Scooby walk up to the group, and Scooby then noticed the Siamese cat sitting next to Valka. "Who's cat is that?"

"This is Kat, Shaggy." Valka explained, as both Kat and Scooby sniffer one another's noses, making first contact. "She's been a friend of mine when Braedey was only a baby. She got along with him, and watched over him when I had to go and get food and supplies."

Scooby and Kat both look at one another, the two of them not moving or saying a thing. Then, Scooby raised a paw to her, and Kat shook paws with him.

"Rit is nice to meet you." Scooby began.

"I agree, Scooby." Kat replied, much to her surprise. "If you're wondering how I know your name, it's because I have a telepathic link to Valka, and she has told me everything since she has met up with you."

"Like, wow." Shaggy was surprised.

"So, what are you doing here, Kat?" Velma asked.

"I was simply enjoying myself here, and when I decided to go to the beach, it was at the same time you all arrived on the beach, too." Kat explained.

As the gang and Valka were talking to Kat, Braedey was sitting by the water's edge, looking out to the open sea. He was thinking about his dream he had earlier on the plane, and wondered why he had this dream. Also, the heavenly singing from below the waves, which lead him somewhere; what does it all mean?

"Braedey, it's time to get back to the hotel." Valka called to him, and he turns around, standing up, and followed after the others.

But, unbeknownst to anyone, something, or rather, someone, was watching the family walk away from the beach, but kept its eyes on Braedey. It continued to watch the brunette for a few more moments, then headed off back under the sea.

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