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Everyone was free and Thorn happily reunited with her father.

Thorn then turned to Braedey and looked to her father and cousin. "Daddy, this is your nephew, Braedey Martin. Braedey, this is your uncle, Haggett McKnight."

Mr. McKnight smiled. "I knew you seemed familiar... I guess you guys are witches after all." Haggett smiled to his daughter and nephew.

"Wiccans, Daddy, Wiccans!" Thorn corrected with a giggle, as Braedey smiled.

Mayor Corey rubbed the back of his neck and looked beyond the burnt remains of Oakhaven's town square. He was the least to say unhappy. "This is a disaster!" he cried. "No witch! No village! What are we gonna do for our Autumn Fest?"

"Well, you still have The Hex Girls." Thorn replied as Dusk and Luna came to her sides.

"No offence, girls, but I think we need a bigger attraction." Mayor Corey admitted.

"Uh, what about him?" Shaggy pointed to the trapped turkey who was still a giant, but no longer a threat.


Earth, wind, fire, and air
We may look bad
but we don't care
We ride the wind
We feel the fire,
To love the earth is our one desire
(to love the earth is our one desire)

The next night, the Hex Girls performed, along with Scooby and the gang on stage, with the two Martins as special guests, known as 'The Magic Martins', and it was now safe and pleasant to roam about Oakhaven from that night on.

Love the earth
It's only fair
It's one big earth
That we must share
We love the earth
With all our fire
It's in our souls
Our one desire

Valka and Braedey also showed off some of their magic, and Braedey even showed off his newfound powers. The crowds cheered out for them, and even Braedey used his powers to create the explosions and the fireworks in the air.

Earth, wind, fire, and air
We may look bad
But we don't care
We ride the wind
We feel the fire
To love the earth is our one desire
(to love the earth is our one desire)

Braedey then showed off his dragon form. Many people were either scared or amazed by his new transformation, and he flew above the stage. Then, Valka jumped up onto his head, and they landed on the top of the stage, still showing off their powers.

Nature is a precious gift
It will make your spirits lift
Love the earth with your fire
It's in your sould
Your one desire

Earth, wind, fire, and air
We may look bad
but we don't care
We ride the wind
We feel the fire
To love the earth is our one desire
To love the earth is our one desire

Finally, Braedey, in dragon form, roared out loud, whilst shooting a column of fire into the air, as the Hex Girls and Mystery Inc. waved to the crowds.


The End

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