Mayor's Explanation and the Truth Revealed

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The gang, Hex Girls, and Ben went to his home getting along

Sally: So she was a real Wiccan

Ben: That's right

Dakota: She sure was

Dusk: Ah so cool

Sally: She sure is beautiful

Dakota: That's for sure and that's why my uncle and I get pissed off when people accuse her of being a witch

Fred: Uh I think I owe you girls an apology by thinking you were... well

Daphne: Witches we saw you perform some kind of ritual in your shed

Dusk: Which's hah we just pretend that stuff it's just a gimmick for our band it was also Dakota's idea

Dakota: Heh guilty as charged

Luna: We're eco-goths kind of like Wiccans just ask thorn she is one

Sally: Heh yeah right 1/16 blood on my mother's side and what you saw was just something I use to sooth my vocal cords you think it's easy singing this stuff

Dakota: Still makes you a Wiccan babe

Dusk: Thorn's herbal vapor is awesome we use it before and after every show

Dakota: Okay you got teach me how to make that

Shaggy: But what about your fangs

Luna: My dad's a dentist he and Dakota outfitted the band

Dakota: Well I wouldn't say outfitted more like lended a helping hand

The Hex Girls took out there fangs as Scooby and Dakota put a pair in both there mouths to scare the hell out of shaggy

Shaggy: Haha like we knew it all along right guys

Scooby and Dakota: *shows fangs and hisses*

Shaggy: Yikes

Shaggy then dropped Scooby and jumped in luna's arms as she just dropped him

Ben: Mayor?

Dakota: McKnight?

Mayor: We've been ringing your door bell for some time now

Ben: Sorry I've been meaning to fix that for some time now

Dakota: What's up

Mayor: Well boys I feel real bad about everything and I wanted to apologize for using your ancestor in our little publicity stunt

McKnight: The tourist trade was so slow we were desperate

Mayor: Right and you always told me supernatural phenomenon always attracts people

McKnight: It was just natural to use Sarah because *sighs* we accidentally dig up her grave

Ben: Grave?

Dakota: What grave?

Mayor: I'm sorry boys, but you see I lied to you both when you asked if we found anything of Sarah's while we were building the Puritan Village

McKnight: We did it was her grave marker we found it in a pile of dirt and rocks we didn't want to upset you

Mayor: But that's all we found no bones

Ben: No book?

McKnight: Nothing, but that grave marker we swear Ben

Mayor: We don't even know where her grave is

McKnight: It's true it could be anywhere between miller's creek and the big tree stump

Dakota: Wait tree stump?

Dakota walked back up to the painting of Sarah and looked closer and asked

Dakota: Shaggy do you still have that old shoe buckle Scooby found today

Shaggy: Like this one here

Shaggy handed the shoe buckle to Dakota as he examined both the buckle and painting and put two and two together

Dakota: Scooby I need you to show me exactly where you found this

Scooby: Rokay

As Scooby led the gang to where he found the buckle they arrived

Scooby: Rhere

Dakota: For countless times we've looked around the wrong oak tree

Velma: Both of you just never knew because it was chopped down hundred of years ago

Dakota: You got to dig deeper Scooby

Scooby: Ruh Uh

Dakota: How about for a Scooby Snax

Scooby: Ro ray

Dakota: Two Scooby Snax

Scooby: Rokay

As Scooby caught the snacks in the air he dug fast tossing dirt in the air until he hit something

Dakota: What did you find

Scooby: Rocks

Ben: Rocks?

Velma: A box

As Ben knelt down to lift the box he let out a gasp concerning both Velma and Dakota

Velma: Ben are you alright

Dakota: Yeah you seem kind of tensed

Ben: Just a little excited

When Ben opened the box it showed a book, but gave off an evil look

Daphne: Looks kind of evil to belong to a Wiccan healer

Velma: Ben that doesn't seem to be a journal at all

Dakota: Yeah what is it?

Ben: Simple it's a spell book

Both Velma and Dakota were shocked at this, but what Ben said next shattered Dakota

Ben: You see Sarah wasn't a Wiccan she was indeed a witch

Sally: A real witch

Dusk: Heavy

Ben: Also my beloved nephew since Sarah's blood runs in our veins I guess that makes us well warlocks

Dakota was backing up with the others, but breathing heavily finding out the truth about his ancestors

Ben: The Wiccan's imprisoned Sarah in her own spell book and you helped me find it

Velma: You lied to me Ben

Dakota finally got back to reality and actually snapped

Dakota: Your a 100% bastard Ben

Ben: Well when I read about you in the newspaper I knew you would've helped me, so I paid the archeologists and security guards just so we can meet and it worked

Dakota was building up nothing, but rage and ran then punched his uncle in the stomach then continued punching him non-stop shocking everyone

Dakota: Those we're for all the lies you told me

Dakota then kicked Ben in the face causing him to skid to the left

Dakota: That was for making me trust you through out the years and this...

Dakota then lifted Ben up and punched him right in the face

Dakota: That was for breaking your promise towards mom and dad!

Ben: That was some pent up strength kid, but not even that can match the power of this book and I shall unlock the power of the imprisoned Sarah Ravencroft

Shaggy: Like I don't like the sound of that

Ben: Together we shall reign supreme. Let the evil from the past breath again with fiery blast

Dakota: NOOO

Dakota then rammed right into Ben forcing him to the ground, but he also kicked Dakota in the dick causing him to get blown away

Ben: Let the dark wind wipe the night to blow away the force of light

Shaggy: Like I know what comes next big trouble

Shaggy and Scooby both ran before a tree could crash on them and Dakota is slowly picking himself up, but is also feeling a power grow inside him

Ben: Now I summon ancient power

Velma: Ben please stop

Ben: This is evil's finest power *laughs evil*

Just like that a bright green light struck Ben, but unknown to him also struck his nephew causing his strength to return, but also with Newley found power

Velma: Noo

Ben: What's the matter Velma don't you like the new and improved Ben Ravencroft

Velma: No frankly I don't

Ben: Well get use to it

Yes the secret is revealed Dakota along with Ben is a warlock, but question remains is will he fight his uncle for good or for his own selfish ways I hope you enjoyed and see you later guys, gals, and non-binary pals bye

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