Monster Attack!

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(I love this song! It is catchy and always gets me moving. Anyway, enjoy this chapter. Also an sorta OC of mine will be in this chapter. I'm not gonna follow Mystery Inc. all the time.)

Soon everyone made it to the hotel. They were all discussing about the clues they found at the castle and try to think of what it all means. Once they entered the lobby of the hotel, Mondevarious greets them, "Ah, Mystery Inc.. You all seem rather cheery. Good news, I hope?" He says. "Mr. Mononucleosis," Fred starts. Mondevarious sighs at his mispronunciation of his name, "Yes?" He sighs.

"We have hit a clue smorgasbord." Fred says and Daphne shows the park owner the Daemon Ritus. He looked fascinated by the relic. "We also have three suspects as to who might be behind this mess." Velma states. Shaggy holding up his hand with three fingers to emphasize. "N'Goo Tuana. He believes the amusement park was built on enchanted grounds." Gwen says. "The voodoo man, who shrewdly tricked me into going to the castle." Daphne adds. "And you." Fred points at Mondevarious. "Me?" The man said his eyes widened in shock.

"Alright gang, let's split up." Fred suggests. "We'll meet back here in half an hour. I'll interview employees to see if they've noticed anything." He says. "I'll come with. To help." Kevin says with a smirk, raising a fist. "I'm gonna work on translating these inscriptions that Daphne and Gwen found." Velma says. She and Daphne sharing a high five. "I'll go research cults on the net." Daphne says. "I'll help. I have experience with researching suspicious stuff." Gwen says. She and Ben sharing a smile, remembering the days of that fateful summer.

With that the girls head off to complete their tasks. Mondevarious looks at the boys, "I'm a suspect?" He asks. "Don't take it personally. It's mostly because you creep me out." Fred clarifies. Mondevarious let's out a sigh of relief, "Oh, I see. Fine." And leaves the group be. The group then split up and Ben went to go get a drink, (mystery solving is exhausting work).

Ben sat at the bar and was given a drink from an employee and N'Goo started playing the piano and it was actually quite nice. Then a young woman, around twenty, came and sat beside him. "Enjoying the island?" She asks. Ben looks at her and shrugs, "Well, it has been exciting." He responds. The woman smiles and lends her hand out, "J.K. Nice to meet ya." She says. She seemed nice and not wanting to be rude he shakes her hand. "Ben." The woman looked over to find Velma studying the Daemon Ritus. "I saw you with Mystery Inc. Not that it's any of my business but didn't they disband two years ago?" She asks.

Ben thinks about what she said, "Well, yeah. But apparently there's something happening on the island. And we think some evil cult is behind it." He answers. J.K. nods in agreement. "I'll say. People who I meant once before acted completely different when I saw them the next time. And if you don't mind, what was the gang like before breaking up?" Ben takes a moment to remember the days of Mystery Inc. when they weren't always fighting.

"Well I say this, they were quite a team. I first meant them with my cousin and grandpa five years ago. Summer vacation: I'll tell you, they were tight. Velma's the smart one, she always came up with all the answers. She could rival Gwen with her brains. Fred is the leader, he was always quick with his wit and always ready to take on anyone who thinks they can get away with it. Daphne was always beautiful, but despite being always the one to be kidnapped she never gave up."

"And Shaggy and Scooby, such goofballs. Those two are chickens but they always do what they can to help save the day and always make things lighter, they always make me laugh." Ben laughs at the times the boys got into all sorts of trouble. "Me, Gwen, and eventually Kevin, joined with them to help solve mysteries. And when they parted ways, I guess I kinda felt guilty for not saying anything before. I mean I have a watch that can transform me into a bunch of different aliens and save the world, but nothing can top friendship and family." Once he finished, he felt a weight being lifted off his shoulders. But he quickly composed himself. "Please don't tell this to anyone, okay." He says. J.K. smiles and nods her head, "Wouldn't dream of it."

With that N'Goo finish and everyone applause at the performance. But then they heard Scooby shout, "Relp Me! Relp Me! Ronster! Ronster!" He ran and hid under a table. Fred walks over to the dog, and bends down, "Scooby, this is the most embarrassing thing you've done since you decided to clean your beans at Don Knott's Christmas party." Fred scolds. "That actually happened?" J.K. asks. Ben shivers at the memory of when he was told of that story. "Yeah. Not pleasant. And I wasn't even there." He answers, while Scooby chuckles at the memory.

"How many times do I have to tell you? There are no such things as ghouls, ghosts, goblins, or monsters." Fred says and gets on top another table to get everyone's attention, "Now listen up, there is absolutely, absolutely no such thing as—" But before he could finish, a tall, skinny, and purple monster jumps through the glass wall. Roaring loudly, "MONSTER!!" Everyone then started screaming and running for their lives.

Fred gets caught by one of the monsters, "Fred!" Daphne yells for him. The monster then breathed a green gas knocking Fred out. Ben immediately went for the watch and transformed into Four Arms. "Get Outta Here! And Don't Look Back!" He says to J.K. Who nods and runs off, stopping to help another person and quickly exit the building.

A monster then jumps in front of Ben and tried to swipe its claws at him. But instead Ben grabbed both his arms and throw him into a wall. Ben then saw people in danger and went to help. "My glasses." Velma was on her hands and knees looking for here glasses. A monster then appears and gives her her glasses. "Thanks." Velma says, and the roars in her face. "Nice mask. Bad breath." Velma mocks the monster. Not pleased, the monster picked her up but Velma pulls on its ears trying to take off the 'mask.' Only to let go and realized that it was no costume. "Jinkies." The monster then breathed out the same green gas knocking her out too.

"Velma!" Shaggy exclaims, only for another monster to sprang up from the ground causing him and Mary Jane to run. "Hey Ugly!" Kevin shouts, covered in a silver second skin, and tries to punch the monster with a hammer he made on his hand. Only for the monster to grab him and knock him out too.

Daphne then looks to find the Daemon Ritus left on a table abandoned. N'Goo noticed as well and went to get it, only for Daphne to grab it first and stick her tongue at him. N'Goo lunged at her only to be swept away by people running away. Daphne placed the relic in her purse and ran over to Mondevarious. "Stand back Mr. Mondevarious. I'll handle this." She assumed a fighting stance, but a monster stuck out there hand and grabbed Mondevarious pulling him down. It then tried to grab Daphne only for a pink disk to strike it.

Gwen, Shaggy, and Mary Jane ran over to get Daphne and continue to run. Gwen providing cover from the monster. "Scooby-Doo! Where Are You?!" Shaggy exclaims and then runs after the monster jumped out of the floor.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

As everyone continues to run in fear, Ben had been flung into a wall and the watch times out. He then notices a suitcase moving on its own only to figure out that it's Scooby. A monster then walks towards him and he tries to access the watch again but the monster pins him to the ground and removes the suitcase concealing Scooby. "Running suitcase. Running suitcase. Run—," When Scooby realized his disguised was removed he jumped in fright and looks to find the monster.

It tries to swipe at him but he ducks the first time and stops the monster from grabbing him.  Scooby then proceeded to give it a manicure, which gave Ben enough of a distraction to free himself. Once Scooby saw that he was okay, he bit the monster's claws and ran away. The two then slid across the bar, but Scooby went back and grabbed a sandwich. The monster then raised itself from the bar and Scooby fled before it could grab him. Grabbing the sandwich and getting some mustard in it's eye. "Rank you." Scooby said getting back the sandwich, "Scooby! Let's go!" Ben grabbed Scooby by his collar and escaped the monster.

Daphne, Gwen, Shaggy and Mary Jane ended up in a hallway after avoiding some monsters. "Where's Scooby?" Daphne says. "Where's Ben?" Gwen's says too, worried about her cousin. "I don't know but I hope they're okay." Shaggy says. And right after he said that, they all ended up on a baggage cart. "You called?" Ben says, a smirk on his face riding along. "Scooby-Dooby-Doo!" Two monsters looked down the hallway and Scooby stuck his tongue out at them.

But failed to realize that he was pushing the others to a glass window. "SCOOBY!" Everyone shouted but when Scooby looked it was too late and everyone ended up falling out the window. Fortunately, they're fall was cushioned by the sun blocker, (I have know idea what those things are called okay). And once they landed on the ground they immediately hurry off.

The monsters try to follow them only to go through the curtain. One of the monster kicks the other's head.

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