Welcome to Spooky Island

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Luckily, the plane was able to get back under controlled with a little help from Upgrade. They had to make an emergency and took a boat to Spooky Island. Now everyone were de-boarding and step onto the island. "Welcome to Spooky Island, the frightfully popular spot for young adults." Someone in a strange statue said, moving the arms. "Catch our Electric Torture Parade. It's A Dead World After All. And the world-famous Splatter Hall." They walked towards the statue, "Ah! Scooby-Doo! And the rest of Mystery Inc.. Oh it is marvelous to finally meet you! How fantastic-" They accidentally hit someone, "Oh! I'm so sorry. That's the second time this week." Then a man exits the thing. "Ah, thank goodness."

"Sorry. It's a new toy, I'm just getting up to speed with it. Welcome!" He walks to them with open arms. "Oh thank goodness, I was afraid I'd have to lug those all the way up to the hotel." Daphne sighs out, Kevin couldn't help but roll his eyes, "Does a girl really need that much?" He mutters, but got elbowed again by Gwen. "Ah, but that is what Spooky Island is all about, realizing your worst fears." The man says. "I'm Emile Mondevarious, the owner of this amusement park." He introduces himself.

"You seem less...." Fred says, trying to find the right words. "Spooky." Shaggy says. "Then we'd have guessed." Velma agrees. The man was dressed in casual wear and didn't seem to give off a frightening presence. "Oh no, oh no, I can be pretty spooky when called upon. I can go," Mondevarious, then made some fake growling noises. "Claws and everything. Oh yes, you wouldn't want to run into me in a dark alley."

"So you're the one that brought all of us here." Gwen states. "No, no, what brought you here was an insatiable appetite for a juicy mystery." The owner corrects her. He then leads the group towards the park. "The truth is Mr. Mondavevarious, Mystery Inc. is broken up." Daphne says. "And while all the free stuff is a bonus," Kevin starts but Ben cuts him off. "Kevin, Gwen, and I, we're only members for a short time. I mean you clearly want Mystery Inc.'s help." He says. "Ah, but that's the beauty of something broken. It can be fixed and there in lies its potential. And you three, well the more the merrier, for I need all the help available to save Spooky Island." Mondevarious explains.

"What exactly is going on that you asked for all of us to come here to begin with?" Ben asks. "I believe somebody's casting a spell on the people." Mondevarious starts. "A spell? Well that can't be right. I don't detect any magic on the island at all. At least, none I'm aware of." Gwen says. "But something is happening my dear, now look at those who come in, and those who depart." Everyone then look to find a bunch of college students lined up in a single line, but look rather serious. "They look like sober, well-behaved college students." Velma points out.

"Precisely. And they didn't before they came. They've changed. In other words, a magic spell." Mondevarious says. "Carol! Hey Carol, how was the island?" A young man with spiky hair walks over the woman at the front of the line. "Are you tricking, on me?" The girl, now Carol says, but her tone sounds threatening. "Carol, it's me. Brad. We've known each other since we were like 3." Brad says and lays his hands on her shoulders.

But then something unexpected happens, Carol grabbed Brad and lifted him up with surprising strength. "Step Off My Grill, Son!" She growls. "Carol, what are you doing?!" Brad asks, now scared. Carol then threw him to the group. The gang were all shocked by what had happened. Brad then scrambled away and the brainwashed people start to head to the barge.

"I'm terrified. And the young people that come off the barge, the people I love most, are in danger." Mondevarious says. "I'm going to solve this one first." Velma declares. "Not before I solve it first." Fred counters. "You guys are going to like total idiots when you get captured and I'm the one saving you." Daphne interjects. The teens roll their eyes in unison at the behavior of the three, while Shaggy and Scooby just watch as the three then went in different directions.

Mondevarious didn't seem bothered and continued talking. "Thank you. This is marvelous. Maybe we can celebrate later by having a little Spook-a-Palooza." He suggests "Roo-roo-roo-roo-roo-rookapalooza? Ruh-oh." Scooby said, not liking the name of it. "You said it Scooby." Ben says.

A Few Hours Later

"So just to be clear, you're sure you haven't seen anything out of the ordinary? Any weirdos up to some shady business?" Ben was asking an employee, dressed in a freaky skeleton costume. "Uh, No." They answer. Ben sighs, disappointed. "Okay. Thanks anyways." He then walks off.

It was now night and the teens were doing some investigating in hopes of finding anything to do with the brainwashed people. The party was nice of Mondevarious, but the group were more focused in solving the mystery. They considered asking help from the gang, but decided to let them be for now. They split up in hopes of gaining anything faster, but Ben hasn't been having much luck.

The brunette then sees his cousin and friend at a table. He walks over and takes a seat, a drink being placed on the table for him by an employee. He thanks them and takes a sip, "So, any luck in finding out what's going on?" He asks Gwen and Kevin. Gwen shakes her head no. "Nope. But I did see this N'Goo Tuana, who said that the park is build on enchanted ground. Maybe that's linked to the brainwashed tourists." She says. The two then hear loud slurping and look to find Kevin finishing his drink.

The two send annoyed looks at him. "What?" He says dumbfounded. "Brainwashed people? Remember." Ben sasses him. Kevin shrugs, "Like I said. Even if we are solving a mystery, we can at least enjoy ourselves." He says. Gwen brings a hand to her face to massage her head. "Kevin. People are in danger and all you can think about is slurping down some fancy drinks." She scolds him. Kevin rolls his eyes, "Look, if we worry so much, we'll only burn ourselves out. We need to rest if we're going to get anything done." He explains. The cousins were surprised and realized that he is right.

"Sorry Kevin. You're right." Gwen apologizes and lays a hand on his shoulder. "Yeah. I guess  all this is a lot." Ben adds. Kevin waves it off, "It's cool." Bu then the teens heard screaming and stood up. They saw Scooby run out of some plants, "Ronster! Ronster!" He shouts, hopping into Shaggy's arms. "A monster?" The green-shirted man says frightened. But it was just some guy in a weird pink bunny costume and starts dancing with some tourists joining him.

"Well that was disappointing." Kevin says. Ben rolls his eyes but then sees Daphne gesture to Shaggy and Scooby to follow her after the blonde, in which Shaggy meant on the plane, leaves. Believing she's found something he signals to Gwen and Kevin to follow them.

They soon end up at Spooky Island Castle. "No way." Shaggy states. "Shaggy," Daphne starts. "Uh-Uh. Scoob and I do not do castles." Shaggy says. "And why not?" The woman asks rhetorically. "Because, castles have paintings with eyes that follow you, and suits of armor you think are statues," Kevin the started to sneak behind Shaggy and Scooby with a mischievous smirk on his face. "And inside there's always some weirdo who follows you every time you turn around." The man finishes as Scooby demonstrated the scenarios. "Like this?" Kevin whispered.

Scooby and Shaggy screamed in terror and looked to find Kevin laughing. "Come on Kevin, that was not funny." Gwen scolds him, her hands on her hips. Kevin calms himself but still chuckles a bit, "Awe come on. It was a little funny." He says. But Gwen and Ben only glare at him. Kevin then stops and looks at the two who he scared, "Sorry guys." He apologizes. The two calmed down and forgave him. "Kevin? Gwen? Ben? What are you three doing here?" Daphne asks. Gwen answers, "We saw you gesturing to Shaggy and Scooby to follow you and believed you found a lead."

Daphne scoffs and rolls her eyes. This struck a cord in Ben, "Look Daphne. You can't solve this alone. You heard Mondevarious, he's going to need all the help he can get. And this isn't a competition or a race to see who can solve this mystery first. People are in danger. So you can continue to act like a kid, or you can accept help." He says sternly. This gets to Daphne and takes a moment to think. "Fine. Come on guys." She says.

The teens follow her to the castle but stop to find Scooby and Shaggy not following. "Come on you two." Daphne says to them. "Nope. We're not going into the spooky castle." Shaggy says. "Rthat's right!" Scooby agrees. But Daphne doesn't buy it and reaches into her bag. "Hey Scooby," Said dog then started limp and whine pretending he had a broken paw. "Awe, did you broke your paw. Would you do it for a Scooby Snack?" The purple-dressed woman asks knowing what the answer was going to be. "Roh Boy!" Scooby exclaimed excitedly, hoping to get the treat. "And you will be fearless?" Daphne adds. "Rearless?" Scooby then did some karate moves but accidentally kicks Shaggy in the face.

"Ow! Hey Hong Kong Phooey watch the fists of fury would ya." Shaggy jokes. "Here you go." Daphne then tossed the treat and Scooby catches it in his mouth, "Rank you." "And there's plenty more where that came from. Now let's go." Daphne, Scooby, Gwen, and Kevin went up the steps, but Ben saw Shaggy was still not moving. "You're not going to stay out here alone are you?" He asks with a hint of smirk on he is face. Shaggy thought for a second, "No." And he soon followed the teen into the castle.

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