Facing the Monsters

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Ben, Velma, Shaggy, and Scooby continue to run to get to the Monster Hive but stop in their tracks as they see the shadows of the Skeleton Men in a shed just in front of them, rearranging themselves after being broken into pieces. "The Skeleton Men." Velma says, scared. But then Scooby farts all of a sudden. "He does that when he gets nervous." Shaggy says. "Rorry." Scoob apologizes. "Glad I'm not back there." Ben mutters to himself, being in front of them.

The four take several, slow steps back before bolting to hide behind a nearby building. They all take a moment to catch their breathes til Velma gives Shaggy the control panel. "Here, Shaggy, take this." She says. "Why are you giving it to me?" Shaggy asks, trying to push it away. "I'll distract those skeletal screwballs," Velma replies, shoving the panel back to Shaggy. "You, Scooby, and Ben get this to the Monster Hive." "What?" Ben turns back to look at her, having been lookout in case any monsters show up.

"Us?" Shaggy asks, baffled. "Yes. You're faster than me. And we need to ensure the panel will get plugged into the base. Push this button. We fixed it so it will destroy all the monsters." Velma explains. "You're not going alone. I'll come with." Ben states. "I'm not taking any chances in letting you go at it alone with those boney nutjobs."

"But..." Shaggy slides down on the wall of building, "But we can't." He says. "Re're rewups." Scooby says, dejectedly. "I mean we tried to be heroes like you guys, but we're not okay. We're just not!" Shaggy says, frustrated with themselves. "No." Scooby adds, sadly.

"Like me?" Velma says, shocked, making sure she heard that right. She kneels down to be at eye level with the two. "That's funny. I always wanted to be more like you guys. You guys are so free. You're never afraid to be who you really are." Her words catch Shaggy and Scooby by surprise. Ben smiles as the two finally realize how important they are to the team. "Wether you're fearful or joyful or hungry. I think you've been heroes all along. You just haven't known it." Velma tells them.

"You guys always get back on your feet. No matter how scared you are, you always do the best you can to help. And you should never be ashamed of being yourselves, because you guys have saved the day more than once by being your goofy selves. You guys are the glue of Mystery Incorporated." Ben tells them. His words making both Shaggy and Scooby a little emotional with all the praise. "Here we go." Velma says, as she and Ben stand up and take off to face the Skeleton Men.

Leaving Shaggy and Scooby, as the two become happy by their words. "Reroes." Scooby says, a little stunned. "Heroes." Shaggy says, with a smile on his face.

As for Fred, Daphne, Gwen, and Kevin, the Black Knight Ghost approaches them. "On your knees, knave." It stops a few feet in front of them, starring down Fred. "Can't you see we're talking?" Fred questions, annoyed at the ghost. "Way to ruin the mood, dude." Kevin comments, rolling his eyes. "Talking is for wimps." The Black Knight Ghost says, lowering his sword, pointing it at Fred.

"You can't fool me with that macho facade. You're just afraid to show your sensitive side." Fred says. "Ooh, you've touched my inner child." The armored ghost says, sounding a little touched. Daphne looks at him with sad eyes. But Kevin and Gwen look at the ghost with cautiousness. "AND HE'S REALLY MAD!" Everyone quickly gets up and Kevin runs up to to the ghost, using his body to slam into him and absorbs the metal from the armor. Coating himself and delivers the ghost a strong right hook. "That felt good." He smirks.

"Come on, Scoob." Shaggy says, after checking the coast is clear. "Rokay." Scooby says. The two head out but before they could go anywhere, they bump into something, or someone. They look up to find, "Miner...49er." Shaggy says, scared at the sight of the ghost and Scooby cowering behind him. "Ruh-oh." Miner 49er laughs before breathing fire and Shaggy and Scooby duck down and jump, avoiding the fire. Shaggy quickly holds up a finger, confusing Miner 49er, before bolting away. Scooby does the same and quickly follows after Shaggy. They jump over a fence, but Scooby didn't make it and almost got roasted by the mining ghost and quickly hurries off. "I'll get you, ya varmints!" Miner 49er shouts, as he plows through the fence.

Meanwhile for Velma and Ben, Velma picks up a rock. "Hey!" She exclaims, as she throws the rock. Hitting them both on the heads. "Nice shot." Ben whispers to Velma. "Remember me? Come and get me!" Ben shouts, as he grabs Velma's hand and the two run off. The Skeleton Men chase after them, still very much bitter with their last encounter with Ben.

Velma and Ben run through a building and make a turn, the red-eye skeleton stops but the green-one slips and crashes into his partner. The boney ghosts recover and continue to chase their targets. Velma stops for a moment and she and Ben look back as the red-eye skeleton grabs the green-eye's head and tosses it at them. But narrowly miss and ends up stuck in a wooden wall. Velma lets out a yelp in fright and Ben grabs a wooden board and hits the green-eye's head, sending it back. It screams as its body grabs it and puts it back on his body and follows the red-eye skeleton.

Kevin puts up a decent fight with the Black Knight Ghost but at some point the Ten Thousand Ghost appears and shocks Kevin back. "Kevin!" Gwen exclaims in worry. She conjures a lot of mana and blasts at the electrical ghost. Stunned by the attack, Sparky takes a few steps back. Kevin's metal coating wears off and Fred and Daphne help him up.

But the four realize their surrounded and backs away from the ghosts. "Dead end!" The Ten Thousand Volt Ghost says, as the group near the van. Daphne then looks and spots a pair of jumper cables in the van. "Fred, remember when we were young and you use to wear a jumper?" Daphne asks. "What?! Me? In a jumper?" Fred asks back, while he and Kevin avoid being hit. "And we used to watch cable?" Daphne asks again, hinting the cables in the van. Fred backs away from the Black Knight Ghost, narrowly missed getting sliced and backs into the van. He then notices the jumper cables and understands Daphne's plan.

Kevin places his hands on a nearby rail and coats his hands as he holds off the Black Knight Ghost, keeping the armored ghost in place. Fred grabs the cables and tosses the other ends of them to Daphne. Gwen spots a metal pole and grabs it with a mana stream, pulling it towards her. She dissipates the stream and Daphne catches it with the cables. "Do it!" Fred exclaims, and Daphne tosses the pole into the Ten Thousand Volt Ghost. "Ow!" The sparky ghost yelps.

"Kevin, move!" Fred exclaims, and Kevin lets go and moves back as Fred attaches his ends of the cables onto the Black Knight Ghost's sword and metal loins near its crotch area. "Lights out!" Fred exclaims. The jumper cables conduct the Ten Thousand Volt Ghost into the Black Knight Ghost, electrocuting the armored ghost. Gwen quickly summons a mana platform and everyone gets on as she flies them away from the ghosts. "Blackout! BLACKOUT!" The Ten Thousand Volt Ghost screams, as it is absorbed into the Black Knight Ghost. Both ghosts end up exploding from the power and the Black Knight Ghost's head lands a little ways away. "Oh, crap."

As for Velma and Ben, the two continue to run from the Skeleton Men until they see an exhaust pipe they can fit through. Ben dives in first and Velma jumps in after, and their movement within the pipe causes the lid to close over the pipe. The Skeleton Men jump onto the pipe to try and open it, but the pipe's hinges come off and lands on them. Breaking them apart into pieces. While Ben and Velma slide down and end up landing in a cave. Ben breaking the wooden plants and landing on the ground with Velma landing on top of him.

As for Shaggy and Scooby, Miner 49er enters a building the two were hiding in. "Take this, daddy-o! It's a real gas." Shaggy declares with a smile, holding Scooby's tail as the canine faces away from the ghost. Miner 49er breathes fire at them but Scooby lets out a loud and long fart, sending the flames back at the ghost. Miner 49er, now burnt, collapses from the terrible smell sent by Scooby. Scooby let's out a relieved sigh, as Shaggy laughs, "Come on. Let's go, Scoob!" Shaggy says, as grabs the control and Scooby sticks his tongue at Miner 49er. The two making a run for it to get to the Monster Hive.

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