Final Showdown

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"I don't see Shaggy and Scooby anywhere!" Fred exclaims, as he and the others exit out of the Monster Hive and enter the lab. "The poor guys are probably running around helpless and terrified." Daphne says, worried for the two. But Shaggy and Scooby ride the elevator down, standing proudly with cotton candy on their faces. Scooby licks his paws for any remaining sweetness, wearing the cone on his head, "Ah-Choo!" He sneezes loudly and gets everyone's attention.

"This is like the greatest day of our lives, Scoob!" Shaggy says, happily. "Reah!" Scooby says with a massive grin on his face. They get off the elevator, still a little high from their little victory earlier. "Finally, a monster we can sink our teeth into. You know, Scoob, I'm kinda thirsty. I wonder if there's a Liter-sized Soda Glob anywhere?" Shaggy jokes.

"Save the celebration for after. We still gotta a monster-maker to shut down." Kevin states, as Fred grabs the control panel from Shaggy. "Come on." Velma says, as everyone hurries into the Monster Hive. "We have got to get this control panel back before-" Fred stops mid-sentence as he and everyone else stop. Miner 49er and Zombie had beaten them to the hive and the Skeleton Men had fused together. "Before exactly that happens!" Fred finishes.

"At last I have you, Mystery Inc." The Evil Masked figure declares, as he appears in the walkway. Looking down at them. "You'll never make it past my monsters." He says, sinisterly.

"We've take these jerks before, gang. Let's do it again." Daphne declares, starring down the monsters. Everyone becomes determined and Fred makes the first move as he charges forward. Zombie and the Skeleton Men scream, but Fred gets his feet caught in something. "Fred!" Daphne exclaims with worry. "It's not them you need to worry about." The Evil Masked Figure says, maliciously. The stuff is a black goo that rises and takes shape to reveal the Tar Monster. "Now you are stuck in my trap." It says, with a wicked smile, wrapping around Fred to keep him trap.

"Kevin!" Fred exclaims, tossing the control panel, like a frisbee, to Kevin. Kevin catches it but the Tar Monster traps him too. Not able to free himself, Kevin thinks fast, "Gwen!" Kevin tosses the panel to Gwen. She catches it but before she could protect herself, the Tar Monster wraps tendrils around her and covers her mouth to keep her from chanting any spells. She sees Daphne open and tosses it to her.

Daphne catches it, but the Tar Monster grabs her too and lifts her off the ground. "Daphne! I'm open!" Shaggy says, waving his arms to get her attention. Instead, Daphne tosses it to Velma. "Velma!" Daphne tosses the panel and Velma dives onto the ground to catch it, but she quickly becomes trapped too. Ben sees some tar crawling towards Shaggy and pushes him out of the way, but ends up trapped too. He tries reaching the Omnitrix but the tar tendrils keep him from reaching it. "Shaggy!" Velma tosses the panel to Shaggy.

Shaggy fumbles with his catch and drops it. But was able to save it from being taken by the Tar Monster. However, he tries to back away from the tar but ends up trapped and the tar climbs up him to get the panel. "Soon your friends will be dead and Coolsville will be destroyed. My revenge will be final and there's nothing you can do about it." The Evil Masked Figure states.

Scooby backs away as he whimpers, seeing everyone slowly being suffocated to death. "Relp, Velma!" Scooby calls out, scared. "Raphne? Revin? Ren?" But none of them answer as the Tar Monster slowly kills them. "Raggy?" Scooby says, standing on his hind legs. "Scoob..." Shaggy struggles to say, as the Tar Monster takes its time to finish them off.

Scooby than backs into something and looks behind him to find a fire extinguisher. The Evil Masked Figure laughs sinisterly, but Scooby looks at the fire extinguisher and smirks. He grabs it and pulls the pin, using it on Shaggy and Ben. The cold carbon dioxide freezes the tar and the Evil Masked Figure watches in disbelief. Ben and Shaggy breaks free from the now frozen tar. "Like, frostbite never felt so good!" Shaggy exclaims, happy. Ben quickly dials the Omnitrix and transforms into Big Chill. He turns intangible as flies out of the front open tar.

"It's time for this freak show to end." He says. "STOP THEM!" The Evil Masked Figure yells out, the monsters obey and make their move to stop Scooby and Ben.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"Go long, Scoob!" Shaggy exclaims. "Rokay!" Scooby says, using the fire extinguisher to freeze the Tar Monster as it tries to capture him. Ben flies around and breathes ice on the Tar Monster also, helping the others to prevent them from being suffocated as Scooby makes his way to the main device.

"Here, doggy-doggy!" The Tar Monster says, as it continues to try and capture Scooby but fails. Scooby then started using the extinguisher like a skateboard and freezes more of the Tar Monster. "Rail ride!" Scooby exclaims, having the time of his life. But the Tar Monster is not please. "Roll rarrel!" Scooby says, as he barrel rolls through a tunnel of frozen tar and ends up on a frozen tar pillar. "Rang time!"

Ben avoids fire breathe from Miner 49er and then sees the Tar Monster makes its way to Scooby, "Watch out, Scooby!" He warns. "End of the line, Doo! Come here, you worthless mutt!" The Tar Monster taunts. Scooby glares down at the monster, feeling insulted. He then slides down and freezes the Tar Monster, making it look like a statue. He turns the fire extinguisher around and kicks off the nozzle, ramming into the monster and smashes it to pieces.

Ben freezes the Skeleton Men's feet, keeping them in place, as Scooby lands and jumps off them, making them bonk their heads together. Scooby slides under Zombie and grabs a sting from its pants, making them fall down. Zombie covering his underwear in embarrassment. Miner 49er attempts to stop Scooby with his pick axe, but Scooby stops in front of him and uses the string he got from Zombie to rope on top the pick axe. Miner 49er swings upwards and sends Scooby into the air. "Raaa-Hoooo!"

"Scoob!" Shaggy calls out, tossing the control panel, like a frisbee, to Scooby. "You can do it, buddy!" But then a screech is heard and Scooby turns his head to see the Pterodactyl Ghost, flying towards the panel but before it could grab it, Scooby quickly grabs the panel with his mouth. The Pterodactyl Ghost looks at him, but fails to avoid the Tar Monster, which had melted and reformed together, and slams into it. The Tar Monster giving an unimpressed look.

"Ra-Hoo!" Scooby cheers, as he lands safely at the device to the monster-maker. "You can't do this to me!" The Evil Masked Figure yells. "Who do you think you are?" Scooby looks at him with a determined look. "Scooby. Dooby. Doo!" Scooby states, slamming the control panel into the device and pushes the button, smirking triumphantly.

"NOOOOOOOO!" The Evil Masked Figure bellows, as the monsters revert back into costumes. Destroying them once and for all. With the monsters coming undone, the Tar Monster's tar disappears and everyone is free as they take deep breathes. The Tar Monster screams in fear but  becomes no more as well. "Ahh, my monsters!" The Evil Masked Figure tries to run off but falls through the same broken grates that Velma did, hanging on tightly to not fall down. "Going somewhere?" He turns his head to find Ben, still as Big Chill, stare him down and breathes ice at him. Freezing him so that he won't be going anywhere.

"Yeah! Wo-hoo-hoo!" Shaggy cheers, as he and the others cheer in victory. They congratulate and thank Scooby. "You saved us all!" Shaggy tells Scooby. "Ri know!" Scooby says, with a huge smile. "Way to go, Scoob." Ben says, transforming back to human. He, Shaggy, Velma, and Kevin pet Scooby and Daphne gives him a kiss, which he thanks her by licking her face, and Fred and Gwen smile proudly at him. The monsters are gone, it's finally over.

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