The Old Clubhouse/New Hope

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As everyone ride in the Mystery Machine in silence, they turn on the van's mini-TV to watch the news. "Heather Jasper-Howe with an emergency update for Investigative Probe. A monster army has invaded Coolsville." The screen shows a crowd of people in front of Mystery Incorporated's headquarters and they were not happy, demanding Mystery Inc. give themselves up.

Ben looks at everyone and sees that they are pretty bummed out after what happened at the Monster Hive. Mystery Inc. especially. "Angry citizens have gathered outside Mystery Inc.'s office in protest. They're insisting that the gang cooperates with the Evil Masked Figure's demands." The people chant 'Mystery Stink' until the Pterodactyl Ghost appears screeching, making everyone panic. Even Zombie makes an appearance, "Excuse me. Excuse me, sir. Do you have anything to say for yourself?" A reporter tries asking, only to end up getting barfed on by Zombie, who laughs after he was done.

Scooby laughs too but everyone gives him a look and he immediately stops. "I beg you, Mystery Inc.. If you can hear me, turn yourselves in." But that is out of the question. "But if we do that, he'll get the control panel back." Fred says. "And the city will be in even worse shape." Kevin adds. "We'd be playing right into his hands." Daphne says.

"Please! For our city's sake." Heather Jasper-Howe pleads. All of a sudden a loud noise is heard and the camera pans to show the Black Knight Ghost breaking into the studio, "Sorry. You're canceled." The channel went off the air with everyone having many thoughts in their heads, but we're all thinking the same thing.

Ben felt a tap on his shoulder and sees Gwen nodding her head back to talk in private. He taps Kevin's shoulder getting his attention and gestures with his thumb to the back. He nods and the three make their way to the back of the van.

"So, what is it?" He whispers, not wanting Mystery Inc. to hear them. "This has gotten out of control. We need to stop this ourselves." Gwen whispers back. "No." Ben responds immediately. "Dude, if that masked freak gets his hands on the panel, he'll make more and more monsters." Kevin retorts quietly. "Look, I know things are bad, but this guy is after Mystery Inc. and if we swoop in and save the day the gang will still be seen as failures." Ben points out.

Gwen and Kevin think about what he says and realizes he's right. "Look, if things get too out of control we'll deal with it ourselves, but these guys have been able to solve every mystery that's been thrown at them. I have faith in them." Ben concludes and looks back at the gang, who have not heard their conversation. He looks back at Gwen and Kevin. "Okay." Gwen agrees, giving a small smile. "But remember, these guys are use to creeps in masks." Kevin says, "But they always manage to have something up their sleeves. So, I'll give them that." He smirks. Ben smiles, thankful for them understanding.

The van stops and Kevin opens the side door as everyone looks at where they have arrived. "Where are we?" Gwen asks. "The old high school clubhouse." Velma answers. "We should be safe here." She walks ahead with the control panel in her arms. "We haven't been here in years." Daphne says, looking at the worn down shed with nostalgia.

Everyone exits out of the van, but Fred is still in the driver's seat. Daphne looks at him with worry. "Freddie, are you okay? Do you wanna talk?" She asks gently. "Talking's for wimps." Is all he says, as he then gets out of the van, "It's time for action." He walks pass Daphne and to the clubhouse. Daphne looks at him with worry but says nothing and follows him. Gwen watches and recalls all the things Fred has said that had been used against him to make himself and the gang look bad.

Kevin wraps his arm around her shoulders to comfort her. She leans into him a little and the two head into the shed. Ben watches them go and was about to follow until he notices Shaggy and Scooby. They have stayed in the van and had guilty looks on their faces.

"You know, Scoob....this Evil Masked Figure is turning Coolsville....into Ghoulsville. And the gang is totally taking the hit for it." Shaggy says sadly. "Reah." Scooby whimpers, sounding like he's about to cry. "This is the most 'our-faultiest' screwup ever, Scoob." Shaggy says. The two blaming themselves for the entire thing.

Ben wanted to go and consult them but decided to give them space and followed after the others to the clubhouse. As he enters the clubhouse, Velma turns on the lights. "Still works." She says, as she opens a secret door on the floor, "Oh, look, all my old tools." She comments. "After all our so-called success...we're back in this old firetrap." Fred says, not feeling all that great with all that's happened.

Ben looks around the place until his gaze lands on an old picture of the gang. Taken when they were kids. He grabs it and lifts it up to get a better look at it. "Whoa. Is this you guys?" Kevin asks, looking over Ben's shoulder to look at the picture. This gets the other's attention as they group around Ben to look at the photo.

Fred, Daphne, and Velma feel nostalgic as they reminisce the day the photo was taken. They were playing frisbee and when Scooby tried catching it, he instead rammed into a tree. "It all seemed so easy back then." Fred says softly. "Yeah. That's how it always starts." Ben says, putting the photo down. "And before you know it, the pressure feels too much at times." He adds, as he walks to another part of the clubhouse.

"Yeah." Daphne agrees, nodding her head. "We solved mysteries for the love of them, not to prove anything to anyone." She says. "People can be jerks when they don't understand. They're not the ones who had to face all that spooky stuff." Kevin says, trying to cheer him up. Gwen gives him a look but doesn't comment, "Besides, you guys were always able to get the guy and unmask them and their plot." Gwen adds.

"Yeah. And the mysteries all seemed to unravel themselves. Sometimes, the answers would just appear like magic." Velma says, then becomes nostalgic as she notices one of her old inventions. "Hey. My first multiple-resonance imaging device. Made out of a crystal radio and old video games." "Not bad." Kevin compliments.

But then a light bulb goes off in Velma's head. "Wait a minute. Randamonium has an algorithm, cross-currency of negative 4.121. With it, maybe.... Well, just maybe-" "We can reverse the current!" Fred says, in realization. "And reverse the monster-making process." Kevin smirks. "So we just have to rewire the control panel," Gwen starts, "Bring it back to the Monster Hive, plug it into the main device," Ben continues, "And instead of creating monsters, all the monsters throughout the city will be destroyed." Daphne finishes.

With that, everyone got to working on rewiring the control panel. Velma and Ben, transformed into Greymatter, we're working on the panel to find out how to reverse it. Gwen and Daphne were finding pieces needed to do so from old inventions. And Fred and Kevin were melting down metals to replace some parts of the panel.

But while everyone was working, Shaggy and Scooby were watching them. Feeling left out. "Like, they're totally having a montage in there without us." Shaggy says sadly. "Reah." Scooby agrees, nodding his head somberly. "I'll tell you one thing for sure, Scoob. They don't need our help to figure it out." Shaggy says. "Re're rewups."

The two turn away and lookout to the lake opposite of the clubhouse. "Yeah. The only time we ever do anything right is when we accidentally plow into the the Snow Ghost because we've accidentally glued our feet to rocket-powered roller-skates." Shaggy recounts. "Reah. Eight stupid times." Scooby says. "Face it, Scoob. We'll never be anything but our old goofy selves. I wish once...just once...I could do the right thing on purpose. You know, Scoob?" Shaggy says. "Reah." Scooby agrees.

"Like, be a hero....and save the day." Shaggy says, remembering all the times when he and Scooby had messed up. The gang had always been seen as heroes to them and Ben, Kevin, and Gwen had already done so much that they don't need an explanation for what they've accomplished.

"But who are we kidding, right?" Shaggy says, as he bends down and grabs a pebble. He tosses it into the water but a loud clank was heard. Then a green glow followed by bubbles appear in the water and whatever was causing them emerged from the water. Making Shaggy and Scooby become terrified as their hearts beat rapidly. "Captain Cutler's Ghost." Shaggy says, quietly.

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