7 | lessons rescheduled

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"Abigail," one of the third years called from behind her. She turned around to see the girl was holding a paper, "Dumbledore asked that this get to you."

She took the paper from her, "He's back." The girl nodded before walking off. She opened the note and saw that it was the date for their next session.

Slipping the paper into her robe pocket, she made her way to his office. After whispering the password she quickly made her way downstairs

"For a moment there I thought you had died on us," Abigail stated as she entered the Headmasters office without so much as a knock. "I thought I had seen the wrong thing."

He smiled up at the girl, "It would be appreciated if we could keep anything you see pertaining to this year a secret."

"If I am to say and do nothing about what we both know is going to happen," she began, keeping herself in check, "Then I require a favor."

"And what will that be?"

"I want to do my 'lessons' separate from Harry."

"He helps you."

"He did help me," she agreed, "But that wasn't because of his connection to Voldemort it was because I was comfortable being vulnerable around him. That's no longer the case so having him here would be counterproductive."

"And you're sure this is what you want?"


"Okay, you can come in the day after the lesson for Harry," he replied, "Is there anyone else you would like with you?"

"No," she answered, "Just me."

"You asked Dumbeldore to do our sessions separately?" Harry inquired and Abigail turned around to see Harry standing alone in the hallway. Just the two of them. "Why?"

"Because there's no need for us to be together when we do it."

"And there's no reason for us not to be together when we do it either."

"It's pointless," she informed him, "There's no use of you being with me. I don't need you."

"What did I do?" Harry asked suddenly, "Because I keep going back and replaying every one of our conversations and I just can't figure it out. We didn't fight, not really. So can you tell me? What did I do wrong?"

"You didn't do anything wrong," she explained, running a hand through her hair, "Some people just...Some people just grow apart."

"Right," he agreed but Abigail could tell by the look on his face he wasn't buying it. Or at least he certainly didn't want to. He glanced to the side for a moment, scratching the back of his neck in thought, "If you don't start showing up to practices, I'm going to have to replace you."

She bit her lip instinctively and nodded, "Yeah, um, I understand. I'll be there."


"Okay," she echoed before glancing behind her, she pointed backward with her thumb, "I should go." She turned back around to say goodbye but he was already gone.

Abigail's arms dropped to her side as she took a deep breath. Everything is going to be okay, she reminded herself, Your doing what you have to do. Now only if she could believe it.

Dear Abigail,

How is school going? I'm sorry that I haven't written lately but I've been preoccupied. Dumbledore has informed me that you've missed quite a few classes. Are the headaches back? Or is something else bothering you?

I know you're probably still mad at me but it's something I have to do. I think I'm making some leeway but we can talk more about it at Christmas.

Anyway, get back to me when you can. We'll speak soon.

With Love,

Your Father

She folded the letter up and placed it in her robe before looking down at her food which she was no longer hungry for.

She glanced to the side and saw Ron was freaking out over the game that was coming up.

"Good luck today, Ron," Lavender grinned as she passed by him on her way out of the Great Hall, "I know you'll be brilliant."

"I'm resigning," Ron announced once she was out ear shot, "After today's match, McLaggen can have my spot."

"Have it your way," Harry shrugged before dumping something into a cup and handing it to Ron, "Juice?"


"Hello, everyone," Luna greeted, a giant lion hat perched on her head, "You look dreadful, Ron. Is that why you put something in his cup? Is it a tonic?"

"Liquid luck," Hermione scowled, "Don't drink it, Ron." She narrowed her eyes on Harry, "You could be expelled for that."

"What are you talking about?" Harry inquired.

Ron drank the juice and looked at everyone, "Come on, Harry, we've got a game to win."

"We should head out with them, Abby," Ginny suggested with a slight frown, "That way we don't risk being late."

"Yeah, good idea," Abigail agreed, pushing her full plate away from herself and standing up. "Is Dean already there?"

"He left his broom in his room so he went to grab it," she explained, "He's just going to meet us there."

"Is he enjoying being on the team?"

"Yeah, sad circumstances but he's glad he got the chance," she replied as they walked across the campus, "He'll only be playing until Katie is better."

"Right," Abigail nodded in agreement. Truthfully she hadn't known much about what had happened to Katie Bell. She knew she was seriously hurt by some cursed object but that was the extent of her knowledge. Her powers seemed to be stalling again and now that she's not really in the loop with Harry, Ron and Hermione, she's as clueless as everyone else. "Maybe he'll get to stay longer."

"That's not possible, how would he - No!" she exclaimed suddenly and she whirled around to face the girl, "You can't quit!"

"Why would I stay?" Abigail frowned. "It was one thing when I actually enjoyed it but now...Now, especially with everything going on, it's just a chore and my heart is not in it anymore. I can't stay on the team out of obligation especially when there is someone else who truthfully wants it a lot more than I do."

"I'm not going to force you to stay," Ginny informed her. She grabbed Abigail's hand and squeezed gently, "But give it another shot, alright? There's nothing wrong with keeping a little normalcy in your life."

Abigail bit her lip but nodded and the two walked the remainder of the way to the locker rooms in silence. She wanted to believe she still had a chance at a normal life but she realized a long time ago that wasn't in the cards for her.

The game, to everyone's surprise, was one of their bests. Harry's move that morning had done the trick and Ron was at his best. And that was without actually cheating.

Abigail was about to say the password to enter the common room when Harry came out. They both stopped for a moment, staring at each other unsure of how to come about this situation.

"Sorry," Abigail mumbled and she stepped to the side so Harry could get around her.

"No," he shook his head as he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, "It's not your fault."

"Yeah," she argued and they both knew she wasn't just talking about being in his way, "It is."

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