Chapter 1; New Life and The Meeting

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I still can't believe that me and Sub-zero were twins from the day we were born!

Sub-zero;I know, crazy! Right bro?

Me; HOLY SHIT! I forgot that we can read each others' thoughts.

We both laughed until we got to Beacon academy. Then once we got in a girl in red and black ran straight into me. She almost fell back but I caught her. Sub-zero saw me blushing and his eyebrows went up and down.

Me; Bro, I swear if you don't stop with those eyebrows, I'm gonna kick your ass again!

She saw my eyes go from e/c to completely white.

Girl; P-please c-calm d-down, M-mister Sc-scorpion.

Nani? How does she know my name?

Me; how do u know my name, miss?

Girl; The headmaster sent us to find y'all.

???; Ruby! You ok?

Me; So your name is Ruby?

Ruby; Y-yes. PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!!!!*adorable anime face*

Me; GODDAMMIT!!!!! SO FUCKING CUTE!!!!!*helps her back to her feet then boops her*

Ruby; Did just you boop me?

Girl2; Here we go. By the way, I'm Weiss.

Ruby pounces me.

Sub-zero; What's going on?

Weiss; Scorpion, kiss her on the cheek. That is only way for her to calm down.

Me; Okay, just give me a minute. *hellaports then picks her up and kisses her on the cheek*

Ruby faints while me, Sub-zero, and Weiss facepalms.

2 hours later... At Ozpin's office.

Ozpin; I see. So u 2 want to be a duo team next to RWBY's dorm? And you don't want to wear the uniform?

Me and Sub-zero; Yep.

Ozpin; Okay but one problem: We have no more dorms.

Ruby and Weiss; Can they be in the same dorm as us?

Ozpin; Yes but they have to fight a team of 4 or 2 students of their choice before they can be accepted into Beacon.

Me and Sub-zero; Okay. We choose Weiss Schnee's and Ruby Rose's team.

Ruby and Weiss; Okay, we will go get the other members. The other 2 members are Blake and Yang.

Ozpin: Also, you 2 will gain 2 new members to your team.

Me; Who?

???; Me.

Everyone including me turned to see...

Me; And you are?

???; I'm Tremor.

???2; Sorry, I'm late.

We saw our other teammate.

???2; I'm Reptile.

Me; Hey Ozpin, who is the leader of our team.

Ozpin; You will be, Scorpion.

Me; Okay then. Team SSTR(Scorpion,Sub-zero,Tremor,Reptile) Let's head to the arena to fight Team RWBY.

Few minutes later... outside of Miss Goodwitch's Arena in the changing rooms.

Me; So, what are your semblances?

Tremor; Earth control. I can make earthquakes easily by a little tap of my foot if I want and I can summon rocks and throw them to my opponents and my weapon is this...

(A/N: Imagine it being all made of rocks.)

Me; Cool. What about you, Reptile?

Reptile; Lizard Transformation. I can transform into a lizard version of myself hence the name Reptile and thanks to my semblance I can spit acid out of my mouth and camoflauge myself even in my human form. This is my weapon. *Pulls out a green sword that looks like it was made with acid*

Me and ST; Wow. Cool.

Reptile sheathes his sword and thanks us.

Me; Let's go. *Walks out with his team*

???; Hello Team SSTR, I'm Miss Goodwitch.

My team and I; Nice to meet you.

Goodwitch; Ok, everyone, after Team SSTR fights Team RWBY, they will do one more fight for the day. Who wants to be their opponents?

A group of 4 males raised their hands.

Goodwitch; You sure, Team CRDL?

(A/N; Looks like you fight the bullies after Team RWBY.)

???; Yes. I wanna show those freaks who is the boss around here.

Me; Wanna say that to my Hellspawn face, weakling?

???; WHY YOU!!!!!!*Jumps down but is stopped mid-air*

Goodwitch; Calm down, Cardin.*raises him back to his seat*

(A/N; Welp, that is all I'm going to do for this chapter. Next chapter will be the bio for Tremor and Reptile. Then the fights after the bio.)

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