Chapter VI

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Roman woke up, feeling dizzy and uncomfortable. He was on his knees, his hands tied behind his back. He couldn't quite remember what had happened, but he was immediately panicking upon finding himself in an unfamiliar location. He was in a room; it was plain, seemingly made out of basic wood like it was intended to be temporary. There was a large bed against the wall, across from where he was. 

"Ah, he wakes," a sickeningly smooth voice said. He looked forward as said person knelt down to his level, grinning evilly. "I got you in exchange for not killing your friend Virgil. Name's Captain Drake, but you can call me De, sweetheart."

The unfamiliar pirate reached out, caressing his cheek as he shuddered. This is what he imagined a pirate would be like, especially as his hand slid down to brush his neck. Roman felt like he was going to cry, not having the slightest idea what he could do about his situation. Just his voice alone was a clear indication of what he wanted, and he was terrified of what he'd be willing to do to get it.

"W-What do you w-want with me?" he asked with a whimper as he met De's remaining eye.

He chuckled deeply, his hand traveling back up to his lips. The action made the prince close his eyes and shrink away as much as he could manage. "I think you know the answer to that," he answered with a seductive smirk, making him whimper yet again as his suspicions were confirmed. "Though it might be better to wait until we've finished packing up the ship. We've got four more keys to find."

Roman's eyes widened as De pulled the key containing a yellow topaz out of his sleeve. It was loosely attached around his wrist. The sight of it reminded him of the one he owned, feeling the cold key against his chest under his shirt more sharply upon remembering its presence. He must not have seen it, which was incredibly lucky for him. What's in that chest that this guy would want? he thought as De moved away. I really hope they didn't hurt him, and that the fact that I have one of the keys means he'll come for me. But he might just come for the key and leave me here since I've already managed to get him into trouble with what seems like an old 'friend'.

"What's your name, pretty boy?" the captain asked as he looked down at the prince. He knew better than to admit he was royalty this time, shaking his head and refusing to answer. "Not going to be cooperative, eh?" De said with a smile that wasn't exactly friendly. He leaned down grabbing his neck and pinching it slightly to make him choke. "When I speak to you, you respond. Am I clear?"

Roman nodded, gasping for breath as he let go and slumped back down onto his knees. His fear and hopelessness was starting to get worse.

"You might be wondering what we pirates are doing building a fort on some tiny, useless island, but until recently, we were searching for this here topaz key," Captain Drake explained. "We've had a little bit of trouble due to this little rat... Luis I think his name was, not that it matters now that I have the key."

The prince recognized that name as the name of Virgil's friend, beginning to wonder for a moment if there was something he could do to help himself or his rescuer, should someone come for him. Usually in situations like this, the more information you have the better, so he got an idea. "May I stand?" he asked, earning a chuckle from the pirate. He nodded, and Roman slowly got to his feet. "What do want with the key?"

"What do keys do?" De countered, turning toward him and smirking. The pirate was looking at him like a piece of meat, and Roman didn't like it. Swallowing his disgust, he decided to play along with the flirting to get the information, playing dumb and fluttering his eyelashes.

"Well, most keys unlock... locks?" he said, smiling innocently. He gave him a raised eyebrow. "But some unlock chests. Is that what you want?"

He stepped closer to Roman, smirking. "I want a lot of things," he said, leaning a little closer to him. "Shiny things, alcohol..."

De stepped even closer. "Pretty things..." he murmured, reaching out to touch him again. This time, the prince was playing along, so he smiled gently. The pirate chuckled at his sudden enthusiasm for his notions. "Your attitude has certainly changed."

"You're attractive, I can't help it," Roman lied, thanking every god known to man that he was a good actor. "And you're treating me so much more kindly than that scoundrel, Virgil did."

He was trying to get as much information as he could, so lying and kissing up to him seemed like his best option. Captain Drake laughed deeply, as he caressed his cheek again. "I don't doubt it."

"He wants those keys too," he said, leaning into his hand with a fake smile. "Do you know what's in the chest?"

De's fingers traced down to his lips. "There's many a rumor about what lies in that chest. Some say it's a weapon. Others claim its enchanted jewelry of some kind," he said. "I know it's jewels. Five to be exact, hence the five keys. With all five, I'd be the richest pirate in the seven seas."

"That sounds rather nice," the prince said, silently questioning if anything he was saying was true. 

"It does sound nice," he replied, leaning around him to pull his arms over his head. Though his wrists were still bound, his arms were now wrapped around De's shoulders, bringing them exponentially closer. However, the cloth binding his hands had started to come loose enough for him to shift it. He didn't have time to think of a plan because suddenly the pirate was pressing their lips together. Roman let out a gasp of horror as he was backed up and pushed onto the bed, the captain hovering over him. "I changed my mind, I can't wait until the ship is packed."

Panic and terror shot through the prince as he looked around for an escape. Spotting a bottle of liqueur, he kept his eyes open and on it as De connected their lips again. Moving his arms quickly, he reached for the bottle, twisting his hand to grasp it and attempting to smash it on the pirate's head. He succeed, stunning him and making him roll off of him to allow him to flee from the bed. The bottle, however, didn't knock him out considering he hadn't hit him with his full strength. 

"You little bitch," De muttered venomously, making terror shoot straight down the prince'y spine. He pushed him up against the wall, pinning him there with his hands on the wall above him. "I'm going to teach you how to behave when we get on that ship, and there will be nowhere you can run to then."

With a gasp, they were kissing again. The action was vile and made Roman want to vomit, but he noticed the key dangling from his wrist above him. Eyes widening, he moved his bound hands to grasp it, silently praying he'd be too distracted by what he was going to do next to realize he was missing it until it was too late. Gripping the key tightly, he raised his leg and kicked him harshly, forcing him off of him with enough force to break the cord that held the key. As the captain tumbled to the ground, he clutched the key in his bound fists to hide that he had it.

"That's it, you're going to the cells," De snapped, dragging him by the wrists as he kicked and struggled against him. Suddenly, he was being tossed into a dark room and locked inside. "We'll see if you're more willing to cooperate in the morning."

As the moon rose into the sky, Virgil looked down into the fort. He growled as he watched De exit the fort's internal structure, looking proud of himself. He felt for his daggers, preparing to start an attack to free the prince.

"You're not going to be able to get to him by going in guns blazing."

He lurched toward the voice, raising his dagger to the person's throat. He looked down at it, laughing. "Nice to see you again too, Virge," Luis said.

The pirate gasped in realization lowering the weapon to hug his friend. "Thank god," he murmured. "I was worried about you."

"You got nothing to worry about big brother," he said as they pulled away. Virgil smiled affectionately at him, grateful that the universe had at least left him a sibling. "I knew you'd come for me, but De got the key. I say we go stealth mission, sneak into his bedroom and knock him out, steal the key and get the hell out of here before he wakes up."

Luis moved to head in that direction when the captain stopped him. "Wait, we can't go without the captive he took," Virgil said, wincing at the incredulous look on his face. "He has a key."

The other pirate smirked knowingly as he analyzed his brother's face. "Something tells me it's not just that key you want," he said, making his face flush. "It's alright, I know where they're keeping him, come on."

Luis led him around to the back of the fort, sneaking them inside. They were silent as they made their way to the prison. When they found it, Virgil picked the lock with unmatched skill. Inside, they found the prince sitting on his knees, hands still bound; there were tear stains on his cheeks and a look of fear in his gaze until he saw who it was.

"V-Virgil!" he gasped quietly.

The captain rushed to him, feeling his heart lurch at how much his voice shook, quickly slicing away the ropes that tied his hands. "I'm here Princey, now come on," he said hurriedly, helping him to his feet and following Luis out of the fort. "You still have your key, right?"

Roman nodded, taking it out to show him briefly as they continued to put distance between them at the fort. The three of them heard yelling from behind them as they reached the beach. "Well, they've noticed you're gone," Luis said as they climbed into the boat. "Let's get back to your ship as quick as possible."

The two experienced pirates rowed them swiftly back to the main ship as De and his men reached beach. They were just in time to see them climbing aboard, and Virgil flashed him a smirk and salute. He looked furious as he watched them sail away.

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