Chapter XI

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Logan looked up when the door to the lodge flew open like it'd been hit by a whirlwind, shocked to find a panting Patton entering the building. "Sorry I'm back late Remy, but I had to serve Mrs. Johnson and she would not stop talking and I didn't want to be rude," he rambled out of breath as he walked in, oblivious to the advisor and his crew. "And I had to stay later cause I accidentally bumped into this really sweet, handsome guy on the way there, and I showed up late."

Remy smiled in amusement; clearly he had still yet to see them. "That sweet, handsome guy?" he questioned as he pointed to Logan. When Patton turned around, he gasped and blushed furiously.

"Oh my gosh, I forgot I told you to come here, um, hi again?" he said quickly, waving with a flustered look on his face.

"Salutations," Logan greeted, standing to approach him with a small smile. When he looked confused, he clarified. "Apologies, that's a fancy way of saying hello."

Patton made a face of realization. "Oh! Oh, okay! Um, did you have any trouble finding this place?" he asked, looking a little nervous. The advisor shook his head as Remy looked up from his clipboard of rooms and availability.

"We have a little bit of trouble now though, we've only five available rooms," he said. "They each sleep two people, but you have eleven people in total."

Logan frowned, but spoke quickly. "My crew can have the rooms, I'll go stay on the ship," he said with a nod to his men. They nodded gratefully, being exhausted by the voyage. Patton didn't like the idea that he'd sent him here but he wouldn't even get to stay, so he spoke up before he even thought his next words through.

"You can share my room," he said, freezing at the incredulous look he received. "I mean- I live here in one of the rooms, you could have my bed and I'll sleep on the floor."

The advisor looked surprised but slowly nodded. "I suppose that would be alright, although I don't-"

"Perfect! I'll show you to the room!" Patton said happily, dragging him by the hand down one of the hallways. There were chuckles from the crew behind him as well as Remy, though Logan didn't really see why. He supposed the man's actions were a little silly, but neither of them were gay. "So here it is, and there's the bed, which is all yours!"

"Patton, I must protest the idea of you sleeping on the floor," he commented, straightening his glasses. "It's unhealthy for your body, and it's not comfortable."

He looked awestruck that he'd mentioned it. Wait, what does this guy care if I sleep on the floor? We don't even know each other, Patton thought incredulously. That's really sweet of him to care though, anyone else I've let do this just takes the bed without hesitation.

"I'm used to it," he replied with a laugh and a shrug. "But if you're really that concerned about it, I'll sleep in the chair."

Logan was tempted to argue further, but he didn't know what he was arguing. He certainly didn't feel comfortable with suggesting they share the bed, seeing as they'd only met that morning. He nodded, lips forming a thin line with dissatisfaction. Disliking the silence that fell upon them, he cleared his throat and attempted to make conversation.

"So, where were you off to in such a hurry this morning? A job I presume?" the advisor questioned. Patton nodded happily. "What do you do?"

"I'm a baker!" he answered, smiling brightly. "I work at the bakery almost everyday because I feel bad about staying at Remy's lodge so I try to slip him some of my salary to make up for my guilt." Logan blinked in surprise as he cringed. "And that was too much information, wasn't it?" he asked, flushing with embarrassment. "Gosh sorry! I always ramble and say too much even when I've only just met the person, and it's really a problem-"

"Patton, you're doing it again," he pointed out with an amused tone. He laughed a little to himself, making the baker's eyes widen as he blushed. "It's actually quite endearing. Would you like to tell me why you live here and not in your own house?"

He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "I- um... I had a house, but that was while my parents were alive," he said uncertainly. Logan's eyes widened in realization, feeling guilty for asking though he knew he couldn't have known. "Without them, I couldn't afford to stay in the house, so now I stay here for 'free', but like I said before, I feel bad about it so I slip him some of my salary sometimes."

Upon seeing the guilt on Logan's face, he reassured him quickly. "It's alright, I talk about it a lot, it's just... no one's asked me before. You're not like anyone I've ever met."

"Neither are you," the advisor said with a small smile. 

Patton returned it with a slightly larger one on his own face. When they returned to the lodge's open room, Remy was discussing their situation with some of the crew that hadn't gone to bed yet.

"Hey Logan! These guys here say you guys were boarded by pirates," he said as he came over to sit down at the bar. "Is that true, or are they pulling my leg?"

The advisor nodded. "It is, in fact, true," he clarified, earning a gasp from Patton. "They kidnapped the prince we were traveling with. We were on our way to his wedding. They took our supplies as well, hence why we had to dock here to restock and alert the king."

"That must have been so scary!!" the baker next to him exclaimed, looking at him in awe. "Wasn't it scary? Aren't you worried for the prince?"

Logan flushed a little at his wide eyed gaze, clearing his throat. "I was not too concerned until his Highness decided to reveal we were a royal vessel, hence why he was taken. The captain clearly didn't have intentions of taking prisoners until he said he was a prince. It was stupid of him."

"Wow, you're so brave," Patton said, looking at him with admiration in his eyes as he smiled a little. "I would've been freaking out, but you sound like you were really calm and collected about it. That's really cool."

The advisor felt his cheeks grow strangely warmer, confused by his feelings. Come now, you're not gay, he told himself, frowning at his hands. Why is it that I feel some sort of... attraction to him though? His smile makes my chest feel... warm? Is that even the right way to describe it? Am I coming down with a fever? I must be. I-I can't be attracted to Patton. He's handsome and kind, but I cannot- I am not attracted to him romantically.

"Did the pirate give his name?" he asked, snapping Logan out of his thoughts.

He shook his head. "No, but he wore all black, his voice was smooth, and his hair hung over his eyes," he described, squinting as he attempted to recall the pirate's features. "I believe he had smudges of coal under his eyes."

"Wait, oh my god, you guys were boarded by Captain Virgil Black!?" Patton gasped, eyes wide. The advisor and remaining crew members looked among themselves, lost by the baker's statement. "Virgil Black? He's one of the most famous pirate captain in ocean. Rumors say he's been after princes and five keys."

Logan was immediately intrigued. "He only took Prince Roman, and only after he found out he was a prince," he said, nodding. "He must be the one you're talking about. What five keys? Why is he after princes?"

"Well, I'm not positive, but I've heard word that these five keys open a chest he's after, and that some of the princes of these nearby kingdoms has one of them," Patton explained, sounding excited to discuss it. "Maybe your prince has one of the keys and didn't know it."

The advisor sucked in a breath as he took in the information. "Even if he didn't, the pirate probably could've used him to get into other kingdoms nearby to check for the key he's looking for," he reasoned. "Hopefully... I can only pray he's not harmed the prince, or his father will have my head."

"Actually, Captain Black is known for being relatively nonviolent," he replied, shrugging a little. Logan exhaled in relief to hear that, when the baker gasped suddenly. "Oh my goodness! I just got an idea! You want to find your prince, right?"

He looked at the other man in confusion, nodding. "Why don't you look for the keys?" Patton suggested. "If you can find the keys and go to the chest, Black's guaranteed to show up with your prince! There's rumors of clues and hints everywhere! I've figured some of them out actually, and I've got a small boat! I could help you find them!"

Logan's were so wide it stung slightly to blink. He didn't want to go rushing into anything he didn't know about, but when he thought about it more, he realized this might be his best shot of finding Prince Roman. The crew could sail to the kingdom of the prince's bride-to-be and explain the situation while also spreading the word of his disappearance while he sought the keys to bring him closer to his location. Slowly, he nodded.

"Okay, I guess we can leave tomorrow."

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