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September 11th, 2020
A/N: Surprise, I reread this and wrote this, enjoy!

Virgil's eyes blinked open with great effort. He felt warm and safe, which made the action one of difficulty. He sat up in his bed and stretched his arms over his head. The sun was beginning to stream through the small windows. The day was anew and brought with it were new adventures.

Movement beside him pulled him from his whimsical thoughts. The pirate looked down, his eyes falling on the still slumbering form of his lover. A smile spread across his lips. He leaned over him and pressed his lips gently behind his ear. His mouth then traveled down his neck where he paused to kiss his collarbone. This roused his lover from sleep. He hummed appreciatively and relaxed even further against the pillows.

The pirate chuckled a little and nudged his jaw with his nose. "It's morning, my prince," he murmured.

"Hmm... morning can wait... I'm too comfortable..." Roman mumbled sleepily.

"But adventures await us! Excitement! Adrenaline!" Virgil said as his lover turned around to face toward him. He grinned up at him and rolled his eyes. Scoffing, Virgil leaned down and kissed him gently on the lips. "What? Have you had your fill of adventure, Roman?"

The prince hummed thoughtfully. "I don't know, Virgil," he replied. He tilted his head as though he were thinking about it. "You're kind of boring sometimes."

A laugh escaped him at Roman's teasing. He laid back down in the bed and captured the prince's neck with his lips once more. "You didn't think I was boring last night," he muttered, moving a hand to squeeze his hip; there undoubtedly bruises there. A flush rose into his lover's cheeks as the pirate found where his neck met his shoulder. "You were awfully excited too."

"Oh shush," Roman said, laughing a little as he pushed him off.

Redness covered his cheeks and spanned all the way up into his ears with embarrassment. Virgil grinned and rubbed the tips of their noses together affectionately. The prince smiled lovingly at him and reached a hand up to cup the side of his face. "You know, you're still a scoundrel," he pointed out. The pirate laughed, but was cut off by his lover pulling him down for a deep kiss. When they broke apart, Roman spoke again. "But you're my scoundrel."

"Yours, only yours," Virgil mumbled against his lips.

The prince felt his heart swell at his words and began kissing down his neck the way he'd done to him prior. "Mine," he said firmly. "All mine."

"Wow, you're so spoiled," his lover replied teasingly. He pulled away as Roman hummed in agreement. He stood up from the bed and went to retrieve a new shirt. "Now get up, we've got places to go, treasures to find, and horizons to chase."

"Ugh! I don't wanna! You're so bossy!" he whined, rolling around dramatically.

Virgil bit back a laugh at his antics. "I'm the captain, it's my job, now get up!"

"Fine, fine! Where are we even heading anyway? I didn't know we were in a rush or anything," Roman said. He pulled himself up from the bed and began to get ready as well, pulling on a shirt as he looked at Virgil suspiciously. "Actually, you've been pretty vague about where we're headed, usually you don't stop talking about your plans. What are you hiding?"

He was glaring at him with squinted eyes. Virgil shrugged. "I don't know what you're talking about. I'm not hiding anything!"

"Ow, my heart, now you're lying to me?" he wailed. He put a hand on his chest as he swayed dramatically. "It's only been a year and he's already fallen out of love with me! I shall be doomed do die alone and unloved! This heart break will be the death of me! Oh the humanity!"

Virgil rolled his eyes as he fell against the wall as if he couldn't stand. He approached him and leaned into his space. "Fine, it's a surprise," he admitted.

"Really? For me?" Roman asked excitedly, his facade of sorrow dropping instantly.

"No, for Joey up in the crow's nest," Virgil said sarcastically. "Yes, of course it's for you. I wanted to take you somewhere special, but I wanted it to be as much of a surprise as I could make it. I'm not telling you anymore than that, so don't ask me."

The prince pouted a little but resigned. They finished getting ready and then headed out onto the deck. A couple of the crew members whistled a little bit, seeing the marks on their necks. "Oi, shut your mouths or you're walking the plank," the captain said with no real bite in his voice. Roman grinned at him as the crew laughed. No one on board really cared, in fact, they teased them out of affection for the two. "Now get those sails lowered! I want to be there before sunset!"

The sea was peaceful and the sky was a bright blue. Roman leaned against the railing of the ship and breathed in the fresh air. It was a few hours later that they finally approached land. He looked toward it in surprise, not recognizing it. He turned toward Virgil, who just smiled a little. Confusion and anticipation welled up in his stomach as butterflies started to dance. He had no idea what his lover was planning, but it was exciting.

They reached the shallows and dropped the anchor. Roman half expected the crew to began disembarking, but no one other than Virgil made a move for the dinghies. He followed despite his confusion.

Virgil rowed them to the beach and offered the prince his hand. He smiled a bit nervously as he took it, allowing him the lead the way. He really didn't know what to expect.

The pirate seemed very familiar with this place. He walked briskly and with purpose, knowing exactly where he was going despite the seemingly wild environment. They came across the base of a waterfall. Roman looked up in awe at the surging water and how beautiful it was. He felt a tug on his hand and looked at Virgil. He could see the excitement in his eyes as he led the way around the pond.

If he was honest, Roman wasn't that surprised to see a hidden tunnel behind the waterfall. He knew if Virgil was bringing him there, it wasn't just to look at a pretty waterfall; there was something special about this place.

They reached a wall of stone, making the prince frown. "Huh?"

"I know, but look closer," Virgil urged him.

He obeyed and stepped closer to the wall. His eyes widened as he saw very faint carvings. They were beautiful and barely legible anymore. They were ancient. "Wow," he breathed in awe. "What is this place?"

"Remember these?" the pirate said, pulling the six keys from his pocket. They hung on a chain.

"How could I forget?" Roman replied.

He had a loving smile on his face as he ran his fingers over them. It had been a while since he'd looked at the keys. He'd thought their purpose had been served. Why had Virgil brought them with them today?

Virgil smiled and took them each off the chain and approached the stone all. He peered at it closely and dusted off sections. The prince gasped in surprise as he inserted each of them into six tiny key holes. He hadn't even seen them. Virgil beamed as he twisted each of them and stood back. The keys formed a small rainbow, the stones shimmering even in the low light of the cave. The stone wall swung open.

"What?!" Roman gasped, turning to his lover in shock.

"Well, after rereading my journal, I figured out that the human traffickers who abducted us actually stole the keys. They didn't make them, they stole them from an ancient kingdom that used to exist on this island," Virgil explained. "There's nearly nothing left of them... but this place still stands."

The prince was captivated by the pirate's story. "What is this place?"

He took his hand again and led him inside. The tunnel widened until they reached a grand cavern hidden in the cliff. It was decorated with carvings and inscriptions that were much clearer than those on the door. They were beautiful and glistened. Some were of trees, rivers, and other parts of nature. Some illustrated people sailing, dancing, tending to each other, and celebrating. There was a reoccurring figure of an angel who's wings were the color of a rainbow.

The walls aside, the cavern was filled with gold and jewels of all sizes. Roman had never seen so many riches all in one place before. Virgil was wandering around, searching through it all. "Wow... this had to have been their secret treasure room right?" he asked. He began looking around, wiping off dusty vases that shimmered with gemstones.

"Yeah, and the treasure's really cool, but I found something specific you'll like," Virgil said.

Roman turned, realizing that he'd come up behind him. His heart dropped as he realized that the pirate was on one knee. His hand flew to his mouth as he felt tears well up in his eyes. Virgil smiled and took his other hand. "Here... I know it's not a glamorous royal wedding, but I thought you would like it."

He slid a ring onto his finger. When Roman looked at it, he realized it had each of the rainbow colored gemstones in it, reminding him of the adventure they shared upon reuniting after a decade spent apart.

"I love it," he whispered as Virgil stood up.

"I'm glad, but I did find this, just in case you were missing your old life at all," the pirate said, whipping out a gorgeous looking crown with the rainbow gemstones in it as well. He gaped at him in surprise as he put it in his hair. "There we go, now you can show everyone that you're my prince."

Roman thought he was going to start sobbing at how happy he was. He hugged Virgil tightly as a few of the tears escaped. "Thank you..." he whispered. "I love you so much."

The pirate smiled in slight disbelief as he hugged him back. Even after a year, he wasn't used to hearing that being said to him. He wasn't used to being loved, but he was determined to keep the feeling and keep Roman with him. He was the happiest he'd ever been in his life. Virgil pulled back and kissed him gently on the lips. "I love you too."

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