Wrong Place, Wrong Time

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Song: Warning
Artist: Queensryche

A TARDIS lands in the wrong place at the at the wrong time by accident, the ship having some major malfunctions, the five Time Lords hurrying to get it under control, having traveled together at the same time. They step out, only to be met with guns being pointed at them. "Whoa hello!" The 10th one greeted, raising his arms in surrender. "Who are you? What are you doing here?" The first guard asked. "Well, we're the Doctors." "Right. And I'm the Site Director, nice to meet you," the guard replied sarcastically. "Now you're coming with me for questioning."

"Yeah we got some questions for you too," 10 said, holding up a blank piece of paper and the guard snatched it from his hand. "You're from the CIA and the FBI both? All five of you? Then why didn't you say so?" The guard asked, lowering his weapon and motioning for the others to do the same. "Sorry for the rudeness sirs and madam, just an extra precaution since we had no idea who you were yet. Please, follow us to Site Director Jacobs' office. I'm sure he'd want to speak with you."

"That's much better," 9 spoke, "though could you at least tell us what this place is first?" "Right. This is the SCP Foundation, where we as you guessed it, secure, contain anomalies, and protect the people from the monsters within," the guard explained. "The only monster is humans," 11 muttered, looking around the place as he and the other two Time Lords followed the guard to his boss's office, hearing the painful screeching of the anomalies as they passed the cells, and hearing the screams of the prisoners as they were trying to escape from one cell in particular, which held the anomaly known as the Living Statue, SCP #173.

He felt sorry for the creatures held within these walls, wanting to help them in any way they could, but knew he and the other two Doctors shouldn't mess with time, unless it was under dire circumstances, but only then creating a ripple in time, not enough to be noticed, unlike if they caused a tidal wave, in which case they would need to correct the timeline, putting it back in the proper order. As they walked, he heard more screams, and a heavy scraping sound, knowing the creature must have gotten out, its only wish to be free.

The alarms then sounded, blaring loudly and a voice over the speaker announced that there had been a containment breach, directing everyone to find a safe place to be while the guards of the facility tried to recapture any and every anomaly, every swarm of humans dressed in heavy artillery, running hurriedly to either kill or capture the creatures that had escaped.

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