Chapter 11: It's time to crash a wedding after [Redacted]

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As two weeks pass by 2732 and many other Scps started to train the ORC as this journey was gonna be a pain in the ass mainly for 2732 as it does not care except for being busted down by the gamma 13 soldiers so there's that.

Two weeks later

Scp-2732: "Well looks like it's time for you guys. Good luck and if you lose i'm gonna destroy a god damn building."

Rias: "We'll make sure to not lose."

Scp-2732: "You bet-"


Scp-2732: "AHHHHHHH!!!!!" *2732 smash a window as after not even more than probably a few hours he heard that after the rating game Rias lost and you know what that being smashed tonight "I CAN'T FUCKING BELIEVE THIS!!! GETTING BLOWN UP BY A BITCH WITH EXPLOSIONS, AND ISSEI GOD DAM IT!!! GODDDDDDD FUCKING DAMN IT!!!"

Cain: "2732 you should calm down. You did everything to the best to your human possibility..."

Scp-2732: "BUT I CAN'T CAIN!!! THIS IS LITERALLY BULLSHIT!!!" *2732 returns Cain back to where he came as God comes in intervening 2732*

God: "My child I have heard your cries of anger...what has gotten you so angry?"

Scp-2732: "God since you know everything you know about the rating games?"

God: "I have knowledge on everything my children created."

Scp-2732's thought: "Oh yeah in the bible God loves every one of his child even the ones that were created and Lucifer yada yada yada I get the picture."

Scp-2732: "Look basically one of my...acquaintance is in this marriage set up and long story short she- or in this case I made an agreement to where if she win the rating game she wouldn't marry this guy who is a complete and forgive my language a complete jackass."

God: "That sounds awful."

Scp-2732: "Yea-" *Then a lightbulb came up on 2732* "I have an idea God send me to hell!"

God: "Are you sure about it? I know what you're planning but you think it's a good idea?"

Scp-2732: "Well you know i'm gonna go for it besides I dealt with somewhat worst things than what i'm going through right now. But first can you create me a phone and a Bluetooth speaker?"

God: *He does so* "Why do you need it?"

Scp-2732: "Eh if i'm gonna break up a wedding i'm gonna need-" *Then Issei appears* "WHAT THE HELL?!"

Issei: "HOLY CRAP! One minute I was talking with Grayfia and- AHH IT'S THAT GOD?!"

Scp-2732: "Yes welcome to the SCP foundation dumb dumb we're gonna crash a wedding so are you in or not?"

Issei: "Oh now you're talking my language. I can finally kick Riser's ass."

Scp-2732: "With my knowledge and your experience I think we might be able to do so with little effort...I hope."

Issei: "You know i'm gonna ignore that last part but how are we-"

Scp-2732: "God bro. God! Send us to hell! Not an expression I would say but hey let's do so and let's also crash a motherfucking wedding!"

About maybe two minutes later in the wedding

As the wedding is going on you know the drill smchill

Pastor: "And if anyone has any objection to this, speak now or forever hold their peace."

Riser: "Heh nobody would even dare interrupt the w-" *Then everybody was hearing some sort of muffle music followed by multiple thumps and the music gets louder*

Scp-2732 and Issei: "We object to this shit!"


Scp-2732: "Alright hold on." He paused the music as the phone and bluetooth speaker disappears* "You heard us we object to all of this shit! God I wanted to crash a wedding and say I object." *Then he heard guard rushing in and so the first thing that came to 2732's mind was to grab a chair and knock the fuck out of that guard "Okay so basically any guard coming? Because I have a mask and i'm not afraid to use it." *2732 summons Scp-035*

Scp-2732: *Then the guard gets up* "Oh to hell with you." He place the mask on the guard's face*

Scp-035: "Ahh. Thank you I have a new body and how long can I last for in this body?"

Scp-2732: "Like probably longer than a human lives? I don't know look I might need you as my bodyguard. And you owe me remember the time when you try to possess me."

Scp-035: *It laughs* "Oh those were the days."

Scp-2732: "Yep. But enough of the past. Long story short we are stopping this fucking wedding."

???: "Well looks like we have two guests."

Scp-2732: "Hey you!" *2732 points at the man with the red hair* "Who are you?"

Sirzechs: *He chuckle* "I should've told you first off. My name is Sirzechs Lucifer. Long story short I had to have my wife to ask this man." *He points at Issei* "To object to it."

Scp-2732: "Okay? Why though?"

Sirzechs: "Well it was obvious of what happened during the rating so I thought we can put an...should I say entertainment."

Scp-2732: "Proceed. I'm interested."

Sirzechs: "A fight between Issei and Riser but I like to know how a human got here?"

Scp-2732: "I have my ways. I'm just your average human." *Then 2732 heard a random person booing and then 2732 threw a chair at the crowd* "ANYBODY WANT TO DO THIS I GOT MANY CHAIRS TO THROW AT ALL OF YOU!!! Now is it possible we could have it be a 2 v 1?"

Sirzechs: "Oh? So you want to join?"

Scp-2732: "Yeah."

Sirzechs: "Very well we'll see a fight between the red dragon emperor, a human versus Lord Riser."

Riser: "Heh Lord Riser shall kill them without any problems."

Scp-2732: "Oh trust me just because you saw Cain doesn't mean that i'm out of options."

Riser: "Huh?"

Scp-2732: "Oh just wait and see everyone." The three were teleported to an arena as 2732 just sighs "You know Riser i'm giving you one last warning...just surrender now before you face total humiliation."

Riser: "It shall be you that'll face humiliation and i'll burning your face!" *He then threw  a fireball at 2732's face causing his face to melt and Riser to laugh*

Scp-2732: *2732 screams in pain...both for real and as an act* "AHH!!! IT BURNS! IT BURNS! Ahh..." *Then 2732's face was healed completely* "And like that i'm fine. Wow never expected to get burned in the face."

Riser/Issei: "THE HELL?!"

Scp-2732: "Oh nobody told you? I'm immortal too and have regeneration as well. So does that technically make me your step bro or something?"

Riser: "You damn bastard!"

Scp-2732: "Oh well guess it didn't worked."

Issei: "Yeah because i'll show you whose the boss!" *Then he suddenly obtains an armor and started to fly and go to kick Riser's ass

Scp-2732: "...Well i'm jealous. He's got a badass armor. Shit's about to get real." *As this was happening 2732 summons Scp-3108*

Scp-2732: *2732 checks the chamber to find one round in 3108* "Wow whoever forgot to remove the ammunition of 3108 are gonna get fired or exterminated." *As 2732 watches the fight 2732 notice as then Issei's armor disappeared and Riser was beating his ass until*

Riser: "AHHH!!!!" *2732 saw that Issei splashed Riser with holy water "MY FACE!!!"

Scp-2732: "HOLY SHIT!!!" *This was the perfect moment as 2732 starts to run fast as then 2732 pointed 3108 at Riser* "Go fuck yourself."

Riser: "Eh-" *Then Riser was shot to the head as then...nothing except for a king piece to be on the floor* "Huh? Wait what happened to the pain?" *He notice the evil king piece on the ground* "AHHH!!!!"

Scp-2732: *2732 grabs the king piece* "If I recall 3108 is also known as the Nerf Gun. Anything it shoot at will turn it something worse or inferior and if a person was shot they be something weak from the person's thought so a Phoenix devil to a normal human."

Riser: "My harem..." *He fell to the ground crying*

Scp-2732: "Death is too merciful, letting you be humiliated in front of everyone: Satan, your family, your former servants, your now ex-fiance, her servants, and Let this be a lesson BOY you want to become the rightful king then fight me as a human and not a Phoenix or anything unnatural."

Sirzechs: "I seen enough! The winner is the red dragon emperor and the human! Now you two tell me what do you desire. I can grant you two anything, money, fame, anything you desire."

Issei: "For starters I want Rias to be able to marry anyone she wants!"

Scp-2732: "Hmm anything I want...Oh I know I want to be able to get a job so that I can be able to have money to live."

Sirzechs: "I shall grant you two your wish. What are your names you two?"

Issei: "I'm Issei Hyoudou! I want to become the harem king so i'm gonna work my ass off to be the best devil I can be!"

Scp-2732: "My name is..."

Scp-2732's thought: "I shall show hell who I am to know that I want to live normally but to not be looked down."

Scp-2732: "I AM SCP-2732 I HAVE THE POWER TO SUMMON SUPERNATURAL ANOMALIES POWERFUL ENOUGH TO DESTROY HUMANITY AND THE WORLD!!! BUT I SWEAR TO USE IT TO PROTECT THEM AND TO USE THEM TO PROTECT OTHERS! MY GOAL IS LIVE A NORMAL LIFE AND I HAVE TO THANK YOU SIR BECAUSE IF IT WEREN'T FOR YOUR...umm I would want to say sister? Because you look young to not be her father but a few years older than her. But enough of that I apologize for crashing the wedding!" *2732 looks at Riser* "Riser if you wish you fight me or talk to me or whatever then come to where I live. I will bite but I don't unless you dare try to kill me. Also i'm keeping the king piece as compensation. Ciao." *Then 2732 was gone as how? [Redacted] sorry viewers but unfortunately I can't reveal everything*

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