Chapter 14: [Redacted]

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It's been two months and SCP-2732 accepted into the serpents hand now during this time what has come to do at the moment?

Scp-2732: " I can't believe it's been two months since the day I escaped. Wow time flies when you had to deal with the supernatural...or anomaly? What should I say supernatural or anomaly? Hmm..." *2732 then felt the touch of someone which was Issei*

Issei: "Hey dude." *he chuckle*

Scp-2732: "Issei what is it?"

Issei: "So do you want to join me and my friend for some...'sneak peak of some great tits'."

Scp-2732: "...Birds?"

Issei: "Uhhh....yes?"

Scp-2732: "...Alright."


Basically Issei and his friends were peaking in the female locker as 2732 was actually looking for some great tits, a type of bird and 2732 was actually walking around campus looking for the birds until he heard the sound of screams and a bit of something crushed so 2732 go to where the scream was and found Issei and his friends got their asses kicked and 2732 saw Koneko

Scp-2732: "Huh I thought we were bird scouting not this."

Koneko: "I hope you weren't just wanting to peak." *she crack her knuckle*

Scp-2732: "No I was looking for some Great Tit."

Koneko: "You have chosen death." *She then punch 2732 in the gut resulting in 2732 being knocked out*

Scp-2732's thought: "I was talking about the bird..."


Basically Issei was getting healed for his injuries by Asia while 2732 actually had to get a book on birds and showed Koneko of the Great Tit

Koneko: "Ohh wait why didn't you just said you were looking for birds?"

Scp-2732: "I mean how can I since if I was knocked out."

Koneko: "Heh it's fine I forgive you but remember if the pervert asked you to join him to look for birds next time I'm gonna break your bones."

Scp-2732: *he laughs* "Yeah I'll allow it besides its not gonna be a problem with me having a few broken bones."

Issei: "I can't believe you got saved and wasn't beaten till death..." *he tear up*

Scp-2732: "Wait don't you have Rias? Why don't you just ask her?"

Issei: "I have a dream where one day I get to see every women's boobs. You have no idea what it's like to be cursed with this instinct to want to see and grope some boobs."

Scp-2732: "I mean I've lived for so long that I know that you shouldn't act like a jackass and two perverts like you would have been shanked. Also if you try to use an MLK quote make sure to save your kidneys." *He pulled out his switchblade* "Do you understand?"

Issei: "I mean you have powers even I fear but still I still have the red dragon-"

Scp-2732: "3108." *He summon Scp-3108* "Want me to make sure you get to enjoy your 100 year life?" *Issei shakes his head as he start to bow down* "Good."

Rias: "So 2732 what brings you here?"

Scp-2732: "Eh just here to apologize for a misconception."

Rias: "Oh okay. So what sort of Scps are you gonna bring out."

Scp-2732: "...I think I brought out one of the most odd and probably simple Scps of all time." *he then summon an Scp*

Issei: "What is that?"

Scp-2732: "Touch it and you'll see."

Issei: "Wait why me? Why don't you touch it?!"

Scp-2732: "I can't be affected by it."

Issei: *He sighs* "Fine." *he touch it* "But I better not-" *he pass out*

Rias: "Issei!"

Scp-2732: "Eh he's fine give him a couple of minute for now let's leave him for now."

Rias: "Why? What's gonna happen to him?"

Scp-2732: "Trust me you'll see for now let's leave and come back a few minutes later."

The rest of the ORC and 2732 came back to see Issei only different

Rias and the rest of ORC: "...WHAT THE HECK/HELL?!"

Scp-2732: "Tada there you go Issei is now a girl and is..." *Issei was groping her or his...(A/N: "I don't know what to say about this.") breasts* "Groping...well hey on the bright side he's finally done the one thing I assume he wanted off his bucket list."

Rias: *She glares at 2732* "Two seconds to tell me why the hell is he a female."

Scp-2732: "Scp-113. Basically swaps your gender male to female and vice versa."

Rias: "Is there a way to turn him back into a male?"

Scp-2732: "Yeah just touch 113 after sixty seconds of contact though I should warn you 25 percent he could lose his genitalia or as I would say it..." *he clears his thought* "He'll be back as a dead male without his dick or testicles."

Issei: *with a feminine voice* "WHAT?! WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY ANYTHING ABOUT ANY SIDE EFFECTS?!"

Scp-2732: "Eh you got a 1/4 chance so basically gamble your dick and testicles away."

Issei: "I hate you."

Scp-2732: "Eh just fucking go for it besides I'll have 049 resurrect you as a zombie."

Issei: "Hell no! Screw this I'm doing it." *Issei touch 113 and then pass out and a few minutes later he was back a dude* "I'm back!" *he then touch his crotch area and his gentiles were there* "Thank goodness they're back."

Scp-2732: *he sent 113 away* "And like that, that's about it for today class. I'll see you tomorrow for another weird and safe entity. And Issei hopefully you enjoyed the few minutes of being a girl." *He then jump out of the window*

Issei: "Hey come...back." *2732 already left* "Away? Hey quick question guys why did he left that quickly?"

Rias: "Honestly no idea. He probably has somewhere to be."

Issei: "Like what?"

Kiba: "Maybe he has a job? I mean it's kinda weird that he's living somewhere without having food or water or even electricity."

Issei: "But doesn't he have like several other Scps that he could use to get a comfortable life?"

Akeno: "Maybe he just doesn't want to get caught?"

Issei: "You know I think that makes sense. I think he might not be using Scps for luxurious goods."


Scp-2732 was at [Redacted] a location that he was with around a couple of members of the Serpent's Hands

Scp-2732: "So this is the location where I should meet." *He open the door and to find that he a library*

Scp-2732: "What the...?" *He finds a letter*

Hello Scp-2732,

Congratulations on your new job working with the Serpent's Hands. Now with this you have full access to the Wanderer's Library a place that allow you know anything about anything really on the supernatural. Make sure to explore and read up on anything that you like, learn whatever you want to learn on. Now we need to make sure you get an understanding of this place, make sure to use your indoor voice, don't forget to turn in books you have checked out you don't want to know what will happen to you. Also you'll be given a ID card for you to use. Now enough chit-chatting go on and explore to your heart's content.

-Serpent's hand

Scp-2732's thought: "So this is a library? And I can look up anything know I want to learn about something but it's weird that I want to learn about something because I don't want to but standing makes me think and now I just want to know something." *2732 looks around as 2732 goes through shelves upon shelves of books as he started thinking of what 2732 want to know* "Hmm you know since being with my new friends for a while let's do some devil research. I guess it'll be fun." *he then went through shelves of books taking minutes like half an hour until he found a book on devils, angels, and the fallen angels with some books on each individual races* "Alright let's do some reading..." *2732 quietly read to himself about every pages he's reading* "Oh they went through a war? A war that resulted in the lost of multiple pure blooded angels, devils, and fallen angels so that's why they started recruiting/resurrecting humans it's the fear of extinction that made them need to use human but I think humans aren't the only one I get the feeling there's more to with everything...oh and it says here god is-" *2732 stop as he read one part that made no sense to 2732* "God is dead? Wait hold on but 343 is god. But how does this make sense? Could God somehow faked his own death and lived a quiet life with humanity? But this doesn't make sense! THIS DOESN'T MAKE SENSE!" *2732 threw the book to the ground* "IT ALL DON'T MAKE ANY FUCKING SENSE!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!" *2732 started breathing heavily* "Alright grab your shit together 2732 dead or not why should you care? Besides there's something I want to know which is Scp-001. How come I couldn't find anything about it not even God would talk about or Cain would say about it." *2732 then sighs as he went to the front desk as 2732 place to books there where there is a mannequin there as 2732 left and was looking around as it wanted to know about Scp-001 which took another half an hour to find which 2732 did but found multiple books and when it started skimming through them they all had about different context from one another so 2732 started to read them and they weren't blocked all the information were shown to him and how they look but one got his interest. As 2732 read a book it talked about an entity known as the Scarlet King as 2732 started reading it 2732 was interested as it kept reading more and more about it 2732 stopped as it decided that the knowledge is too good for anyone to know so it put back every book it read to where it was found and left the library placing its ID card in its pocket

Scp-2732: *yawn* "Well I think that should be it." *2732 looked at the note it revived and look at the other side* "Huh? Ps please note the home you lived was- DESTROYED?! WHAT THE HELL?! Your new location is at [Redacted], [Redacted] place. It's for security reason so that you won't be suspected." He stop reading "Great this is great." *2732 walk to its new home which was a couple of minutes there*

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