Chapter 17: Now dealing with the [Redacted]

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With the events of everything, this is where shit goes down first off 2732 didn't inform anyone about what he eavesdropping and second, for some reason, he decides to "join" them on their hunting/treasure adventure for the Excaliburs but 2732 was going on a stakeout all the while another group was getting tips on the anomalies in Kuoh and that name of the organization is well...[Redacted] fortunately there's an image

A/N: Also btw I started learning the difference between the Chaos Insurgency and the G.O.C. So I'm sorry about before to the people who thought it was the G.O.C. from chapter 9.

Basically, this organization then sent out some of their men to find and destroy any anomalies in this town which from their track records they had some good and some bad like [Redacted] and [Redacted].

Scp-2732: "Well let's go look at some of this fucking normal shit I'm gonna check." Basically he started watching his favorite devil friends, half-off Issei, and the two church girls 2732 knows it won't even hook up because 2732 is asexual if you want to know more then continue reading, otherwise skip through the flashbacks that aren't gonna be relevant unless you like some background information on 2732

Some small backlash 

Scp-2732 was a simple guy (before 2732 was classed as an Scp before it was [Redacted] and [Redacted]). Anyhow 2732 was a guy who had experience with relations with women never been acting out of line and just acted a classic good person but 2732 realize that being immortal sucks for him as after years of every woman it went out on died by [Redacted] 2732 just knows to not love mainly due to this and because how 2732 didn't want to watch people he cared died so he just started thinking of not having any sexual relationship so 2732 been asexual for centuries to this day. (A/N: "I know what you're gonna say. What about when 2732 went on a date with Raynare?'s the thing 2732 thought of her as a friend and wasn't really interested in her mainly because she suddenly asked 2732 out of nowhere and not even knowing 2732. So there you have it, if you hate it then I'm sorry.")


Basically, 2732 decides to go hiding in the bushes staying silent thanks to playing stealth video games. But he already screwed himself as 2732 lost them and just facepalm as he just stops and takes a small break

Scp-2732: Quietly speaking "God damn it how did I screw myself? I had my sight on the-" Then he heard a helicopter "Oh shit."


Issei, Kiba, Koneko, Saji, Irina, and Xenovia searching through the forest looking for anyone as they look through an abandoned building

Issei: "This is gonna take a while. Though I can't believe we have to wear this." Basically, they were mostly wearing a priest outfit which fortunately no cross or holy water or prayer on that crap because they aren't gonna risk it

Xenovia: "Just shut it." As they walk around they got ambushed by...Freed?

Freed: *Laughs like the Joker* "Welcome back to your worst nightmare!"


Scp-2732 was being attacked by the GOC realizing how fucked he's in as first off at this point the sound of gunfire is extremely loud and two 2732 is fighting back with his voice by talking to them while running into enemy line

Scp-2732: "HOW'S IT GOING SIR!" He said as one soldier dies "WEATHER LOOKING FINE EH?" Another soldier died "I HOPE YOUR TRIP TO JAPAN WOULD BE GREAT!" And so on and so forth as he kept saying random things "This is gonna be a long time..." Then he heard something roll which he looked down to see a grenade "...Ahh shit-" Then the grenade detonated as the force of the explosion pushed him a bit back as his back hit a tree which lead to the others to hear the explosion

Issei: "What was tha-" This was a big mistake as the GOC saw Issei as they then fired at Issei to which lead to an all out battle "HOLY SHIT!!!" This left Freed to actually flee from the situation as he rather not want to die

Koneko: "What's going on?"

Issei: "Looks like we're under att-" *Then suddenly they see 682 as it was mauling one GOC soldier "Wait a minute...what the hell is that?!" 682 was going victims after victims crunching on them like Kit Kat bars but now knowing that 2732 was on the ground "That is one vicious crocodile, but how did-"

GOC soldier: "Fire!" They then fire at Issei because of the fact that he might be an enemy plus they couldn't take any risk with the fact they're attacking an indestructible monster that hates humanity

Koneko: "Well to say a common quote, "we're fucked."


Kiba: "What about-"

Xenovia: "Split up!" She, Irina, and Kiba decide to split up leaving Issei, Koneko, and Saji to deal with the GOC or so they think because 2732 was there

Scp-2732's thought: "Alright I know it's stupid but the time is-" 2732 saw the moon in the center realizing it's midnight meaning it's the next day, meaning he can speak without consequences of murdering someone "Shit. Well time to ditch the stupid hat." *he then had 268 to return to its origin point which lead to the three devils to finally know 2732*


Scp-2732: "Yeah I'll explain it later." 2732 then summon Able as he then went on a killing spree with 2732 joining as Able attempted to murder 2732 but either failed and killed a soldier or managed to splat blood on the soldier with 2732's blood leading to 2732 to use it to grab their guns and either bash them with it or shoot to kill leading to a bloody warfare, the blood of his enemies and his own were on the ground "And like that thank you Able you're a delight to work with."

Able: "Tch. I will never care about this. I only did so just because of the annoyance." Able then saw Issei "And now I found the next tar-" Then Abel was sent to [redacted]

Scp-2732: "Yeah well you ain't gonna kill someone...that I know and are friends."

Issei: "Wait we're friends?"

Scp-2732: "Are you a pervert? Of course you're my amigo, though not like I take a bullet for you because know the amount of blood."

Issei: "Shit....well what should we do?"

Rias: "The first thing you can do is explain what were you doing?" They turn around to realize not only Rias was right behind them, but Akeno, Sona, and Tsubaki were there

Scp-2732: "....Yeah fuck no." *he then decide to pull the ultimate move to summon Scp-909 aka Mr. Forgetful

Mr. Forgetful: "Huh why am I here?"

Rias: "What the hell-" She then suddenly forget what she was saying "Wait why are we here."

Everybody (except for 2732): "Wait why were we here?"

Scp-2732: "And like that I'm out, peace bitches!" He gave the peace signs and walk backwards as for some reason Mr. Forgetful decide to follow 2732

Mr. Forgetful: "Wait who are you and where am I?"

Scp-2732: "Oh right I forgot. Hi I'm Scp-2732 and you are Mr. Forgetful, you are in Japan because I...wanted to talk to you." He lied so that he won't say that he used him to make them forget what just happened

Mr. Forgetful: "Oh okay." He then went into his jacket as he find multiple sticky notes with lots of random stuff on it from his name to where he was which was in the Scp facility "Huh? Who put them there."

Scp-2732: "Umm you put them there. It's so that you won't forget stuff like you're name or other stuff the facilities would ask you."

Mr. Forgetful: "Oh okay. So where are we again? And who are you?"

Scp-2732's thought: "FFFFFFFFFuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucccccccccccccccccccc........" And so they walk around which they went to grab something to eat...wait what was I saying?

A/N: "Well guys I'm back and I'll be taking a long time with publishing with the chapters as due to school and just because it'll take me time to think."

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