Chapter 20: Welcome to [Redacted]

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Starting to where after the barrier was destroyed and an odd [Redacted] appeared 2732 had only two words to say about this

Scp-2732: "Holy shit." The only words are spoken out as they saw Abel barely doing anything as it just looks at the moon  "Umm, Abel are you alright?"

Abel: "I would be pleased to leave for now."

Scp-2732: "May I ask why?"

Abel: "No." 2732, still confused sent Abel back to where he came from originally as everyone was all confused

Xenovia: "Wait was that all about?"

Scp-2732: "I have no idea, but furthermore shouldn't we be focused on-" They then hear an explosion which was a couple of miles away from the now-destroyed school "Oh fuck..." Then there were multiple glares for his action, the fact his action could've been extremely dangerous and the fact the now escaped fallen angel is now fighting a false angel that can nuke cities, and then there was the white-armor figure that was already going toward the direction of the two angels


Far away from them the white armor figure, 001, and Kokabiel were flying around while fighting, though it was Kokabiel fighting 001, the white armor figure is trying to take down Kokabiel, but 001 was only defending itself as it was going to [Redacted]so it fighting was not much of a problem, it trying to get Kokabiel off its back

Kokabiel: "Damn you what the hell are you doing?!"

White Armor figure: "It's obvious, I'm here for you."

Kokabiel: "To hell with you!" He then creates a large lightspear, which was the size of about a small plane however the size started to get smaller and smaller

???: "Divide, divide, divide!" Then suddenly the lightspear became the size of a fly if not half the size

Kokabiel: "What the fuck?! What did you do?!"

White Armor figure: "Simply, I cut the power of that pathetic weapon of yours. With the power of the white dragon emperor, Albion I'll be making sure you aren't getting away." As the two then proceeds to fight fist to fist, 001 flew away to [Redacted] which then Kokabiel was getting his ass handed as then once after about ten minutes of an ass beating the white armor figure [Redacted] as now everyone is gone and went their separate ways

Back at the now destroyed school

After the long argument of what to do with the now destroyed school which they would just try to contact Siezechs to help with the situation

Scp-2732: "I...was gonna say there's an easy way of dealing with all of this."

Issei: "Is it gonna be something that'll kill us? Because if you wanted to murder us, pull out the gun because I would rather shoot you."

Scp-2732: "...I was gonna say I'll just make a deal with the devil."

Rias: "Please tell me you're not fucking with us because at this point I'm about close to disintegrate you."

Scp-2732: "Rias do you want me to let 682 rip you apart? Because if it's a yes then you're fucked because remember how Kokabiel redirected the attack toward 682? Well, thanks to that 682 will get stronger every time you use that power. Essentially you're just wasting time before being mauled by a fucking hard-to-destroyed reptile." Then 2732 sends 682 who were doing nothing but were about to cause havoc until it was sent back to where it came summons Scp-738 which everyone was confused about. They see an office chair, a desk, and a regular chair which were all beautiful to look at "Alright kids it's time for another anomaly lesson with your teacher 2732?"

Issei: "Who said you're our teacher?"

Scp-2732: "Me because I actually had taught kids and I'm the one who knows more on these anomalies than you do. So unless you want to teach I'll allow you to. But if it's anything on boobs then I suggest you go read porn or whatever nowadays people look at pornography." He then redirected back to his 'lesson' "Okay so now you see three pieces of furniture; a chair, a desk, and an office chair."

Sona: "So what then, should someone sit where?"

Scp-2732: "Let's just say I'll make the deal, basically I sit in the chair, and "The devil" would appear in front of me and me only since I'm the one in the chair making the deal."

Rias: "Wait so you can just bring my brother here like that?"

Scp-2732: "No. The entity itself will appear to me as someone whose charming or seductive. And Issei before you try to sit down in the chair." Somehow Issei was two seconds of sitting on the chair "Due note that if you make a deal be prepared to lose a lot of stuff that'll cost you your life."

Akeno: "So what's its security level?"

Scp-2732: "Keter."


Scp-2732: "Relax it's not like 682, Abel, or probably that angel. This one can't attack me if I don't do anything, but instead try to attack it will do nothing. Now if you don't mind, shut up and let me negotiate." Before he sat down on Scp-738-2 he moved Issei aside "Oh fun fact this Scp has dealt with-"

Everybody else: "Just shut up and just sit down and make the deal!"

Scp-2732: "Alright jeez." He then sat down on Scp-738-2 as then a figure appears sitting on 738-3 resembling that of...Sirzechs

Scp-738-3: "Alright looks like I have a new client." The entity's voice is exactly like Sirzechs as 2732 waits "You want me to give you infinite knowledge? Or better yet give you fame and fortune-"

Scp-2732: "Stop. Before you continue I'll make my deal clear and simple. Rebuild Kuoh Academy. The parts that are destroyed. Nothing less and that's it." 2732 had his poker face as seeing the entity was oddly confused but reverts to its calm matter

Scp-738-3: It then brings out a pen and paper and started writing up a contact "Alright then, I can work with that all it'll cost you is about this." The deal is that once the buildings from the school are restored, including the gymnasium in exchange, one person who 2732 is friends with will die, not knowing how or when but it'll be later

Scp-2732: He read the offer as he wasn't fond of the 'payment' "Hmm..."

Scp-738-3: "Something wrong?"

Scp-2732: "Well I didn't like what I have to pay."

Scp-738-3: "Oh? Well then I want to know what you think should be fair." The entity had its hand steepled now having to see if it'll be like [Redacted] and then [Redacted] for 41 hours straight

Scp-2732: "First off I think that someone would die is kinda pointless as I don't have real friends so instead how about if I offer you 95% of my body."

Scp-738-3: "95% of your body? Hmm, why not your entire body?

Scp-2732: "Why not 97.5%. Halfway the middle of our deal."

Scp-738-3: "Hmm..."

Scp-2732: "Hmm..." They then started to start talking/debating/lowering/upping the price

Sona: Now confused as to what the fuck is going on spoke up "Okay how long is this gonna take?!"

Rias: "Sona sometimes it's best that just let this happen, we don't know anything about it, the fact we see a paper floating about for a brief second, and now 2732 is talking to someone- no wait something that we can't see or hear its best that we leave it to the professional.

Sona: "I like to call bullshit on that as the professional managed to blow up nearly an entire school with an angel."

Rias: "Wait you saw-"

Sona: "Seeing Kokabiel, chasing after it I would assume it had to involve the angel Alexander summoned."

Tsubaki: "And the fact that he would bring stuff that can be a threat to us, are you even sure that we can trust him?"

Rias: "Knowing him...I don't even know, he's an enigma of his own. Trying to figure him out is easy but knowing what he can bring is the part that I fear. For all I know he could kill us though he doesn't look the type to kill, he can bring mischief on anyone." Referring back to when Issei was a female for only a few minutes [Redacted] ago "Anyways how long has he been going at it?"

Scp-2732: "Alright then, how about this, I give you 97.5% of my body; my choice including of what the 2.5% should be saved, you get to basically kill a friend soon..." In his mind, his 'friend' was a particular person that he wanted to kill but couldn't "And one thing in my possession disappear."

Scp-7738-3: It started to chuckle as it's only been half an hour and yet 2732 was giving deals that'll benefit himself and others without having to give life...well one life but hey who cares "Hmm, I think we can work with this." It rewrote the contract up with the agreements 2732 made "Just sign here and it'll be done." 2732 then signed the contract with then the school suddenly returned if nothing had happened to it "Now what part of you do you want to keep?"

Scp-2732: "A part of my brain."

Scp-7738-3: "Very well." 2732's entire body was gone except for the small amount of brain left, the person he deemed a 'friend' would be killed, and a random item in his possession was gone, which was another knife had with him "Like that my job is done." It disappears as 2732 couldn't see it but 2732 was always one step ahead of the game as 2732's body was quickly regenerated from the small brain piece, though sadly as before his body is regenerated but his clothes aren't so he's already naked

Scp-2732: He sighs "And like that there's another set of clothes already gone. Fuck me, not sexually more metaphorically." Everyone looked away


Scp-2732: He sighs as he just hasn't reacted "Eh it's not the first time I was naked, though at this point this is probably the 80th time since in some way I lost my clothes, either stolen or burned to crisp-


Scp-2732: "Alright jeez, give me a few minutes

A few minutes later

After Mr. Deeds got some clothes for 2732 everybody was now back to an awkward scenario as they now saw what they shouldn't see and the school is repaired

Scp-2732: "And like that, everything is saved."

Rias: "And by saved you mean nearly killing everyone, nearly killing others, and letting a fallen angel escaped."

Scp-2732: "...Yeah I think I'm at fault."

Koneko: "You think? Or you know? Because we all know most of this stuff is all your fault."

Scp-2732: "Okay so what do you want me to say? I'm sorry? Because last time I check I know saying that won't fix this shit. Let's just be glad we're all fine. End of story."

Xenovia: "Well not quite. You said god is dead and yet he appeared right in front of us. What's your explanation."

Scp-2732: "Simple, that's not god."

ORC: "What?"

Scp-2732: "Yes while Scp-343 looks like 'god' you all should've seen something wrong. Issei could you describe to me what he looked like?"

Issei: "Huh? Well, that's obvious he looked like an old man with a beard and really pale skin. Looks like he was Asian."

Xenovia: "Huh? That's not right he looked more like if he was Italian.

Scp-2732: "Actually you both are wrong. Your mind is tricked by 343 as he makes his appearance change based on someone's race, so if someone were black he would have a black skin color. If he was God then wouldn't it be the one depicted in art? Or have artists been tricked as well? Nobody knows if he is god but that's what people nicknamed him." Then suddenly a burger dropped on his head "Huh guess he knew I was talking about him. Sorry, 343!" He grabbed the burger and ate it as he continues talking but couldn't as his mouth was full

Xenovia: "First finish eating before you're gonna talk. Second, that's just random, and third, so you're telling us that the god we saw was a fake and the real one is dead?"

Scp-2732: He just nod "Mhm." He continues eating his burger

Xenovia: "I...don't understand."

Scp-2732: He stops eating "About what? That god is dead and that this entire time you thought that he was in heaven?"

Xenovia: "Yes! But now, what should I do?! Who should I-" 2732 slaps her in the face

Scp-2732: "One calm the fuck down, it's not the end of the world. Two the only person you should be wondering is who to follow? The answer is you, you decide on what to do and make sure to think about what you do and don't try to do anything stupid. Yes, I know what you're thinking, 'how and why the hell are you even talking to me since you work with devils and making deals that are demonic as well', the answer is this: One I've gone to universities and taken classes on psychology back when it was starting to become a talking thing and not the one where you're thrown in an asylum. I had to talk to those who lost their faith in god and I only tell them is to try to change, take things slowly, and then see how much difference once you make a major improvement. And yes I've believed in multiple Gods, Christianity, Catholicism, Hinduism, Judaism, etc. The list goes on and on, that's why I find religion to be that one part I respect but am not interested in, So technically I identify as an atheist but not because simply put I could care less about the many gods, but now seeing everything from Japan I don't believe most of the religion's ideologies but I can agree that there are multiple gods."

Issei: "Wait since when have you started giving advice?"

Scp-2732: "Because life is a bitch if you can't die of old age, disease, or even being shot/stabbed/etc. in the most important organs."

Issei: "So what are we gonna do now?"

Rias: "For now we should all get some rest because, at this point, it's a stressful night."

Sona: "I agree. I think that if we end up with another destroyed school, I think we should kill Alexander."

Scp-2732: "One, fuck you, you can't kill me, Rias definitely and two I say to pray that it won't happen but hey as Rias said I'm a fucking enigma. And three Xenovia meet me tomorrow in town because I think it's time we should get started on life without god."

Xenovia: "What makes you think I would listen to you?"

Scp-2732: "Fair point, but as I said my offer is still up for stand." He then gave her a piece of paper with written on it a location "If you want me to help you, you know where to call, you know Human to human." He then sent 738 away as he then walks off

Meanwhile at [Redacted]

This was with the 0-5 Council with a bit of panic with Scp-001, The Gate Guardian, away from its original location at [Redacted]

05-1: "Well we can't be arguing about this. We already have a report of The Gate Guardian left its original spot. Apparently, there were images of an angel flying around Japan."

05-4: "Don't worry about it 05-1, as we're speaking MTF Gamma-5 are already dealing with these images as we're speaking, plus knowing that the location was sent around a school in Japan thanks to Gamma-13, it's already obvious Scp-2732 is already in Kuoh Academy, a school that used to be an all-girls school but now became a co-ed school."

05-3: "Geez can't we get to the good part? I want to see some actions with 2732."

05-4: [Redacted] Sighs "Good news is that with this we should be ready to launch a capture on not only 2732, but its accomplice." Then shows a video of multiple videos of 2732 and the ORC doing some anomalous things that no human should be able to do

05-3: "Dang Japan has a lot of interesting things, it's no wonder why 2732 would want to stay there."

05-7: "2732 has never been to Japan, at least that's what it's been telling us, but we want to make sure to not get any attention from the public or else we can get into some trouble."

05-4: "That's why I was talking to the prime minister of Japan, in any case of our soldiers coming to Japan, it'll be swept under the rug. Though I did have bad news about the plan on capturing 2732."

05-1: "And that is?"

05-4: "For this to work we'll be needing to work with the G.O.C. and given our track record it'll be least likely they'll care about capture."

05-1: "05-4 did you forget that while we don't see eye to eye we do have to work in situations that could be the end of the world scenario."

05-7: "Basically that's not bad news it's just we have to make sure not to fuck up."

05-1: "So who should take care of the "pests"?"

05-7: "Who do you think MTF Alpha-1. If Gamma-13 were that weak to take them down then we'll just have to play on even term with us bringing our ace in the game."

05-1: "I don't see any problems with that. Does anyone disagree with it?" All the other 05 councils agree to the idea "Well then we get into contact and make sure to capture them down."

[Meeting end]

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