Chapter 7: Thinking of a new path to find the light

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Starting the morning as 2732 was walking to school...just kidding it wasn't 2732 at all...


As the night rolled around and Asia was asleep 2732 was looking through more and more of the files he obtained to just get some way to help her but without needing to harm her but realizing he has school tomorrow he wanted to have someone to give him a message so he summoned Scp-408 which he only needed one but instead summoned three

Scp-2732: "Hey 408!"

Scp-408: *They then turned into 2732 as they wanted to communicate with 2732* "What is it?"

Scp-2732: "Oh perfect. I need a favor to ask. When I summon you next time I will need one of you though."

Scp-408: "Okay?"

Scp-2732: "Huh you can speak perfectly and have my voice down to the teeth. But anyways I need one of you to go this school and to act normal around. Then you should meet one person who'll talk to me or in this case you and I want you to say I am currently with the nun so don't worry."

Scp-408: "I can do that just summon me."

Scp-408 (another one): "Well we can tell our kind of that only one is needed."

Scp-2732: "Well then i'll see you soon."

End of flashback

Scp-408: *It sighs still disguised as 2732* "Why does this guy have to talk to me like that?"


2732 and Asia are both spending a bit of time friends? Or more than that? Who knows

Asia: "You know you don't have to this for me."

Scp-2732: "Well I already ditched school but I should help out others. Hebrews 13:16, And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased."

Asia: "Wow that's impressive."

Scp-2732: "It was nothing really I have read the bible...before." *2732 read the bible multiple times to where some verses were engrained in his brain not literally but you get the message 2732 had to deal with a lot of religion from Christianity, Judaism, Hebrew, etc. but 2732 never enjoys it as it thought that they were just another story to tell but doesn't mind if someone has a belief in a religion or not as long as they aren't jackass*

Asia: "I'm impressed so you're christian?"

Scp-2732: "Well technically yes but I study a bit on other religions so I can't say personally yes but under some stuff sure."

Asia: "Oh so that was what your parents taught you?"

Scp-2732: "Don't have a mother and my father is working overseas. Basically he's a scientist he doesn't mind me studying religion even if it was a hobby next thing I knew we were fortunate but I never liked it but I learned and so I wanted to be able to be almost somewhat like my father but to the point of similar to him as I want to be my own person. Never been too interesting or cool just plain and boring you can say."

Asia: "I don't think you're that boring. I think you're interesting just misunderstood."

Scp-2732: "Oh well I don't know about that but thanks." *2732 sees her smile as they went around to do something that looks like a date but they were friends*


As time passed up they went to get something to eat which was burgers reason being that 2732 was living a bit far and thought of eating quickly and coming home it'll make things easier. They both pray and eat. As they finish eating the two were sitting around a fountain

Asia: "So umm do you usually be with people like this?"

Scp-2732: "Not really...don't really hang out with girls so I usually don't mind." *It started to feel awful for lying like the fact it kept lying on about itself*

Asia: "Oh."

Scp-2732: "Yeah-" *Then he felt the stab of something* "Crap." *2732 falls to the ground bleeding its black blood as Asia screams and see that it was Raynare*

Raynare: "Well then looks like I have found where you took her."

Asia: "Lady Raynare why did you do that?!"

Raynare: "You were gone and plus that man was planning on using you."

Scp-2732: "OH HELL NO!"

Asia: "What?!" *She saw 2732 gets up*

Scp-2732: "What did I do?!"

Raynare: "Heh I can't believe you were to trust a devil and it had to be the last guy I dated."

Scp-2732: "Wait Issei?! He was the last guy to date you? And you let me guess killed him?"

Raynare: "Of course I couldn't have someone who wields a scared gear around."

Scp-2732: "...Then why not just bait him or use him? Train him and then use him as a pawn? Kind of a stupid plan if he was reincarnated as a devil. That's what I would do if I was insane."

Raynare: "Wow do I look like I care?" *She grab Asia* "As a saying goes we're out." *She and Asia were gone as they teleported away*

Scp-2732: "Oh you son of a bitch you just snatch away Asia? Just note this I will find and I will make you pay."


Scp-2732: *It arrive at the ORC. 2732 made sure the get 408's attention and to get it out of school and to turn back to normal and sent it back from where it came* "Well I screwed up big time."

Rias: "And what do you mean?"

Scp-2732: "Well...first off Issei remember Asia?"

Issei: "Yeah?"

Scp-2732: "Good now do you know Raynare?"

Issei: "Wait how did you know about her?"

Scp-2732: "Dated and tried to kill me then I accepted some task for me to do and then straight up kidnapped Asia."

Issei: "WHAT?!"

Scp-2732: "I got stabbed in the back and she pulled a quick one on me. Now i'm pissed off like now I want to just let her suffer I don't care who gets in my way they'll all suffer."

Rias: "So you want us to help you?"

Scp-2732: "You know a few days ago I think you are all that I hated but now I won't mind because now I will need to give her revenge."

Akeno: " you have a deep revenge sort of thing?"

Scp-2732: "I'M PISSED OFF!"


As they did planning 2732, Issei, Koneko, and Kiba were waiting outside

Scp-2732: "Alright I have a plan we're gonna enter inside make sure to stay guarded find Asia get her out kill Raynare and we can go home and maybe I can show you something."

Koneko: "So basically we're gonna raid inside?"

Scp-2732: "Exactly."

Issei: "That doesn't sound like a good plan."

Scp-2732: "Trust me i've done something like this similar before." *Well somewhat true as 2732 did raid before in the past now 2732 doesn't have too much knowledge as it was overflowed with knowledge so it just write down simple tactics that anyone can follow* "Alright let's move it." *They enter the church with Koneko kicking the door down* "ALRIGHT ANY JACKASS WANTING TO LIVE THEN LEAVE!!!" *No response* "Well now we just need to find them and save Asia." They went around looking to find them but looked they did as there was nothing*

Kiba: "Anything?"

Issei, Koneko, and 2732: "No."

Scp-2732: "I swear to god if there is no route then i'm gonna get angry!" *2732 decided to smash the seats of the church and the podium of it finding a door* "That's way too convenient and more cliche." *They all enter the door as they went downstairs as they see what appears to be a ritual to approach* "Okay I seen this much shit before and trust me I never hated it...but if it's a fallen angel this is where we end them."

Issei: "So we raid them?"

Koneko: "Oh hell yeah."

Kiba: "Well then." *He take his sword out* "Let's get ready."

Scp-2732: "Well I have a plan remember the doctor? I think he can help help you." *Then the same black portal appear and summons 049

Scp-049: "You need me?" Kiba place his sword near 049's neck

Scp-2732: "Kiba put the sword down, 049 don't touch them or 'cure' them in any case cure those other people over there." *Points at the group of people*

Scp-049: "I'll take them over those three."

Scp-2732: "Oof. ALRIGHT FBI OPEN UP!!!" *They all jump down as they charge toward the hoard of people who were equipped with a light sword as it becomes a somewhat bloody match as 049 is curing them, Kiba striking them down, and Issei and Konkeo beating the crap out of them while 2732 start to move ahead taking stab wounds after stab wounds* "IS THIS ALL YOU-" *Then he sees Asia chained up as 2732 sees her lifeless eyes* "...Asia? Asia?! What the hell?!"

Raynare: *She laughs* "Well I guess you can say I took her life but in reality I took her sacred gear chances are she's dead."

Scp-2732: "What the hell?!"

Raynare: "Think of the sacred gear being bound to her soul."

Scp-2732: "...You bitch."

Raynare: "Huh what was that you punk?" *She throw a light spear at him with blood on the ground and she continued throwing more and more light spear* "Heh you may heal but you can't even fight?! You're even worst than Issei!"

Issei: "The hell did you say?"

Raynare: "Huh?"

Issei: "You wanna know something he may not be human but I don't give a shit about it what you did to me was nothing compare on what you did to Asia. A cheap and pathetic move."

Scp-2732: *It got up* "Issei you spoken like a man you understand a bit of me you and I have hatred towards people who would selfishly use and manipulate others but you're different. I don't know you that much but I do know one thing you may be a pervert but deep inside you have a heart that won't stop beating wanting to help those around you. But me i'm nothing more than a piece of crap but guess what I know that I should start taking action and not just be this sad weakling because it's time I show you my true colors. Asia I know my words won't be much but i'll end Raynare once and for all."

Raynare: *She laughs* "So the two of you can kill me?"

Issei: "You dam right!" *As he said that Issei's sacred gear gain a bit of a modification

Raynare: "WHAT THE HE-" *Before she knew Issei and 2732 throw a left hook towards her not damaging her as using Twilight Healing to heal the bruise* "Heh is that all?"

Scp-2732: "Issei let me fight this one or rather let someone fight this one."

Issei: "What do you mean?"

Scp-2732: "I am human and I shall bring something far more supernatural then anything you see!" *As 2732 says this a black portal appears again this time a black large cube shows with lots of unknown writing

Raynare: "A cube of stone? Like how is that gonna-" *The door opens as a coffin was shown and the coffin open up as a man who awaken from his slumber steps out of the box, Scp-076-2 aka Able*

Able: "..." *He didn't say anything as he saw Raynare with a rage in his eyes he creates a black longsword (Use the image above as and example)*

Raynare: "Ha! You think bringing him will solve it for your information I can heal from any injuries-" *Before she continued she didn't realized she was stabbed in the heart at a quick speed as Issei, Koneko, and Kiba were shocked and 049 still with having multiple 049-2 around he decided to get them out of basement and to let them fight each other as 049 takes notes on them " way...I'm suppose to..." *She dies as Able scuffs*

Able: "A fallen angel? The world has gotten different. Who dares awaken me?" *He looks around as Kiba has his sword ready but seeing what happened this could be a simple easy fight* "Huh? A swordsman."

Kiba: "Who are you and what are you doing here?"

Able: "..." *Able charge toward Kiba as they clash swords with the two moving a incredible speed and when Kiba successfully stab Able in the head it did nothing as Able counter attacked with another sword he summoned this time it was smaller and used it to stab him in the stomach* "You're fast but i'm immortal. I'll be killing all of yo-" *He froze as he saw 2732*

Scp-2732: "Able it's been a while-" *With no reaction he was decapitated but 2732 grabs its head and put it back on "So how's your day?"

Able: "Tch you're still annoying as usual."

Scp-2732: "Yet you're the one talking."

Able: *Started speaking in ancient Sumerian*

Scp-2732: *Starts to reply back in Sumerian*

Able: *in Sumerian* "What you understand me?!"

Scp-2732: *also in Sumerian* "Yeah I understand what you said so don't try to insult me."

Able: "I will kill you, but i'll kill my brother first and then you once and for all."

Scp-2732: *Sighs* "Able you can't hurt Cain remember any damage he takes will be directed back to the person who would attack him so basically your blades, my blades, and anyone else would do nothing toward him."

Able: "I will end you, you fiend of crap."

Scp-2732: "Yeah well I used you. So good bye and take your cube that is your home with you." *2732 created the black portal and 076-1 and 076-2 were sinking in as Able doesn't care knowing that he'll kill 2732 once and for all and does the same for 049 as he started sinking in the quicksand*

Issei: "It's over..." *As Kiba barely able to get up went up toward 2732

Kiba: " he?"

Scp-2732: "I'll explain later for now you should rest up you can't walk with that injury." *2732, Issei, and Koneko remove the chain that was bounded to her as they carry her but not before 2732 went towards Raynare's body and kick it and taking back Asia's sacred gear* "Farewell Raynare may this ever be the last time that I will ever see your pathetic face again." *They went up as 2732 help Kiba out as they see Rias and Akeno*

Rias: "What happened? And how did Kiba got stabbed."

Koneko: "Some large cube summoned up then a guy came out and killed the fallen angel bitch and led to Kiba getting stabbed."

Rias: "Alexander explain."

Scp-2732: "Please help her..."

Akeno: "What you mean the nun?"

Scp-2732: "Please just do it for me please I beg you!" *He place the sacred gear on Asia's ring fingers as he felt a bit of grip*

Asia: "Alex...ander?"

Scp-2732: "Asia? Please i'm sorry I wasn't fast enough to save you. It was my fault you ended up in this situation-"

Asia: "Don't blame may have gotten help from devils but they helped you rescue me. I think you shouldn't blame yourself for all of this..." *2732 tears up as her grip loosen and laid dead and then 2732 started crying*

Scp-2732: "NO! NOT AGAIN!!! WHY DO MOST PEOPLE I CARE DIE?! IT'S NOT FAIR!!! It's not fair..." *He slowly stopped crying* "But then again humanity lives are finite so I shouldn't be kicking the bush around." *2732 walks up to Kiba as 2732 gave him a bottle* "Drink it."

Kiba: "Huh why?"

Scp-2732: "Trust me it's just water nothing to strange." *Kiba confused and in pain on why 2732 offered water but accepted it as his wounds started to heal quickly as the pain he felt was gone and so was the wound*

Kiba: "What was that?"

Scp-2732: "I...don't know it's just water nothing more nothing less."

Rias: "I think you should know. One there were some fallen angels that me and Akeno took care of."

Scp-2732: "I don't blame you. But wait a minute Rias can't you reincarnate her as a devil?"

Rias: "And explain why I should?"

Scp-2732: "Well for one she has a sacred gear that could be beneficial, plus I don't know much of the bishop so maybe that she could be. And in exchange i'll tell you all the truth of who I really am. No bullshit, no strings attached, %100 honest answer that way you can understand all of the unnatural things."

Rias: "Hmm I guess I would but if I revive her would you promise you won't go back on your word?"

Scp-2732: "Honestly I hope you know that I keep secrets not tell lies. Two huge difference but with similarities."

Rias: "Well then." *She takes out a bishop chess piece* "Then we have a deal." *Then she place the bishop on Asia as she does a ritual (Is it technically a ritual to bring back someone from the dead?) to bring Asia back as a reincarnated devil*

Scp-2732: "Thank you." *As she was done with the ritual Asia got up and 2732 hugged her not crying as much as it would* "Welcome back."

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