1. Party

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"Does it bother you? I mean at a house party, after you were almost brutally, murdered at a house party?" Anikia asks Mindy as the three of us were sitting on the couch.

"No, think of it as getting hit by lightning. The odds of it happening to the same person, is big" Mindy smiles at her girlfriend making me scrunch my nose in disgust. 

"I'm gonna get another drink" I state getting up and stumbling my way to the keg, where another guy was. 

"You can get a drink first" He says moving out the so I filled my cup, then went to walk away when I bumped into Tara. "Oh shit, sorry" I say holding onto her for stable which she didn't have either. 

"Are you having fun?" Tara asks smiling which I nod and move out of the way so she can get a drink but the guy before drank the rest. I saw them talking then he grabbed her hand and began walking towards the stairs, she looked back at me and put two thumbs up so I did the same. 

I began to stumble fast trying to look for Chad. 

"Sorry" I smile at the people I kept bumping into. I saw Chad talking to his roommate Ethan. 

"Chad, Tara is gonna hook up with a stranger, but she is so very drunk" I laugh taking a sip of my drink 

"Where is she?" Chad asks looking around the room

"Uhh... right.. she's going upstairs" I say following Chad as he walked over to the stairs.

"Hey, partner. Tara is good down here" Chad says pointing at Tara

"Sorry, I didn't catch that?" The guy says 

"Yeah, you did" Chad scoffs

 Tara then walked down the steps in front of Chad placing her hands on his chest to keep her balance "No, Chad, it's fine I want to"

"See, Chad, she want's to" The guys before grabbing Taras arm which caught her off guard so she fell backwards but the guy just dragged her, and ignored her saying 'ow'. Chad then grabbed the guys shirt and pulled him off the steps and pushed him on the wall making the guy push me so I grabbed the closet thing to me which was Ethan. 

"Get the fuck off me" The guy says pushing Chad so Chad pushed him back. They kept talking shit about each other and kept pushing each other, as Tara pleaded for them to stop. 

Someone then pushed me a little so I was about to say something until I saw it was Sam. 

"yeah, I'm just gonna tase you in the balls real quick" Sam says then tases him which he calliopes on the floor holding his balls, and wincing in pain "Don't ever lay hands on my sister ever "

"Fucking bitch" The guy yells in pain

"Sam. Are you fucking kidding me. You're stalking me now?" Tara says walking out the house party

"Holy, shit. That's the psycho girl" A guy says as everyone started recording. 

"Come on let's go" Chad says walking past me Anika, and Mindy doing the same.

"But it just started." I wined.

"Yeah, we should go" Ethan says in a soft tone pulling me out the party.

"Tara can you stop?" Sam asks as we all were following Tara.

"I can't believe you did that. you fucking embarrassed me" Tara says looking back at Sam then back ahead.

"That guy was a dick, he was gonna take advantage of you" Sam explains.

"So? If I want to hook up with an asshole that's my decision, it's my decision. It's not about you, I mean, you were out of my life for 5 years, then you can't leave me alone for 5 minutes" Tara shouts in anger.

"That's because you're not dealing with what happened to us. Have you even gone to the councilor?" Sam asks which I saw Mindy roll her eyes. 

"No, I'm not going to."

"Why not" Sam asks Tara.

"Because I'm uninterested. and living in the past as you are." Tara shouts pointing at Sam.

"What's that supposed to mean? Sam asks confusion written all on her face.

"hey guys can we just-" Chad begins to say but Tara cuts him off

"I mean, I'n not gonna allow what happened to us for three days define the rest of my life" Tara says but stopped shouting. They kept arguing back and forth but I zoomed off into space, so I have no clue what they were still talking about at this point. 

"hey" I hear this girl yell then pouring water on Sam with her friend recording "Murderer."

"what the hell is wrong with you bitch. You have a problem with me?" Sam yells trying to get out of Chad's grip

"stay away from her. She knows what she did" The girl says laughing but this blew Sam off

"I didn't do anything" Sam yells as the girl kept saying 'sure' and continued to walk away with her little friends. 

"I'm so sick of this shit" Sam scoffs fixing her shirt as Tara walked off, so Chad, Mindy and Anika followed her. 

"Uh, I have tissues, if you want tissues" Ethan says taking out the small tissues which made me let out a chuckle and Sam looked at him like 'was he being serious look. Sam took them still and began wiping her neck as Ethan began walking away. 

"Ethan wait up" I shout jogging next to him "the whole tissue thing was cute" I smile at him.

"Are they always like this?" He asks looking down at me.

"No clue, meet them a week before you came into the group" I respond "Also, are you supposed to be a barrel?" I ask looking at his costume. 

"Something like that" he chuckles.

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