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Game time, East high verses West Coast high. Not the best of friends on the field, the whistle blows from the ref and both teams come onto the field. Caedmon's in the middle, with some other guy from the other team. The whistle blows again, the game has started.

Caedmon stole the ball and threw it to Scott. Scott caught it in his net, Scott kept running and threw the ball. It went into the goal, the whole crowd cheered. I smiled and clapped.


Up to the last quarter for the lacrosse game, at the moment it's.

West Coast- 24
East- 23

We need two more to win the game, the ball is up and Caedmon gets a goal.

"WOOO!" I yell with the crowd.

Ok, now it's even. The ball goes up and it's near west coasts side, as one of the west coast players throw the ball. Stiles's catches it in his net, he froze. Then I heard his dad yell.

"RUN STILES RUN!" Along with Scotts mum.

Stiles sprints off, dodging etc. He gets near the goal, he looks around to see if anyone is there.

"SHOOT IT!" I yell and he does, stiles throws it and it's in the goal. WE WON!

The crowd cheered.

Stiles looked at me and I saw him smile. As I smiled, clapping.

Our schools team, all went into a big group hug. As they all went back into the change rooms, Caedmon came up to me and I hugged him as he did as well in return.

"I need to go." He says as I hear his team mates calling his name.



All of each team came back out after the game, I was wondering where Stiles, Scott and Caedmon are. Then I had this weird feeling, like Caedmon is in danger. I look back to where the boys came out and saw Scott and Stiles, I ran up to them.

"W-where's Caedmon, where is he!?" I asked stressed.

"Still in the change rooms." Scott says.

"Why?" Stiles questions

"Who else is with him, who else was left in there with him!?"


Scott, Stiles and I run into the boys change rooms and see a trail of blood. We follow it and saw Caedmon in his own blood, but hardly breathing.

"Scott call your mum!" I yell.

Scott calls his mum and in a matter of seconds Scotts mum comes in, with Stiles's dad. Scott and Stiles drag me out of the room, Stiles just hugs me as I burry my head in his chest.

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