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Sometimes, during the daylight, things around Woodsboro California were fine.

But, who knows what could go on during the darkness nights...right?


the night of


The young brownskin girl had finially arrived at Sidneys big ass house.

She had been over here multiple times in a month, she felt sorry for the poor girl. She felt sorry that she has to cry all day long and that she is even alone 24/7, locked up in that big ol house.

She most definitely felt sorry for the girl cause she watched her mom get butchered basically in front of her.

Destiny arrived at Sidney's house with Tatum.

Destiny was dressed in black and white plaid pajama pants and a pure black oversized hoodie.

Tatum was the first to knock on the door, she always was. And for some reason, Tatum was always the one to open the door too.

Tatum had stepped in the house to greet and catch up with Sidney as if they hadn't seen each other in 1000 years, but, its been 1 hour.

Destiny had got distracted by the loud sound of a car door slamming shut.

The teen had turned around to find herself staring Stu and Billy down as they walked towards her with a case of beers, YUCK! Thought Destiny.

" MIAMI!!" Yelled Stu Macher. Destiny's jaw clenched at the fact that Stu keeps calling her by her first name. She doesn't go by that name for a specific reason.

Billy had slapped Stu upside the head and Stu whined. Stu was always getting slapped upside that long ol head by either Destiny, Tatum, randy, or billy. Its a classical thing to do now, your surprised he hasn't gotten a concussion from how hard billy slaps him all the time.

"I thought i told you to stop calling me that Macher?" Destiny had questioned, trying to ring a bell inside of the dumbasses head.

Destiny's feet had lead her over to Stu as she grabbed the beer case from his arms.

"I do not recall that specific conversation ma'am" Stu had replied to Destiny's blank question. Sarcasm is all he gave, it's all he ever gives when getting asked a serious question.

But thats just how Stu is, he is tall, funny, and SO unserious. But, Billy on the other hand, he is very serious, good grades (surprisingly), and short.

Destiny had thought of going out with the both of them at one time. When she thought of going out with Billy, she was too late and let her nerves get the best of her and Sidney beat her too it. When she decided she wanted to go out with Stu, Sidney introduced Tatum to him and once again someone beat Destiny to him.

So, with that being said, she just gave up on finding a man that would love her enough. A man that would treat her good like how Stu treats Tatum or how Billy treats Sidney.

A sigh escaped from Destiny's mouth.
"Keep on Stu, and imma let Billy handle my light work" Destiny had told Stu while looking over at Billy, the man who was already admiring her, she winked at him, just in time for his face to come in form with a smile while raising his eyebrows.

"Yea thats right, dumbass!" Billy exclaimed as he once again, slapped Stu upside his head.

Destiny shook her head and turned on her heel to walk into Sidneys house, with the boys following behind her, which they always do so she was pretty much used to them looking at her ass 24/7.

She stepped into the house as the cold air hit her. Like someone had died or a ghost was in the house, in ALL of the rooms. Its a good thing she wore a hoodie and baggy pants.

She had sat the nasty beer case onto the counter top and slightly looked to the side to see the two idiots join in, in the cold house.

Stu had closed and locked the door behind him as soon as he stepped foot into the house.
Destiny walked into the living room with her hands in her pockets, her hood on, looking like a homeless person most likely. She walked closer towards the communication that came from the couch as she could see.

Destiny had sat down on the couch after Stu and Billy took a seat beside Sidney and Tatum.
Stu beside Tatum and Billy Beside Sidney and Destiny got the long part of the couch, so she laid there after taking off her shoes.

"Okay so do you guys think jamie lee curtis is hot or am i not crazy?" Tatum had asked, she always and Destiny means always, pulls the most odd questions out from the bottom of her ass.

"Shes okay...not drooling over her like Stu is right now" Destiny said as Tatum looked up at Stu and he had looked down at her. Tatum sucks her teeth.
"Not cool, des des" Tatum spoke to Destiny with an eye roll coming along too.

"Hey!, you asked the question not me, girl!" Destiny remarked back to Tatums hissy fit.

And for most of the night, there was nothing but laughter that had filled the empty hole in the house. But for Destiny, laughter didn't fill the hole in her heart. Just seeing Stu and Tatum cuddling along with Sidney and Billy made Destiny realize how lonely she is and how stupid she was to let them go that easily. But, of course, she faked her laugh and happiness, just like always...


As the night came to a end, after lots of beer drinking and tons of talking, they were now cleaning up there messes to go home. As destiny walked towards the trash can to throw away the glass bottles of beer, she had met Billy standing there, beside it, washing some dishes.

She opens up the lid to the can with her pinky and lets go of all of the bottles, some crashing together and breaking while some staying as they were. Destiny looked up towards Billy and then suddenly was beside him.

"Here, ill help you dry them" Destiny told the teen that stood close besides her. He chuckled. "Thanks..." He replied but almost silently. Billy and Destiny never really have had any chances talking alone. "So...how are you?" She asked, and it was a genuine question. Destiny heard about Sidney not giving herself up into any sexual activity with Billy. To Destiny, that girl is strong for not giving it up that first time they met.

Don't get her wrong, she supports Sidney unconditionally and its her body and her choice but damn if billy was her man, he might get it every other night, on a good day, everyday.

"Im fine, and you?" He replied back to her question while also asking one. She nods her head, as he hood slipped off.
"Im okay" Destiny answers. And it was the truth, she wasn't happy, she wasn't sad, and she wasn't mad, she met in the middle with it all. She was neutral she could say.
"Hm" Billy lets out, for the rest of the time destiny and billy had spent together, he passed Destiny dishes and she dried them.

Out of the corner of her eye, she could see him staring at her facial expressions. He couldn't tell if there was something wrong with Destiny or if thats how she concentrates on whatever she was doing. But he soon figured out that there was something wrong with her, she was thinking, he could tell by the way her facial expression changed every few seconds.

But, he never brought it up to the girl, they stood in silence and all that could be heard was dishes clattering together from either washing them or drying them.


"Bye des des!" Tatum had yelled as she went up to give Destiny a goodbye hug. Destiny's plan was to stay over at Sidney's tonight. Tatum said that she would totally stay but Dewey was tired and he had to drive her to her house to get clothes and then come back and it was just to much apparently.

"Bye tate, call when you get home?" Destiny asked, Tatum smiled at the young girl that stood in-front of the blonde.
"Duh girly!!" Tatum exclaimed as she waved Destiny off and walked on over to Sidney, always right?

Destiny had felt arms wrapping themselves around her neck, she could tell by the sent already that it was Stu. He is the only one dumb enough to pour the whole bottle of Cologne on himself. Trust her, he has done it before.
Destiny's hands had wrapped around the skinny white arms.

"Are ya okayy?" Stu had rung the question to the girl. Destiny nodded her head, aware of the chin that rested on it. She flat out lied to Stu and she had a hatred towards lying to him but if she would of told him everything that she feels inside, he would be so lost and probably would cry. And you don't want to hurt his feelings, he's too much of a baby for all of that.
"Im just a little tired that is all" Destiny didn't lie about that, she was tired, tired of the bullshit she puts up with.

"You sure desie?" Stu had again questioned the girl but this time he dragged out her nickname only him and billy called her.
"No yea, im good" Destiny says as she mocked Stu by dragging out the ending of the sentence. That caused the goofy guy to laugh, his laugh sent chills down her spine. But the good kind of chills. The chills that say '"i like it, do it again'".

Stu had left Destiny standing alone, again for the fifth time, and every time he would come back, he would ask the same question, "are you okay?". He definitely knows that something is up but he also knows that Destiny isn't budging to tell him.

The girl had quickly turned around and finally made her escaped to Sidneys room. Destiny had tossed the stuffed animals to Sidneys side of the bed so that there was room for the girl to fit into the bed. As she was now under the sheets and comforter. She had wondered what tomorrow awaits for her. She had this gut feeling, that tomorrow, was not going to be a good day.

Woodsboro, California Awakens to a hell hole that is about to explode.


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