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The sound of cheering, laughter, and people cussing is what filled the school campus. They were letting school out because of what had happened to Sidney. Me, Tatum, and Sidney were walking along the side walk, taking a short way home today.

"It was just some sick fuck having a laugh" says Tatum. "It was him Tatum, I know it" Sidney replied back. I had no problem in believing her. If Sidney believes what came out of her own mouth then, I stand by it with her. But, Tatum on the other hand, she just brushed it off, Not believing what Sidney had said to her.

"Your not gonna be alone again. Is that clear? You pee, i pee" I tell Sidney, trying to bring comfort to the girl. Stu appeared to the side of Me, his arm wrapping around my waist. I looked up at him, shocked from his presence.

"Is this not cool or what?" He asked the three of you. "Uh, no?..." I reply. Tatum rolled her eyes at her boyfriends behavior. "For once stu, drop it" says Tatum. "Okay but, what ever you did, the entire student body thanks you" Stu said to Sidney.

He gave Tatum a quick kiss on the cheek before walking over to me and doing the same. I returned it back as he leaned down when i puckered my lips and planted a kiss on his cheek. "Hey! That's supposed to be me des!" Tatum exclaimed. I rolled my eyes and gave her a quick kiss like Stu did to her but, on the other side of her body.

She smiled once I did it but it dropped when Stu brought the situation back up.

"And to celebrate this impromptu fall break, I propose we have a party tonight, my house" Says Stu. I look over at Stu with a dumb look covering her entire face.
"Uhm a party? With everything going on? Now?" I question. He shrugged his shoulders at me, "my parents are out of town, it'll be like my hurricane bash last year. Nothing extreme, just a few of us hangin" he explains to us.

I already knew that Tatum was definitely going to go, Sidney goes wherever Tatum goes so she is obviously going. But me, it's a maybe. A party does sound good right now, just to let loose but, with all of the murders going on right now, is that really a good idea?...

"This could be could, what do you think des?" Tatum asked me. I shook my head, "eh, i dont know" I replied to her question. She rolls her eyes before looking at Sidney and Stu to back her up on the situation. "Oh come on, it'll be fun" Tatum says to me.

Stu shook my shoulders, trying to make me loosen up. "Yea, it's gonna be epic!" He says to me before sticking his tongue out. "Plus, I'll be there des, I'll keep you good company" Sidney spoke up to the protest. I sigh, giving up and giving in, "alright" I say to them.

Tatum smiles and squeals while wrapping me in a side hug, "yes!" She exclaims. "Cool, I'll see you guys tonight, bring some food" Stu says before practically running away and leaving us alone to walk home.


I stood in BlockBuster looking over the horror films for tonight's party. Sidney and Tatum are at home getting ready I suppose, but, I asked to be dropped off here. "Jesus, this place is packed" Stu says, walking over and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"We had a run in the mass murder section" Randy told us, picking up some videos. I put back the movie Carrie, I've seen it too many times.
"You coming tonight?" Stu asked Randy.

"Yeah, im off early. Curfew you know" he answers before looking over in the distance.
"Now that's poor taste" Says Randy. I look up at him, eyebrows furrowing in confusion as to what he was talking about. "What?" Stu asked.

Randy points behind us, causing me and Stu to look back. I rolled my eyes, "Randy, don't start" i sigh.
"If you were the only suspect in a senseless bloodbath would you be standing in the horror section?" Randy asked me and Stu.

"I dont know" I say, turning back around and picking up some videos just like before. Stu started rocking side to side with me still in his arms, a smile crept onto my face at the sudden affection.
"It was all a misunderstanding, he didn't do anything" Stu said, taking Billy's side of the story like always.

"You're such a little lap dog. He's got killer written all over his forehead" Randy tells us.
I sucked my teeth at Randy, causing him to look down at me but, he just rolled his eyes.
"Then why'd the police let him go?" I asked in a rather smart attitude towards him.

"Because, obviously they don't watch enough movies. This is standard horror movie stuff. PROM NIGHT revisited" Randy yells. I scoffed at the accusations against Billy. Yea, Billy was a lot of things but, I'd never and I mean ever see him as a Killer. Stu goes along with that.

"Why would he want to kill his own girlfriend? Or Destiny?" Stu asked Randy. I nodded along with his question as I looked forward towards Randy, wanting to hear what he had to say.

"There's always some stupid bullshit
reason to kill your girlfriend or friend. That's the beauty of it all. Simplicity. Besides, if it's too complicated you lose your target audience" Randy tells me and Stu.

I sigh at the fact that Randy always related things to movies. "Whats his reason then?" I ask.
"Maybe Sidney wouldn't have sex with him, and Destiny turned him down too" Says Randy before sending a wink in my direction.

I rolled my eyes and popped the flavorless gum that's in my mouth. "We are saving ourselves for you" I sarcastically told Randy. But, I knew that he'd take it way more serious. "Could be. Now that Billy's tried to mutilate here, you think you'd go out with me? Or Sidney?" Randy asked me.

My nose scrunched up in disgust. Randy is cute of course, but, he wasn't my type. I see him as more of a friend. "Dude, no" i reply.

"I think her father did it, how come they can't find his ass?" Stu asked before his chin landed on my shoulder, his grip around my waist fell though.
"Because he's probably dead. His body will come popping out in the last reel, somewhere, eyes gauged. see, the police are always off track with this shit, if they'd watch PROMNIGHT they'd save time. there's a formula to it. A very simple one. Everyone's always a suspect-the father, the principal, the town derelict..." Says Randy.

The thought of my mother came into my mind hearing about Sidney's father. She was gone too, the police couldn't find her last night when i was attacked. But, I simply brushed it off at the fact she could of gave me the wrong Hotel name.

"That's a harsh thing to say Randy. The way you described it made it feel so real. Its almost like you've seen it before, you sure you didn't kill Sidney's father yourself?" I question, my eye brows furrowed with a smirk playing on my face.

"Oh please" he replied and a laugh left my mouth. "Which is you?" Stu asked, continuing on the conversation from earlier.

I moved off to the side, causing Stu to pick his chin up off of my shoulder. I continue to search through the movies for the party, trying to find a good one or one that I've only watched like 4 times.
My finger pushed the videos to the side as I kept walking down and looking at all the titles.

I let out a sigh before picking up the horror movie Halloween, a classic. I haven't watched it that much so why not? I moved around the shelf and walked down closer to Randy. I noticed Billy behind Randy, taking in everything he said about him. Billy's eyes met mine before he gave me a smile and had finally had enough of Randy's shit.

"How do we know you're not the killer?" Billy asked Randy, right next to his ear. Randy spun around, jumping at Billy's harsh and low voice that ring through his ear. Although, Billy had moved back to give Randy some space.
"Uh, hi billy?" Randy said but, it sounded more like a question to me.

"Maybe your movie-freaked mind lost it's reality button?" Billy asked. Stu was lingering in Randy, chin on his shoulder like he did to me but, his arms were kind of wrapped around him. I stood beside Billy with my arm wrapped around him, video in hand, and my head sort of laying on his chest. Billy had his arm wrapped around me, pulling me closer for more comfort.

Randy shrugged at the question, laughing it off nervously, "you're absolutely right, I'm the first to admit it. If this were a scary movie, I'd be the prime suspect" Randy admits with a nervous stutter to his tone.

I snickered, "what would be your motive?" I asked, playing along with Billy and Stu's antics.
"It's 1996, motives are incidental" Says Randy.

I dropped my arm from Billy, his arm doing the same once noticing my sudden movements.
"Come on boys, I've found my movie. How about we eat?" I asked them but, my eyes remained on Randy's teary ones. He had definitely felt threaten by our presence...or just Billy's.

Billy looked down at me for a split second because of the words that left my mouth. Then he looked back at Randy with that same Glare that I gave him. A harsh but playful glare. "Yea, I could eat"
Billy says.

I gave Randy one last smile, showing all of my teeth before laughing at how tense and nervous he was.

I gave my gum one last pop before turning around with Billy and Stu following closely behind.


Me, Stu, and Billy had picked a bench to sit down at with a large pizza box taking place in one of the spots. I was all the left, sitting crisscross and facing the two boys. Stu was in the middle and Billy sat on the other side, next to the other arm rest.

My eyes rolled back at the taste of the cheesy pizza in my mouth. "Im on my fifth piece and the taste never gets old" i muttered.

"Damn girl, save some room for some beer" Stu replies, wiping his fingers on the napkin.
"I plan on NOT getting shit faced drunk" I tell him, yelling the word "not".

Stu rolled his eyes, "that's the point of a party"
Stu remarks. To be honest though, I wasn't that big on all of the parties and drinking. I had no problem on missing out on them just to be at home in my comfy bed watching movies all night.

But, it was highly suggested that I'd come tonight, it was supposed to be the best party that Stu has every thrown, and I mean ever.

"Stu, you know I don't drink like that. A few sips here and there" I say before chomping down on another small sized bit of my pizza.
"Im aware Miami. But, let loose" He tells me.

(Start of Flashback)
My eyes squint in annoyance at the sound of his voice using my first name. I never used my first name because my dad used to call me that all the time. "Miami this, Miami that" is what would always come out. But, i stopped putting that name to use after the divorce of my mother and father.

He was there for me, all of the time through the divorce, making sure that I was okay with what new change was going on with my life. My mom also had found her times to comfort me but, she needed some time to feel the pain alone.

My dad came over one day, packed all of his things up, and what he wanted to keep in savior of me I guess.

But, before he left me, he asked me, "Whats your name?"

I answered back so confidently, "Miami"

He nodded in satisfaction, "and what does that mean?" He continues on.

"Big water" id answer.

"Right, because your full of big love. Your love is the water that streams through you" He muttered and then walked out the door. I never seen  or heard from him again....I was 9.
(End of Flashback)

"Yo, you alright?" Stu asked as his hand waved up and down, my blurry vision came to a clear to face a worried Billy and Stu. I must of zoned out.

"Oh...yea?" I asked, perking back up with the same hyper energy. "Whats wrong?" Asked a concerned Billy. He was now leaning up and closer towards you as his hand rubbed your arm up and down for more comfort.

"Nothing! Nah im good.....want something to drink?" I asked, trying not to make a fool out of myself so I changed the subject. "No, we are good" Billy answered for the both of them, a faint smile came to his face.

I could tell by Stu's face that he didn't mean to make me go all bitter, dull, and sad on him from just a name. But, there were boundaries that you had and he seemed to not respect them as much as the others. Its not that he doesn't about me, he just doesn't know how much it affects me. Until now.

I nodded before standing and making my way over to the pizza parlor with my head hanging down. Now that this sadness has lingered over me, what more to talk about?


My finger flicked the back of Stu's neck after Destiny had walked away from the awkward like conversation. "Ow, what was that for man?!" Exclaimed Stu as he gently rubbed the area that i had just flicked him at.

"You stupid! I told you not to bring it up" I whisper yell at the idiot sitting beside me.
"What?! Im sorry okay, I didn't mean it...I forgot dude" Stu had explained to me.

I could care less weather he forgot, he shouldn't be going around calling her that at all in the first place. Me and Stu are the only ones that she opened up to about what had happened with her father and mother, so, we've got her 100% trust. But, if it fades away, our plan could be fucked.

"Don't apologize to me, go do that to Destiny" i tell him before waving my hand in the direction where we could see the girl standing in line, waiting on a soda with her head down through the dirty stained glass.

"I dont know how to man..." Stu muttered, sighing at himself. I roll my eyes, hitting my head with my lower palm twice. "How the fuck?...you know what, I don't care, if she doesn't come to the party Stu it's on you" I told Stu, pointing at him rather harshly.

"It's all on me isn't it?" Stu questions as he now sat with his elbows on his knees and his face propped up and kind of smooshed in his palms.

"Yes, everything, even her name...it's all on you"


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