part 2

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The next day their wedding was done. It was the time when she was about to go she looked at her house for the last time and finally  sat in the car unlike other girls who cry hugging their parents on their marriage day.

She knew they hate her. But after several  attempts she could not find what was her fault in all this. She was crying  not for that she is going away. She was crying that her own parents hate her for  the fault  for which she was never responsible.

She was cursing her fate. She was having a death wish . She wanted to die. She attempted to do so many a times but never died. What she did she just refused the guy to be in a relationship with him and in turn what he did. He raped her.

Mahir came and sat beside her. She was hell scared. She was terrified what if he also did something wrong. What if he tortured her. What if he also like others hold her responsible for her condition. All thoughts were roaming in her mind.

She curled herself in a ball and was continuously crying. Mahir saw her. Her  actions break his heart but he knew that she has gone through much before. He was feeling really bad for her. He wanted to break all the bones of that person who was responsible for her condition. He was  fisting his hands and cursing that person to rot in hell.

They reached his home. Mahir came out but he  did not  went to her side instead he called his mom to help her.

Her mom came. She lovingly caressed her hairs. Bela  looked towards her she found only love in her eyes without wasting a second she hugged her. Sumi consoled her   after sometime when she was fine they took her inside and welcomed her

She was sitting in mahir's room.mahir entered in the room and sat beside bela maintaining a good distance. A cold shiver ran down her spine.

Before mahir could say anything.

"Pl........ Please........... Please....... Don't....... Do..... Anything.......... Please.......... Sorry............. If...... I.... Did......s......o....mething........ . Please...... Don't touch......... Me... Me.. Please... Please" She sobbed out aloud while Hicupping.

Mahir had tears in his eyes. He immediately left the room. His anger towards the person who did this crime increased more. He was feeling vulnerable  . He was cursing himself that he was not able to help his love..............

Days passed there were no big improvement in bela's condition. She would  help sumi in kitchen then sit in a corner and cry.....

Mahir consulted  a physcologist  for bela Dr.preeti  She would often come to her house and treat her. She made her believe that it was not her fault. She made her mentally stable again. She suggested mahir to make her show humorous shows or even she can do what she likes.

Mahir came to knew that she liked dancing through Dr. Preeti. So he arranged a dance teacher for her.
Bela  happily agreed to  learn dance.

Slowly slowly her condition was recovering. Now she would not cry. She also started liking  mahir for his sweet gestures. Now She would not feel uncomfortable anymore because of mahir's presence.
She recovered soon.

After 2 years.

Bela  accepted mahir as she also loved him and was 2 months pregnant.

Bela recovered fully. She started an NGO in which all the rape victims were treated whose family think that they are burden on them or who tried to do suicide. In her NGO all the girls were trained in self defense techniques ; martial arts ;Teakwando and karate.

In fact her NGO would organise camps  everywhere to teach self defense techniques to girls.

They made women helpline number which worked 24/7 to help womens and girls. They even did many protests to make laws strong. They demanded hard punishments for the rapists .

Today finally government agreed to the demand they made. According to the government ' a girl has right to kill the person who tries to rape her then and there.  And it was announced that    'rapists will be given death sentence '.

Bela was asked to give a speech .
" Today whatever I am in my life is just because of my husband and in-laws. I lost my will to live somewhere. They made me stand on my feet. They are angels. I would only say that  girls break the bones of the person whosoever tries to misbehave with you. Being soft is not a weakness. (Holding mahir's hand tightly).
And parents girls are not burden on you.  Always stand by your child. Always support them and care for them ; love them whenever they need you (looking painly towards her parents) and boys " A girl standing alone is not an opportunity  she is a responsibility .
Thankyou "
What was bela's fault that she has to suffer this much? Only because she is a girl.

Being a girl is not a fault ; being  independent is not a fault ; wearing western dresses is not a fault.

No one can feel the pain of a rape victim.
She is treated as a piece of shit by the men ; by the society ; by her own parents.

If a man want to show his manly power than show it by protecting a girl from the crime not by raping a girl.

We need to understand that" a girl standing alone  is not an opportunity she is a responsibility".

Help a women if u can when she need it but don't degrade her on the thought that "what will society think".

I want all readers of this book to watch " Nirbhaya " A short film on youTube from where the line "a girl standing alone is not an opportunity but a responsibility" Is taken.
That was the video which inspired me  to write  this..

Thanks for reading ❤.

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