The EARTH without ART is just 'EH'!

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Hello Loves!!!!!
Welcome to my✨ art gallery(more like doodled fiddles)✨!!
These were done on the spot forgetting the world working around me....*hehe*(Thanks to my stress and anxiety that made me do these😂)
So guys as I mentioned in the description :
" • Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable • "

I'm sure many of us particularly don't find interest in 'Art' the subject in school because we should follow what the art teachers expect us to do ( I don't know about others schools but in my school the art teachers just say "good" or "fine" instead of supporting the creative students...they just instruct us to do what they want us to only school related art stuff )...
'but that didn't stop me from loving art *mischievously smirking in the corner*.'

Art is hidden in every aspect of our diagrams in science from human anatomy to the designed space ships in the space ; from the first note in music to the rustling noises of the leaves in the garden ; the accent that we speak a language with a person to the stuff we imagine in our imagination ; from scribbling down things to doodling them dramatically for fun (◠‿・)-☆!

You'll should know that we ourselves are the artists of our own life so you should always admire yourselves for being your own true self than comparing yourselves with others......Although you might not know what's with the artist in you right now...but later in some or the other way you'll find out that artist rising in you...

-I just sneaked out doodle in my past paragraph!.!. Yeah so that's what I've done and going to show!!!!

Last but not the least.....
Everyone is unique in their own just love , support and spread love instead of hate.....I bet that spreading love cures you from nonsense malfunctioning in you such as hate and other bad qualities that backs you off from your true self....
So don't compare your self with should compete with your own self to fight for your own good deeds.....

💚Love yourself and spread that love 💜and smile because who knows your smile can make an other person's day........only then you'll start living and enjoying your life(rather than just existing as a hard rock with rotten mind and cold heart)

If you like these don't forget to like and shiver loves!!!

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