The missing girl

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So she was gone.

Nowhere to be found.

I searched for her everywhere.

Every day, innumerable times.

You think I didn't try hard?

I searched her in the locality.

Searched her on the social media

Also searched her in person

Met people, made friends with them.

Just to find her.

But all in vain.

She really was gone.

And it made me feel so lonely.

As if a part of me was gone with her.

The reason to my widened smiles,

The reason to my brimming enthusiasm,

Left with her.

For the first few days, I waited.

Hoped she'll come back to me.

But she didn't.

Then I tried to send her this message

That there's somebody missing her so much

And actually cried in the process

But she didn't come.

I almost found her in my dreams.

Guess that wasn't the real her.

And so I was left alone.

Several days passed.

All the searches went futile.

So I discussed it with a friend of mine.

Got suggestion of something seemingly stupid.

But I was desperate.

And thus, I sat in a dark room, alone

With just me and the sound of my breath.

No, this isn't occult.

It was just meeting me with myself.

Eyes shut, I recalled her.

Breathing slowly, and softly.

The gust of memories flew past me.

I felt the tingling in my skin.

The fluttery feeling in my stomach

The warmth in my cold heart.

Yes, she was coming towards me.

I could literally see her in my vision.

So beautiful, so blissful.

She shone in front of me, just like before.

So many questions wanted to be asked.

But only one emerged through the quivering lips.

"Where have you been?"

She replied with a soft, swift voice

"With you, of course."

But that's impossible, I thought aloud.

She smiled, as if she knew my conflicting emotions.

There must be some misunderstanding.

I needed to clarify the facts.

So my voice rose a bit this time.

"No, you weren't.

I searched for you everywhere.

Every day, innumerable times.

But all in vain.

I hung out with my so-called friends

And kept a smile on my dreadful days

Binge- watched movies on my laptop

And scrolled through newsfeed whenever bored.

I did all of these to find you.

But all in vain.

I waited, I cried

And reached out in my dreams, I tried.

But you still weren't there."

Hot tears fell from my eyes.

Her smile did not waver.

With that soft voice, she spoke again.

"I've always been there.

The smell of your favorite food at home

The A-grade on your report card

The compliment you get once or twice

The surprise party on your birthday

The moment you work on your hobbies

And your head resting on mother's lap

Didn't you recognize me?"

Oh yes, she was there.

Why did it take me so much time?

She has always been there

With me, inside me.

The happiness I was searching for.

I slowly opened my eyes

And stood in front of the mirror.

The eyes shone bright.

The lips had that unwavering smile.

I saw her instead of me.

And she was indeed beautiful.

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